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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. She had photos printed out of what she said was the wound, and she presented them to JJ, but we didn't get to see them.
  2. Maybe the dog owner didn't realize that pigs bite. She knows now, though, so put up a fence, stupid. I've heard plenty of stories about dogs tear-assing right through an electronic fence when something worth chasing ran past. Not the case here, obviously--that dog looked very gentle but curious about the pig. Stuff happens, though. Totally agree with AngelaHunter. We had the Priceless Work of Art in the Trunk case today (or Junk in the Trunk if you took a look at the paintings on the artist's website back when they first ran this one). I loved the car-wash owner even more the second time around. He dismantled the obviously guilty lady lawyer without even breaking a sweat or losing his good-natured smile. All my most beloved cases are running one after the other these recent days. Tomorrow's the rich guy who wants his used tinsel back, dammit! I can hardly wait.
  3. Fortunately, we don't have neighbors close by, because if we did, when I screeched, "What the hell is wrong with you?!?" at Seth once his wager was revealed, they'd have drawn a whole other conclusion. But seriously . . . the woman bet $6 grand on a DD to tie it up--he had to know she was willing to go big in FJ. Maybe he's just feeling over it. He's seemed a little lackluster the last few days. I guess he's entitled. But what about me, Seth? I even said you looked like Chris Pratt. Congratulations anyway. It was a very cool run. And go away soon, Margie, or whatever your name is. ETA: Hope you did great, Teebax!
  4. For sure. Especially about the nephew. He was shaking with rage at the very end. I thought he might try to vault the table. Scary. If Kadeesha were a whole lot smarter than she appears to be, she could've been setting up the landlady for the future accusation of using the PIN to rob her account, leaving her without money for rent. But probably not. Very dumb of the landlady to take it, though. For just that kind of reason.
  5. I'm gonna say I think they were Rubbermaid, not Tupperware, because I have the same ones, too, and I bought mine at Walmart--I didn't have to endure one of those insane house parties I watched from the staircase when I was a kid. Those Tupperware-selling parties and the games I watched my mom and her neighbors play were a huge incentive in helping me decide I wanted to have a career and not spend my nights passing spatulas to other women with my knees to win a mini Jell-O mold, so thanks, Tupperware. I think lots of people use the term Tupperware to describe any kind of plastic storage containers, the same way we say Kleenex for tissues and Xerox for photocopies, etc. Lucky JJ didn't call out that lunatic for a trademark violation.
  6. [Slapping forehead.] Nicholas! Of course! Boy, do I feel stupid . . . ;o)
  7. Well, that's very sweet, but the lower they sink, the higher we can soar. The sky's the limit, in other words. I'm so sorry, configdotsys. Wishing you fond memories, peace, and more to laugh about as time passes.
  8. I'm thinking maybe formerly fuller-faced Chris Pratt, with his hair combed differently?
  9. Oh, no kidding! I was a little afraid of his mom, and I was safe in the warm embrace of my couch cushions, 3,000 miles away from her. That look she had on her face was what some literary folk would call a "basilisk glare." I'm still gonna say he was clearly standing in the floundering-idiot line while they were handing out mental quickness. He did dodge that foot in his butt, though, so I guess smarts aren't always everything.
  10. Yeah, I thought of Jack Black, but there's also someone else tickling at the far recesses of my brain. I may have to let it go and move on with life. I can't find a single thing to dislike about Seth, which could be a first for me. His little stories are usually funny and well told, and at the end of the show today he made some sort of gracious gesture in the direction of his opponents. It looked as if he were telling Alex to congratulate them for a good game. (I could totally be making that up.) Go, Seth!
  11. With any luck, Andre/Urkel, the son of the plaintiff in in the "my friend hijacked my car" case, will never have a job that requires him to think on his feet. Or think at all, for that matter. I actually felt physical pain watching him try to put a thought together. My mother used to say, "I know you're thinking--I can smell the wood burning." I could smell the wood smoke coming off Urkel's head and out through my TV screen. I was a little shocked at that verdict. Urkel obviously asked his friend to lie for him, and JJ had to at least nod in the direction of Mario's culpability. But she has lots of discretion. One of those dollar awards would've seemed like justice to me. And two of my most favorite litigants, the Sentimental Patio Furniture Twins. I didn't notice first time I watched, but the caption under a shot of the sister at one point said "Claims She Had a Good Time with Furniture." I hope JJ and the defendant went out for coffee together after the show and then played maj-jongg till the wee hours. She seemed like a really nice woman.
