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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Unless I'm mistaken, she didn't order him to give back the car. She ordered him to drive the car to the seller's house to pick up the title. Presumably this was to prove that he'd made the car drivable.
  2. It was a joke, not a legitimate casting suggestion. Mrs. Obama is gonna be free soon. Maybe we should add her to that list, too.
  3. At a salary of something like $45 million a year (reportedly), she'd be richer by far than Bethenny. Which apparently is the yardstick that matters most to Frankel. And people actually watch her show. Never happen, but fun to imagine. Maybe she should go copyright "Judgy Girl."
  4. Me three shocked that he'd never been to Paris before! I've been to Paris, and I had to go a lot farther to get there, I was a lot younger when I first went, and I don't make my living as a baker and pastry chef. It's kind of like being in musical theater and never going to see a Broadway show. When you're really passionate about your craft, you make pilgrimages like that, especially when it's such an easy trip. I just found this show. Has it been on for a while now? I like Paul, but this episode at least was a little disappointing. He kept saying that things were amazing! Which they are, but it would've been much more enjoyable if he'd imparted some real information and picked the French bakers' brains a bit more. I'm still in, but I hope it gets better.
  5. Is "misshapen" the new PC way of calling someone fat? I ask because that's also how Carole Radziwill (who's so PC she told a castmate of American Indian descent that she shouldn't be calling herself an Indian) referred to Dorinda's overweight boyfriend. So now it's "misshapen shaming"? I'm so out of the loop.
  6. I'm done with this. I watched last night as if it were my job. And not a good job, more like being ordered to clean out a bus-station toilet with my tongue. Something that's supposed to be fun shouldn't feel like that. If I want to watch a sociopath in action, I'll wait for the annual TruTV Ted Bundy retrospective. At least he got what he deserved when all was said and done.
  7. I agree with all of this. That's what I meant by saying she should've seen it sooner. He was the same fat, old, bald scammer before their relationship went south. I don't get the desperation we see so often. Some of these women must really hate their own company. I would've been gone by "Here's the setting. Put your own stone in it." If not long before. I mean, seriously?
  8. Aaaaand . . . if he couldn't afford a real diamond for her engagement ring and couldn't afford to pay for his own Hyundai, or whatever low-budget car she had to buy for him, how then did he turn around and buy himself a Porsche right after they broke up? I agree about believing her that he faked the turf bills. Usually I don't much like it when people get in some cheap shot in the hallterview, but her crack about all fat, old, bald men wanting Porsches seemed about right in this case. She should've seen that sooner, though.
  9. And may the breast side win! All good wishes from me, too, sasha206.
  10. You mean the chickens staged an armed takeover of the town house? Cool! (I'm kidding. I know it was a typo, but the picture of Uzi-wielding poultry just made me laugh.)
  11. I was waiting for Heather to tell Terry that if he'd cut his workload by 50 percent, she'd have the builders cut the size of the house by 50 percent so he didn't have to operate 24/7 to earn all the money it was sucking up. I was sure she was headed in that direction. You know, for the children. Shockingly, it never happened. The University of Arky-saw?
  12. That's good! After I posted about it, I worried a little that it sounded catty, which wasn't how I meant the comment. She didn't look fat, just pregnant. And last week was the first time she seemed to be really showing, so I don't think you missed anything at all, MerBearHou. I wish her the best.
  13. I thought that Shannon looked about twenty years younger without all the troweled-on makeup and with just natural hair instead of those awful sausage curls she's got in her THs. And very pretty. Sometimes less really is more.
  14. Just watched today's show, and if Marcela isn't pregnant again, the dress she wore sure made it look that way. Purple lipstick probably isn't anyone's friend. On a food-related note, that pizza dough was somewhat similar to a recipe I've been researching for the last couple of days. It's called Miracle Dough (or Universal Dough or Crazy Dough). Unlike today's recipe, it does have yeast in it, but it also includes yogurt, and it sounds very intriguing. I'm going to try making pizza with it sometime this week. Sunny's dough didn't look as if it would end up being as pliable as the dough in the finished pizza they showed, but it would be interesting to see how pizza dough without yeast really turns out.
  15. Maybe that was the lovely moment that later inspired Bethenny to call her a plastic fuck doll who fucks everyone. Let's hear it for sex-positive pronouncements! ;o)
  16. I sent $100 to Joe Wilson's opponent in that congressional race after the "YOU LIE!" outburst. Does this mean I owe you money now? Me, too. (Well, all except for the Star Trek silver-sequined crewmember shirt. Not so much that one.) I meant to mention the Missoni(?) striped sweater and forgot. We have one piece of Missoni in this house--a tie I bought my husband ages ago. A bazillionth of a yard of the most beautiful fabric I've ever seen. I would roll Dorinda in a dark alley for that sweater.
  17. This is so true. And at the very top of the list of things we never see--or hear about--I would put essentially any- and everything about Bethenny's life and relationships. All of the things that no one dares respond to or even talk about. Yet what we do see on camera is her being judge, jury, and executioner on the subject of everyone else's life and relationships. Nice work if you can get it. Or maybe "nice" isn't exactly the right word.
  18. Not to mention she bought a single hot dog for four women. As one does.
  19. My DVR recorded a bunch of new episodes this past weekend. I noticed that in every single show, they stand the winning team on Lara's right (our left, as viewers). Kind of lets the air out of the suspense once you crack that code. In other news, I don't know how I survived the entire first half of my life in NYC without a bar cart. Hipsters must drink a lot more than my people ever did. ETA: Just watched the last of about ten episodes I recorded. And of course in the very last one, the winners were on her other side. For the sole purpose of making me look like a dope.
  20. I do see what you did there! And I agree with everything in your post. It's a relief to know that somewhere else in America, another woman was yelling at her TV screen, "Go out and buy a corded drill, you moron!" Jeez, you can get one at Walmart for probably 30-40 bucks. Is his time worth that little?
  21. I think it's probably less a tic than a strategy, to slow down the game as much as possible when he's ahead. But it really is irritating. Last game he almost waited too long (or maybe he did--that's how it sounded to me), but they gave it to him. It might've made him rethink that gambit if he'd actually been buzzed out. I'd still rather live with that than with Matt's psycho-killer smile, though.
  22. I agree, it's odd. I watched two new episodes last night. The first was a couple in L.A. redoing the master bath in what looked like a pretty expensive house. All we got to see in the show itself was demo. They couldn't get a P-trap for their bathroom sink, so they had to shut down the reno. What else is new? I Googled the woman's name, since I wondered how being a "blogger" could buy her a house like that. It turns out she's a yoga teacher to the stars, so that makes a little more sense. Second epi had a thoroughly obnoxious wife in a couple also redoing their master bath. She was constantly "on." Five minutes in, I was muttering, "Stop auditioning already." And then she mentioned wanting to do a second project and be filmed for that one, too. I'll be sure to have something else to do that night. On the upside, they actually finished their project. That happened on another episode last week. Maybe the producers are listening to us gripe.
  23. It's been months since I saw that one, but I'm pretty sure she mentioned that it was her money--from an inheritance, I think--and apparently she decided to spend it on herself. So somebody loves her very much.
  24. I was starting to think maybe I was being too crabby about Matt. Now I want to thank him for reminding me so vividly just why I couldn't stand him.
  25. I disliked him a lot less during the ToC than in his regular-season play. Back then we didn't have Matt to compare him to, so there's that. And something seems to have made him more likable on his own. Maybe marriage. Whatever she did, at least she got him to stop scratching himself.
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