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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. You left out conspiracy, kidnapping, and false imprisonment. That's a pretty full menu. Some of those are federal crimes. Kandi and Todd are obviously a lot scarier than they look.
  2. Also couldn't stand the house-sitting plaintiff. I noticed that her daughter smiled fondly when JJ mentioned her children but wasn't smiling a minute later when JJ said that they could've been the ones who stole their grandma's stuff. Defendant seemed desperately happy to have her out of his life. He may be jumping the gun. I can see that woman still hounding him post-verdict. The youngish widow not only took her friend on all those trips and bought a house, she also said she took a year and a half off of work after her husband died. I don't know how far she thought $150K was going to stretch. I also couldn't tell whether she was grieving the death or celebrating it--that's a lot of vacations to take--immediately after the death (and while he was still dying!)-- when you're in mourning. Maybe it's just me.
  3. We did talk about it, starting around a third of the way down on this page. Not too surprisingly, pretty much everyone who weighed in agrees with you! And the wrong sister got punched, IMO.
  4. Yes, and it looks as if they're systematically depriving her of water to get her to leave.
  5. Where I live, people hit moose. It usually doesn't end well for either party. We have one of those bulb changers also. Actually, we have two. My husband hated the first one and refused to use it, so I got a battery-operated one where you just push a button and the business end rotates. He found some reason to hate that as well. Lately we've been changing all our fixtures to LEDs, which I hope will solve the problem till we're dead. The vacation-rental owner might want to consider doing that, too. I could barely stand thinking about that baby with the broken leg. The parents seemed to know very little about how the day care operated or how many people worked there, especially given that the mother was a nurse. I agree that some responsibility falls on them. Aren't you supposed to do some unscheduled drop-ins from time to time, to make sure that your kids are in good hands? Didn't sound like that was happening.
  6. Not only that, but it's been discussed almost as much as Viraj flipping off the whole country. From now on, next time I want to say "F you" to somebody, I'll just push my sleeves up at 'em.
  7. I guess plaintiff sister only believes the second half of this line from the old Irving Berlin song: Lord help the mister that comes between me and my sister / And Lord help the sister that comes between me and my man. Both my sister and I would vomit up our innards at the thought of sleeping with some guy who'd slept with the other one of us. And then we'd go out to eat.
  8. I don't know why I didn't think to Google Lyrical Lipzz before complaining. Here you go. Klassssy.
  9. Was anyone else hoping desperately for JJ to insist on listening to a few bars of Lyrical Lipzz's CD? Just for evidentiary purposes? What a letdown. And I loved the repeated references to Publix, a place I'm guessing JJ is at least a little familiar with. There are only two reasons I'd ever consider moving to Florida, and Publix is one of them. The guys in the bullet-riddled-car case were adorable. And very polite and sweet, too. Surprisingly so, considering the situation. Go for the salami next time, guys.
  10. But you have to admit it's pretty hilarious to think of her calling herself "La Rinna." In third person.
  11. It's bad sportsmanship to make an "in your face" gesture no matter how you win something. The fact that he didn't win in a particularly triumphant manner made it even worse. In my opinion, obviously. That's just how I was brought up. Maybe he was feeling above it all after apparently getting away with flipping the bird on national TV. People can be strange.
  12. Just my opinion, but I don't think you're entitled to a fist pump if you win by getting it as wrong as everyone else but betting less. I liked Viraj going into this game. Not so much anymore. And could any of them really have done the math in FJ?
  13. I also thought FJ was going to be "meme," which is very embarrassing once you know the right answer. On the plus-ish side, I was proud of myself for deducing what I thought would be called "tennesseeum" (which when you look at it seems to be the name of a small, biting, southern bug), but I guess I wouldn't have gotten credit, since I now know it's "tennessine." Oh, well. Maybe that's why none of the players dared guessing. Apparently I'm going to the circle of hell where sleeve pusher-uppers go. I can't stand to have my arms totally encased in cloth unless it's freezing. Feels very restricting. I have an extensive wardrobe of three-quarter-length sleeves, but I'm not ashamed of pushing up the long ones. I imagine my hellish punishment will be sleeves that fall down throughout eternity. But at least I'll be able to get things done.
