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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Yeah, if the Indians and the Browns win, that's probably a sign of the apocalypse. (Also kidding!)
  2. Well that's the end of that. Obviously disappointed in my Jays, they just didn't have anything left in the bats. Pitchers did their jobs, and we have all those guys next year too. We'll be back if they are even half as good as they were this year. Congrats to Cleveland, man am I getting tired of saying that. Thank God there's no Cleveland hockey team. And that is a perfect segway into the NHL season. Go Leafs.
  3. The accident was referred to as a "critical failure" and it very obviously was referring to a problem with the hosts, not any incident ever. There have been other deaths according to the Delos website where they allow you to book a trip to Westworld. Note the mention of common manslaughter. Guests can kill other guests. It probably doesn't happen a lot, but it happens enough that it is specifically mentioned in the waiver they make all guests sign.
  4. What do we say to the god of death Blue Jays? Not today. One down. Three to go.
  5. That's not how Westworld weapons work. The only weapons that don't work against humans are the firearms. Blades and blunt weapons and fists work on everybody, host and guest alike. There is a "Good Samaritan" reflex in which any host present will try and take a fatal blow a guest would receive. But that isn't a 100% sure thing. If you are right next to a human and stab him/her in the gut the hosts will not have the time to react and take the blow. Or if there are no hosts nearby to take the blow and it's a fight between two guests one could very well die.
  6. The show itself told us differently in the most recent episode. Ford: Why is this host covered? Perhaps you didn't want him to feel cold, or ashamed? You wanted to cover his modesty, is that it? It doesn't get cold, it doesn't feel ashamed. It doesn't feel a solitary thing that we haven't told it to. Understand? If the hosts didn't feel anything he would've said "It doesn't feel anything." but it does. It feels what it's been told to feel.
  7. They don't have free will, that's agreed. I disagree that they don't have feelings though. They very much do, they are simply TOLD what to feel. Dolores is told that she loves her father, loves her mother, loves Teddy. And she acts accordingly, she worries about them, rushes to save them, mourns them. Are these feelings any less real because they are implanted?
  8. They need to change the rule entirely. I'd suggest something like the following. After touching the base the runner is understood to have "possession" of the base if any part of his body remains directly above the base even without physical contact. The runner shall maintain "possession" of the base until such a time as he vacates the space above the base. To reacquire "possession" of the base the runner will then need to physically touch the base again. This way we won't have annoying outs because someone pops up or takes his freaking fingertips off the bag after beating the tag out. But if someone overslides the base he can still be tagged out, and it allows for pick off plays to remain unchanged.
  9. The block C is Cleveland's primary logo. They changed it from Chief Wahoo in 2014, who remains as a secondary logo. I think it's supposed to be a compromise. The people who are offended by Chief Wahoo get to not see it all the time and can still be Cleveland fans and buy Cleveland merch without having to endorse Wahoo directly. The people who like Chief Wahoo still get to have him on some of the caps and shoulder patches and whatnot.
  10. I think he does ban Eskimos, a lot of Canadians object to Edmonton's use of that name, because the Inuit object to being used as mascots. Who are the Sheiks? Are you referring to the Saskatoon Sheiks? They haven't played since 1928, I don't think they get mentioned a ton on the air. Also I'm sure most people understand that people in the 1920's were not as enlightened as they are today. I don't think anyone is offended by the term Senators or Millionaires, however it should be mentioned that the Millionaires are also a defunct team and don't get mentioned a ton unless the Canucks are using their maroon alternates. It's fine that you know people who aren't offended by the term "Indian" but some First Nations/Native Americans are offended, people protest outside Cleveland games.
