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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Any word as to when the rest of Supremacy of the Cybermen will be released? Is Titan waiting to put out the remaining one-page vignettes?
  2. I'm trying to get amped for the Deathstroke relaunch. Here are interview pieces from CBR and Comics Alliance. At his peak, Priest was a writing ass-kicker. Here's hoping he still have some gas in the tank.
  3. So . . . where does Johnny rank in the Pantheon Of Scumbag Reality Show Characters? I'd rate him high on the list, but I confess that I see less and less reality TV these days, so a lot of bullshit probably goes unnoticed by me. But he's as bad as Jon Dalton from Survivor. You have to give me that. Jon had his moment of getting his ass beat by a Boy Scout leader, Johnny had CT backpacking him like a boss. It would be so much easier if BMP just gave Johnny a cardboard check at the start of every Challenge. It would save so much on production and booze.
  4. Had to go to bed early. Saw the finale on DVR. Got about five minutes into the Reunion, and I turned it off after Sarah stormed off. If I had a brain in my head, I'd delete the remaining 55 minutes. But I won't. I will watch the rest of it, because I hate myself. Sarah went into the final mission in a no-win situation. If she got more points and kept the money, she'd be fucking over Johnny, and we can't have that. If she split it (which still counts as a heavy payout), people like me get to lambast her for being a doormat. Meanwhile, I am convinced that when Johnny comes back . . . and if y'all don't think he's coming back, I got a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell ya . . . he will not be vilified for his choice. Even if you strip him of his idiot cousin and whatever other Banana-suckers that plague this show, it's still a guys' paradise. I'm convinced most of the money will go to Hannah Teter, who will claim that Johnny is his boyfriend for the next few years. Seriously, I doubt they're in an actual relationship. And if they are, he probably calls out his own name during climax. Or Leroy's. Or Kenny's. I feel that a BMP flunky sidled up to him before the teams met TJ for the last time, told him he and Sarah won, then offered him an extra $25,000 to throw her under the bus. Three hundred thousand is a nice round number, isn't it? Johnny broke Sarah. Even if she did come back to the stage, she is broken. And unlike a lot of the females on this show, she wasn't that fucked up to begin with. Wanna know the difference between what she did and what you did, Johnny? You and Nany had a chance to win and advance to the BOTE2 finale. You didn't. You failed, and you'd rather blame Sarah for that than yourself. Fuck you. Fuck you so hard. I really hope he gets his ass beat down someday, and that we can watch it happen. CT, Jenna, Nany, Wes, Budget Wes, Sarah, Sarah's husband, Svetlana . . . fuck, even if Vince blindsides him with a steel chair, I'd give him props and apologize for referring to him as "Wince" and "idiot cousin." Worst season ever? I think that's still The Ruins, even before we heard about what happened to Tonya. But this has to be the worst finale ever. I'll have more when I feel less nauseous. And seriously, Devin is not the voice of reason just because he hates Johnny so much. Basically, he's Ted Cruz at the RNC. "Yes, we know Johnny is a scumbag. What else ya got for us, Dev? To Serve Man is a cookbook? Soylent Green is made of people?" And Sarah chiding the audience applauding Johnny's choice . . . thank you! A Survivor reunion crowd would have thrown shit at him for being that big of a fuck. ETA: If it turns out BMP gave Johnny the deciding two points, I would not be surprised. As much as I want Johnny rolled down a staircase, Jon Murray and his buddies shouldn't be far behind him.
  5. Old-school Sasuke to air on Esquire. If you missed out on the show when it was on G4, this is a great place to start. We can start comparing American elites to Makoto Nagano in his prime.
  6. Idle notion: Each player has to pony up $5,000 in order to compete. They get the money back, either when eliminated or at the end of the season. If you quit, you lose the money. Fights would be a bit of nebulous area . . . do you punish the instigator? The one throwing the first punch? Would part of the deposit be forfeited?
  7. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    And karate! Daniel LaRusso can come out of retirement! As for baseball . . . how about making it like soccer, where it's under-23, with a few slots available for all ages.
  8. And Elka popped up on The Gauntlet. Like I said, Sean falls into a bit of a grey area because I'm not sure if Road Rules: All-Stars counts in comparison to the "modern" show.
  9. He's probably sick of people shouting, "Hey! Dummy Bear!!" He does deserve credit for coining the phrase "Johnny Bananas Backpack," so he's got that going for him.
  10. I figure that I'll still be working, and I'd only be able to swing the Sunday screening. But it would be nice to see the face behind a screen name even if the movie isn't involved.
  11. From CBR: JLAction to feature 152 characters. And one boy tries to catch them all. Just kidding.
  12. Then there's the episode where Granny "dies" and Dan Halen establishes a museum based on her diaries while romancing a Confederate general. The fast-forwarded narration and the exhibits . . . good times. Good, traumatizing times.
  13. Is anybody from this neck of the woods in the NYC area? Sarah Greyson (aka "The Good Sarah") is in a movie, and it just got funded. It's going to run at FringeNYC later this month. Anybody want to get together?
  14. The show does music well, even beyond the guest artists doing the theme song. Check out the half-hour long special where Dougal County fights terrorists. Also, the two-parter where Rusty gets adopted by his uncle. ETA: Another great ep? "Rebel Without A Claus." Santa takes so much abuse from Early. And those poor reindeer . . .
  15. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Keep hearing about how the Mets outfielders would be playing out of position, since more of them work the corners. My reaction: Wait a week. Odds are, somebody will get injured, and a status quo will be restored.
  16. The dimwitted sheriff: such a timeless trope. Ever see the one from Mr. Pickles? That guy is a putz as well. And damn, never thought I'd see a comic that makes Cliff Claven look good. Liked the Cuylers relegated to "captive audience." Also, I think Sheriff works better as one of many clones Dan Halen constantly grows. How else do you explain Denny?
  17. Honest Trailers takes on Zach Snyder's first DC Comics adaptation, Watchmen. Got a kick out of the "same name" bit. You can probably find information as to how and why Bruce and Clark's mothers were named the way they were, and you still roll your eyes at BvS.
  18. Theory: Sarah puts on a happy face while assholes perpetuate bad stuff around her, and she doesn't speak up until it's far too late. Sarah is the anti-Coral.
  19. I still don't like Devin. I compare him to Wes because you can totally see him wearing a t-shirt that says "Win Or Lose, I'm Better Than You."
  20. In case you didn't hear about it, the newly-rebranded MTV Classic will have a RW1 marathon on Sunday afternoon.
  21. Man, that is deflating. "I see you, intern! Wipe that wall good!!"
  22. Wait, hold up. Motherfucker is 35?!? Just when I think my mind can't be blown anymore by these assholes, I learn something new.
  23. Is "Lachey" an official term? Nice to see so many familiar faces, only to see them fall off the leader board. Did Brent make the cut? I know Tremayne and David "Godfather" Campbell didn't. On the bright side, Jon Stewart performed unbearably well, even though the hosts kept harping on his age. "Oh my gawd! You're 54! How do you not shove a shotgun in your mouth each morning?!?" Grant Clinton for the win. Second-fastest time six months after a stroke? Jeez. ETA: How many wild cards are offered this season? I'm thinking that once you give a few to women who impressed on the qualifiers, there should be some left for long-time vets.
  24. I thought MTV Classic was a one-day thing. Now I gotta check the weekends for marathons. I typed up most of this at work today. Once again, I reused a lot of material from this neck of the woods.
  25. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    "We got Jay Bruce!" "Yaaaaaay!!" "And we're bringing back Jon Niese!!" "(crickets chirp)"
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