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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. I get emails from Penzey's Spices, and today's email included this link to a pdf from the USDA recall of products containing cooked chicken--for Listeria contamination, I think, though the email doesn't specify. They keep updating the list--it's now up to 191 pages, but no text, just scans of the product labels. Most of these brands I've never even heard of, but there are several Trader Joe's products. It took me about five minutes to scroll through, so it might be worth looking at in case anyone has bought chicken salad lately, or chicken spread, that kind of thing. The Penzey's product is a chicken base flavoring. Hope no one finds anything, but if you do, toss it.
  2. I speak French, and I'm failing to see how, except for the accent, which would be a little absurd for an American to overlay on the word, the linked pronunciation differs from my phonetic spelling. But thanks for the correction.
  3. Me, too. It's weird. I've always liked Alex, but her stint as co-host last week is what tipped the scales for me to finally take this show off my recording schedule. I realized that it wasn't just Sunny reliably grating on my nerves--it was all* of them. (*All four of them plus the strangely banished Katie.) Not giving precise quantities on any of the recipes is how they force people to visit the website. But as @chessiegal says, you can go there without having to suffer through the show, so I'll check that out instead. Bye, Kitchen. I really liked you, and then I really didn't.
  4. Other way around. Julia's the one who used to have short hair. Bridget's has always been on the longish side.
  5. I think we're several weeks behind on the new season. I saw Julia's much-discussed extensions for the first time last week. This past weekend they did a Chicago thin-crust pizza, which looked very good to this native-born NYer who thinks that Chicago deep-dish is a crime against humanity. Coincidentally, I just got around to replacing our last broken pizza stone with a bigger new one, and I was thinking of christening it with this recipe. Has anyone here tried it yet? BTW, I really like Bryan Roof, the chef who demoed the pizza. He has a great sense of humor, and I always want to make everything he cooks.
  6. My very first thought, too. If it's even him, I'm 75% on the side that they concocted it.
  7. I'm not unreasonable. I'll take a check. 💲 I'm glad you found it easy to understand. The problem is that when adults correct kids, they usually don't tell them why what they've said is wrong (probably because most adults don't know, since schools don't seem to teach grammar anymore). So what's wrong in one context is right in another. Kind of like most things in life.
  8. Right in my professional wheelhouse. The correct usage depends on whether the pronoun is a subject or an object. "Stephanie and I ate apples" (where it's a subject), but "Mother gave Stephanie and me some apples" (here it's the object). When we're kids, adults always correct us if we say things like "Tommy and me are going to the store"--"No, it's Tommy and I"--so we think that "I" is always correct as part of a compound, but not the case. Just take the name out and say the sentence (you'd never say "She gave I an apple") and you'll know which pronoun to use. That'll be fifty bucks. ✏️
  9. Just underbake them. That's what I do, and the end result is very fudgy and not cakey at all.
  10. I was curious about this, too, since she seems to be on the show a lot more often. I found this: https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/food-network-chef-alex-guarnaschelli-1203180427/ Apparently it's part of her most recent contract. Maybe there'll be more actual cooking when she's there, instead of dumping stuff out of a box or a can. If it ever became permanent, I don't know how Sunny would cope, having to fawn over two Iron Chefs on a weekly basis. 👨‍🍳 👩‍🍳
  11. And the woman who came forward with the security-cam footage (the one who drove off with Hupp) was Carol Alford. Not a common name. Life can be so strange.
  12. Andrew was Katie's old boyfriend and was ass-grabbed by Michael in season1. I don't think we've ever heard the name of the cameraman in question.
  13. Email is invisible. They seem to pay a fair amount of attention to social media, so if you do Twitter or Instagram, you might want to try posting there. It has the advantage of letting other people see your issue, other people who may agree with you and like your post, which turns you into a group rather than just a lone crank. Unless, of course, the show deletes posts that appear critical.
