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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. On the other hand, if someone has been saying sexually inappropriate things to you on a regular basis, you don't then say "Sweet and juicy" to him in response to the latest sexually inappropriate thing as you're squeezing orange juice. Either you're offended or you're complicit. I think she's been dragging it out because it gets her some extra attention. Or it really doesn't bother her at all. That would be a way to end the season. I really hope we're not having our chain yanked.
  2. Okay, maybe I missed something in the electrical-hookup case, so correct me if I'm wrong. But who lives in a rental (and I've lived in my share) without getting a single electric bill for eight months (was that the length of their tenancy?) and after a max of two months of not getting bills doesn't call the utility company to make sure that the account is under their name and that they'll be receiving bills in the near future? The lease clearly said that the tenants were responsible for "all utilities," although the write-in (uninitialed by either party) added info about trash. There was also nothing in the utilities section specifying that the tenants needed to be notified that they had to pay for electricity, even though JJ said that was a condition of their needing to pay it--which IMO was utterly wacko. It's spelled out in their lease, and anyone who's a conscientious renter would check when they didn't start receiving bills after a short time. I think we had two sets of scammers in this case, but being willfully ignorant paid off for one set.
  3. She said it three times while making her dish. And for bonus points, she licked her fingers and went on touching the food. I find myself wishing that one of the other three would say, "No, I don't know what you're saying. Could you explain?" every time she asks. Just to screw with her.
  4. Leave it to the Below Deck casting people to find the one rude Canadian in existence. Oy Canada.
  5. Starlina Todd, the corrupt secretary-treasurer of the Lollipop League. I know I'm a loon, because I sit in front of the TV and imitate the facial expressions and vocal tics of the most interesting JJ litigants. They make a face, I make the same face. Starlina really had me at the top of my game today. If Hollywood ever calls, I've got a whole stash of characters ready to roll.
  6. But . . . but . . . he was her "protector"! He was her Superman! What the heck did Kristina need all this protecting from? Maybe from the guy at work who was using the female staff as his personal harem. Oh, no, never mind--that's who was protecting her. What a crazy set of circumstances. I'm going to go look up "covenant marriage" and see what that really is, if it's a thing at all. I at first thought it was some Mormon/polygamous deal, but the show did absolutely nothing to explain. They just took Sareena's (come on) word that it was almost impossible to get divorced from a covenant marriage. Which makes no sense at all, if there's no state involvement, which is what she made it seem like. Also, you're not an alpha female if you live in fear of your husband and cook dinner for his mistress at his command. You're a nutjob dishrag. Some of these people . . . ETA: Here's what Wiki says about covenant marriage. I'm not surprised about the three states in the country that recognize this.
  7. Receiving a communication from the legal representative of someone you might have slandered isn't bullying. Not everything that tells you to quit doing shitty stuff is bullying. We really have to get a hold of that word and stop flinging it around recklessly. Also, as I've posted before, and maybe others have as well, Caroline's father is an attorney, so she's probably not without resources in that regard.
  8. The fact that he had a ghostwriter/coauthor doesn't seem to be much of a secret. The name of the guy who wrote the book with him is right on the cover, under Lee's name: Michael Shohl. Much more up-front than lots of celebs who publish their autobiographies.
  9. I just saw this case for the second time. Both times I was amazed that Byrd didn't shut that down instantly. And it seemed to go on for a long time. And could I use the word "time" even more times????
  10. Oh, no, never thought you would--or did! Seriously. I, too, melt in the heat and humidity. When I was a kid, I'd sleep in the bathtub in the summer, just for the coolness of the porcelain. I knew for real that I belonged here in the frozen north the night I went out to brush the snow off the satellite dish, wearing a T-shirt, panties, and rubber boots. They should create a Heroes from Away medal in my name. I do, and I agree.
