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Everything posted by lightbeam

  1. I get that Rob has gained 100 plus pounds and it's very unhealthy (and there are underlying severe emotional issues and depression etc) but...the family acts like he's dying from an incurable disease, sheesh! He's fat. So what!? Leave him alone. Hopefully he works out his demons. I don't understand the hysteria. He's not necessarily going to drop dead tomorrow. The K klan act like he's a goddamn leper.
  2. I sincerely don't understand how Kim considers herself fashionable. She literally wears the same thing every day - these ridiculous plain knit body conscious tank dresses. Snore. I am perplexed as to why she looks so bad in other outfits, however. The clothes always wear her and not the other way around. Anyway, she is just going to have to accept the fact that she is not tall with a long torso like Kate Middleton. She will have a pudgy pregnancy (not that there's anything wrong with that. People are so judge mental, it's terrible).
  3. When I was a nine years old, my father had an affair and I found out about it. It was devastating to me and tore me apart. It completely turned my world upside down and I saw my father with new eyes. No longer my hero, I saw someone who was sneaky and dishonest; A liar who wasn't telling the truth about who he actually loved. Did it mean he didn't love me as much as he said he did? Was he pretending? These are the questions I thought about, and I stopped trusting him. I watched my mother bawl oceans of tears when she didn't know I was looking and her deep sadness and depression effected me and my siblings everyday, even when she tried to smile and be normal. I was so connected to my mother that I absorbed her energy like a sponge. My father stuck around for some time before they eventually got divorced, but things had already shifted. I never got an apology, and I wish I did. I deserved one because my father let me down too. It felt like he cheated on all of us. It's not only adult stuff. It effects children profoundly and deeply. To be with another woman outside the family unit feels like abandonment, so I appreciate his apology. The fact that it was done on television was, of course, inappropriate.
  4. I think that may have just been the wife's natural coloring. Some people have a genetic predisposition to dark under eye circles.
  5. I'm not mad that Violet won (although I would be raging if it was Pearl). I just want to say that I thought all of the former contestants looked fabulous when they walked the runway. Everyone was bring it.
  6. Years ago, I was sitting on the steps of Parsons smoking a cigarette (it was near my job at the time and the stairs were inviting) and Tim Gunn rounded the corner and kicked me by accident as he rushed up the stairs! According to Sonja, I was abused by Tim Gunn. (Honestly I just wanted to share my only celebrity interaction lol. No one knows who he is whenever I have mentioned it to folks in my normal life) Tim was horrified, by the way, and apologized profusely.
  7. So FYI - Just for the record, wet wipes are not for use on anyone's private areas. They are not formulated for that and may be too harsh and cause irritation. Dorinda was correct. I know this because many of my friends were using them in the restroom. I emailed the company and they actually came back to me about it.
  8. Just watched the first look and the Dolly Parton impersonator is absolutely adorable and charming. What a lovely lady and it looks like she has an amazing marriage.
  9. I have compassion for someone who has had difficulties in life, but I honestly found Nene's "breakthrough"...frustrating. I don't care how much you have gone though (and this is coming from someone who has dealt with a lot of difficult circumstances myself), it is never okay to act out the way she does. She obviously has a lot of things to deal with (and this was obvious without her breakdown) but she needs to heal her past and take ownership of her own hideous behavior. No one said this. That's what annoyed me, I think. She deserves the compassion but not a pass for all that she has done. Kandi's reaction doesn't bother me at all. The truth is that Nene acts like a total lunatic bitch and Kandi has a right to her own feelings about Nene's behavior, background story or not.
  10. The blow up doll woman made me sad. Hope she finds the help she needs. Terry has such corny humor. He's the type of guy who has difficulty being serious and finds everything amusing; always looking for the humor in every situation. He looks at the world through the eyes of a clown. I don't dislike him (he reminds me of my own very silly father who has to joke about everything) but I can see how that type of personality can annoy some people.
  11. Nadine and Eric sure did make an app really quickly, in no time at all as if it's no big thing...good idea though, for people in that world, I guess. There are plenty of dumb ass apps out there making money. People like to waste their time with mindless crap like rating people and costumes. That stroller was super cool! I could see how useful that would be, particularly for some living in a city like New York. A little bored by Laura and Kirk...not sure why. Toi and rauvahn are cute.
  12. Even though bethenny's delivery is a little over the top, I'm on her side on the issue of brunch gate. She was just trying to invite everyone over in a friendly manner (including Ramona), and it was Ramona that went batshit crazy, telling Sonja she wasn't going anywhere because she was Ramona's guest. What?! Ramona obviously lied about her brunch in some sort of move to be in control. It's crazy to me that people acquiesce to Ramonas immaturity. In any event, bethenny's house looked lovely.
  13. Don't know if this is true, but I happened across this about Kim today: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2015/04/blind-items-revealed-7-36.html If it's true, it's very sad. You never know what people have gone through.
