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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. I got FJ! There was virtually no other information in the clue besides the date of the proclamation, so I thought that had to mean something. Once I said 10/4, there it was. Much unseemly fist pumping followed. I wonder if they'd have accepted "Coach" for the Glee clue. Because that's all I had for that one. Too many GGs in this game. "Evergreen" was right there in the clue, but you do have to stop and think for a millisecond. Why people answer so fast, I'll never understand.
  2. You were probably hyp-mo-tized by his crazy eyes. That's how Beezlebub works. ;o)
  3. I'm gonna disagree with this. He said "Beezlebub," to rhyme with "weasel chub." That doesn't reflect the spelling of Beelzebub--for it to do that, the l would have to come before the z, but he pronounced it as z before l. And also he's just creepy, so there's that. I wish the lady with the vegan cat had managed to slide in there at the end. Oh, well. Where do they find these judges anyway? Do they stand in front of some cosmetology school and get first dibs at whoever flunks out on a given day? No offense to excellent cosmetologists.
  4. I was very distracted trying to figure out who Hans reminded me of. I think I figured it out: Matthew Lillard from The Bridge and Bosch. (Also Scooby-Doo, I know from looking him up on IMDb, but not from actually seeing any of those.) Just me? I do remember getting torque. ETA: Maybe Emily shouts because she got used to having to project on limited lung power, and she doesn't realize she can back off a little now that she has good lungs?
  5. I couldn't think of anywhere else to post this, so my feelings won't be hurt if the mods make it disappear. But . . . Geoffrey Zakarian's 9-year-old daughter was on the episode of Martha Bakes that our local PBS channel ran yesterday. This latest season Martha is having students from culinary schools come in and watch her bake and ask questions, etc. I'm assuming that Madeline was there visiting with her dad, and because she's an aspiring pastry chef, she was invited to join the older students. She couldn't be more adorable, and she looks just like Geoffrey. So while GZ was missing from his own show, his little girl was flying the flag on Martha's. (And am I the only person watching that? I was sure there'd be a thread for it, but not that I can find.) On The Kitchen itself, there were some goofy tips I thought I might really use. Like the punch-bowl ice flowers molded in the bottoms of soda bottles. And one other I can't remember right now. They were less crafty and more actually food-related, which is a good thing (as Martha would say!).
  6. Cross-ventilation??? Seriously, I have no idea. I looked it up for you, and this article says things about cultural solidarity and tribalism and other stuff that seems pretty meaningless, but lots of people are doing it, so I'm probably too fogey-ish to get it. I actually had to have lobe-repair surgery back in the late 80s, early 90s, because I had a habit of wearing heavy earrings and one day I woke up with a two-part earlobe. That was gross enough. I wouldn't want a hole big enough for a parakeet to live in. (Although that might be kind of cute!)
  7. This, 100%. Anything else would've required at least a subatomic particle of empathy somewhere in Bethenny, and there's no evidence of that. Maybe she bled the last one out. Also, from where I'm reporting, the Department of Almost Totally Irrelevant Pedantry, Grammar Subdivision, Bethenny who knows it all apparently doesn't know from parts of speech. While she was viciously hammering at Jules with the "I need a verb, I need a verb" command, Jules had already given her three verbs, several times: "I'm gonna do . . . I'm gonna do . . ." That's "I am going to do." What she needed was a noun. "I'm gonna do yoga, I'm gonna do my nails, I'm gonna do damage to your nasty ass if you don't stop hectoring me for a verb, you ignorant twat."
  8. I kinda disagree with almost everything you said, but I'm so happy to see you back, Teebax. Plus, you really made me laugh. Hope all's good with you. I was also wondering about Benn and what made him such a prized commodity to run with the torch (which seemed as if it could've ended badly). I liked him until he started talking. I was very happy with the outcome.
  9. I, too, was totally fixated on his earlobes. I figured he must've made enormous holes in them with those gauge earrings, the ones designed to stretch the holes bigger and bigger. And then, in my fevered imagining, I decided that the show's makeup people (if they exist--based on lots of previous litigants, I'm not so sure) concluded that those giant holes would freak out viewers, so they filled them with some kind of stage putty and then colored it to match his skin as closely as possible. This was in lieu of doing something useful with a half hour of my life.
  10. Jason looks like someone's dream of a handsome Bollywood actor. Almost as if he'd been computer-generated. There's something oddly bland about it, but his features are frighteningly perfect. I wish he would go off and be a star (have no idea if this is his aspiration--it's my aspiration for him) so that we can go back to games where every effin' category isn't started at the bottom and ended at the top. I think it makes me almost physically dizzy. (Okay, I'm dramatizing.) Elver fishing has become an important source of revenue here in Maine over the last few years. Big demand for them in Asia and in an increasing number of US restaurants, and Maine has the only significant elver fishery in the country. I think they go for something close to $2K a pound. So we're always hearing reports about the elver catch on the news.
  11. I'm sorry about your FIL. But if you're an awesome cook, that's good enough for me. I'm an awesome baker, so I'll bring dessert! (And I remember the name of your street from when you bought your new house--don't be surprised if I actually do show up. Never mention a personal factoid on the J! board. We're the type of people who remember these things forever.) Now I'll go sit off in a corner with my hated friend Bill Shakespeare.
