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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Everything that is horrible godfearing taboo in the books is NBD in the show. Kinslaying? Everyone does that shit. Kingslaying? Everyone does that shit too and only the guys who REALLY hate you bring it up with any frequency, everyone else mostly just ignores it. Violating Guest Right? Everyone does that shit too and not even the guys who hate you bring it up a ton. People just ignore it for years and years. You really only need to fear retribution from the family that you killed (and even then some of them will totally forgive you), and really you probably should've had to fear retribution from them even if you killed them honourably. The sacred and ancient right to trial by battle? Nope, let's get rid of that.
  2. I don't care that we're very likely to be wiped out in the next episode! House Bolton Forever! Our Blades Are Sharp!
  3. True, but if Jon or Dany wins the Iron Throne Joff will likely be remembered as a tyrannical monster who not only plunged the Kingdoms into a war which nearly destroyed them, but delighted in ordering his Kingsguard to savage and beat his betrothed (not even having the wherewithal to do it himself) before ultimately discarding her and forcing her into a loveless marriage with a grotesque imp. I don't see Tyrion's reputation ever recovering because even if he is cleared of wrongdoing in Joff's death (highly unlikely), he did still kill his father. He's clearly just a crazed dog who wants to wipe out all the legitimate heirs to the Lannister name. But Sansa could easily be forgiven (perhaps even celebrated) for ridding the world of such a monster, maybe even more so if she is painted as the mastermind of the scheme. Because then not only did she rid the world of Joff, she very nearly organized Tyrion's downfall too.
  4. Wow Piper is DUMB this season. Doesn't even realize that she's forming a white power group. Did love her Hawaiian muscle slowly backing out of the room. She's done with this.
  5. A Sorrowful Man does come after her, but it's in the guise of a merchant, and he tries to kill her with a live manticore. An assassin also tries to kill her with poisoned wine, but it's not really specified whether this is an assassin from a guild, or just some guy looking to cash in. I don't remember any other assassination attempts on Dany.
  6. When did that happen? I don't remember that. Do you mean the manticore assassination? That wasn't a Faceless Man, it was a warlock (the girl has a blue mouth from Shade of the Evening) In regards to Lyanna, that seems like a lot of baseless speculation. There's no reason to believe she had her face cut off. You're just saying that "It could happen," which is impossible to dispute, I could say half the book characters could be Faceless Men and it'd be impossible to dispute. There's more reason to believe the Faceless Men would have no interest in Lyanna because no known Faceless Men have masqueraded as well known individuals. They choose their identities to blend in and fade away. Masquerading as a high born lady would draw too much unwanted attention.
  7. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    I'm semi neutral (Let's Go Raptors! WE THE NORTH!) I only want the Cavs to win, but only because everyone figured it was a given the Warriors would Warrior themselves to another championship and the best season in the history of the league. I like it when the script gets flipped. The Cavs have clearly found something that works, and the Dubs are struggling. Some of the calls were bad no doubt, Curry probably shouldn't have fouled out, but the Dubs missed 9 free throws and were just tossing up bricks from 3 point land. Before they lived by the three and now they are dying by it. Not the officials fault that Curry and Klay lost their magic, it's just the Dubs 3 point shooting coming back to earth a bit.
  8. Trying to figure out how Jonah could possibly screw this up. The vote the House casts for president is based on State delegation, so each congressman doesn't get a vote, each State does. If the State delegation cannot decide, the State abstains from the vote. In state like New Hampshire, with only 2 Representatives in the House, either of them can deadlock the other by casting their vote for the opposite candidate, and prevent New Hampshire from casting a vote. If the other congressman is committed to getting James into the Presidency, he'd want to deadlock New Hampshire, and would need to counter Jonah's vote for Meyer by voting for O'Brien. This could result in very confusing shenanigans if Jonah were to start changing his vote, because then the other congressman from New Hampshire would have to anticipate the change and vote the other way, for instance if Jonah chose to vote for O'Brien, his colleague would have to vote for Meyer, and if Jonah chose to abstain his colleague would have to abstain. I suppose Jonah could start trying to play mind games with his colleague and end up screwing the vote up, making New Hampshire either abstain during a critical vote, or cast a vote for O'Brien cause he accidentally votes for O'Brien at the same time his colleague thinks he's voting for Meyer. Also, please, please, please, let the other congressman from New Hampshire be "Jon H. Ryan"
  9. Three holy men walk into a bar, a Faceless Man, a Red Priest and the High Septon. They order wine but when the barkeep brings them over each finds a fly in the cup The High Septon charges the barkeep with heresy and his him tried before seven septons. The Faceless man assassinates the barkeep, takes his face and pours himself a flyless cup of wine. The Red Priest resurrects the fly with the light of the Lord and calmly downs the glass.
