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Everything posted by allthatglitters

  1. I'm still at a loss as to why Nick would ever leave his family, and the group. Even if he thought they didn't understand his new epiphany on zombie love, it was his mother! his sister! and others that he had fought with, helped, and been helped by, gone through hellish times with. He acted like a rich kid brat that decides to run away to 'show em all'. And I don't understand this smear a little guts on you and you're A ok by the living dead. Yet if it dries up just a little too much it doesn't work? Like when he was trapped on the hood of the car. Suddenly he smells just fine for a meal. Then next scene he is once again wandering in their midst with a new bit of guts on him. Did he use doggy guts? Does that work too? And why doesn't everyone here and in TWD all carry a coverall or coat dripping with zombie guts in a bag with them at all times if this works so well? Whenever they are in a jam, being chased, or cornered by walkers, simply pull out your zombie suit and rub a little on your face and viola! you are just one of the undead gang and can simply walk through them back to your car or where ever. Getting supplies etc. should never be dangerous at all with that method. And the scene with the 'badasses' that STILL haven't learned to step back out of the walkers reach. Just stupid characters and stupid writing. And why do they even stop to use up a lot of ammunition on the undead, which would not be manufactured any more. what is the point? Even for psychopaths it would be boring after a while not being able to actually inflict any real pain or suffering. In fact they were helping them RIP.
  2. I like Ashley and her sense of humour. Jared should have thanked his lucky oven mitt that he ever found such a confidant on the show. And I thought she was more attractive than Kristin, IMHO. I believe he genuinely did realize his mistake, but it was too late by then. Ashley's one payback was also the final one when she stayed to watch him be sent home.
  3. Someone explain to me why Rick & Co. don't just go out and find their own damn food. It seems a harsh emotional price to pay not to mention the physical risk to carry out this kill mission for some other group so that they will give you food. Partly we have learned, is that the crops need a season to grow yet. (Why didn't Alexandria already have a thriving garden system?-but I digress) Protein could still be hunted, we've seen Daryl provide. And I cannot believe that every house, building, barn, and store have already been stripped bare for miles in every direction, when in previous episodes they don't seem to have a problem finding food supplies. Where do the Hilltoppers shop? They could steal wild overgrown fruit and vegetables on farms, they could even water and tend gardens or orchards outside their gates, and pick whatever grows and bring it back in trips. Why be dependent on another larger group for your food based on the "favors" you do for them? Especially such potentially costly favors. Its too bad Morgan didn't just shout this back at Rick. He would have grown two sizes that day.
  4. I also really liked Layana's dress. I had thought she was going to be in the top and was shocked when the judges started cutting her dress down. All I got was they didn't like the colour scheme. Sure its not everyone's taste, but I like odd combinations as long as they work, and I liked the mustard yellow with dark burgundy. But also, what should have kept her at least safe was that she actually embraced the theme of the challenge AND her design was not simple and she managed to finish it and her sewing was impeccable. Her personality and voice can be like nails on a chalkboard but she definitely has talent.