  14. Beautifully said, @LibertarianSlut. I couldn't agree more, with all of it.
  15. Thanks for the link, @BookThief. Very interesting. Since you live in Erie, did you go to Ribfest? Or the restaurant?
  16. Totally agree that the checks were . . . well, to keep the "under-" theme going, underwhelming. As was the reaction in the room when Glenn announced his true identity. Unless that's what shock and awe looks like in Erie, PA, a pretty muted response. I hope the smoker guy was previously compensated for his material costs, because that thing was a work of art and I'm sure was not cheap to build--along with all those other metal Underdog logos, which I'm assuming he also created. Overall a kind of disappointing finale.
  17. The past couple years, I was complaining about Anne's obnoxious fake-flirting with the hunky male contestants. I apologize. Watching her flirtation with Julianne was ten times worse. Julianne's combo of Minnie Mouse high pitch and vocal fry might have literally made my ears bleed. Interesting that the two most stereotypical "dumb blondes" were the last women left standing. Yay feminism. I'm glad Adrian won. Anne of course had to mention that she gave him to Bobby. "Gave him" translated as "dumped him," which she now wants credit for. It occurred to me that letting Bobby beat her three times out of three, if there's really some kind of fix in, should send her a clear message as to which of the two of them is the more valuable property at FN. No contest there.
  18. Since my comatose self has been watching this all along, I guess I'll watch the last episode just thanks to inertia (or is that momentum?). It seems obvious now that this has been about 75% BS and producer manipulation and 25%, tops, reality. If that much. Now I look back and think what a coincidence that he landed in a town he knew nothing about and decided to start a barbecue place when lo and behold the big event in Erie is a ribfest that happens a week and a half before his 90 days are up. What an amazing coincidence! I suspected the real name on the email wasn't an accident when it was previewed, and now I'm positive it was intentional, for the drama value. And I hope Dawn is as good a designer as she is at running her hand across her head in anxiety. Based on the work she did at the flip house, I'm not so sure. But she definitely can play the tortured artist to the hilt If I had kids to support on my own, I wouldn't be devoting all my time to a nonpaying job offered to me by a drifter in an old beater pickup truck. And blah, blah, blah. I totally agree with @suzeecat, that an honest attempt at something like this would have been so much more worthwhile to see. Especially in our current climate of billionaire worship. We could use a healthy corrective to that.
  19. To give her credit, it must take a lot of effort to get that particular nose into the air. And she tosses somebody's hair--we don't really know whose it is. 👱‍♀️ Otherwise, cosign your excellent post.
  20. I also assumed she was taking a bite of every doughnut in the box because she thought there was a pair of diamond earrings or something like that hidden in one of them. Must've been pretty mortifying to discover in the end that all he'd bought her was a box of doughnuts. At that point you have to pretend to take it with good humor, but I bet she didn't feel so jolly. The whole idea of scheduling a roast for yourself on a landmark birthday that's already going to be difficult for most people, maybe women especially, seems bizarre to me, but different strokes and all that.
  21. So funny! Watching those models, I was thinking, "Uh-oh, they didn't leave a bare patch on their spines! They're both going to die!" I swear I grew up believing that was true after seeing Goldfinger. (It isn't.) Both she and her mother were ecstatic. I was imagining a thought balloon as they were hugging and squealing: "Yay! We're bankrolled for the next eighteen years!" He looked over the moon, didn't he? Remember that old short story "The Lady or the Tiger"? Michael had the eyes of the man who's just opened the door with the tiger behind it.
  22. I didn't either. I mean, I didn't know he was having some specific health issue--not till I read about the fall. I just meant he looked to be in a lot of discomfort, sweaty, laboring to breathe and get around. So he might not have been sick-sick, but he definitely didn't look well. At all. Thanks for the link, KFB. He said that he passed out--I assume he meant after he fell, but I have to wonder if he fell because he passed out. He really did go through hell after that fall. It's heartbreaking.
  23. The news of Chris March's passing makes me deeply sad. I can't say it surprised me, though. The last few times I saw him on TV, I remember thinking I hoped he was getting some medical attention, because he looked so unwell. It didn't seem he was happy or comfortable being where he was, and it looked like a struggle for him to move. I loved his huge talent and his sly humor. I'm not one of those people who believe he's gone to a better place. I wish he were still here with us.
  24. I'm not giving out points for pronouncing Italian foods correctly to people who were born in Italy. In fact, I may deduct points for the way she says "spaghitti."
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