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Everything posted by lightbeam

  1. Wait...what!? They had sex? I thought "he" is a "she" and I assume Meri wouldn't be into that. Can you say more? Where do you read this? I haven't followed closely. I get all my info right here.
  2. Kylie shows off her cars: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3315919/Kylie-Jenner-introduces-fleet-luxury-vehicles-including-Ferrari-Mercedes-G63-300k-Rolls-Royce-Ghost.html
  3. Kendall has difficulty pulling off sexy, but Gigi can. Pics of Gigi on the vs runway looking like she is slayin it! Kendall, not so much. She's not right for it, but vs wanted the publicity of having her in the show.
  4. I hate that they don't pay the models. It is so cheap and obnoxious to suggest they gain exposure. The potential exposure should be a perk, not a form of payment. These ladies are working for free for hours and hours and that's just not okay. Reminds me of the NFL paying next to nothing for the cheerleaders or the NFL (again) not wanting to pay an artist for the half time show at the Super Bowl. If someone is working, you pay them. End of story. Heidi should be ashamed of herself.
  5. Hmmm....here's food for thought : what if Swapnil's creative process is to run around, stay in his head, and smoke cigarettes until inspiration strikes? When I was in college, I never wrote a paper in a timely fashion. I farted around, drank coffee, gathered my thoughts, chain smoked cigarettes (just like Swapnil) and finally wrote the paper in the wee hours of the morning. That was my process, and even though it sounds crazy, I am not a lazy person and I was an A/B student. That process just worked for me. If this is the case for Swapnil, I don't necessarily think it's fair for Tim (or anyone else) to call him lazy. That's just their perception of his behavior, but who are they to determine his "laziness." I personally thought Swapnil would win the whole damn thing easily, and totally surprised by the sudden concept of Swapnil not working to his highest capacity. I liked many of the clothes he created and thought he was robbed of first place a few times. Maybe he knew how people were reacting to him and it messed with his head and he floundered. I don't know what happened, but pretty shitty of Tim to speak of him to the judges like that. Also, real model challenges need to be a co-creation. The truth is that people don't know what they want (as someone mentioned up thread) and this is why people stage homes (as an example) and give a concrete vision of a possibility. Swapnil had a responsibility to co create with his model and help create a new vision of something, but difficult to do when someone can't articulate what they really like and is just a sour puss all around. Tim freaking out and then dragging this woman away didn't help matters. At least he let Ashley and her model do a "mind meld." Tim was very clearly over Swapnil for whatever reason and didn't care about a positive end result. He just wanted to yell at him.
  6. I give Kylie a pass on freaking out over the media interview. She was only 17 years old (at the time) and he famous father had just transitioned into becoming a woman. I understand how she could have felt alone in that situation. If there was one time she needed some support, it was that time. Since Kendall couldn't be with her, someone else should have stepped in.
  7. Oh, Lordy...check out Kylie's video tease for her app. Sigh. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3249921/Kylie-Jenner-continues-bid-queen-social-media-writhes-bath-wearing-white-vest-mesh-briefs-raunchy-promo-clip.html
  8. Oh, I wasn't kidding! I was really having a cheesy moment about it. Didn't know about World Dance Day!
  9. I am learning all sorts of stuff about plastic surgery lately! A few weeks ago, I found out you can have your jaw shaved down (Bethenney Frankel) and now I learn you can get fat transferred to your breasts instead of implants?! I've never heard of this! Sign me up! Ha ha Seems like a more natural option, I wonder why it's not a main stream thing to hear about (or maybe it's just me).
  10. Sadly, I fast forwarded through a good 70% of the finale. I didn't have an emotional reaction to Gabby winning. She's a good dancer, but to be honest, I never connected with her and never once rewound any of her dances. Ho Hum. I find DWTS incredibly cheesy, so I won't be watching that. Nothing takes the place of SYTYCD and I'm practically relieved to be done with it and have the 2 hours a week back on my DVR.
  11. What's weird about is that it's not even original. Rich people have been dressing like fashionable hobos since forever.
  12. This actually really pissed me off. I live in New York and it was over 90 degrees today. Be a lunatic and wear stupid winter clothing in the summer if you want, but don't do that to a child!! Leather pants, heavy docs, and a jacket? How dare she treat this child like a fashion accessory and ignore things like...oh, I don't know...proper weather attire!?! North could overheat. Now, Im sure she was just going from air conditioned hotel to air conditioned car, but it still enrages me. This bitch...
  13. I know, right!? It's a huge mystery to me. I used to really think she was quite beautiful (mostly back when she was with a Reggie Bush) and now I look at her face, and I can't quite pinpoint what she did that her took beauty away. It's so bizarre! I'm so perplexed. Something is so off about her now. Even in that George Lopez clip someone posted above, she was attractive. What did she do!? Even here eyes always seem sort of dead, they never sparkle in any way anymore. I'm convinced she sold her soul to the devil for everlasting beauty, fame, and wealth, but the last laugh is on the devil because now she is just a shell of a human being. Mystery for the ages.