  5. I've just completed this season, Me neither. I always wondered why the Mountain People saw no benefit, or even a sense of kinship with the SPs technically advanced space engineering lot. In fact, why was Mount Weather a part of the first 100 landing plan? That means there was some kind of plan in place, only carried out early because of the oxygen shortage. Were the MP some scientific community set up on Earth, and the ones sent to the space stations were like a population generator backup?. Or did some group of survivors crawl out of their own homemade bunkers and break into Mount Weather decades ago?. All of this is yet to be explained. But on to the point, why wouldn't Dante, if not his psycho son, at least earlier push for the idea that Kane even suggested himself, although under duress. They could donate. In a more controlled clean surgical environment. Small donations over intervals. Especially when a Sky Person died outright from other causes, they could be instant bone marrow donors. Yes it would take longer, but as someone else mentioned, they hung in there for almost a century, surely they would rather have a peaceful situation with an ally much like themselves just for future security if nothing else. In exchange for the marrow donations, The Mountain people would have to share their power sources and and their technology. Everybody wins. Its unsettling how this show, while unusually interesting, seems to suggest that anyone could be a ruthless mass murderer, given the 'right' circumstances...so don't be in too much a rush to condemn mass murder. Seems like there is a time and a place for everything. Flynn, who was the only one thinking maybe they should try something instead of more killing, is the first to turn into a monster. Clarke would be appalled, but soon would not only knowingly allow hundreds of her own people to be blown into pieces, but also not long after that push the lever and cause even more innocent people to die horrible torturous deaths. Yes she was backed into a corner, but whose fault is that? The Author. ie. The writers. I get they are putting a different spin on it. any other show the 'good' mountain citizens would be secretly quietly shuffled up to level 6 by Bellamy and Jasper, just in time. And even if Clarke thought she was killing them all, there'd be the big reveal to her later in the show that she isn't a child killer after all. This show is too much the other way IMO. It is tiring to watch a show where its all 'might is right'. Where killing the 'other' and xenophobia is the only way characters are allowed to exist. Even though the writing is so full of it I am permanently suspended above all belief for every plot twist, I still like the premise, and the characters, and it is entertaining, so I'll be watching Season 3.
  6. just dropped in I'll never quite believe the power that Clarke is just acquiescenced out of everyone. Not that I'd enjoy the adults being in charge, but its already a stretch to think the adults, Abby and Kane, knowing they control most of the ones with automatic weapons, would just smile and nod with glassy eyes. Are the writers of this show actually psycho killers too? And this whole thing is a big joke on us? Because before this latest character assassination, with Clarke being the next mass murderer.....for good though.......First the out-of-character homicidal flip out by Finn was followed by the adult leaders hardly batting an eye, and being excused by his peers and friends. Then Murphy, the genuine psychopath in the group, who remorselessly murdered and enjoyed tormenting when he could, now we are supposed to find a repentance arch for him too? And so its not a surprise that Clarke herself will no doubt get through this distracting annoyance unscathed.
  7. I just had to add that it says a lot about the choices of good sci fi right now if THIS show is one of the best going right now. I do enjoy it mostly. But this show really taxes ones patience in the art of the suspension of disbelief. But what was with mini-kong? So this zoo collapsed 100 years ago and the animals stuck around the area. Most humans died from the radioactive exposure, and probably the same for the animals. But for some strange reason, SOME of the people and animals survived, and instead of the radioactivity making them weaker, and their babies weaker still, either miraculously, or through some trick Mother Nature was saving in her purse, their offspring were bigger and meaner and fitter. So bigger meaner moose living with insane in the brain giant gorillas. And how many other mutant offspring types of animals are wandering close to their ancestors ancient enclosure? And why? When I think to hard about story lines in The 100 it starts to feel like one of those dreams that you wake up to and i slowly dawns on you that this dream you're just finishing makes absolutely no possible sense.