  10. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    WOW. 41 points each for the King and Kyrie. And the Dubs were no slouches either, Klay was a 3 away from joining them in 40 pointland. I'm glad this went atleast 6, and we had a game like this. Hopefully Game 6 is even closer. Just unbelievable.
  11. He's not the commander of the Riverrun soldiers anymore, Edmure relieved him and then commanded his arrest. I don't think it's a violation of honour to ditch the lot of them. I don't know if going down swinging is a lot more in character for him. He seems much more the "live to fight another day" type. Atleast in the books, he refuses Jaime's invitation to single combat, and in both the books and the show he wants to hide inside Riverrun and let the Lannisters and Freys break themselves on their walls. Not exactly the man who seeks a glorious death in battle, he's trying to hold out as long as possible.
  12. Littlefinger's great-grandfather was born in Braavos and came to be in the service of House Corbray (of Heart's Home), his son was eventually knighted and took the Titan's Head as his sigil, he never had any lands. His son, Littlefinger's father, was the first Lord Baelish who was awarded a small keep on the smallest of the peninsulae known as the Fingers (get it? Littlefinger) and he passed on said keep to his son Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, who discarded the Titan's Head and took for his sigil the Mockingbird, as we know he parlayed his own talents into the Lordship of Harrenhal. They are climbers those Baelishes, each bettering their fathers. Only place for Petyr's son to go is the throne itself. Anyway, Littlefinger is not, nor has ever been a bastard.
  13. She can't be sure that either will side with Sansa though. Either or both could have already turned Sansa away and sided with Ramsay. Sending information to Bear Island or Deepwood Motte could be as good as handing their numbers to Ramsay. She needs to send the raven to a place that she knows is loyal to Sansa and Jon.
  14. I think they do. But it's a choice of "What face would be best for the job?" not "How do I want to look?" Like if they wanted to kill someone who frequented a brothel, a beautiful woman might be a good choice, if they wanted to kill someone who took a public bath every week a man would be a better choice etc. Also sometimes they use one face to case the target and another to do the deed. For instance when Arya is tasked to kill the "The Thin Man" (who she ignores in the show to go kill Ser Meryn Trant), she uses her oyster merchant character "Cat of the Canals" (Lanna in the show) to figure out how to kill him, and then a persona known as "The Ugly Little Girl" to do the deed, because if she were to be seen killing him as "Cat" it would bring down problems on Cat's employer Brusco and his family, but the Ugly Girl is not attached to anyone in Braavos. That wouldn't be an affirmation of self, but critical thinking about how to accomplish their task.
  15. In the books the face changing seems much more streamlined, experienced Faceless Men can seemingly kill someone pretty much on the spot and steal his face, without all the need for face peeling and curing (although perhaps the face is useable but just doesn't last very long if not cured?) It is revealed that before they take a new contract all the Faceless Men convene in the House of Black and White (to make sure the job is going to someone without a conflict of interest), so they'd have ample opportunity to return and check out new faces whenever they finish a job and return to the House of Black and White. However Faceless magic in the books requires a blood sacrifice of the Faceless Man's own blood, so that would limit the amount of face changing he could do.
  16. Yes, it has been years. The showrunners and writers work off the assumption that every season is roughly a Westerosi year. So it's been 3 years since the Red Wedding. How else would you explain all the children aging up? There are usually a lot of holes you can poke if you look for them. But honestly it'd do you better to just ignore them like Littlefinger's brothel warp gates.
