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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. I think it was more than implied. The sister said she couldn't go, so Tina asked someone else. I'm not sure why the someone else didn't go. But also, if Tina was concerned enough not to want to go alone, I don't know why she didn't wait to meet with him till she could have somebody with her. She had at least one brother--seems it would've been smart to ask him. None of which is to blame the victim, but she did know she'd married a very bad guy. If nothing else, this episode reminded me to always get glasses that fit my nose properly. Who wears glasses so tight that they make permanent indents on his nose? I guess he had more pressing things on his mind.
  2. Obnoxiously quoting myself just to pull back on this a little. Right after I posted, I realized it sounds flip, which I didn't intend. I can laugh about my own random experiences in Times Square and other marginal areas in the '70s and beyond because my position then and there was one of relative privilege, and I'm acutely aware that not everyone's was, not even close. My point was that if you know how to take care of yourself, even the neighborhoods that look terrifying to outsiders are usually manageable. But not always. The murder of that college student in upper Manhattan is a horrible example of how wrong things can go, and it's especially close to home for me because that's where I went to school, and I remember all the stupid chances I took at the time. Not everyone who lives in close proximity shares the same experiences. You have to take care of yourself and remember you don't exist in a social vacuum. Your whole post was so enlightening, @MrsWitter, this last point especially. To my knowledge there was never anything like this in NYC, which I guess is the downside of not having an officially acknowledged red-light district. You can keep pretending that something doesn't exist to justify not doing anything to help those affected by it. And then push the whole thing over to the very margins of town, so you can keep not seeing it.
  3. I posted above about how much fun this show was after watching just a single episode. What a difference after watching a few more.
  4. It's a bit of a leap to assume that people who sometimes put their pets in some sort of carrier to safeguard them from the elements or from crowds never let their "feet hit the floor." Is there any evidence Jill actually does that? I don't like purse dogs either, but under certain circumstances a carrier makes sense. Our cat is on the grass 90% of the time when she's outdoors, but there are also things to protect her from, so we do that as needed. It isn't kind to shame people for doing the responsible thing.
  5. Don't worry, I wasn't even a little bit offended. I think back on Times Square in those days and just laugh. One night I was on my way home from recording a song demo in a studio just off Times Square, and I was propositioned by a Hasidic rabbi. Fortunately, the price wasn't right. It was seedy for sure, but you can't hardly pay for memories like that. Also, I think we need to remind ourselves that the women on the show are never alone. They've got camera people, sound people, producers, who knows how many--and most of them are probably young, strong men, so I doubt they're in any real danger. ETA: I meant to say that the fact that all these crew people are with them makes LeeAnne's crap about just going along to protect the other women even more ludicrous. I don't think even she's that delusional, but she had to say something, and that was the best line of BS she could come up with on the fly.
  6. They paid 3k baht, not dollars. I think there was a graphic that said it converted to about $90 (for one or both, I can't remember). So a pretty good deal--even better if they were real leather. I did it every day, and I'm fairly self-respecting. Maybe not so wise for tourists at the time, but if you were a native NYer and you had to get to work, you walked through Times Square without a worry. People who live in a particular city know how to take care of themselves in that city.
  7. To me what's funniest of all is that not a single NYer is even looking at her.
  8. Yeah, a "calm, balanced" person loses her shit because an Uber driver asks her kid not to play ukulele right behind his head, and then she goes after him for 30 bucks with the power of her millions. She's a goddess of tranquillity. Or a total mental case. And she's never had a single original idea. Good luck with the supplements, you hack. See you back on RHoNY in a year or two when nothing pans out--again. What an awful woman.
  9. No, it's not just you. More people on these threads than I can count have said that all three of the men involved in this little fracas are/were assholes. The fact that you might be choosing not to register those remarks doesn't make them go away.
  10. It's also how we ID serial killers. Patterns of behavior are anything but meaningless. If my husband cheats on me and then does it again, and again, that's a behavior pattern I'm going to notice. And punish him for, too. (See above reference to serial killers.) Rhylee would be a foaming rage monster regardless of which gender she was packaged in. And no one should have to turn in her feminist badge for saying so. I've been a feminist since before Rhylee was born, and I know how to recognize an asshole when I see one.
  11. Or just wants to fight for the sake of fighting. Or because that's what they're paying her to do this trip.
  12. That's actually pronoun agreement, not subject/verb agreement.
  13. Oh, no, for sure. I hope nothing I said gave that impression. I think the reason she went along and then voiced her outrage after the fact was to make sure she didn't miss out on any camera time. Very high-minded of her.
