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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    http://Daily News writer wonders about the lack of statues at Citi Field. Apparently, the Marlins and Rays have those at their parks. For whom? The Statue Of The Theoretical Season Ticket Holder?!? ETA: I have troubles linking stuff on my iPad. Trying this again.
  2. Quick thoughts on the teaser: 1. Motherfucker, why is NBC moving the show to 9? I got a job that requires me to be there a little after 7 a.m., meaning I have to wake up at 4:30. Right now, I watch ANW on the condition that I go to bed after posting my thoughts. Also, I record enough shit on Monday nights as it is, and now I have to block out two hours? And I'm not home long enough to watch it straight. Damn it. 2. This is the closest course to where I live. While I don't know if I could justify a 90-minute trip and a guarantee that I wouldn't be home until the wee morning hours (if not the crack of dawn), I would have liked to have seen Joe Moravsky and Geoff Brittens up close. Especially Geoff's mutant forearms. I wonder if he could have those monsters insured. ETA: Had to be reminded that Paul Hamm will be running. He ran on a few seasons of Sasuke with his twin brother. I think at least one of them got far.
  3. Poor Lance Pekus. First the poor outing on TNW, now the early wipeout. And looks like Mighty Kacy strikes out again. At least she and Brent Steffenson are no longer a couple. That's, like, thirty percent reason to hate her gone. She'll probably pop up in the OKC final because she and Brent are still partners. And damn, AT3 can do more with one leg and a prosthetic that I can with two healthy limbs. Is it too soon to start calling Jon Stewart by the "Ageless Wonder" nickname? Nothing against Sam Sann, who is responsible for a ton of top-flight ninjas, but Jon can still gut out a course. David Campbell and Tremayne Dortch got WWWA treatment. That can't bode well for them in the OKC final. Wasn't Tremayne a TNW captain? "Tre Amigoz," I believe. The guy with seven daughters . . . we're never gonna see him again. Once he figures out how to get enough money to change his name and face, he is out of there. I'd say that if he had sons sprinkled in there. Is that a "666" symbol on the rookie penultimate runner? I never saw The Omen. Any version.
  4. I'm thinking either "Cromartie High School where the teacher is insane" or "Stand and Deliver on crack." I mean, look at the opening credits: I'll post the official Funimation clips when I find them. ETA: Here's the first one:
  5. Is it okay to refer to Karin as "Four-Eyed Hinata"? Or "Budget Boa Hancock"? Chick falling for the sexually ambiguous ninja? That works. Gotta love how Sasuke took out the escapees in the flashback. "Kidney punch! Aaaaaaaaand . . . kidney punch!!" And I have the feeling we're not going to see Naruto on his own show for some time. ETA: I have to share . . . I'm watching American Ninja Warrior, and one contestant had at least one fan waving a "REAL NINJAS WEAR ORANGE" sign. That amused me greatly.
  6. Staten Island Yankees look for a new identity. I think "Baby Bombers" has a nice ring to it, but I think "bomb" would have negative connotations in New York even if 9/11 never happened.
  7. I was averaging out the time subtracted from the prisoners' sentences. How much money do you think it would take for somebody to get as far as Tonpa? Dude must be loaded. I mean, you gotta factor in travel costs, lodging on the way to the tests, missed income from not working . . . and the laxative-laced sodas. Those can't be cheap to make.
  8. Peeled off the first volume of Assassonatina Classroom this morning. Totally would not be surprised if this make Toonami. Premise: Wacky alien blows up most of the moon, threatens to do the same to Earth if students on the lowest rung of school don't kill him inside of a year. Anytime I see Koro Sensai, I keep hearing Lord Death from Soul Eater.
  9. Reality Blurred answers questions about ANW.
  10. Trying . . . .not to . . . compare . . . show . . . to comic. But it's tough. I mean, Jesse's dad as a preacher? Jesse himself abusing his power on Quincannon? And I don't see how Annville can serve Jesse's overall story while intact.
  11. Bumping up because there's going to be a new episode this Thursday. Also wondering who else saw the last episode, a Fiona & Cake take on the "Graybles" stories. Apparently, Ice Queen does Rule 63 fanfic starring Flynn the Human and Jacques the Raccoon.
  12. I was checking the schedule. There's going to be an After Show after "Stand By Me" with two returning BMP alumni:
  13. Brook's off-camera story to Franky will be revisited soon, and it ties into the Straw Hats' history as well. I think Oars will be up and about soon. He's a fiercesome guy, even without the immense size. Nice to see Brook being a badass. I don't think he's in Zoro's league, but he does well with zombies, especially with the salt.
  14. I reread the first TPB, which covers the first twelve issues. We were never going to get John Wayne on the show even if there were no legal ramifications, right? On the bright side, I think Eugene has made the transition well, even if he doesn't look as fucked up as in comics.