  17. Kind of both. She tells them the Lord of Light needs him and also gives them two bags of gold. When Arya asks why they are doing this, Beric says the Lord has need of him, Arya accuses them of doing it just for the gold, and Thoros says it's both. One of the more annoying show changes. The book's brotherhood has a lot more honour then the show's. I doubt they'd ever sell one of their own. But then again the book's brotherhood isn't as dedicated to the Lord of Light as the show's, they are much more about defending the smallfolk.
  18. And yet he has no problem with slapping his uncle in irons and handing him over to the Kingslayer. And I'm not saying he has to choose his child or his uncle, because as we all know in the books he saves both.
  19. Huh. I did not even think of that. That actually makes a lot of sense. I still don't like the explanation they used though that it's "a scheme devised by corrupt rulers to avoid true judgement by the gods" I mean the High Sparrow himself would be the first one to say that men could be bought, even most septons (like the previous high septon.) He should've just said that it was brutish and barbaric, or something like "the gods wouldn't want others to suffer or die, only the ones being judged." I could at least buy that, because everything before this point it's been said that trial by combat is the way to let the gods decide.
  20. Ugh that was frustrating. I hated so much about that episode. Braavos - So Arya saves Lady Crane, and then gets her killed? Fantastic job Arya, you're a champ. And then the Kindly Jaqen says she's finally "no one"? Why? Because she killed some one who was trying to kill her? Even if he knew she was not 'no one' and it was just a bait line a better choice would've been "who are you?" Riverrun - So now I hate Show!Edmure too, thanks for ruining another character D&D. In the books at least Edmure had enough of a spine to free the Blackfish and then taunt Jaime afterwards. I was really looking forward to a "Fish swim. Even the black ones." line. Instead he orders his uncle to be put in chains? Disgusting. Equally annoyed that the Blackfish didn't want to let Edmure in, no way Ser Brynden would do that. What happened to "Family, Duty, Honor"? King's Landing - Ok this was pretty awesome. Finally got to see FrankenGregor in action. But the Faith convinces Tommen to outlaw Trial by Combat? That is so frustratingly maddening. The whole point of Trial by Combat is to leave everything in the hands of the gods. If the gods want the weaker champion to win, they'll manipulate the outcome. They are freaking gods. Brotherhood - Aw, I liked Lem Lemoncloak. But I am happy to see the Lightning Lord alive and well. I would've been happier to see Lady Stoneheart, but Beric Dondarrion is one of my favourite characters in the entire series, and he's just so awesome and the legend of the unkillable man is just so cool. LOVED the Hound's "We all bloody die, except this one here." he's away in the background but I swear Beric even cracks a smile at that. Meereen - I like these bonding sessions with Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm, although their budding friendship seems to have been fractured by his failure to see the Masters attacking them. I'm super annoyed that again Dany seems to be playing the savior, I would have found it much more satisfying if they had come up with a non-Dany solution. They have two Dragons in the pyramid, why not have Tyrion just release them? Sigh. Largely a disappointing episode. I was hoping for so much more after 2 straight weeks of them just moving the pieces around.
  21. Maximum Taco

    NHL Thread

    The Pittsburgh Penguins are Stanley Cup Champions again! Thanks Pens, for winning my bracket for me. You guys rock. I think Kessel should've won the Conn Smythe, but Crosby was a good choice too, Letang also would've been. Congrats Pens, Congrats Pens fans, I was happy to number myself among you for these playoffs. Now that it's over though: Go Leafs! Boo everyone else!
  22. I don't think it's Syrio, but if it is I'll require a video of you eating a hat.
  23. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    I actually think this will be good for the Cavs. The Warriors play their best when they are calm. When they get pissed off they get undisciplined, and Curry's been racking up the fouls in these Finals.
  24. Maximum Taco

    The NBA

    I fully agree with this suspension. He should've been suspended when he kicked Adams in the groin. He got that one for free, and now he has to pay up. Them's the rules. What's I think is excessively harsh is that under NBA rules Draymond can't even be in the building when they play, unless he wants to give up a game check ($140,000 to him) So he either pays 140 grand for a ticket to Game 5, or he potentially misses his own team winning the championship, and not celebrating with them. Or in the worst case scenario he pays 140 grand to watch his team lose.
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