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Dewey Decimate

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Everything posted by Dewey Decimate

  1. I only watch BBAD and occasionally browse Jokers, but on last night's ep, Victoria (or as I want to refer to her now, Vicki) was crying to some players about how she feels so physically threatened by Devin (I assume). Later that night, she went up to HoH and emphatically told Devin how she is not at ALL intimidated or weirded out by his size ("my dad is huge, my brother is huge; I live in Miami so I'm used to it"). Misogyny (or at least severe disrespect for women) is a constant backdrop on BB, but this kind of behavior makes me murderous, as it makes me almost see why some of the men often treat the women as they do. On the one hand, it's playing the game, but it's playing it in a way that uses your gender in such a revolting and manipulative way. I only hope the HGs see the truth (shouldn't be too hard to figure out with Victoria's delicate and strategic dabbing at her eyes during the "cry" session to avoid any make-up smearage. Call me old-fashioned, but if you are truly affected by something to the point of tears, mascara should not be priority #1).
  2. Great research, DAngelus! Definitely fits with the person we've seen so far in the game. Along the fact-checker lines, I've heard it thrown about that Devin hasn't actually seen the daughter he's "doing it all for" in over three months. Does anyone have a source on this?
  3. What the blue-dilly fuck is going on with Caleb? Any pre-show racist/___-ist news about him has been totally eclipsed by his straight up insanity. His behavior reminds me of a stand-up routine (Kevin Hart maybe?) about how men always complain about psycho ex-girlfriends, but you don't hear women doing the same. Why? Those women are DEAD. Poor, poor Amber. She seems like such a nice, normal girl (especially for the BB universe); to be saddled with this is shameful. Devin is straight up Iago-ing himself right out the door. Another effing lunatic. I LOVE that so many people seem to be onto his crazy, and am praying that Caleb's obsession makes it to the show. Not because it's what's actually happening (god forbid we see something not twisted to fit a pre-formed girls-are-stupid storyline), but because I'm dying to hear the DRs of Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody, and cop dad. I know there will be some golden nuggets right there. And if Devin wasn't already despicable enough, he seems quite fond of the phrase "I could care less", and also said he doesn't like cheese. Get behind me, Satan!! Does Nicole seem to whine a lot? Or maybe it's the accent I'm not used to. Whether it's about accidentally using a "bad" word, trying to make up with Hayden, a bad pool shot, or her ear... gads. Frankie is playing a brilliant game. Guy has insinuated himself into what seems to be every group without even trying. Zach's drop-it-like-it's-hot dance that seems to be the rage among most of the guys (the ones not sociopathically obsessing over a girl) cracks me up. The HGs in general seem so much chiller, touchy-feely, and more fun than normal. I can't help but think a small part of it is due to them all being non-smokers. I hate how the outdoor couch area always turned into a smokers' den, and the inevitable freakouts/bargaining over no cigs/nicotine patches. It also seems the food consumption is generally a little more healthy than normal. Now if they can just put their freakin' clothes away instead of strewn about every room, I'd be content! And on a shallow note, Cody is pure eye candy. Wouldn't have called it on Day 1, but wow is he adorable. The glasses are killing me! *drool*
  4. I admit to still not fully understanding the details. So are there "teams" aside from TAFY? It's ridiculous. However, in the context of the game and strategery, I don't mind at all. It would be a classic, thrilling moment if someone figures out a way to game the system. Six-fingered plan, baby! (That was one of the best moments of this show.)
  5. Yeah, the explanation seems shitty. So an HoH wants his nominees to lose? Because then he's safe? And then the other (winning?) HoH can possibly go up on the block? But how? Automatically a third, new nominee?? Loved the seemingly chilly reception to Caleb's occupational reveal. (Not that I'm against hunting. For meat, of non-endangered species, and on your own. A real hunter shouldn't need a "guide".) The editing of pretty soccer boy's spectrum of emotions (i.e. testosterone levels) during MILF's intro was hilarious. And damn, I do have to agree with him - there's no way three kids came out of that smokin' bod. Not just because of the recent reveals about Caleb's lovely tweets, but I think he simply looks like a fucking psychopath, dead eyes in the hoodie. The faster he's off my screen the better. Paola immediately sizing him up as an enemy gave her another notch in my book. Fairuza Balk... is that who Joey reminds me of? And Yes! to her winning the first spot on TAFY!
  6. Aww, the cobra peeking out from the back of Julie's head is so cute! Can he become the house pet and be sicced on whoever America chooses?
  7. Donny FTW!!!! He had me at "am I supposed to acknowledge this" while casually noticing the key in the shrub. Those "surprise" key reveals are beyond idiotic. Just pleeease don't be a secret racist, dude. His voice sounds like a white, bearded Ron Funches. Please giggle for us, Donny! Devin finding Joey super cute was a curve ball, and I love it! Paola shocked me with what seems to be a legit girlpower stance, and I unexpectedly dig her, even with the super-confidence. I would love to see her play that himbo like a violin. But boy, El Cuatro had better keep a careful eye on the blonde with the hipster glasses. She will jump that ship at the drop of a hat. Assuming she knows what a hat is. ETA: Thanks so much in advance for the feeders who commentate for those of us who don't subscribe. I love hearing about the real downlow.
