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Everything posted by AstaCharles

  1. The '80s teen comedy Just One of the Guys. I remember seeing this when it was in the theaters, and thinking it was a dumb movie but I really liked it. I liked the little brother even though he was a creep and the high school best friend-nerd-secret hunk looked like he was 30.
  2. I keep seeing ad clips of the new show Gotham with Ben McKenzie playing the future Commissioner JamesGordon and I'm at the point where I don't care about the Batman characters as kids and other future Arkham criminals. Just give me Detective Gordon
  3. When I read the Prinze article I was surprised at the "I almost quit acting" part because I thought he had quit before and went into comic books then came back when he got the 24 gig. Whatever Fred.
  4. Same here. I think she's ok and I don't feel sorry for her because of her marriage history. I don't care about that stuff. I thought she was funny in Horrible Bosses and We're the Millers. I know that movie is not everyone's cup of tea, but I loved that movie . Unpopular opinion: Can't get into Hunger Games . I saw a picture of the characters in costume and thought they stepped out of The Yellow Submarine movie
  5. Anything that came out of Rick Moranis's character Louis Tully from the first Ghostbusters always made me laugh. When Harold Ramis passed away , I dug out my dvd copy and watched the movie listening to Ramis' commentary. Hearing Ramis break up with laughter over the party scene when Louis introduces his guests was great: "Ted and Annette! Ted owns a small dry cleaning business..". It made me love that scene even more because it was all on Moranis coming up with material and suprising Ramis.
  6. I'm trying to find an animated Jack and the Beanstalk released sometime in the '70's or early '80's. The only one I could find through my research was an anime version done in 1974 but I don't think that's the version I saw.
  7. I haven't seen a lot of Farrell's films but I agree he's great in comedy and he was awesome as the villian in the Fright Night remake which I think was a pretty good film [if that is an unpopular opinion] I'm more of Better Off Dead kid myself, couldn't get into Fast Times . I never related to the any of the kids in the John Hughes movies as well. Actually the only teen movie I could relate to was Heaven Help Us and that was set in the '60's which was before my time.
  8. Well I don't want to twist your arm ;) I haven't seen the films Renner was nominated in, but there are some scenes in his Bourne film that impressed me enough to check out his earlier films.
  9. I agree and I also saw the movie too over the weekend and I really liked him in it. Liked him in the Bourne movie as well.
  10. I haven't seen the Winter Soldier movie yet, but I didn't find him boring in his first movie and in the Avengers movie. The only sequel I've seen out of the Avengers characters is Iron Man 2 and I thought that was boring.
  11. Almost every line in the 1944 film Laura is a gem, but my favorite is this : " I must say for a charming intelligent girl you certainly surrounded yourself with a remarkable collection of dopes"
  12. For me it was Raiders of the Lost Ark and totally agree about Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull. As for Classics: Cary Grant, Gregory Peck, Gary Cooper and William Holden. Currently I'm on a Jeremy Renner kick. Even rented the wretched Hansel and Gretel on Netflix to get my fix.
  13. I was never a big fan of Mary Poppins. I liked everyone else in the movie but I just never liked Mary that much. Then someone made a Youtube video of the movie trailer as a horror film and I thought 'Thank God I'm not the only one that gets the creeps from her!"
  14. I just watched the Avengers on Netflix which I haven't seen since it came out in the theaters and it's going into my movie collection. It's just an all around fun movie and not much nit-picking from me because I'm not a big comic book fan. The first time watching it I was impressed with Mark Ruffalo's version of the Hulk the most. But on the second viewing after getting past Iron Man's flashy and funny role, I could focus on the other characters and really enjoyed the Hawkeye/Black Widow story and loved Captain America.
  15. Since this show doesn't have the rights to Clarice, I wondered if Bedelia is a version of Clarice at the end of Hannibal. Just like Miriam Lass was a version of Clarice in Silence of the Lambs. Bits of her character used in the show as "a DJ mix mashup", the way Fuller explained the series recently.
  16. I loved all of Lecter's cannibal puns in season one, but my favorite is the well known quote "..having an old friend for dinner". I wished they dubbed in the sound of a studio audience clapping and cheering at that one. Second season is Will to Bedelia: "You're Hannibal Lecter's psychiatrist? What's that like?"
  17. I was thinking that too but I thought it would be hilarious if she gives up Hannibal to save herself, walking off with the bounty that Mason set up. That's my prediction: Bedelia wins.
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