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  1. Extremely well said BUNNYFACE. Thank you I watched the episode this week and I can't remember one single thing about it. I might have been reading throughout the entire episode. I wanted to like it, I tried to like it but it certainly has not risen to "must see TV"
  2. The book pairing of Sara and WiIl made sense because the book Angie was a truly horrible human being.
  3. I really, really do not want an Angie/Will couple. I might have been ruined by the books, but he deserves better. That said I really like the actor who plays Angie.
  4. Embarrassed apologies to ALL, but especially the actor Keegan-Michael KEY. I referenced him by the wrong name - Sorry to all but especially the actor. God willing and the creek don't rise he will never know about his new name
  5. I am a little surprised at myself. I have come to actively like the show and take Elsbeth's shenanigans as they come. They are making me laugh sometimes. Last weeks dancing with Keegan Michael Peele was great. It really helps that the casting is so spot on. Kara is now one of my favorite actors. She really is spot on in a low key way. Really effective And the captain has always been a fav of mine. Don't get to see him in enough shows.
  6. I'm a bit of an outlier here but I do very much like and appreciate Ricky and Cesar. And Rod and Leticia. Amber and Vinnie both need help. She is a whiner and enabler (altho' someone above mentioned that is because she is bullied) and he is insufferable. They make my skin crawl. I must have missed the ad for the show replacing TAR. Do you mean that TAR is being retired? Or is the show being advertised just a replacement until the next season. Also, isn't the reason the show is set entirely in South America because of covid restrictions and travel difficulty? This season is two yrs old I believe.
  7. I have grown to really like this show after being meh at the beginning. Todd and Lyle - excellent Even Susan is funny, at least to me. I just saw CBS's new line up and it looks very weak. It is hard for me to see why they cancelled this one just as it is hitting its stride. Hoping someone else picks it up.
  8. I was excited when the book was announced. Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler is one of my all time favs. I do wish they could have had some of the humor refer to the book in some way but they were off and running right away. Compared to what we are used to this was a weak episode with some funny moments - throwing chicken wings on the stage NOT being funny.
  9. THank you for the documentary info Will check my station
  10. I was gobsmacked by the final comments at the end of the episode. Apparently, this is STILL going on in England and many folks have not yet been made whole. No one has been arrested, indited or tried - at least that was my take away. So Bizarre. Does anyone know when the documentary will be aired?
  11. This series is so well done on every level!!!!! It is truly hard to believe that any company can get away with treating people like this. Part of me still tries to believe this is fiction. BRAVO to the real Mr. Bates for his sheer determination and calm. The documentary should be interesting.
  12. All in on the worry about Uncle Antonio........and praying I am wrong.
  13. After the double episode this week, this will probably not be must see tv for me. I really like the lead actor and if I stay with it it would be for her performances. Am hoping the writers can do something to soften the 'tics' or tone them down a bit.
  14. I agree with most of the comments above. that said, this core group of actors is soooooo damn GOOD! I actually watch the show instead of reading and checking in sometimes. The actor playing the rapist was so menacing that I was actually afraid - - and I haven't felt threatened by a tv/movie bad guy in many, many years. It would be lovely if the writers and showrunners could come up with story lines that are a bit more cohesive? Believable? I wonder if the horrors of the books are in the way and they are trying to write/create new story lines without quite succeeding.
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