  11. Blue Jays fans definitely have a higher jerk quotient then the other teams and I say that as a Blue Jays fan of 20+ years. I don't know if it's because they skew younger, or because the Rogers Centre is terrible (I mean TERRIBLE) at alcohol regulation, but it seems like terrible events happen on the regular. I was there several times during the regular season and every SINGLE time a fight either broke out or very nearly broke out, and no one was ever ejected from the stadium. One time another Blue Jays fan almost fought me and my friend, we were on the same freaking team. I think Rogers really needs to invest in smart serve training for the bar staff, obviously drunk people should not be given any alcohol much less 2 full beers. And also better and more security, people who are obviously aggressive or intoxicated need to be kicked out. They'd get kicked out of a bar, they should get kicked out of the stadium. In closing we aren't all jerks. But there really seem to be a lot of jerks.
  12. It might be because William is a newbie. It might be easier for newbies to make a binary choice and not flirt with shades of grey... er brown.
  13. Our home broadcaster Jerry Howarth has actually not said the term "Indians" in 25 years. An aboriginal fan wrote him in 1992 after Toronto defeated Atlanta in the World Series expressing distress at his call of the game. Jerry agreed with the fan and stopped using the names Braves, and Indians, (as well as Redskins, Chiefs and Blackhawks when giving NFL/NHL updates) as well as the terms "Tomahawk Chop" and "Powwow on the mound" http://www.sportsnet.ca/baseball/mlb/blue-jays-broadcaster-jerry-howarth-wont-say-indians-alcs/
  14. They aren't allowed to kill. They clarified that in this episode. William: I thought you said we couldn't get shot. Logan: Eh, we can't get killed. Obviously they can hurt humans (guests and employees) because we've seen them punch and kick and shoot humans (which does hurt, it just isn't fatal.) But they have a core tenet preventing them from killing. I'm guessing that might be what happened to him when he smashed his own face in. He was trying to kill Elsie with that rock but his programming wouldn't allow him to take a potentially fatal action against her, so he instead took it against himself.
  15. Hmm. Maybe Delos has it's own sovereignty? Wouldn't have to pay taxes if it's some kind of country owned by one company. Also this would get around any messy legal implication from deaths inside the park, because they effectively happened on foreign soil.
  16. I don't think so. Pornworld seems like it would sell a lot, but would you really want to pay 100k per week just to have sex as many times as you want with willing participants? I mean even if the spirit is willing the flesh is weak, how many times would you really be doing it per day? Would you really be getting your money's worth? Westworld is attractive because the sex is available, and the violence is available but there's lot of other stuff too. When you go on vacation with your significant other you don't just spend the whole time banging. Otherwise nobody would go to Cuba, or Hawaii for their honeymoon, they'd just rent a hotel room downtown, or they'd just go home and bang. I mean porn is available all the time on the internet. But nobody (at least not anyone who is socially acceptable) watches it all the time. Now if they sold Pornworld in one hour increments for a couple grand per hour? Then sure, that would sell.
  17. The other thing you need to realize is you can't just pay 40k and stay a day. The website says the minimum stay is 7 days and the 40k per day only covers basic park entrance, there's a bunch of other mandatory hidden fees. The shortest and cheapest stay in Westworld actually costs you over 440k dollars. So even if the dollar has inflated to four times today's value, and 40k of their money is only 10k to us, it's still a 110k dollar vacation, per person (not including transport to wherever the park is.) It's not so crazy that only the super rich could afford it, but you'd need to be pretty well off, and probably save a lot to be able to go.
  18. Also interesting is the fact that she only has a forced reset if she gets "menaced" or the ranch is attacked. Does that mean she'll remember you if you are nice to her and have a lovely evening with her and her pa?
  19. The can she drops seems like the branching point. Every single day she drops the can, that has to be a trigger. If Teddy picks the can up for Dolores, they go to the countryside to flirt and hang out, then he returns her home. If there's an attack there Teddy kills the host outlaws, if a guest is part of the attack he may kill Teddy and have his way with Dolores. There's also the possibility that Teddy saves Dolores if the guest is not keen to attack him. If Dolores picks up the can herself, she goes to the countryside alone to paint, then returns home. If there's an attack there she is either raped or killed. I'm unsure if the other hosts would rape her if there was no guest along for the narrative, but it seems from tonight they would. If a guest picks up the can for Dolores, it depends on the guest. If he's a black hat Teddy steps in to rescue her (and possibly dies right there in the street). If he's a white hat with a taste for romance he probably takes Teddy's place in the storyline (countryside flirt, back home to the ranch etc.) If he's a white hat with no taste for romance she goes on her solo painting excursion.