  12. Cosign all of the above re the contestants. And I want to be at your house for Thanksgiving, please? Assuming that the exes are still welcome, obviously. I figured that just knowing titles of popular Shakespeare plays, even without actually knowing the plays themselves, the answer would come instantly from the clue. But maybe not. I thought she was going to say Guy Fawkes, but now I can't remember what the clue was. Something about burning something down and a conspiracy. I didn't know the right answer. Guy Fieri would've been awesome, though.
  13. She could easily get some to flip, same way Ramona got hers: on sale at a store near you. An apartment alleged to be his. It could very well be, but Bravo has such a long history of plunking people into places they don't own and calling them "NeNe's house" that you never really know for sure.
  14. Yeah, definitely a matter of degree. Bethenny's calling him a cokehead on national TV was an attempt to destroy his reputation and his business. That was a kill shot, and the fact that it didn't work doesn't change the intent or the sheer maliciousness. Carole just wanted to humiliate him. (Calling someone a "pedafile" when you don't even know how to spell the word--or maybe even know what it means--is probably just stupid and sloppy. And it's clearly not true, so who knows where that one falls?) All of them pretty damn nasty, though.
  15. The other adjective was "misshapen," if I remember correctly. I don't know if it's tearing him down (it's only tearing him down if he actually gets torn down, I suppose), but "sweaty and misshapen" aren't terms of endearment in anybody's book. I just noticed this last episode what a mouth-breather Carole is. So if she feels comfortable calling out other people's physical imperfections, I guess she must have a very robust self-image.
  16. For some reason the multi-quote option is malfunctioning for me today, so I can't refer back to the posts asking for the ID of my old actor boyfriend. I'll let him be anonymous so he doesn't get associated with some loon who posts on a Jeopardy! forum. But he wasn't just a face in a crowd scene--he's a character actor with tons of credits. And now I feel like an idiot for bringing it up at all. I remember reading a long time ago that the notion that cummings lowercased everything was mistaken. I just did a quick Wiki lookup, and here's the link to that part of his page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._E._Cummings#Name_and_capitalization Bottom line is that it wasn't a hard and fast rule of his never to capitalize anything. Bonnie just made the end of this terrible week a little bit sunnier.
  17. How about "eau"? Or "aye"? "Yea"? A little bit cheaty, but I think they'd have to allow them in Scrabble. My old boyfriend was in Amadeus, so that was a no-brainer. Raise your hand if you took one look at Matt's hair and didn't need to hear his job description. It's been thirty years since Gekko. Shouldn't these guys have a new hairstyle by now?
  18. I have! It's a common term in baseball. But a very uncommon occurrence. It was the first question in last night's baseball category. It's when one player hits a single, a double, a triple, and a home run in one game. I promise I wasn't saying anything negative--just the opposite!
  19. Too bad you didn't post just one more, peeayebee. Then we could've said you'd hit for the cycle! In a classic case of overthinking things, I had to choose among scarlet fever, rubella, and roseola, because . . . word roots. I dithered so long I would've timed out.
  20. It didn't really occur to me until I read your post that in the voice-overs we get from the bakers, there's virtually (or actually) no commentary on other people's efforts. They either worry about what the judges will say about a decision they themselves are making, talk about their personal history in baking a particular item, celebrate their own victories, or lament their own failures. I can't remember anyone ever commenting on another contestant's output, except maybe to sympathize with something that went wrong or praise something that turned out beautiful. And always with humor and/or kindness. Clearly there's no one on the other side of the camera encouraging them to say something bitchy. It's lovely. We could learn a lot from this. But I'm pretty sure we won't.
  21. This was like Christmas in July! I'm so happy it's back again. I loved all of them, right from the get-go. I made a chocolate-beet torte a few years ago. It was interesting, but I wouldn't make it again. I knew that Stu was on the road to ruin as soon as I saw those beets in his mixer. There've been AGAs in several of the B&Bs I've stayed at in England. They're very beautiful, very expensive, and I think there's probably a pretty steep learning curve to them. I fell in love with a forest green one, but I don't think it's in my future. Just so glad to be back in the tent.
  22. If Martin Short gained a bunch of weight and stopped being funny but still thought he was, he'd be Zach Klitzman (at least he has a funny name). I was also hollering at Shyamlee to blow it out on that DD. You'd think they'd know enough to listen to us by now.
  23. It's strange to think that people all over America were saying these exact words in some kind of progressive Rockettes kick line as the show was broadcast from coast to coast. Because so did I.
  24. I was thinking that despite how stupid and disorganized the lead-up to the wedding was, well, at least the vows would be witty and well written. It's New York, after all. You can't walk ten paces without tripping over a "writer." And that part ended up being so lame and pointless and dull-witted. Any one of us who posts in this forum could've done a better job. We always say the people on the show read the forums, but apparently they don't read enough. I don't have an Aerogarden or a GrowBar. I have a revolutionary device called a clay pot ($1.69) which I carefully position on another space-age device called a windowsill (free with house). Seems to work just fine. I am still in the market for a jet pack, though.
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