  14. That pretty much sums it up. He was booted for forgetting two ingredients, green pepper and garnish (he chopped the garnish, just forgot to put it on). Meanwhile, Ann the flight attendant forgot how to de-poop shrimp--she removed something from the inside curve of the shrimp rather than where the intestine actually is, on the back part. So she served shrimp shit and got to stay on. Go figure. I have no idea why I'm watching this.
  15. It's always so interesting to me how differently people perceive things. My take on Kyle and LVP is that what they see in each other is tremendously apparent on-screen, and it's a huge factor in what makes the show so enjoyable--when it is enjoyable. They get each other, they make each other laugh, they can be kids with each other, and they share a sly appreciation of how the game is played. That sort of simpatico is lots of fun to watch. For me anyway. The other great thing about this clip is that it allows us to document the very day and minute that Louboutins started to fall out of fashion.
  16. That's so funny--I'm making an apple sour-cream quick bread tonight. But not in a Bundt pan. I guess JJ might make her own Bundt cakes. I just don't see it, though. I see her more as the type to make reservations. And bring store-bought cakes. (My mother brought me up to believe that it was better to be run over by a crosstown bus than to show up at someone's house without a cake. The kind she brought were always in a cardboard bakery box.) But who knows what other skills JJ's hiding up inside those voluminous sleeves?!
  17. Me, too. It was partly the specificity--not just a cake but a Bundt cake. And the word "Bundt" is never not funny. What I was wondering is, does she bake them herself?
  18. I didn't subscribe, so I was spared any condescending emails. I just know what I saw on the show, and that's what I based my opinion of him on. If he stole (allegedly) info from the business he built, then I guess that's for the courts to sort out. My mother used to say, "Would you jump into my grave so fast?" whenever my sibs and I wanted to take over something that was hers. She meant it to be funny. But in this instance it looks as if we don't have to ask that question. Yes, they would. And they did. Mileage varies, I suppose.
  19. I don't think your mother invented that word--or if she did, then your mother and my grandmother are the same person! JK, it's a real word. If I could figure out how to spell it (the problem with all Yiddish words), I could probably find better info on it. But I did find this: the puzzling *pachech* is obviously a phonetic distortion of the Yid. *parech* which in turn comes from the Polish *parch* 'a scab.' metaphorically used for an obnoxious, repulsive person. Another site referred to it as a whiner, so I'm guessing it's someone who likes to pick at scabs. That said, I've never disliked Chris, and I think he added something to the show that I miss now that it's gone. It also makes me feel bad that these people who never would've had anything like the careers they have now if it hadn't been for the promotion and exposure they got from Chris Kimball have kicked him out of the organization he built, warts and all. It's hard for me to look at any of them very fondly anymore.
  20. Or Sunny says something about "a moment"--a cinnamon moment or a jalapeño moment or a sriracha moment. How about a moment of silence occasionally?
  21. And then reward the man who clearly cares more about your kids than you do (because . . . letting two children under age 7 race a motor vehicle on a public street--or anywhere!) by calling him a racist to add insult to injury. You're a real gem, buddy. I hope Children and Family Services was watching.
  22. Good time to get pregnant with another baby when you've already lost your home because those two daddies can't afford to pay for the kids they already have, Gretel Hansel or whatever your name is. Has contraception become a lost art? We also had a case where two really little kids (5 to 7) crashed an ATV into a neighbor's garage, destroying the garage door and damaging the car parked inside. Then Daddy rushed up and whisked them away from the scene of the crime (and got rid of the ATV before the cops came). The man whose property was wrecked seemed like a genuinely kind person--much more compassionate than I would've been under the same circumstances--and his first instinct was to run out and make sure the kids were okay. Victim was white, kids and Daddy were black. Of all the litigants who've richly deserved to have the "racist" accusation pulled on them and didn't get righteously tagged with it, this man for sure did not deserve to have that pulled on him in the hallterview. Kids' daddy was a weasel. Super cheap shot.
  23. I'd say that the dictionary link actually supports your point, so if you need someone to do mouth-to-mouth and try to revive your poor dead horse . . .
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