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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. That is definitely worth mentioning. I was so freaked out by the horrible family that I completely forgot to say how lucky a person would be to have just one friend like that in the last days of life, let alone three. Too bad they didn't just send his money to some wonderful charity that the parents would inevitably disapprove of, so they could choke on that, along with not getting his toenail clippings. ETA: I didn't see your post until after I submitted mine, configdotsys. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  2. I know--his contacts? His razor? What kind of bizarre skin-flake/eyeball-fluid rituals were they going to be using those for? I couldn't tell whether the daughter was embarrassed to be there with her insane parents or if she was a fully participating member of this group psychosis. But the whole shit show was a reminder that there is no level below which humans will not sink. (In case we still need one this election season.)
  3. "Wormed" possibly being the operative word. ;o)
  4. That was fast! Thanks! They must've negotiated some kind of bulk rate.
  5. Maybe someone can tell me if I'm seeing double or if this is an actual thing. (And sorry if it's already been mentioned.) I gave up watching Flipping Out maybe three seasons ago, but I do see the promos on Bravo, so I'm vaguely aware that Jeff and his partner are trying to have a baby--or pretending to try. I'm about 95% sure that the doctor (Dr. Potter? I think that's his name) is the same doctor who's doing Meghan's IVF. Which seems a little weird, since she's in the OC and Jeff's in L.A. He can't be the only fertility specialist in all of SoCal. Am I just watching too much Bravo, or is this guy angling for the Terry Dubrow ob-gyn show? Crotched, maybe?
  6. Kristen (sp?) Sausville is married to that redheaded guy with the ears--Justin?--who was a multi-game champ a few years back. I think they may be the only married couple where both spouses made it into the TofC. At least I don't ever remember a previous couple. I got FJ wrong again, by confusing Madison and Monroe again. But I knew terza rima. I was just as impressed with myself for that one this time as I was first time around. It doesn't take much. I liked Greg, too, during his regular games. He seemed rattled during the TofC.
  7. There was obviously something hinky about those letters from the get-go. Nobody (nobody sane anyway) apologizes like that, making the person to whom the apology is being issued read the letter aloud to a group of people, publicly rehashing all the insults and injuries of the original offense: "I called you old . . . fat . . . ugly. I said you look like a transvestite. . . ." And on and on. Those aren't apologies, they're opening old wounds and rubbing salt in them, and making the victims repeat the barbs that were thrown at them in the first place. Just in case they might've forgotten and moved on. What amazed me was that all the "apology" recipients thought that was a genuine and heartfelt gesture. It was cruel to GG, and it was equally cruel to all the friends Reza supposedly "loves." Anyone ever loved me like that, I couldn't run fast enough in the opposite direction.
  8. I was wondering if anyone but me was watching the new season! I really like this show and the humor of it. I just kind of wish they'd stray from the same old formula occasionally. Ridiculously unrealistic timeline, something goes wrong (even something totally minor) or someone gets a cold, the project comes to a screeching halt. I get that they can't spend more than five days or so shooting at the people's house, but there must be some way to work around that issue that isn't so predictable. On the father/daughter kitchen reno last week, I would've happily duct-taped the daughter's mouth shut and locked her in her own basement while her dad was allowed to work alone in peace and quiet. Not everyone who thinks she's adorable really is adorable. There's a reason we all aren't on TV.
  9. I don't see it spelled that way (except one site that got it wrong). Google doesn't discriminate b/w correct and incorrect, just reproduces the way it finds things. I love learning about all the bakes and techniques that are new to me by watching the show, so I also love learning the correct names for them. Although I've made a particular Cold Marbled Bavarian Cream about a bazillion times (and probably gave up at least a decade of life for it), so I'm good calling it that, too. ;o)
  10. I liked it, too. Unfortunately, they waited a couple days too long to try it out. If we can make them triplets with the third one named "Feh," I'm totally on board. I'll still come here and talk to anybody who's feeling season withdrawal. We can go through the shakes together.
  11. Well, that was a . . . palate cleanser, I guess. Didn't Katrina say "Palantine" instead of "Palatine"? I think she did, and the judges just said fuck it. Maybe that should be called the Pranjal Pass from now on. Get the pronunciation vaguely in the ballpark and we'll give it to you. In the publishing biz, a "quick turnover" book is normally called a "crash," which would be a good nickname for some cabdrivers I've known. "Cash Cab" was a fun show but a silly answer, too. Tomorrow will be better.