  8. Late post, but I had to add my opinion on the treatment of the Finn character. Very confusing to say the least. And I had more of a problem with the reactions of the other Sky people than even Finn himself, and all his excuses and puppy dog eye batting, because after that second, third, fourth shot, he was dead to me already. Although as an aside, that whole killing scene was kind of blurry. In a real situation like that (if there ever was one) after one, the old man runner, was shot by this strange deadly fire stick that these natives had never witnessed before, like early Spanish soldiers meeting American natives, they would have stopped. And especially after the second when a boy decided to run right for the man with the fire stick. And then it gets blurry. Did the lot suddenly decide to inexplicably run towards the fire stick, causing Finn to simply react in self defense? But then surely Murphy would have joined in. So we are left with the implication that these villagers were just running to the side, trying to run for the woods. It makes zero sense that Finn would "lose it" and shoot at children and others as they tried to simply run away. I also have trouble with Finn's character changing from a pacifist who seemed deeply committed to finding a peaceful solution to suddenly a wild-eyed NBK. And a cold blooded assassinater (of the captive) as well. And then Bellamy changes from a cold blooded survivalist totally selfish and quite happy using the psycho Murphy to do his bidding, to strip the 100 of their wrist bands so the Ark leadership wouldn't come looking for him and prosecute him. Now he has inherited the puppy dog eyes, and even meekly took orders from Finn when he ordered everyone into position before he slipped out to surrender. Major inconsistencies in character and plot really irk me. And I can't seem to fathom how a society, the Ark, who had a strict capital punishment sentence for the most minor of crimes, would then simply dismiss mass murder as ...meh. I'm taking about the adults. Did these adults even know what Finn did? It is implied that they did know because they must have demanded to know why the Grounders wanted this one particular baby-faced teen.....right? So further to that point, then it seems way out of character for the adult leadership to simply ignore Finn's war crime...ESPECIALLY SINCE THAT WAS THE REASON THEY WERE BEING ATTACKED. At least until it came down to a confrontation. And even then, they, these cold-hearted administrators of the old Ark justice system, were going to fight to the death to defend a mass murderer of a tribe of Grounders that were amazingly willing to accept this one life, as payment for 18. After seeing how bloodthirsty the Grounders have been shown to be, why would they even accept or offer to take one death for 18 innocents? OK, so it was explained that they torture him with 18 different "deaths", like fire...etc..until he is ultimately killed...still. I mean one girl that almost died, by the Grounders stupidly taking her into the front lines during an attack TO KILL ALL OF THEM....was met with the Grounders wanting to wipe out the entire camp. So that "great deal" was so unbelievable. And then when Clarke finished Finn off, she stole their negotiated deal, by denying the Grounders the right to torture Finn to death. And the leader just shrugs her shoulders with "Its done!". So now even the Grounders have evolved into pushovers. But the premise of the story is still intriguing and unique so I will still watch. I guess that is why I am so invested and thus frustrated with lazy and/or confusing character writing.
  9. Ok, just caught up. But I'm sorry, wtf are the Ark leadership on? There is a mass murderer standing around throwing his opinions out there together with Clarke and co. The person that caused this attack to happen. And in this case there was no mistake, it was either a psychopathic orgy of NBK mayhem, or he is certifiably crazy. Either way there is no way he should be "one of the guys". He should be arrested and detained and prosecuted by the Sky People themselves. That would at least show the Grounders they took shooting defenseless old men and children as unacceptable. But now its too late for all that. But if the smallest misdemeanors in the Ark justice system meant a freezing suffocation in deep space, mass murder should no doubt reach the capital punishment level, even on Earth. Not that the Grounders are any less civil. It seems they would be willing to slaughter innocents as well. (Why are they so angry?). But why throw it in their faces by simply dismissing this war crime as nothing on Finn's part. Appalling that Abby and Jaha would not even acknowledge the crime and/or the criminal in their midst.
  10. OK just finished watching this season. So are you telling me that those poor sods up on that space station conglomerate thought they were some kind of "ark", preserving the human race? They were even willing to last out another 100 years before attempting to go ye into the world and be fruitful and multiply and begin the new Eden. Little did they know that not only are there already humans surviving, but there are three different groups (so far) The whole purpose for their existence was proved moot. Oh well, can't always be right.
  11. Latecomer OK the dog situation of Citizen Z is just plain absurd. It started episodes ago, and I swore I'd never bring it up but once again CZ is up and about with no rin tin tin at his side. Unless he tied the dog down, how would the dog just sleep all day and night in the same spot? Watching him just sit there looking sheepish, not barking at all at the threat, as zombies attacked the barricades of CZ. Maybe having a dog in the ZA wouldn't work because dogs will always attack, (except for this one rare breed of CZs dog that only attacks other zombie dogs). And probably get bitten right away, because they are not privy to the only method of killing one, so they wouldn't be of much use as a guard anyways. The writers should have thought this through. The only use in giving CZ a pet dog to keep him company, would be if he doesn't actually act like one. Which I guess as luck would have it, CZ just happened to miraculously stumble into the only dog in the world that would prefer to just yawn, sit back, maybe a whimper or two, but generally take it easy and relax while threatening beings all around tried to attack you and your master. Perfect ZA pet I guess. Totally ruins the plausibility (yes even in a ZA show) with such undogly behaviour.
