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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. I can do without the Euros (no, I will NOT be watching that show, thank you very much, Andy Cohen), but I still find this show utterly hilarious. Julie's dogs are the best props.
  2. I think it's called being normal. Normal people hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
  3. The song is named Deep Purple. How do I know this, you ask? My father, a dentist, had an office in our home and, as a result, I ended up growing up on a steady diet of muzak. I could beat anyone in Name That Tune. Here are the lyrics; not sure there are hidden meanings but enjoy: When the deep purple falls Over sleepy garden walls And the stars begin to flicker in the sky Through the mist of a memory You wander back to me Breathing my name with a sigh In the still of the night Once again I'll hold you tight Though you're gone your love lives on When moonlight beams And as long as my heart will beat Lover, we'll always meet Here in my deep purple dreams And as long as my heart will beat Lover, we'll always meet Here in my deep purple dreams Then the song transitions into Blue Velvet (by Bobby Vinton). Looks like there is a color theme to the music. The house is beyond horrendous. Wonder what color that would translate into?
  4. I think of shock as a reaction and denial as an action. Also, denial is a defense mechanism, albeit a very unsophisticated one. Not sure if that clears things up or makes things more complicated.
  5. I know. I could barely follow the conversation because I was so damned distracted by the bolted on breasts. They have a not-so-happy life of their own, I fear. Bad plastic surgery and that dress just compounded the problem. That get-up did her no favors. Wrt losing your license to practice law, apparently it is different in NJ than in other states. Here, if you are disbarred, unless it is for something really egregious, you can re-apply to get your license back if you've been squeaky clean for five(?) years and you can prove it. I happen to know someone who was disbarred but never reapplied because he decided that no, he wasn't disbarred, he quit! Yeah, that's the ticket. And he didn't want to be a lawyer anyway. So there.
  6. I'll take a leap of faith and say that Teresa will declare that she knew nothing about not being able to sign contracts, that her lawyers never mentioned it, that she just signed whatever was put in front of her and that Joe has started drinking too much. Since it's worked so well in the past.......
  7. Giselle, I love this. It fits the reality famewhore loser mentality to a T. Slade and What's Her Face come to mind. Why can't these people just go away? Teresa will definitely be peddling some kind of crap entertainment/ghost written memoir when she is released, whether it be Breaking Stoopid or Naked and Afraid (of Being Forgotten).
  8. Not sure I would feel too comfortable having an attack dog around kids and family, but then again, I own a really good dog who is the perfect match for me (i.e., she's very low maintenance) but she might not be someone else's cup of tea. If that couple could come and train her not to beg while I'm eating, that's something I might be interested in. For a reasonable price, of course.
  9. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is one of my fascinations and I feel like I can spot it a mile away. People with NPD (and most other personality disorders) are the folks who make you seek psychological counseling because they drive you crazy but they don't think anything is wrong with them, so they rarely get help. That being said, I just don't get the NPD vibe from Teresa. I think she does a lot of magical thinking and the "I can't hear you" thing that little kids do because she is a simpleton. She is shrewd and she is manipulative but she isn't sophisticated enough, in my opinion, to be a true NPD. Teresa doesn't fit the mold. Mostly, she doesn't set off the alarms and whistles or that gut feeling that NPDs elicit from me. Very unscientific, I know. Everyone's mileage may vary. All of the housewives and their families should pray that the show ends or get up enough nerve to walk away because very few of these folks end up in a good light. The money really isn't worth ruining your life over.
  10. The only reason you don't take the bar right out of law school is because you are either too stupid or dead. If you want to take the bar in another state, that's a different story because you have to be knowledgeable with regard to that state's particular rules and laws; every state has its own unique set. Teresa may be very good at some things (funny, I can't think of a single one but there's got to be something!*) but lying isn't one of them. She just says whatever her handlers/advisors/friends/lawyers/life coaches tell her to say. Juicy would respond to a question about being deported, but someone told Teresa to shut it down before he says anything so he doesn't make it a foregone conclusion. She keeps saying that she didn't know that taking the plea deal meant she would go to jail because she needs to keep looking like a victim (good for future sales or marketability?). She was given a very general playbook (because she isn't smart enough to understand nuances) and she runs with it. Only an idiot would believe that she didn't know what was happening legally. *Got one: spending money she doesn't have
  11. The judge absolutely asks you if you understand, even in a divorce proceeding when s/he is ready to sign the final papers. I speak from experience. And I might have written it before (I know I have certainly thought it before!), Ambuh needs to shut the hell up about her cancer. I miraculously survived three different cancers in four years (and I am speaking about big time chemotherapy and radiation type cancers, like cervical, lymphoma and leukemia, not suspicious looking skin cells that were frozen or cut out.....as a matter of fact, it has been almost exactly three years since my successful bone marrow transplant! Go me!). I do not want to be defined by them. Yes, she should be happy and relieved that she has lived to tell about it, but so have thousands of other people. She isn't that special. There, I said it.