  14. Rouvan was being such a jerk to Toi about the closets. She was right about him wanting his way with his pool table but had no space for her. I thought it was cute, actually when her son stood up for his mom(in his own guy way) by suggesting it's not war when you're on the same team. I like how it was settled. Toi made it happen. They actually have a very cute way of expressing things to each other. They're my favorite couple.
  15. I don't know...I think I like it. I was much more engaged this episode and Christian is fun as Lizzie Borden. I was really questioning the fact that the started this show after the trials are over, but I now see how that can be somewhat intriguing. I'm in.
  16. I used to really like Bethenny, and a part of me still wants to, but...she makes it so difficult. I was really annoyed when she asked the bellhop for fucking olives and walked away self importantly, saying "when you're done with that." Who does that?! Since she lives in hotels now, she should know to call room service for a request like that. And why does she have two personal assistants? That's so ridiculous and over the top.I work with extremely busy and successful bankers with loads of money, and they don't need that. Bethenny is not homeless. Rent an apt. She has the money, it's not that deep. It's offensive that she refers to herself as homeless when there are people that sleep on the cold ground every night. Sonja is her usual deluded self. Nice to see kristen's daughter walking and running.
  17. Regarding Greg pretending to slap Nene's behind - I think that it's just a very crass an inappropriate thing to do amongst people you don't know, in a professional setting no less! Why in the world would you make comments about butts and then pretend to slap it in a sexually suggestive manner? It's not okay. There was nothing playful or charming about it; it was vulgar. Know your audience. I was embarrassed for them. If they were in the Philippines, being silly by the pool or something, than that's different.
  18. The Philippines looks really beautiful. I was touched by Phaedra helping out her tour guide. That was very kind and compassionate ( just when I was really starting to dislike her!) Really glad Kenya and Phaedra worked it out. Sometimes Kenya comes off as insincere (unintentionally, I assume) but I really felt she was sincere and that everything she expressed was real. I think Phaedra did the same. Hopefully they can truly move on now. Sighing at Porsha just wearing the costume of a ho. She sure has done a 180 from her married persona. It's just sad that she's behaving this way. What happened to her? Just because you're not married doesn't mean you have to be a "thot." Speaking of costumes, Nene's costumes were spectacular, but her tears did not warm me to her tonight. I'm so tired of her. Nene, get off my screen. Glad she wasn't in the phillipines being loud and making everything about her and how "superior" she is to everyone. All in all I enjoyed all of the ladies getting along on their trip. Wish we saw a bit more of Demetria. I'm curious about her and like her (from the little we've seen). I'm really so curious as to why they cut her. As for next weeks previews, I think I like Kandi more then folks here and I hope her marriage is not as bad off as it seems.
  19. Why didn't they ask Ashanti any real questions though? Does she have feelings for women? Did she actually have feelings for Chitara? I feel like Nev really let her off the hook, more so than he ever has before. I guess Chitara was so grossed out about the girls age, she didn't want to get into the romantic or sexual nature of the relationship (which I assume was downplayed). Looking forward to the return of Max.
  20. Dr Jeff was just on CNN, talking about depression and Andreas Lubitz, the Germanwings co-pilot. He was very convincing actually. Maybe he's not such a quack, after all? I had never seen the guy before. Nene bitched and moaned about the women not accepting her apology but how can you when she talks smack about everyone in her th, rolls her eyes, and acts like (and literally says) she is better than anyone else. How can someone respect how well she is doing if all she does is make disparaging remarks about how she's successful and rich and no one else is on her level? She is a sad sad woman, who can only knock others to feel better about herself. I really can't stand her. Hope she doesn't come back next season.
  21. Regarding Nadine's scuba diving thing - I find her annoying and a bit over the top, but I sort of get her response to the scuba thing. I have a huge fear of heights and a bunch of my friends wanted to go bungee jumping while on vacation. I expressed my fear about it to everyone. I would literally shake just thinks about jumping off a bridge and possibly plummeting to my death. And then the day came, and people backed out and it ended up getting cancelled, to make a long story short. I was shocked by my disappointment. And I was like, "what!?why aren't we doing this?" And everyone thought that was strange lol. Truth be told, despite all my fear, deep down I wanted to conquer that fear and make that definitive choice for myself to do something, even if it terrifies me. I was upset that choice was taken away from me in that moment. The problem with Nadine was not in her sudden disappointment, but her lack of self reflection and awareness of her own feelings. Instead she behaved like a bratty child.
  22. Personally, I would feel very uncomfortable if I knew my spouse's wealth is STOLEN; built upon a scheme that took others hard earned (presumably) money. I would think about it with every dollar that was spent and it would break my heart a little bit every time.
  23. Hmmm...the house story is so strange. I'm still trying to make sense of it, from Kim's perspective. The only thing I can think of is that she must have felt coerced into selling her portion of the house. I assume her bitterness about it all is that her money (that childhood Disney money) actually bought the house for her mother and she resents that she had to split it between her sisters and then give it up entirely. Thats why she thinks of it as "my house." Thats all I can think of? Anyway, dutch boy was super gross and cheesy. I wouldn't brag about being with that guy if I were Brandi. Embarrassing!
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