  12. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha This is a joke right? Actually she may just be great with strange new clients, charming them as she can do. Its anyone that works under her and looks at her the wrong way one morning that I'd feel sorry for.
  13. It definately would have looked like a rouse if he had just flashed it at TC. But that would have at least been something at least, you never know. But IMO Kelly should have convinced Keith to show it to the tribe back at camp. Non chalantly. Just pull it out wrapped in the official note. Then put it on so they can't get too good a look, and hand them the very real note that came with it to study closer. Then put it away once they were convinced. Keith could have even said something along the lines of .."I didn't want to just pull the HII out at TC and make you have to decide suddenly like that between you three, so i thought i'd show it now so you'd have the time to work it out before." Come off as the nice guy, but what it would do is cause all three to panic and try and get on the good side of Keith and Kelly. Keith is an interesting character. I really didn't like him on his original appearance. He was a part of the good ole boys sexist club and said some very disgusting things. But the producers recreated him into an aw-shucks loveable hillbilly this time around. I actually thought that was quite sweet of Kelley. I thought she was attempting to make Keith feel not as isolated and embarrassed for tearing up and breaking down by sharing the burden by saying they'd all been like that that day.
  14. Late to the party. Any one of the last two pairs could have been sent home as far as I was concerned. I've never seen such a couple of idiots like Michaela and Hamilton. From last week where he was too shy to wear a dance costume. (I still don't see what else more would be revealed than a swim suit.) And then instead of at least trying the other task to see if they could get it done quickish, they immediately opt for the express pass. The stupid hurts. Especially when this week they had an obvious use for it. And Hamilton couldn't even try one dive? And they couldn't read the instructions in the suds challenge either. Its not his sexual orientation that bugs me its his and Michaela's stupid play that drove me nuts. Nic is another idiot I would be happy if he was gone. But I would miss Sabrina's cutting wit. One of those macho dumbass's that thinks they can do anything. But then get frustrated to the point of confusion and paralysis when they realize they were wrong about their capabilities. He can't finish a soccer challenge, even though he claims he is a player, he can't find the flag. Both cannot taste fruit flavours.
  15. I am gobsmacked from that video. First off, I have no idea what she was selling. Tyra got too much into selling herself as a perpetually overlooked music video star to notice. Secondly, what other reality TV host or even creator would use the contestants on the show to make a music video with themselves as the star selling some service or product for their personal gain. The show should be about the contestants. Can you imagine Heidi Klum doing that? Maybe Jeff Probst and the winning tribe of the week as his video backup singers to help make his big break into country music? Third, it was too long. But I did like the hallway sequences.
  16. So glad Bello was whisked off the set. What an arrogant entitled piece of bird poop. He didn't once ask himself "hmmm, might there have been some moment where I ignored or dissed Hadassah for her to give me this cold shoulder?" She saw right through him in the end because she knows his game because she's done it many times herself. I've been warming up to Hadassah, which surprised me as she reeked of privileged mean girl. They both started out as the local mean girls, but Hadassah is learning about social respect more, while Bello is still clinging to his mean girl drama bitch act.
  17. What is searingly depressing about this episode is that it ends showing just how much hubris the ruling elite and their game show hosts have to actually allow him to say whatever he wants to twice a week for 30 minutes, without a worry in the world. They know exactly what will happen and that is he will become just another novelty item for the riders to consume...among many other choices. And how in the end Bing has totally lost the whole bite of his message, after being bought, and packaged up for consumption and he has become no more than what he said he aspired to be...an entertainer. And on a program that makes money for one of those very assholes he told "fuck you" to. Provoking because that also speaks of our time. Mega-Corporate filtered and scripted news "items" to define our world for us on the approved TV channels. Giving us info-tainment with the "hottest" story of the day repeated ad nauseum 24/7. Real news is out there, but you have to dig it up for yourselves. And if those big media corps get their way, soon they will have paid off enough politicians to dismantle Net Neutrality, and divide it all up for themselves. Then they can really start to divert your information streams, like, slow down the ones with Bing speaking on them, and increase the ease and speed loading, say Fox News or CNN etc.
