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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. All the best wishes and strong healing energy from me and my kitty. She suggests you feed him lots of cheese, but that doesn't sound like a great idea to me. Here's hoping his appetite and his strength keep rebounding. We'll be thinking of you.
  2. What I found amusing was that while the defendant was quick to leap onto the moral high ground when plaintiff made (and she probably did, especially since she couldn't bring herself to say "gay") hateful and bigoted remarks about "homosexuals," she was perfectly happy to let plaintiff keep on sheltering and caring for and bearing the financial load for her horse. She apparently wasn't planning on doing anything to change that situation till she got sued. And even then . . . Outrage is cheap. Horses are expensive.
  3. And directly on the heels of the Wood Johnson case we have the Tickle Joynt case. Are they just screwing with us?
  4. My first thought was also that it was about the daughter. But then I just kept feeling that it was way too crazy and way too "I will destroy you utterly" to be about someone else, even her own spawn. I did think that the possibility existed that she was driven to such excess because he was connecting with the daughter and not with her. Who knows? She just kept escalating things in such bizarre ways. In her sworn statement to JJ, she said that she'd approached him after seeing the work he did for the neighbor, but then in the application for the restraining order, she said he'd approached her. And if she felt uncomfortable having him around her daughter, why hire him for another task? Plus, there was also that open container of alcohol that magically appeared in his hand that she never mentioned anywhere else but conjured up for the restraining order. I don't claim to know what was in her head. I feel better off not knowing what was in her head. Could be anything. But it did feel like there was some definite bunny-boiling potential behind those loony eyes. And yup--all her exes send her texes.
  5. I was hoping that someone would ask Mah-Jing about his mom's earrings, which looked like little portraits of her in wire. I loved them. Felt bad for him, though. She couldn't even seem to bring herself to reach up and wipe away one of his tears. I'm a pretty stoic person myself, but it was hard to watch him being so raw and getting so very little in return.
  6. The soft-spoken, wide-eyed, lying monster from the pits of hell. Sometimes you get to see pure, unadulterated evil in the unlikeliest of packages, and this was one of those times. Either that's how she's made it through life routinely (helpful note to plaintiff: That won't work anymore. You're too old) or she had some particular reason to turn on this guy. I have a theory that she wanted something more than her gutters cleaned and her pipes rehung (double entendre alert), and when she didn't get it, she turned vicious. My only disappointment was that the handyman didn't sue her for $5 grand--I'm pretty sure he would've gotten it. JJ was was in full avenging-angel mode for this one.
  7. But didn't he not have the one piece of evidence he actually needed for his countersuit? Or maybe I'm confused. I've been comfort-watching JJ and more or less nonstop catching up on unwatched episodes. They're all kind of blending together in my head. And speaking of distracting, there's been a woman in the gallery who looks exactly like Angelina Jolie with a blond dye job. It's a little eerie.
  8. She hasn't, actually. She didn't come on till season 3, I think. That is frighteningly close to the actual dress. Is that a baby in there? Is it alive? Eek.
  9. I had the same thought about Vivek last week. Judge Judy would've barked, "Uncross your arms!" I kept waiting for that to happen.
  10. I'm pretty sure that's true. I was thinking that didn't come along till after she started making the big bucks on TV and prior to that she was still living in NYC with no ROR. So maybe that's how she got acclimated to driving. I read she's also got a place in like Wyoming or Montana. I love picturing her kicking up dust doing doughnuts on those cattle trails in her rusty old Ford pickup. Or maybe that should be doing bagels. What's wrong with that picture?!?
  11. She looked like she was smuggling watermelons in a big blue garbage bag.
  12. It's never been legal within the five boroughs of New York City, so if that's where she lived when she lived in NY (I think it is, but I don't know for sure), she probably didn't have direct experience of it till she moved to Flordia (I'm switching to that spelling) and wherever else she has houses now. Whenever I drove outside NYC, I felt like I was getting away with something each time I made a ROR. I kind of still do.
  13. Me, too. But I thought it was a pretty odd choice for courtroom wear. Although, I guess if the purpose was to distract JJ with sparkly stuff, it worked. And yeah, every place I've driven where ROR is legal, part of the deal is that you have to come to a complete stop first, no matter what you do afterward. Which is the one thing that was never brought up. Not well adjudicated, IMO.
  14. Thinner than what, though? Thinner than a compote dish--that was the comparison. I say you could find lots of trifle bowls that are thinner than compote dishes. And definitely taller. I'm still waving my hand in protest over here. ;o) I'm guessing that Ariel Winter would be fairly horrified at the comparison. She seems very much into being a hot babe in her real-life persona. (I know this because I saw it in one of those sidebar thumbnail photos on an entertainment site earlier today.)
  15. Me three for trifle. And if they'd judged it wrong, I'd have been waving my hand without even waiting for the commercial break and disputing the call like creepy old Pranjal (ah, memories!). Bye, Vivek. Didn't like you from the start. Haven't much liked any of them the last week. Wish they had trapdoors under all the podiums that I controlled from my couch. That would be a fun show!
  16. She was probably too preoccupied with spelling it David O; Selznick to pay attention to his actual job.
  17. Maybe she's a Conehead, not a bonehead. Because then it would be a perfectly logical answer.
  18. I was also wondering if she thought there was some special Emmy Award for most uses of the word "however" by a plaintiff in a courtroom reality show. Because she won it, hands down.
  19. She's treated him like a stupid child for so long that he seems to be actually turning into one. Ina really needs to be alone in her kitchen. That's the Ina I always love. The Ina that interacts with people is getting very hard to take.
  20. The episode with the teams from the Jersey Shore (the place, not the reality show) was quite good, I thought. Both teams seemed to have areas of real expertise, Lara didn't get too involved in choosing their purchases or negotiating for them, the end products were all nice-looking and functional, and I actually learned something (the technique for creating those branch patterns in wood by using baking soda and electricity, which I thought came out looking beautiful). The team members were funny and nice to each other, very little fake trash talking. More like this one and I'll be very happy!
  21. I remember the Barbizon Hotel! I think (I may be making this up) that at one point when my college (all women, in NYC) ran out of dorm space, they started temporarily housing students at the Barbizon. It was like Fort Knox for virginity. Or so they thought. Oh, yeah, about this. I forgot to mention--didn't she say that before she went over to the neighbor's place to do Jager shots that she armed her alarm system? I took this to mean that she left her baby (or baby and little kids) alone in the house while she was out getting drunk and enticing dogs to bite her face. If her husband was home with them, why would she feel the need to reference setting the alarm? To make herself seem like a conscientious mother? JJ needs to listen better sometimes. I think this situation was way worse than we were led to believe.
  22. I liked Ken even more after hearing about his involvement in the manatee-protection legislation. I'm sorry he lost. Or maybe that should be "So I'm sorry he lost."
  23. I'm sure you're right. The dog owner referred to him in the past tense in her hallterview. Very sad.
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