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Dewey Decimate

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Everything posted by Dewey Decimate

  1. Lol, I came on here to confess that I have a crush on TL. (Straight female, for the record.) His book "How to Write Movies for Fun and Profit " with Robert Ben Garant is hilarious. That was my favorite episode so far.
  2. My gods, that was the best episode of the season, possibly top 10 of the series. I must have awakened every neighborhood pet by laughing so freaking hard at the final key-toss moment into Larry's face. Conan playing an asshole was perfect, Richard Lewis got in some excellent scenes (the head toss lesson with the eyes felt almost wondefully ad libbed), the "pull the plug" continuity - just superb. And the level of ridiculousness was just short of being stupid - everything seemed like something that could actually happen in Larry David world. (Except for Susie and Jeff eating the cheese - I'm with Larry on that one! They were just HOLDING it for him!)
  3. Nat was awesome, giving total Anthony Marrantino vibes. He drew me in 100% in just a scene or two and added a bit of severely-needed levity. Then they kill him off, naturally, and I'm reminded why I put off watching this show for three weeks. Bleh.
  4. I can't recall which booted comedian said it on an ep weeks ago, but someone said "this show should be 30 minutes." I couldn't agree more. I think Taylor is doing a good job and most of the games are fun, but I have 8 episodes backed up on my dvr right now because when I have a half-hour to watch something entertaining, I just can't squeeze it in. Really want to continue giving it a chance but it's occupying too much t.v. time for not enough concentrated comedy.
  5. That schoolyard pick is awful. If TJ really respects Kyland and Horacio (and he obviously sees what's happening), then switch up the process - throw a little chaos into conquest, or whatever dumb name they're giving this phase. Cutting the last place person is good, but let the winner pick one person to go into elimination, and that person picks their opponent. I mean, I guess the politicking is part of the game, but it's dreadfully boring and disheartening to watch the smug/scared majority pick on the generally more skilled outsiders.
  6. For the love of sweet baby jeebus, please let them try to murder Bergie. I am dying to see smug Dan (and his oft-bobbing Adam's apple) banished. Can't believe we have to wait an entire week! (I just binged season 1 over the last few days and have been completely spoiled.)
  7. Munch's uncaging of the tiger is the kind of scene that makes my heart sing and my fist pump. I'm curious to see how Little Boy Blind is going to figure into the conclusion.
  8. I haven't watched this show since about the very first season, so I had no real feelings about Jay, but I'm getting real sick of him and Michele acting like they're the unspoken bosses. Plus, when he took off his hat, yikes! Now I see why he wears one. The spitting image of sad sack Kip from South Park.
  9. Wow, I never thought I'd fast-forward through parts of a BB finale, but I guess there's a first time for everything! The actual "game play" was so dang boring that the only things that stuck out for me were peripheral. Lots of nice dresses on the ladies. Has Julie had work done this season? Her profile at the end of the ep looked whack. Any episode in which the twisted bizarro-woodland creature formerly known as Frankie Grande appears should have a trigger warning at the start, like they have for strobe light effects. Forewarned is forearmed with the remote. Was Dr. Will cosplaying as Little Lord Fauntleroy? All he needed was some ruffles on his shirt. I cannot believe I had a crush on him two decades ago. See y'all next year!
  10. Not only do we lose Kaleb, but by him and Sifu going it means Bruce is the sole BMOC* remaining, which will delight him and sicken me. * Big Man On Campus or Black Man On Campus (as someone pointed out in last week's ep, Bruce seems especially adversarial towards all the other Black players for some reason)
  11. When John Carpenter walked out to the strains of Stevie Wonder's "Superstition", I was literally clapping and shouting "yes!!" alone in my living room at the reference. Then when Stephen listed all of JC's films, I was squeeing when he ended with his favorite happy place movie as "The Thing"! That may be my #1 (or possible #2 with "Alien" taking the top spot); I had no idea he was also a fan, and love that it's a twisted comfort film for him.
  12. Wow, I think I finally might be rooting for Cirie to win it all. She seems to be the only one not jumping for LET'S GO joy, and it would come with a huge asterisk.
  13. I'm so sick of this "faith of a mustard seed" garbage. Fuck right off with any deity giving a fuck about some second rate reality t.v. show.
  14. Yawn. I guess I shoulda watched The Golden Bachelor instead.
  15. "Terrifying"??? I guess maybe for someone with a cartoon-baby kewpie doll hairdo. Good gravy, I bet she's a fierce opponent in the courtroom.
  16. I got my covid booster earlier this month, getting the flu shot on Friday, but have a cavity to be filled at the dentist tomorrow. Nonetheless, the pain will probably be greater tomorrow night when Jag wins veto at the DE and America or BFJ goes to jury.
  17. I just had an epiphany regarding Julie's sign-off messages: maybe she got secretly married again and her actual last name is Chen-Moonves-Love-One-Another! (Which I for one would find more palatable than that hypocritical Stuart Smalley bullshit.)
  18. Among all the banal fuckery of this all-gloss-no-substance season, why is the thing bothering me the most about this episode the stupid carrying container of chocolate pastries? Anna said she brought them to Siobhan (worst fucking alleged bestie EVER) as a gift, put them on her desk, but then she's obviously carrying the same fancy box out of that appt. Did she have two identical boxes? I thought the bird-brained (and now beheaded) starlet made a big deal about how you can only get one per person? Can't believe how far this show has fallen. Even in my less-favorite seasons there were some weird-funny-wtf moments that were entertaining and memorable; this season offers literally nothing.
  19. What in the everloving fuck was up with those tie-breaker answers?
  20. Did I just see an ad for an audio book memoir by Julie Chen MOONVES called "But First, God"?? Gtf outta here with that shit!
  21. Cory really needs to shave that proto-mustache. The only way it works is if you're Cary Elwes in The Princess Bride. And I grudgingly have to agree with Cameron's skepticism about Cory's unearned hubris.
  22. And I think the last time I genuinely enjoyed it was the original Dr. Will and Mike Boogie (before they became plasticized and criminal, respectively).
  23. Fun, an all-male alliance drinking Coors and pointing finger-phalluses at each other. A refreshing change of pace!
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