  12. I'll be signing autographs at the gas station near the high school. No charge for yours. A grateful nation salutes you. ;o)
  13. O frabjous day! There were two clues related to books I've worked on. I did a book about that Honus Wagner card, so that one was a given. And I also had a hand in the first four books of the Sweet Valley High series. It was kind of like Me Day on Jeopardy! Saw the Tut exhibit at the Met the first time it toured, and I managed to remember Lord Carnarvon, which I was pretty sure they'd all miss. Bless you, Barbara, for wagering conservatively. The two guys failed to notice that the answer called for "nobility," not "royalty." I didn't think Zlatan was so bad. People hold the buzzer all kinds of ways. As long as they're not flailing around with it, I'm good. It sounded to me as if Pranjal (and here's your hat, what's your hurry?) said Mattle instead of Mantle, but who cares now?
  14. And how he couldn't wait till the damn commercial break to start waving his hand in the air to protest the "incorrect" ruling on the Harry Potter clue. This guy gives nerds a bad name. And weirdos, too.
  15. I knew it had to be somebody's fault. You deserve a lot of credit for stepping up. Now make him go away.
  16. I was going to mention this exact thing. It's aggressive, and I really don't like it. Let's start a petition. Just before I turned off the TV at the end of today's show, I said, "Get lost, creepazoid," and my husband said "OK" and got up and left the room. I'm pretty sure he knew I didn't mean him.
  17. Has it ever been mentioned what Tommy does (or doesn't do) for a living? I can't recall, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention. None of these people really seem to work, so I guess he fits right in. I wonder if the jewelry store comped all or part of the price of the ring as a trade-off for free ad time. And jeez, MJ, go up a size or three.
  18. Thank you so much for this explanation (such as it is)! Never saw the movie, so I had no idea what the reference was. And weirdly enough, I was watching The Kitchen on Food Network last week, and in their dopey crafts segment one of the hosts made a salt-and-pepper cellar with three seashells and a glue gun. And all I could think was that two worlds were colliding in a way that made absolutely no sense. Or that people were secretly using salt and pepper to clean up in the bathroom. Or that I'd had a mini-stroke.
  19. To Samantha's credit, she was the only one who (I think) didn't start her anecdote with a random, pointless "So." Other than that . . .
  20. Oh, no, I don't doubt that could be what it legitimately cost. My point was that it seems beyond frivolous to spend money you don't have for rent on what's essentially a $2,500 toy. Not that we don't see such things all the time with these folks.
  21. I think she was awarded $3,000 (someone will correct me if I'm wrong). I was really shocked by that judgment. Why would someone need $200 worth of help with her rent if she could afford a $2,5000 gaming computer (her distinction)? I make my living on my computer, and mine didn't cost that much. And why would she need that $200 subsidy if the very next month she could afford $500+ rent on her own? Plus all that other random stuff on the list, the prices of which seemed jacked up to me. Not to mention no documentation for any of the items, which JJ usually says should've been obtained by going to the credit-card company or to the stores for duplicates. It was a very odd resolution, IMO.
  22. It especially surprised me that Dan, community-theater/Broadway-musical guy, didn't know that West Side Story has a song named "Maria." Maybe he heard me say that if he won, I'd promise to have his babies.
  23. It was good, no question. But if you ever think that yoga is more than just a form of exercise--i.e., a spiritual practice--just look at the spiritual condition of the person doing those headstands. My mother used to steal the entire sugar dispenser. And syrup dispensers, too, for good measure. She'd walk out of a pancake house carrying a purse full of maple, blueberry, raspberry . . . She insisted it was included in the price of breakfast. I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me. With a stolen pat of butter to grease my slide.
  24. Sonja's comment about Lu's ring was really women at their worst. Made me ashamed for her. That said, if I were Lu, I would get that rock to an appraiser toot-sweet (or tout de suite if you're the Countess in French mode). I've seen too many that look just like it on HLN*. And didn't Slade recycle a yellow "diamond" among several of his Housewives? I knew I was in the wrong business. I'm gonna open a branch office of Piss and Poop Academy north of the city. I can do both those things. How hard could they be to teach? *That should be HSN (Home Shopping Network). They aren't selling a lot of CZs on HeadLine News!
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