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Everything posted by deSchenke

  1. Shanae is going to look like a cougar compared to the twins, who look and act like they are twelve!
  2. I think production was mad at Salley for bailing on Clayton's season, then bailing again on BIP when she initially changed her mind for "work reasons". So they filled her suitcase with items to embarrass her and coaxed the other girls to rummage through it. They also had Wells recite a very embellished story about her. Girl didn't have a chance.
  3. 1) I thought the Neil Lane ring was very "simple" compared to previous seasons. Wondered what is going on there, budget cuts? 2) I could have sworn that Rachel said she did everything Tino asked her to do, she "went to therapy". So I wondered if she went to therapy because Tino asked her to go to therapy, or were the two comments completely disconnected and/or editing or timing was to blame. 3) Rachel specifically asked Tino, "Why did you do what you did?" and then complained that he didn't apologize. Did she want an explanation or an apology - which by the way, he did several times in exact words. But Rachel kept harping on the lack of apology. 4) If you only watched this episode, there were references to "cheating" or "doing what you did". From what Reality Steve said, and Tino's rather edited accounting, he only kissed the girl and that was because he thought it was over with Rachel. But TPTB would have you think Tino slept with another woman. 5) You really have to wonder what was the topic that was not to be discussed on camera?
  4. I wonder if her family has a plane and she got her pilot's license to fly it. The Bachelor claimed she was a "pilot"? Does she actually make a living flying the Cessna?
  5. There are many beautiful cenotes near Riviera Maya. It is very strange that they chose this murky one. Usually they are crystal clear. You aren't allowed to wear sunscreen, deodorant, or anything that would sully the water when going into them.
  6. You mean Jacob? I thought there is a Jason still in the final 3.
  7. I think it is Sayulita Nayarit, the same place BiP is filmed.
  8. Oh, it has gotten worse than it was in previous seasons. Until recently, the final 3 were put up in their own suites and had no contact with one another. You didn't know if you had the first FF or the third one. Now, they room together and 2 of them wait while the "chosen one" leaves for her overnight date. Then returns with bedhead as the other 2 greet her. Then it's number 2's turn, then number 3. It's usually number 3 that cracks. It's horrible and gross. I wish they would go back to the old way.
  9. If you date someone seriously for a year and a half, certainly you have been to their home. Would there not be toys and other young child items there? Or was Nate a non-custodial parent? Which kind of contradicts Gabby's assertion that Nate is such a good parent.
  10. Looks like they are at a booth at a restaurant. Rachel is seated on the top of the booth, while Gabby is standing next to it.
  11. Gabby should not wear heels when positioned next to Rachel. I also wonder why they didn't switch sides when the bachelors came to meet them. It is habitual to start from left to right, so Gabby got the advantage of being greeted first. They should have switched positions between each man or half-way through. Rachel seemed the lowly sidekick the way they had it set up.
  12. Well, she's covering her nose in one shot and has huge sunglasses in another. So who knows (or nose)!
  13. They are trying way too hard to remain relevant. No one cares. Live your life. Go away.
  14. Thank you for posting that. My son has an underbite, not quite as pronounced as Clayton's. We did orthodonture to correct it the best we could. It's still noticeable. But we discussed the surgical option and the time and pain of the entire ordeal wasn't something he wanted to deal with. He's an adult now, with plenty of disposable income, and he's still has not opted to fix it. It is what it is (apologies to those who hate that phrase). But when we criticize women about natural aging, weight gain, or a flaw in their appearance, and then get shamed for doing so - isn't this the same thing? I'm accepting of having too much filler or botox and the calls for "What did she do to her face?" kinds of criticism - when it is followed up with "she looked so fresh/beautiful/natural before".
  15. Wow, they certainly didn't have their facts straight! During the show's filming, Kurt was 32 and Steven 27 or 28.
  16. Clayton somehow forgot that his proclamations of love and going to bed with all three (yes, only two, but his intentions were for all 3) women would be filmed. Did he really expect his F1 to be okay with that when the show aired? In my opinion, there's an unwritten rule that if you are really seeking love, you bed with your final pick or you bed with no one. I guess being cut off from your friends and family with only production to talk to really skews your morals. And the L-word should not be used until the FRC.
  17. I only started watching this show from Brad 1.0. So didn't know that about Andy. I skipped Jake's season, only watched the blowup special.
  18. I liked this show better when they had the women (or men) separated during the Fantasy Suites. They showed a daytime activity and a reveal of the FS date card and a "tour" of the FS. Then they exited the door and what happened next was left to your imagination. It also didn't appear to reveal what order the women (or men) were summoned to the FS date. Nor did the remaining participants seem to have any knowledge of what happened or when. Those were the days.... It also was during Ben H's season that he stated he loved someone - more than one, before the proposal. I remember JoJo at the falls saying, "What? Are you allowed to say that?" - not knowing he said that to whats-her-face (who he proposed to and they ended up breaking up - Lauren?) Ever since then, it seems that the lead proclaims their love to more than one person. I am quite sure that it is due to producer prodding. "Oh, you have to tell her you love her, or you'll lose her!" - when they don't know themselves who they have the most connection with. I applaud Suzie for leaving. Clayton's turning the situation around to the fault being on her for his sleeping with multiple women when he "loved her most" was a stupid a desperate argument. You don't need that for a lifelong partner. I think Clayton really didn't know how he was being led on by the women (Cassidy, Shanae, Sarah) or production. But it was on him - HIM! - to figure out that stating an "ILY" or sleeping with more than one would come back to bite him. I can't imagine how they will fill another 4 hours of this season with 2 episodes next week.
  19. This is the discussion of the Women Tell All episode. There were three women left after hometowns and the Fantasy Suite episode had not aired yet.
  20. Okay, this flash came into my head. There was a preview of Clayton confessing to Susie that he "loves her" and she looked a bit terrified. What if she stated she really was hoping that she would get the Bachelorette gig? It would kind of explain his "this ruins everything! I'm done!" IDK, he looked rather defeated when confessing to the remaining two, that he slept with both of them. Random thought, I'm probably wrong. We'll see tomorrow night or next week.
  21. And why in the world did he have one card that read, "Dad"? Like she wouldn't recognize her own father?!? Clearly the producers wanted that card in the mix so we, the audience, would know who he was. It was damn obvious without the card, but they must think the viewers are dim.
  22. I really did roll my eyes when they left that boutique with 20 different colored shopping bags! Shops carry bags for their customers. Some may carry plain bags. Some shops send them out with bags with their logo. But they are ALL THE SAME BAGS! But a shop sending out a customer with different color and different print bags would only exist in The Bachelor. In other words, producer shenanigans.
  23. Bolding mine. Talking about sex/lack of it, or desire/lack of it, wasn't on the forefront of Deepti's conversations. OTOH, seemed like in every conversation Shake had, he would talk about how he wasn't attracted to Deepti. He clearly talked about it to Shayne. He stated 3 or 4 times she felt like an Aunt to him, or reminded him of his Aunt. Maybe it was editing, but seemed like that was all he talked about.
  24. That's a really good observation. Shake told everyone he wasn't physically attracted to her. She may not have been physically attracted to him either, but had the courtesy of keeping that to herself. It wasn't like she was complaining to her friends or to the producers about how sexually frustrated she was, or wondering why Shake didn't put the moves on her. They apparently weren't sexual and she seemed fine about it.
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