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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Thanks, @LemonSoda! All very interesting and all new to me. This I don't get. It's like putting your hands over your face and insisting people can't see you. And to what end? There's plenty of crazy to go around, I guess. If you're going to go after someone, do it for the stuff that's provable and not the eating-disorder gambit, which just makes the accuser look petty and desperate.
  2. I didn't know about either of these, so I Googled the Burger Bash controversy. The article I read in the Observer called the bashers sore losers. Hard to argue with that. I also don't know about her weird comments. I'm assuming you mean things she actually said, rather than things said about her (guessing it's to do with who she married first time around). I'd be interested to hear what she's said. No doubt she's had advantages, based on looks and connections. She'd have been foolish to turn away opportunities because she was "undeserving." People know the world isn't fair. But uncountable numbers of women who weren't young and gorgeous have blasted through on the basis of talent and determination. Rather than waste time hammering at women who made it based on more superficial qualities, we should hammer at the system that sets things up that way for women. I don't know how I became Katie Lee's PR person, but this crap just annoys me.
  3. That's very impressive! Are there apples in there between the bottom crust and the top swirls? Something else? Great job--I'm sure nobody complained about the slump (which I don't even see). I'll take a slice of the slumpy bit! 🥧
  4. I hear you. It's so constant that you can't help but think there's an element of envy driving the criticism. I don't normally watch Chopped, but I happened to see the episode where the Kitchen crew competed against one another (except for Zakarian, who was a judge), and she beat all of them. So I don't know where the slams on her cooking abilities come from either. She may not be a Michelin-starred chef, but she's at least as good as her colleagues, based on that one comparison. Her voice continues to grate, but nobody's perfect. 🙉
  5. That's what I think, too. I said as much a couple of years ago, when it was suggested she's either anorexic or bulimic. She's just genetically fortunate, and she eats right.
  6. Drat. Try it with a really long post, and then don't forget to highlight (select) just a line or two. And then I'll stop being helpful and give somebody else a try.
  7. If I understand your question, what you do is hit the little Read More triangle to pull down the whole block of text. Then highlight the part that you want to quote. You should get a little blue pop-up button that says "Quote Selection." Click that button, and a reply box should open up at the bottom of the page with the quoted text in it. Then just go from there. Sorry if this wasn't what you needed.
  8. I think it was her accent. The letters "-nt" don't commonly end words in Spanish, so a lot of accented speakers drop the final consonant, just 'cause it's hard for them to say. Money can buy you a sweet plea deal (or two), but it still can't buy you class.
  9. I'd be willing to chip in to finance it if the producers agreed to make the polygraphs-for-all truly interactive. Meaning that viewers get to supply the questions but also that the machine is rigged to shock the subjects every time they tell a lie. The worse the lie, the more powerful the shock. So women in ugly gowns spasming and drooling all over the stage. I would watch the hell out of that. ⚡⚡⚡
  10. I edit books for a living, and it's very hard to convince writers writing about Long Island when I change that teensy little preposition that it makes all the difference. The only authentic way to say it is, you live on Long Island. All your readers from the Island will spot you for an outsider immediately if you get it wrong. We also wait on line in NY, not in line. Go know.
  11. Wow. How crazy is that? I never would've ID'd the guy in that video as Tommy--he looks less blubbery, and his hair seems darker--but I guess the legal system is convinced. And he's the most likely culprit with all that's going on. These people need to step away from reality TV.
  12. What makes it even more confusing is that Brooklyn and Queens are physically on Long Island, but no one ever means Brooklyn and Queens when referring to the Island. People from elsewhere can look at a map and say, "But . . . but . . ." till they're blue in the face. Nobody cares. There's Long Island and then there's the city. B&Q are on the Island but in the city.
  13. The names of much worthier people are misspelled all the time on the Web. I wouldn't sweat it.
  14. That's funny. To me it feels like the last season ended about five minutes ago! I can't imagine MJ voluntarily not coming back. Tommy doesn't strike me as having deep pockets, and where else would she be getting a paycheck? Her real-estate career seems like a thing of the distant past--we haven't even seen her pretend to work in years. I think she's just covering her ass in case there's not a renewal or there's major recasting. But who knows?
  15. She played the girlfriend of Michael Imperioli's (Christopher) character. She met an unhappy end in the woods when they found out she'd been coerced by the FBI into informing on the "family" (as I remember it). She was gorgeous. It's a huge compliment to Barbara, but I don't see the resemblance.
  16. I'm not sure where I said or even obliquely implied that I thought Liam wasn't guilty.
  17. So many things about this case seem just . . . inexplicable. Like, why would Sarah bring that single Rubbermaid bin filled with meaningless crap to her friend's house to be stored for her when she had her own house and that other house her father owned, which was presumably empty, to keep things in? If you're leaving town, wouldn't you have a whole bunch of stuff to pack away? And if you're not leaving, why store anything at all with someone else? And when Liam got into Curry's car, he was talking like a low-rent De Niro or some recurring character from The Sopranos, accent and all. He checked Curry for a wire but didn't look around the front of the car for a camera lens? And just decided to let loose with a detailed confession--for what reason, exactly? To a crime he'd already told Curry about. It all seemed oddly staged to me. Her trip to the bank, which he supposedly talked her into, didn't make much sense to me. That crazy "eyewitness." Can't put my finger on all of it, but I have a weird feeling about this one.
  18. Ramona remarked on the clear acrylic dining chairs, which look like the same ones as in the listing photo. I haven't tried to come up with a good nickname for the house, but the signature cocktail should definitely be Roundhouse Punch. Not that Lu would partake. 🍹
  19. Dorinda's actually in the Berkshires. Or the Bezerkshires, as they're known here. 🏔️⛰️⛰️
  20. Calling Bethenny! New product alert! Chicken-Skinny Girl! For the NY woman who loves her crispy linens. Available in breast and thigh prints. Seriously, I would not be even a little bit mad at bedsheets that smell like fried chicken. Although, Bethenny being Bethenny, I guess they'd be poached. (Like this idea!) 🍗
  21. It's probably the plutonium. Which may also be the reason the bagels are so fabulous.
  22. Like the ones in this pic? Looks like Fire King Jadeite to me. I thought Martha Stewart had bought up every piece of that in existence (I'm only partly kidding), but there's a bunch of them for sale on Etsy. Probably worth checking eBay as well. Act fast. My whole kitchen is that color. I may buy up whatever Martha hasn't hogged. (See what I did there?!)
  23. Just to clarify, I wasn't basing my impression of Chris Samuels as controlling and possessive on a single gesture at the wedding. It's a cumulative thing. She wants to stop having babies at three, he wants at least six. (Why? He doesn't seem to have much participation in the daily care of the ones they already have.) He tells her to apologize, as @SlutAssBitchAssHor (I'm only calling you that 'cause it's your name!) mentions, then rescues her from the situation he created. I don't think he wants her far from the house, or doing things that would foster some independence in her. It's all seemingly gentle and supportive on the surface, but I get the sense he wouldn't deal well with having his will opposed when push came to shove. Just a feeling. I get it that not everyone sees things the same way.
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