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Everything posted by cali1981

  1. Chloe is going to be in the third installment of the Center Stage movie franchise: http://deadline.com/2015/11/dance-moms-chloe-lukasik-center-stage-dance-camp-lifetime-1201602161/
  2. Maybe Shonda is running a betting contest on which show has the most loathsome set of characters, Scandal or How to Get Away with Murder. The latter has held the title belt since it started but Scandal seems to mounting a serious challenge. Maybe the shows will have a cage match or a Thunderdome (two shows enter, one show leaves). My money is on Scandal. Huck, Quinn or Jake could take out all of those twerps on How to Get Away with a pen and a ball of string.
  3. Agreed. I thought that Kerri and Bellamy were terrific in those scenes, especially when their characters really got down and honest with each other. The two actresses definitely get it done together onscreen.
  4. And to make matters worse, Jill now seems to be the spokesperson for the moms. She was insufferable enough as just a selfish, whining rodeo clown but this? I'd settle for a talking parrot doing all of these "confessionals" instead of Jill. Somewhere out there there must be a village looking for its missing idiot. Good townspeople, look no further than Dance Moms to find her.
  5. Castle has really come back with a bang. Last week's episode was very funny and last night's was pretty interesting. Nick Tarabay (he played Ashur in the Spartacus series) was excellent as the Russian "more than he seems" intelligence agent. I kind of figured that when Sergei was recalled to the motherland, a nice retirement dacha wasn't going to be part of his future and loved the way the Russian diplomat implied that without saying it ("Russian justice is complicated"). The last bit about getting between the sheets in a foreign country was also very cute. The writing has been very good so far and, hopefully, will remain so.
  6. Sarah Steele, who plays Marissa, is a terrific young actress who aces it every time she appears on TGW. Her scenes with Alan Cumming are often the best thing about a given episode. Anyone wonder how Diane can mange to walk with that stick planted so far up her ass? Geez have they turned her into an uptight corporate shyster. It's a shame because Christine Baranski is so much better than the material that she's given.
  7. I may need to watch this one again. At some point, the crazyness level went so high that my eyes and then my brain glazed over. I have to give the show runners/writers credit for giving us, possibly, the most reprehensible group of characters ever assembled on a TV show with no redeeming values whatsoever and not one "hero" and still making it entertaining. That is some trick.
  8. In terms of sheer looks, dance ability and quality of character, Kalani is definitely the pick of the litter (and that includes Princess Maddie also, when you consider the sum total of all the parts). Is it just me or has JoJo been seriously under-featured lately? In the silly blurbs between segments, the kid comes across as very bright and articulate but during the show itself, she seems to be in the background most of the time. Nia and Kalani were terrific last night. Their ages and maturity levels really showed. Nia looks like she's slimmed down a bit and looks great. As for Melissa the weasel's disturbed reaction to Debbie Allen's generous invitation, should we be surprised? Melissa's nose is almost permanently affixed to Abby's rump (and/or the ALDC brand) and anything or anyone who intrudes, even a world renowned teacher like Debbie Allen, represents a threat to the gravy/fame train that she's been on. I really hope that, as the Feds pursue their investigation, Melissa has some 'splainin to do in regard to her financial ties to ALDC.
  9. And so ends the best dancing show on TV. With all the changes last year, the show faltered badly in the young ratings demographic that it was aiming for. If this idea tanks (which it will), the next version will be aimed at the pre-school demographic. It's very sad, especially since the show has launched so many of its alums into professional careers as dancers and/or choreographers.
  10. Kind of an odd story line BUT the ending was just aces! I've always has a thing for Kelly Preston (especially after she starred with Kevin Costner in For Love of the Game). She is still quite the beauty. Seeing her show up as a potential romantic interest for DB was nice and using Steve Perry's brilliant "Foolish Heart" in the background was perfect. It's a number that is always on my playlist and I can listen to it time after time without tiring of it.
  11. The Kalani thing doesn't make a lot of sense but every week my admiration for this young lady as a real person grows. Did you notice how she gave both Maddie and Brynn pep talks before their solos? She does this routinely and has always been willing to play a supporting role for the good of the team. My sense is that she has become sort of a de facto den mother to many of the girls. There may be some questions about Kira, her actions and motives but none about her raising a first class teenager who has all of the makings of a fine young adult.
  12. The whole real/phony Red plot line was bizarre. It's too bad that they killed Jake Webber off. He's a good actor and might have added something to the show in some ongoing capacity. Not sure whether to completely believe Red's story about Red 2 (terminal stomach cancer and asked Red 1 to "euthanize" him). It's getting hard to keep track of Red's various plots, schemes and criminal organization memberships. Based on last night it may be difficult to keep track of the Reds. With Red it's like a version of the saying that while others are playing checkers, he's playing three dimensional chess. The scene with Red and Mr. Kaplan was fascinating. I don't think that there was a romantic involvement back in the day but rather a long term professional and personal relationship between two people who have a fierce loyalty and affection for each other. I hope that, at some point, the show runners flesh their back story out. I did love Red's whispering to the guy that he stabbed that he was indeed an FBI informant. Nice touch!
  13. Loved that one. Mr. Kaplan was either a disco queen in New York City the early 70s or a big fan of the movie Slap Shot..LOL!