  12. Too late tonight, but I'll be spending time there tomorrow since I am an expert in all things NPD. I was married to one for a long, long time and can spot NPD a mile away. I think Joe Guidice might have rolled his eyes even more than I did, and mine were on full tilt tonight. Meanwhile, Wee Jim appeared to have brought an entire filing cabinet to the reunion in an attempt to frame Bobby. So what if Bobby put himself in a position to get on the show? How is that any different really than any of those other winners, like Melissa, perhaps? And, let's face it--it's not exactly "reality" tv anyway and after the first season, nothing happened organically. ETA--One of my favorite parts tonight was when Melissa was advising Wee Jim to stop broadcasting his (definitely phony) income but he wouldn't shut up because he needed to win the pissing/penis measuring contest.
  13. the video is really all about Teresa, just another vehicle for her to feel better about herself. Now when someone criticizes her parenting, she can point to this and say that she loveloveloves her beautiful daughter soooooo much, she spent $10K for her to make a video. I read in the Daily Mail U.K. that Teresa said it was something "positive" and "happy" to focus on instead of the shit storm that they created for themselves. If that's the case, I can think of a million other/cheaper things that they could have done to get that same result.
  14. No worries, nc socialworker. My take on Milania is that she sits in the back of the classroom and makes nasty comments about the other kids, but doesn't get called on it because the teacher is afraid of her. And all the other kids are probably afraid of her too. Milania will be voted "Most Likely to Become a Mafia Boss" when she graduates elementary school. Btw, I've watched only two episodes of The People's Couch and it has become my new favorite show/guilty pleasure. Definitely worth tuning in, folks. Just giving you all a head's up.
  15. Julie putting those two dogs' heads together to mimic the last "show" (Monsters Behind the Iron Curtain?) was genius and hilarious.
  16. This was my second episode and, just like the first one I watched, it made me roar with laughter. I live alone and watch tv alone so this show validates all my thought bubbles. And I simply love the idea of watching people watching television....it's so meta! The Zenos always have the best snacks.
  17. Just saw my first episode and it has instantly become my new favorite show. I was laughing my ass off. And I definitely have to get one of those neck pillows like the boys in the bed watching with their parents use. I want to move in with the Zenos.
  18. I'm hoping this pisses off Judge Salas even more. But that's just because I'm so mean-spirited.
  19. Dear Jac, I'm just not that into you. Sincerely, Tre
  20. That Kober lady looked like Tara Reid's lost identical twin. Even down to the wrinkled knees. Not a good look.
  21. I'm still watching but it is becoming difficult to stay focused. I keep seeing clowns and ice cream cones and pumpkins while I'm watching because it is so stupid and over the top. Elsbeth goes from legal savant to idiot because she sees a magazine cover and the AUSA. Kalinda's magical vagina which gets everything it wishes for but can't seem to come to terms with its sexual orientation. Eli has morphed from a reasonably believable character into a caricature of a Nervous Nellie. Cary Agos has become a footnote at his own firm. And what happened to Robyn? Remember her? Did I miss the episode where she left? Possibly I slept through it.
  22. Breezy, you beat me to it. The only worthwhile part of the show was when they were hanging with the Great Danes and the bulldog. Andy, please let's put this show out of its misery.
  23. The babysitter shouldn't have been surprised, nor should she take it personally. The Guidices have a talent for not paying anyone for services, regardless of who you are--a babysitter, a fertility doctor, a contractor, the government. They are equal opportunity grifters. Leisawoo, I too am sorry to hear about your sister. My ex-husband's father died from ALS and I saw the struggles my former FIL and the family encountered.
  24. And then Melissa will follows suit, because, you know....... I have no doubt that the four beautiful daughters are going to end up making spectacles of themselves.
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