  11. Just gorgeous. That looks like a painting. I also adore coastal Georgia. We both fell in love with Brunswick when we were there for a visit. In fact, I can't think of anyplace in America that I would say something unkind about. We're lucky to live in this country, wherever we find ourselves, as long as we're all treated as equals. Really beautiful, @Reality police. If you tell me that's the view out your window, I will be seriously jealous. On topic, I liked the exterior colors they chose for the last two camps. Mustard for standing out against the landscape and forest green for blending in.
  12. Tennessee is beautiful. We toyed with the idea of moving to Knoxville a while back. But we thought the cold might preserve us better.
  13. This is the one with the English comic Jimmy Carr, yes? Where he hosts and two teams of American comics solve people's problems? I lasted about five minutes. Nobody said anything close to funny. I saw part of one of his concert specials not long ago. If I never have to listen to his donkey-braying laugh again, heehawing at things that aren't funny, it would be too soon.
  14. I remember that. I think she's referred to someone as her assistant on a couple of episodes, but I have a feeling that's not how it really works. I guess that if there's a pretense, that's what keeps it a family group. Not even close. I love it here.
  15. Anyone else watching the new season? One thing I've wondered about since a few episodes into the first season is whether someone else is really responsible for the design. I started checking back then to see if there was a credit for designing, and there never was, till this season--there's a design consultant credited, last name Hannan, I think (Amanda Hannan? I can't remember, but I'll look again next episode). I also noticed that they did a speeded-up segment showing people putting in and arranging the furnishings, and there were three women, none of them Ashley, doing the work, and then a normal-speed couple of shots of her fluffing a throw pillow and hanging a little sign. It does tend to confirm what I've always had a feeling was the case. Just me?
  16. This is true. I read the tweets and remember thinking that Tiegen was surprisingly kind when she didn't have to be, given how nasty Caroline was being. And then of course Caroline fell all over herself apologizing, because it got her communicating with someone famous, most likely.
  17. And also the fact that he was a college student at the age of 48. Who knows if he's legitimately following some educational path that might lead to a better future for him and his kids (we've seen plenty of litigants who just seem to be in it for the grants), but JJ doesn't know one way or the other. Most of the time, oddly, it seems she has no respect for higher education, unless it's her own. Which she reminds us of endlessly, as if folks don't know you have to go to law school to be a lawyer. Why she's actively dismissive of something that ought to be encouraged is a constant mystery to me. Well, maybe not a mystery, but definitely not one of her more admirable hobbyhorses.
  18. The possibility also occurred to me that they just didn't want to pay the balance of the agreed price and kept the dog. How would the seller (another prize--even my husband, who rarely has much to say about any of these clowns, asked me, "Doesn't she know she won?!") prove that they don't still have it?
  19. Here's @bagger's post that was mistakenly put in the wrong season: D’Andra was on heather mcdonald’s show and she’s backtracking and rationalizing her side of how everything went down this season. If you haven’t heard it give it a shot, it made me dislike her more. 1. She claims whether it’s a little white lie or a joke it’s a lie but she never calls Stephanie a liar for deceiving Kam at the baby reveal. 2. The $200 in the bank account was true but it’s because she doesn’t trust herself shipping so she emptied out her bank account. 3. She and Leeanne were never as good a friends as people made them out to be. Wtf? Why was she part of her wedding party? Did you have to scrimp around for brides maids for your second wedding at almost 50? I’m not even done with the podcast yet and I already dislike her more.
  20. No sorry needed. I've been in such a fog lately that I'm just glad to know I hadn't slipped through a hole in the space-time continuum. I'll see if I can move your original post, but don't get your hopes up, given my recent track record. And I totally agree with you about how D'Andra has squandered a whole lot of goodwill.
  21. Thanks, WQ! I thought maybe I was having another Kam-went-to-law-school moment. I'll climb into my DeLorean now and get back to the present. ;o)
  22. Isn't this the thread for last year's reunion?
  23. Her father's an attorney, so if the mental defect is hereditary, she's pretty well covered in that respect. ;o)
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