  8. The yoga instructor in Amsterdam had to be an actress, right? (And if so, not a very good one. Her attitude towards the third apartment was completely different than the other two.) I actually felt bad for her in the intro when she said she lost her brother, but then laughed out loud when she went into more detail after the first commercial break. I probably should feel like a horrible human being, but my guess is that clip is part of her Emmy reel. I loved the agent's reaction shots. And if those cute cats didn't give the the HHer a well-deserved allergic reaction, I hope they at least farted in her general direction.
  9. Oh gods, yes, hilarious!! Though if there were such a thing as milk wine, I'd imagine it pairs nicely with milk steak.
  10. Holy CGI budget, Batman! Even though I've read the books, I'm going to need to start selectively covering up the opening credits as I used to do with Lost. Seeing or not seeing certain names makes the action too predictable. Though the "Previously"s are also about as subtle as an iron mallet. Cavalry formation north of the Wall was awesome. And Stannis and Davos' synchronized dismount was Big Pimpin'. Someone in the non-book thread described Davos as Stannis' hype man, which couldn't be more perfect. As the Bran-centric bit began, I thought to myself, "as much as I felt for Bran in the books - poor kid's paralyzed within just a chapter or two - I just can't get too into him and his Partridge Family 'do. Though I do like Jojen, and Summer is always a treat." Then the Walkers appear and everything goes to hell. (Shout out to Ray H. - I love seeing how many people thought of that too.) Meera kicked ass, especially pushing her brother out of the way, and the skeleton-obliteration as they tried to enter the cave was friggin' awesome. I was shocked when they casually showed the skeleton getting stabby all over Jojen, but in a way, it made it feel even more realistically battle-like. (In contrast to the stop-the-world-and-melt-with-you moment of Jon and Ygritte last ep.) Was sad that Arya didn't find Hot Pie's bread wolf. I hoped that she'd very practically ransack the panniers on her stolen horse and run across it, though I guess that would have given her more motivation to stay. And I will not believe the Hound is dead until I see a mushy or dismembered corpse. That he essentially fought to the maybe-death for Arya showed what a softie he was. After all, if he only wanted money, why not extort some out of Brienne and get a move on? He was totally digging his badass adoptive parent/mentor role. Surprisingly, I found the Tyrion scenes bland in comparison to the rest. I think the week (or was it two?) off really made the flow suffer. Why did he mosey around the Hand's chamber while escaping? I almost think they should have had some grunting sex sounds within Tyrion's earshot (this is HBO, right?) so he'd have a reason to be curious and poke his head around the corner. Shae's death, don't have much of an opinion either way, but when Tyrion was astride her, I was completely taken out of it by the fact that her legs were not moving AT ALL. Woman's fighting for her life, and there's no kicking?? I understand the difficult logistics of body size, but that was nonsensical. Tywin's last stand (or squat) was also kinda meh. While PD has been killing it for most of the season (I think his facial expressions during Oberyn's story were especially magnificent), here I didn't really feel the menace, disgust, anger, etc. And I cracked up every time Tywin made to stand up, only to sit back down. I mean, in a different "time" period, the attacker would show his or her seriousness by, say, cocking a gun, but Tyrion didn't appear to lower and re-raise the crossbow at any point, so Tywin's self-motivated sit-squat-sit-squat made me feel like he was at a Roman Catholic mass, sans kneeler. And of course the dragons. The animal stuff gets me every time. Why do they have to be in the dark, dammit? And I assumed Dany would chain their legs; couldn't they just back out of the neck irons? Nonetheless, damn cry-worthy, and the CGI with humans and dragons interacting was excellent.
  11. The recent ep with PFT was one of my favorites. It's rare that I don't get the feeling of at least one contestant "trying too hard", but that one hit it. The guy with the ridiculous foot-in-trash-can thing was so idiotic that it came back around the other side and actually worked for me. And the female was legit funny, not tee-heeing over every comment or or adorably requesting points. (I hate that crap, from either gender.) Something about that trio seemed more comfortable, almost mature? and watching Chris Hardwick genuinely lose it was hilarious. Sometimes you can see him politely smile-grimacing at a mediocre comment, but on this week's PFT ep he was practically tearing up.
  12. Of recent eps, "Mac Day" is fantastic. Mac getting excited about oiling up the muscle guys, Country Mac actually DOING an ocular pat-down... too bad it had to end. "The Gang Buys a Boat" is a fave. Dee learning dance moves from the inflatable guy. A horrible glimpse into Dennis Reynolds' heart of darkness. And "how'd you lose your hand?" "Diabetes." "Ohhh..." Random moments: Frank's birth-canal-like emergence from the leather sofa is a train-wreck moment of awesomeness. As is Dee's gagging stand-up routine.
  13. So the nubile young women are totally nekkid while washing up, while the men keep their Hammer pants on for a swim? Gimme a break. For all the horrible "Evil Wins" contained in this episode, why not at least some man-ass-et-cetera to soften the blow? Oh right, that would have spoiled the whole "meat, no potatoes" vs. "potatoes, no meat" vs. "empty plate" storyline. Gods know how riveted I am to that plot.
  14. House Targaryen. Quick (albeit brutal) justice. Beautiful clothing. Impervious to sunburn. Ability to blame occasional moments of craziness on the whole incest-bloodline thing. Adorable dragons. (I cried more when Dany agreed to trade away one of her scaly babies than I did when Ned was offed. Thank the Seven she had a magnificent plan.)
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