  14. More episodes airing this coming Wednesday morning. I don't know if this is set to be a weekly thing, but they're going to run out of episodes pretty fast at this rate. A couple of the ones they're showing this week are the same as they showed last week. A little weird, but maybe they're trying to see if there's still an audience for it. She says hopefully.
  15. I really wonder what LeeAnne's endgame is in all this. Maybe to just keep herself front and center as much as possible, but where does that get her ultimately? If she wants to be an actress and thinks this some kind of prolonged audition, she should probably ratchet up the quality of her fake crying and breast-beating melodrama. Otherwise, I don't quite see how this is going to be a step to something better for her. I know that even if I had the worst, most torturous childhood of anyone ever (and I somehow doubt that she did), I'd get really exhausted presenting myself in that light all the time. It's amazing she doesn't, bless her heart. And on a shallow note, she's starting to look more and more like her friend Tiffany as her face fills with more and more plastic. Step away from the syringe, hon. On a not-shallow note, I hated that sex-show stuff. I've worked on a series of books set in Thailand, and by now I even know the names of the streets in that district, which made it kind of eerie. A lot of the sex workers are sent from the rural areas of the country down to Bangkok to make money to send back to their impoverished families or sold into the industry by their parents to pay off debts. It's a horrible, degrading situation, and Bravo should be ashamed of treating it like a lighthearted evening's entertainment.
  16. I just caught the first episode a few hours ago, so I'm not reading earlier posts in order to avoid getting spoiled. I used to be a maniac gift wrapper, when I had lots of time to waste, so I couldn't not watch this. So far I'm liking it--better than I liked season 1 of Making It (haven't seen the start of season 2 yet). I recognized Eddie Ross from the Martha Stewart days, when it looked as if he was poised to be the next big thing in interior design. I guess that didn't quite work out. I'm prepared not to like him much this time around. I hope this continues to be fun!
  17. Simone claimed to have a year of service on a luxury yacht already under her belt. So the assumption that she had some training was reasonable. Simone said she preferred to do the laundry. So maybe that's why.
  18. Increasingly I don't like Simone. If she's so academically accomplished, why isn't she out in the wider world dazzling with her brilliance, rather than acting petulant and entitled as a belowdecks servant to rich people? Working as a translator would afford her as much travel and a lot more prestige. No doubt. For someone who's such a self-proclaimed stable genius at math, Simone seems to have a lot of trouble telling the difference between two and three. Or understanding how things add up. (Stop me before I math-joke again.)
  19. Definitely. For a brief moment, I thought these were new episodes, but no such luck.
  20. I just noticed on my on-screen guide that there'll be a mini-marathon of this show on Wednesday morning, starting at 10, in case anyone's interested in catching any missed episodes.
  21. But if she did, then she would. Look like her, I mean, no? And she doesn't, by a long shot. When I was watching this, it made me think of the many times that shows or movies make a claim that anyone with five senses (or fewer) can instantly disclaim, and I wonder why they do it. Like, "Oh, he's such a brilliant writer," and then a character reads a snatch of the brilliant writer's prose and it's horrible and embarrassing. If you're going to say that something is true, it needs to be true, or everything flies out the window. Which is what happened for me when Jo claimed that Piper looked exactly like Emily. Stop doing that unless there's some yet-to-be-seen reason for it, which I don't believe there is.
  22. I still have vivid memories of Thanksgiving Live in 2013. Hosted by Ina Garten, Bobby Flay, Giada de Laurentiis, and Alton Brown. It was live (obviously), so no one can blame anything on bad editing. Giada was predictably obnoxious, but the surprise (for me) was how horrible Alton was. Ina and Bobby spent most of the show looking like they wanted SEAL Team 6 to burst in and rescue them. At one point Giada cut herself, and the time she was off the air being tended to was the only tolerable segment. Three hours, or however long it was, of listening to her and Alton scream and carry on were at least three hours too many. Click on the link to see highlights of that awful show. I may not be able to watch this if Alton tries a repeat performance. He's become deeply unlikable.
  23. Yeah. That's what I thought as soon as I hit "submit." Some people really go for the crazy.
  24. I thought so at first, too. But some of those interviews--like the ones with Sherry's father--were from 2012. So maybe that's when he was looking better. Also, wasn't it established that Lazarus brought the ligature material with her to Sherry's house? That makes her intentions seem a lot more deliberate than just spur-of-the-moment. Me, too. So he slept with her after he and Sherry were engaged and then they hooked up again in Hawaii after the murder? Not a great look for the husband. Not sure what the big attraction was on his end. He already knew she was pretty crazy.
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