  12. Oh, no, I don't doubt that's the info you found. I meant it's just very odd for a bunch of fair, blond, Nordic-looking people to be calling themselves Sephardic Jews, who mostly come from Spain and Portugal and are usually not fair or blond. It isn't impossible, but it's unlikely they were born into that category. They also had a very non-Sephardic attitude--more like some ultra-fringe Fundamentalist vibe than anything. Sephardic Jews I've known tend not to be so uptight and punitive. These people were strange, though, whatever they're calling themselves.
  13. Yeah, but sometimes they have to take the chefs they can get, regardless of energy level.
  14. Really? That was the least Sephardic-looking crew I've ever seen, and I've seen lots, including in my own extended family. My guess is that they're members of some kind of weird conversion cult. Like the reverse of Jews for Jesus or something.
  15. What if I said I was Seth's mother? Wouldn't you feel bad? No? Okay, I'm not. But I could be. I keep hoping that someone here will tell me who Seth looks like. It's driving me crazy, because I know it's someone, but for the life of me I can't think who. I got the Tabard Inn. And my parents said majoring in English was useless.
  16. Yeah, what a kooky, fun guy he is. Go jump off a cliff, Dennis. Save some hypochondriac the trouble of pushing you off.
  17. Sharren got credit for "polylingual," which is an adjective, not a noun, when they were going for "polyglot," which does mean a person who speaks multiple languages. I know I need medication for this, but it really annoys me when answers that don't satisfy the clue in some fundamental way get a pass if they're within shouting distance of the actually correct answer. Maybe in addition to BMS we need a POS prompt, for "part of speech." Or that other POS thing.
  18. According to the unimpeachable Wikipedia (actually, I really do trust the nerds who supply info to Wikipedia on pop-culture stuff like this), Godzilla was "an enormous, violent, prehistoric sea monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation." So I guess his nationality is debatable. Japan was where he came ashore, but he could just as easily have gotten irradiated at the Bikini tests, say. I think he was more of a boat monster than a natural-born citizen.
  19. I wanted him to lose because of that nasty beard. And also that gunshot gesture or whatever it was during the opening intros. I don't know why people persist in thinking they need to be cute or quirky. Those gimmicky things almost never are. I got Godzilla, but it had never occurred to me that all you had to do to become an honorary Japanese citizen was crush cars and knock down buildings and squish people, over and over--and then stick around for sixty years waiting for your ceremony. I would've tried it myself.
  20. I thought it was "guts." Not very British when you take a minute to consider it.
  21. They'd have to take me out behind the lobstah pound and shoot me if I'd missed Stephen King. Among other things, the Home Depot where I used to shop before they put one in closer to my house is on Stephen King Drive. He's kind of a demigod in this state. I got Matthew Henson. Really sorry Christine didn't win. That was a pretty impressive surge while it was happening.
  22. Thank you for looking up Leo Giang, SRTouch. I tried doing that as well, but I gave up after the first page of hits didn't seem to yield the right guy. It's funny to me that he lives in Garden Grove, because the first thing I thought when I saw him was garden gnome. The image of that urine pit makes me very glad our nearest neighbors are a quarter mile away. Son in that case looked like the closing shot of Norman Bates in Psycho--before Norman smiled (far more terrifying when they smile). I wondered why his father--obviously bio father from the resemblance--was named Michael LeLoo and son was named Hleb Hladki. I might be permanently angry if that were my name, too. (I'm claiming the Polish-grandmother exemption on that last remark.) I thought it was peculiar that JJ didn't ask the young blonde with two different babydaddies and no car if defendant babydaddy was paying child support, because there were indications he might not be. Girl was an idiot, but I'd think that piece of information might've been relevant to who owes whom what. He really said, "I got texts that she was trying to cheat on me, so I left." What does that even mean? She's a pretty girl, if indiscriminate. History clearly shows that if she'd tried to cheat, she'd have succeeded.
  23. I liked Scott. He seemed to be having a genuinely good time, even enjoying the other contestants' stories. I was surprised that Alex didn't point out the obvious resemblance to Louis C.K. The new champ did something today that looked odd to me. I won't mention it unless he does it again tomorrow. I read too many mysteries, probably.
  24. Well, in that case maybe I was mistaken. There was so much equivocating about the title that it wasn't clear (to me) whether they now had it. If he really has to give the car back, that kind of sucks. Although no one this little transaction really had very clean hands.
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