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Toaster Strudel

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Everything posted by Toaster Strudel

  1. We were laughing here at the Toaster household, we were all pretty sure that we could have sculpted a rectangular nose better than the ejected facetestant did. Two days... we could have sculpted a 100 rectangular noses in that time, at least! And painted grey, too, LOL. His voice-over when he left was about what an enriching experience F/O was for him... really? All that equipment, wigs, materials, makeup... ONE rectangle! If I am generous I'll count the chin as a bonus trapezoid.
  2. I come here only for the latest JO antics! Meri herself is a crushing bore.
  3. These degenerates had some hideous piercings on to match their personalities. Let's hope that Goonies never has a sequel.
  4. Sorry I have to laugh at someone presumably slim getting so worked out over a two-hour canyon hike, maybe "Sam" needs to see a cardiologist, LOL. Or JO lose some of her considerable, knee-crushing girth.
  5. Well there was once a decent health care provider who was litigating against another healthcare provider that was a brutal, violent, illiterate beast... I think they worked with patients with serious disabilities... one found the other to be abusive and complained the the brutal, violent, illiterate health care supervisor that did nothing... you guys remember that one? I think both litigants were black if that can job your memories.
  6. He just cut off the direct tv so they tried to withdraw $400 a penalty from her bank account. I'd be surprised if it went through.
  7. This parody profile is a hoot: https://www.facebook.com/hammajbeli2/
  8. The money she spent bringing a man over was a literal financial investment. He pretended he was eager to work and support her and her three daughters. Instead he was a sour-faced mooch. She gambled and lost.
  9. The day the dream of them having their own show died... though I hope Sharp Entertainment is filming in Sandusky right now.
  10. Those pictures didn't look like someone keyed or 'rocked' her car. It looked like an assortment of accidental scratches. I must be wrong.
  11. I too wonder why the feed was not re-imbursed. Is $250 a month for a cow unreasonable?
  12. Maybe not looking for a husband per se... but probably looking for a hook up!
  13. I know! I know! Has El Nino brought up ratings sweeps deep into December?
  14. Maybe 4-star cuisine, a dozen roses AND a piano concerto would have done the trick! Go broke or go home!
  15. Why, Omaha is just like Prague, only with more drive-by shootings!
  16. When Mark says "protect and shelter" he really means jealously spy on her every move, not allow her to use the internet unsupervised, and isolate her socially.
  17. Mark explains why he bought Nikki a Miata: "I love that car, I always wanted a convertible" - why, how generous and selfless of you.
  18. I wish that commercial was on youtube or the TLC website!
  19. Has anyone seen the ads for today's finale? Mark brings up no-children on his wedding day? What a Prince!
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