  14. Sigh. How did this show get so boring? First few episodes, I was ridiculously entertained. And then the Juelia plot went on and on, which got annoying and it became a snooze fest. The shows payoff is a big yawn. Who can take Chris seriously when he acts like the final rose is do or die!? Please, that is so stupid. For some reason, I'm not invested enough in Jade and Tanner to care that they got engaged. There was no build up of their relationship to relish in.
  15. I thought Amy and some of the crew members were kind to jump in on the sad foam party. I was embarrassed for that gentleman.
  16. Ugh, khloe and her waist training...I think this looks photoshopped. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3218636/Khloe-Kardashian-shows-impossibly-small-midsection-plugs-waist-training-eye-popping-cleavge-selfie.html
  17. Oh, look. Kim is wearing spandex again with a WINTER COAT. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3217533/Kim-Kardashian-displays-bump-conservative-dress-matching-coat-showing-cleavage-VMAs.html Is she under the false impression that wearing super tight clothing makes her look smaller? Her clothing choices really annoy me more than they should.
  18. So, here's my take on the Samantha debacle: I think that when she found out she was going to be on the show, she wanted to stay as long as possible. As insurance, she flirted with both Joe and Nick online so she knew she would have a connection with someone while she was in Paradise, and not run the risk of anyone not liking her and having to leave (humiliated) after one week. No one expected the silly drama that would occur from "speaking" to someone beforehand. She was so horrified by the drama that she lied and then back peddled with Joe, since it was clear the group had disdain for her. Distancing herself from Joe ensured she could hang out with the group (because no one like to be on the outs with a group while secluded on an island, especially these people) and now she has control of the rose. I snorted when Dan mentioned he would like to get to know her. Of course he does. After all his grousing about questionable ethics, it certainly doesn't seem to matter if a woman is perceived as beautiful. Easier to forgive. Reminds of that 5 Seconds of Summer song, "She's Kinda Hot Though." She's still an asshole but not a villain, per se. Same with Joe. As an aside: I wonder if they're paid per episode? Maybe that's the underling reason everyone wanted Juelia Guelia to stay.
  19. Oh wow, I just googled "shave jaw surgery." You can actually shave your jaw down and it's considered "facial feminization." Ther are hoarded of images in google image. Interesting! I kind of think Bethenny actually had this surgery now. Had no clue you can even do that!
  20. Since it has come up a few times - I just want to mention that renting a two bedroom apartment in TriBeCa ain't cheap. On the very low end they're paying at least 6k a month.
  21. Regarding JJ's job at an Investment Bank - it would not shock me if he got fired or was laid off. I work at an Investment Bank, and at his age he would be an Analyst or Associate. They work long hard hours (constant 18 hour days) and there is very little room for laziness. Those that can't hack it get the boot and there is a lot of turnover. It's the culture of banking and JJ strikes me as a lazy shithead. I don't know if he was fired, of course, but it wouldn't shock me. In any event, I kinda laughed when Megan chose JJ. She had just finished saying that she had been cheated on and lied to in every relationship and wanted to find someone who will treat her well. So what does she do? She chooses JJ over Dan?! JJ who has admitted to cheating on his ex-wife?! It's always makes me sad when women choose exactly what they say they don't want. I see it time and time again. It's like they're energetically drawn to the very people who will forever treat them badly.
  22. Awww poor Kristen. I'm really sad for her. Unfortunately, I'm not surprised. Josh is a dick. Interestingly, I didn't feel as sad for Ramona. I think because Kristen is not cruel or even a bitch.
  23. Finally got around to watching this! I think I held off because I didn't want to be disappointed. Unpopular opinion, but I just want to mention that Alison bugs so much. She so over the top and it's so annoying and cheesy. I hate anything she's in. Thoughts on the dances: The bench - Heidi was missing for me. Her vulnerability and rawness made that dance special. The hummingbird - better than I remember it. (Why did they waste time on the bad dancers? Ugh) K-pop - still weird and fun. National dance day - can't lie, I find it inspiring. What a beautiful goal, to have at least one day where the world (and it truly has become global ) dances together. It's really kind of touching. It's a day to remember we are all one heart beat and filled with joy. We can dance to express and remember that fact. You can do one of the routines...or do your own thing. Every soul invited. I like to think of it that way. Ugh, fucking Alison. Talking about pulling faces. Gtfo. Next. Everyone's all time fav - ha, I do love this. I'm not upset this is considered the all time favorite dance. Who didn't fall out of their chair when Alex rocked the shit out of this hop hop routine?! Sigh. I was disappointed overall. I miss when sytycd was good.
  24. Reality Tea is reporting this Erika Jayne person is the new housewife: http://www.realitytea.com/2015/08/10/report-erika-jayne-joins-real-housewives-beverly-hills/#/slide/1 Ughhhh. Wtf.
  25. The nose ring didn't bother me at all, I was way more distracted by the fact that Ayisha's foundation did not match her skin tone properly. Maybe it looked better in person, but on film it looked awful. I didn't comprehend why Nev And Max were calling "Whitney" (I forgot her real name) a stalker and acted as if she was crazy and dangerous. I didn't find her to be more of a foolish lunatic than any other Catfish? It was just odd and so I found it confusing, as if I had missed something. I also thought Whitney was super cute. Sad that she doesn't seem to think so.
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