  20. Maybe the island in Greek mythology? The goddess Hera, as punishment for Zeus impregnating the titan Leto, forbade Leto to give birth on the mainland or any island. Delos disobeyed Hera and allowed Leto to give birth to the god Apollo, and the goddess Artemis. Not sure about the significance. Did they think they were creating a race of gods by creating the hosts? Or perhaps there was some controversy surrounded in their creation and they had to create "Delos" in order to give birth to their vision?
  21. She wasn't actually shot. When she rides off there's no blood on her clothes. She somehow knew what was going to happen; either she had lived the scenario before, or something else allowed her to predict what was about to happen, so she fled.
  22. There's probably some kind of weird logic at play that you would only understand from playing the game extensively, or by actually creating the puzzle. I mean if you look at some of the video game quests that actually exist they make no sense at all. I remember a puzzle from Escape From Monkey Island where you have to acquire prosthetic skin, then stretch it over an empty manhole to create a trampoline and then use said trampoline to vault yourself to the second story of a bank in order to rob it. Oh and the only way to acquire the prosthetic skin is to answer a quiz where the solution is found on the bottom of the manhole cover. The manhole cover that you have no reason to remove at this point cause you don't even have the god damn trampoline skin. Video games are just weird.
  23. I think it's clearly meant to be found by someone. It's just not meant for the MIB.
  24. Probably Star Wars or a similar space themed park. There's so much possibility in a world like that, it's also draws from a lot of the same motifs as the Wild West though, mixed a bit with the whole "Glory of War" type shtick, of course war isn't all that glorious, but it's a fantasy right? White Hats - Play a Jedi Knight, travel the stars and guard peace and justice. - Play an ace X-wing pilot for the Rebellion/Resistance. - Play a Rogue Agent, infiltrate Imperial Strongholds and gain intelligence. - Search the stars yourself for Luke Skywalker and the first Jedi temple (this could be a high level, "find the maze" type quest) Black Hats - Play an Inquisitor. Sniff out Jedi survivors in the aftermath of Order 66 and mercilessly slaughter them for the Empire. - Play an Imperial soldier/pilot. Crush resistance and rebellion from the seat of your AT-AT, or Tie Interceptor. - Play a gangster, build your criminal empire and become feared in the Outer Rim. Grey Hats - Play a roguish smuggler. Travel the stars in your own ship, avoiding imperial blockades in search of the highest dollar. - Play a bounty hunter. Track and search for the most dangerous prey. Bring them in, dead or alive.
  25. I don't think so. The host who died may have looked different, but that's the point. We all (or at least a good deal of us) thought Teddy was a guest too, until he suddenly wasn't. You aren't supposed to be able to tell the difference, until they die. I don't pretend to know the mechanics of the special guns/bullets used in Westworld, but it doesn't seem like they even hurt the guests. It doesn't sting or anything, it just doesn't hit the guest. When Teddy fires on the MIB he doesn't flinch, his CLOTHES don't even move. It actually looks like the bullet almost vaporizes on contact (or even just before.) I think it's as simple as guns CANNOT hurt the guests. Now that doesn't mean a guest can't die. I can't see a way for them to stop a knife to the gut, or a rock to the back of the head, or a broken bottle to the jugular. At least not without someone intervening, like the reported "Good Samaritan" reflex the hosts have. But I don't think the guns can hurt them. Now maybe the MIB is smuggling in guns/bullets, but I don't see how he could. The only way in/out of the park seems to be the train (and maybe the maze, but he hasn't found that yet.) and I'm positive they are very adamant you don't bring anything into the park. Anyway, when a guest dies it's going to be a big deal IMO. Not something you look back on from a past episode. It's going to be a "holy shit" moment when it's very evident everything is going pear-shaped.
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