  14. Abby's indictments came down on a Wednesday (10/14/15) but her lawyers might call her anytime if they needed to discuss something with her immediately. Still, since the courts are usually closed on the weekend, it's unlikely that anything of great importance would come up on a Saturday so maybe the phone call was staged. If so, it was just typical of Collins low rent tactics for the sake of "drama".
  15. Agreed. Kalani is an excellent dancer and, BTW, a beautiful girl. She should, at the very least, have the opportunities that Maddie does. Go figure.
  16. You may be right about the staged calls but I really hope it's not the case. Whatever you think of Abby, she is in a very precarious legal situation and to have her act out or re-enact a bad news call from her lawyers strikes me as just plain cruel. Of course it would be consistent with the scumbags who run Collins, wouldn't it? There are no limits to bad taste where Jeff Collins and his minions are concerned. Speaking of lawyers, If I'm one of Abby's, I'm cringing at her saying anything about her case on a TV show. Melissa has always been the high priestess of bad parenting but Jill is nipping at her heels. Seriously, Jill appears to have the native intelligence of a bag of cat litter. You rarely see anyone this unbelievably stupid. Melissa may be slimy, devious and ruthless but at lease she has a measurable IQ. I can't believe that down deep Kendell is not being damaged by her experience on this show and her mother's antics. That may burst out when, at the end of the day, she achieves nothing in the way of "stardom" and realizes that she was forced to sacrifice her childhood and teenage years in pursuit of a delusion.
  17. "Full-on fishwife mode". Hah, great line!
  18. Good God, where to even begin. Did it ever occur to Jill, America's Village Idiot, that perhaps Abby has been told by her lawyers not to discuss her indictments with anyone privately, let alone on national television? The stereotyping of Nia has been shameless but at least as leighroda said it's largely involved admirable role models. But Cookie Lyons from Empire? Whoa! Taraji P. Henson is brilliant in the role but her character is hardly someone that a teenager should be emulating and yet Hollie sits on her hands. As far as Kendall goes, I feel sorry for this kid. Her talent is marginal at best but she is being shoved into faux "stardom" by her own horror show version of Mama Rose (and Jill is looking more and more like Ethel Merman in her later years). It's very sad. And last and always least: hey gang, Melissa has discovered that she actually has another daughter. I thought for the longest time that Mac was the result of an immaculate conception but it looks like she did sprout from Melissa after all. One can only laugh at the supreme irony of Melissa now going to the mat for Mac when prior to this she routinely threw her under the bus in favor of Maddie, the perfect snowflake child. Give me a freaking break. I chuckled at Melissa's "I know a lot of things" threat. I wonder if knowing things and being complicit in them are one in the same? Anyone want to take bets on when the federal prosecutors will be having a chat with Melissa?
  19. I hope that there is a season 3.. It could split between continued development at Los Alamos and the preparations at Tinian for the actual bomb drops. A lot of the scientists had second thoughts about nuclear weapons after the bombings and later when the thermonuclear H-bombs came along. Oppenheimer himself had terrible misgivings and expressed them in a TV interview with the famous "now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds". If Frank survives (and he better because John Benjamin Hickey is the soul of the show). it will be interesting to see if the show deals with the opposition to atomic weapons. You have to wonder how far beyond Nagasaki the show will push.
  20. Nice! Given Dar's almost inexplicable behavior and his blinding himself to the most obvious point, that Allison is dirty, your punchline is easily supportable.
  21. Right but now the question is who is she running from? She's got to have a sense that her Russian masters may now see her as excess baggage to be jettisoned.
  22. Yeah, I can see it now. The scene takes place in a large market store somewhere in Russia. Over the PA system we hear "cleanup on aisle six" and then see Allison on the floor with a couple of 9mm holes in her chest. If only...
  23. That's what I thought along with the "you're damaged goods" line. I don't think that Allison double crossed the Russians at all but was doing exactly what she was ordered to do, contact Aziz, get the info on the bomb location and and then mislead German Intelligence and the CIA on that to insure that the attack succeeded. As fanciful as it seemed, the Russian agent's chilling, dispassionate explanation of the motives for allowing the bombing made some sense. ISIS is a principal threat to their client Assad in Syria and they now sense that it may represent a threat to them. Russia is surrounded by republics with large Muslim populations and, after numerous invasions throughout its history, is very paranoid about protecting the homeland (a year of Russian and Soviet history drummed that concept into me). If you accept that premise it makes sense that the Russians would try to marshal international and especially US support to destroy ISIS. What better way than a horrific terrorist act that might rival or exceed the 9/11 attacks? Maybe it's a stretch but there is a shred of plausibility to it. As far as Allison goes, you have to wonder if she's now running from the CIA, the Germans and the Russians. Saul knows that she misled them about the bomb's location so she has no cards left to play. As others have stated, the Russians may want her dead to tie up loose ends and to maintain some degree of deniability. Don't think that the Black Sea dacha is going to work out for our girl.
  24. I tend to agree. Just before Phil crushed Ward's chest, he saw Roalind's face as if to fortify him if he had any doubt. BTW, in Phil's dream when he woke up on the alien planet, Constance Zimmer looked downright gorgeous.
  25. Maks and Peta are engaged. He asked her to marry him backstage at a Sway show. http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/06/entertainment/maksim-chmerkovskiy-peta-murgatroyd-engaged-dwts-feat/index.html
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