  15. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Mets just got swept by the Braves. I think moves need to be made. They got a wild card spot, but they need to catch up with the Nationals.
  16. "This week: The contestants must walk for two days in order to find a dead body before Ace and his goons get there first."
  17. Was there ever a "Good Ole Days" with this show? I'm thinking pre-elimination era, back when it was more of a traveling circus. I theorized that Inferno II was the last peak, with the Good Guys winning while their numbers diminished, but a lot of camera time was spent watching the fucking "Mean Girls" torture Tonya. And then came the Axis of Ass. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we've only had one season without Evan, Johnny and Kenny . . . Battle Of The Seasons. But that was the first edition with Frank and Zach, the former setting gay rights back fifty years anytime he opened his yap. These days, we get some good eggs, but we're stuck with Johnny, the assholes that aspire to be him, and a blur of women that border on Section 8. Also: fuck AYTO. Seriously.
  18. I called the contact guy from the temp agency yesterday. He doesn't "get" why I would have a problem with coming in early. He figures I could go to bed at 8:30 p.m., which . .. no. He's going to talk with my supervisor. If nothing changes, I might just quit. I used to work a 7-3 job, but I didn't have to ride a train to get to the workplace. Am I being a dick about this?
  19. This week: With Tonpa fucking up their chances, it up to the actual heroes to even the odds. First, Gon engages in a battle of wits with an arsonist.Unfortunately for the arsonist, Gon's simple-mindedness doesn't mean he's a moron. "My candle is burning faster? Okay . . . I'll just blow yours out, because there's nothing in the rules against it!" Then a musclehead tries to intimidate Kurapika. The guy has the mark of the guys who killed Kurapika's family. That is as intelligent a move as a guy with an ice gun deciding to challenge Batman under the name "Joe Chill." Prediction: Leorio will mess up against the lady prisoner, and Killua utterly destroys the final opponent. Then we find out why the Heroes' scoreboard is stuck on "1" after Kurapika's win. Wait . . . so the bad guys get a year off their sentences for every hour that passes? That isn't a good incentive. If they run out the clock, that's a little over 14 years per prisoner . . . and these are guys (and girl) who are serving the equivalent of multiple life sentences. From what I gathered, there are a lot of privileges to being a Hunter. I think some get a license to kill, which Kurapika wants. And if Leorio is correct, there's money, cars and high-shelf booze.
  20. "Judgement Day" was used last season. And you might wish to take reminisce about prior editions on the Past Seasons thread.
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    David Wright is going to need surgery. Right now, the Mets are taking it out on the Pirates. Bartolo Colon hit one to the wall for a double, advanced to third on a bloop hit, and scored on a sac fly. ETA: I got the SNY trivia question right. That never happens! They asked which three Mets played the most games at third base. One of the announcers (Keith? Ron?) was thinking Hubie Brooks, but I zeroes in on David Wright, Howard Johnson and Wayne Garrett.
  22. *sigh* I'm planning on hitting the bed around 10, so I can wake up at 4:30. Originally, I was getting up around 5:20 and getting the Grand Central after 8. Then my supervisor drops a change on my lap where I have to arrive at 7:18. I tried doing that today, but I missed my first train, and my supervisor had to improvise a schedule for me. If I'm in a bad mood tomorrow, I'm going to ask for a better time. I'm okay with coming in at 7:45. Anything earlier, and I'll feel like crap. Also, I wind up having to watch stuff on DVR so that I can record what I'm missing by going to bed early. On the bright side, I can get online via iPad a few times during the day, but it's been spotty on the ferry ride to and from the city. So annoying. Sorry for the bitching. I want to make it to mid-September, but I can only get up so early in the morning. I wound up leaving around the time the newspaper guy dropped off his product.
  23. Calmer episode, even with Devin and Camila's respective drama. Devin needs to be kicked hard. And often. Camila is in dire need of a straitjacket. I'm hoping she talked to her family before the Challenge about potential tragedy. Wouldn't be surprised if BMP slid her money under the table to stay, so that we would be spared another non-Jungle elimination. "Vinny Pineapple" shows why Wes is not that cool. He just overthinks things, including the derogatory nickname for Vince. I go with "Wince" because it's got the same number of letters. Interesting mission. Also nice that an AYTO team threw in two other AYTO pairs into the Jungle. That's good because I don't give two shits about that show, and I don't want any of those kids near the finale. It would be more fun if they sent in Chanel and Steelo to the Challenge. ETA: For the record, "Plantains" is something Johnny and/or Wince would come up with. Just my opinion.
  24. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Once again, there's a topic for minor league baseball. Damn, the Mets woke the heck up tonight. Here's hoping it's not temporary.
  25. Are Sarah and Susie still podcasting? I'd like to know how many of Sarah's loved ones were being held at gunpoint when she apologized to Johnny.
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