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Everything posted by Chasity

  1. I don't think it's true either. I don't remember if it was at the upfront or a con or something, but CL mentioned that she was surprised that she was being brought back for LoT.
  2. Caleb on PLL is a good guy.
  3. Felicity supporting Diggle next season would be great. Their relationship was sorely lacking this season.
  4. Is there something wrong with BR's eye? I'm disappointed we didn't get any TA or SA/EBR pics as well. The closest thing we got to a SA/EBR pic is the one where he has her jacket around his shoulders and is wearing her purse.
  5. I think it's a little soon for them to be engaged, but I'm glad Cece and Schmidt are back together. I really love them. Not so happy that they are going back to Nick/Jess. I wanted them together when the show first started, but the way the writers went about hooking them up completely turned me off of them as a couple and made me stop watching the show for a while. Coach's goodbye was nice.
  6. They both look so miserable in those pics. If Nyssa killed herself, wouldn't Ra's just bring her back via the pit.
  7. Since they seem to be trying to redeem Malcolm, I wonder if he is working with Oliver? Getting the gang out of Starling City could be a way to stop them from getting infected with the virus without tipping Ra's off to the fact that Oliver isn't brainwashed.
  8. Looking forward to the Tatsu/Felicity scene.
  9. Would the fact that she just walked away from the league be considered a betrayal? Isn't that why they went after Sara in 2x05?
  10. Did MG ever say that the wedding was taking place in a courthouse?
  11. The simplest answer is that they probably wiped down everything and then had Roy go back and touch stuff.
  12. I thought it was fine until they had Laurel beat Malcolm. That was just ridiculous.
  13. I'm glad AK isn't the show runner for Arrow. The Ray/Felicity stuff this season would have been way, way worse if he was.
  14. On youtube someone mentioned that the word he is saying in front of Al Ghul is Warith, which google says means The Heir or The Inheritor of All in Arabic. So Oliver is calling himself "Al Saheim, Warith Al Ghul, heir to the demon.
  15. Except for the Ray/Felicity stuff, I really enjoyed this episode.
  16. Why are they making this about saving Thea's soul instead of the fact that Malcolm has a video that shows that Thea killed Sara? Are they even going to mention this video that is the reason that Oliver challenged Ra's and almost died. Maybe Oliver talks to Diggle because he is actually willing to listen to Oliver explain things, whereas lately Felicity isn't giving him a chance to explain himself.
  17. I feel like the only person who actually thinks that season 1 of AoS is better than season 2. I hate all the new characters that were added and the storylines just don't hold my interest. I was really looking forward to the Ward storyline with his brother, but they barely devoted any time to it and then it was over in a blink. The only reason I'm still watching the show is because of Ward and he barely gets anything to do really.
  18. I just scrolled through his tumblr and here are the rejected guesses: Pray for Olicity parenthood priority of life proof of life predator platinum paternity platonic palpitations posthumous proposal post crisis partnership pizza para poliver paralyzed parbat purgatory playing with fire post mortem partners pannic attack punishment penumbra
  19. I would love to see Felicity and Ra's al Ghul interact. I also want another Felicity and Nyssa scene.
  20. I think it's silly that he can't dance as well, but it's something they established back in season 1.
  21. She didn't delete that tweet. It's under her tweets and replies.
  22. I don't get why he didn't die either. I guess the bullets in the gun Brick gave him were blanks or rubber.
  23. I want to watch it live. When it gets to the parts I don't want to see, I'll just hit the mute button on the computer.
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