  18. Its true that luck is a big part as well. Where they get dropped off. I'm sure the scouting team doesn't know exactly where all the bear dens are. Just Josh's luck he was plonked right next to a big bear family. But he could have moved on his own. Also luck in if they are close to fresh water. I thought it was unfair that Mitch had to actually make a raft just to be able to find a stream. He would have tapped out even earlier if he had never found fresh water. I still cannot believe Brant just mulled around exactly where they put him, never got a fire going, and was afraid to explore, even to the point of not following the creek back up until it was fresh and running.
  19. That's a good point both of you raised. But it did seem to be quite a drop-off. I thought the infrared lens cameras they had on the outside of their tents was also fascinating/scarey to watch. Did they just never get any more animal footage or simply that no one set this up again? Because I'm sure that animals must have sniffed around their shelters at night. And I just confirmed by a google search that "Cougars hunt at any time of day and night through all seasons". https://wildsafebc.com/cougar/ And I'd think as the winter came on, they would be even less picky about what kind of protein they were filling their bellies with. And this is the most populous per km. area for cougars in North America. Also bears wanting to "stock up" for their long nap you would think would be even more hazardous, especially after all the berries had finished their growing seasons. It was just odd that not only was there a complete absence of predator sightings, but even stories about encounters even if they didn't get a shot of it. And if it were myself out there, I would be hollering every 10 minutes or banging a stick just to make sure they knew I was there, even if I were sitting back enjoying a beautiful sunset/sunrise. I guess the predators just decided collectively these intruders were not worth their time anymore.
  20. After finishing the series I went back and watched a few extra videos on YouTube. Alan says on his pre-trip video that he is a corrections officer. Count me in also as someone who would have never guessed that - I mean how could someone who loves the outdoors and freedom have a job that not only confines you to the inside, but also involves keeping others locked up within a multi-level system of locks and high walls, working in such an atmosphere of confinement. I just never would have guessed that in a hundred tries. But that wasn't my main point. He was saying on this video how he takes groups of inmates out into the woods and teaches them survival skills in the woods. I was thinking WTF? And that a few of them would be thinking "Thanks Alan, I will absorb all I can from your free lectures and use them if I can ever escape"
  21. yeah Alan won! I would have been ok with either of the final four winning. But Alan was a favorite from the beginning. Still some nagging questions: 1. I'd like a better explanation on the drastic drop in predator sightings, or even sounds...after the first one or two episodes presented us with a situation, in more than one camp, which implied an ongoing problem, even danger, on a daily basis. I'm sure a lot of it was hyped by the producers, but then either they equally under-hyped the big animal sightings after those initial episodes, or they actually did drop off. I'd just be curious, if that was the case, was because the local population just became more accustomed to the strange human creatures presence, and had decided they weren't worth risking attacking? or had enough other food anyways etc... and those first encounters were just a matter of "lets check out this new weird creature camping out in our back yard."? 2. I hope Mitch never regrets leaving when he did. IMO his isolated and stressed mind was probably looking for any excuse to leave, and so produced a kind of fantasy where his mother was going to turn for the worst and die before he got back. Of course no matter how long she lives, he can say he was able to spend at least 10 more days than he would have if he had remained, and that isn't anything to diminish. But his mother wanted him to stick it out for his family and future, and alhough she no doubt would be touched by his reason for returning early, it wasn't something she would have prefered. Also maybe some of that half million could have gone for specialist cancer treatment for her. 3. I did not like Lucas at first, but he soon grew on me. His ambition, ingenuity and his creativity were amazing. And even creating that musical instrument to help with his mental state...to be able to express himself in some way. His Yurt was great. I was looking forward to him completing the roof with the homemade umbrella roof top. I also appreciated his honesty and bravery in sharing his soul-searching. But while I can understand the concept of "having done all you could do" in rediscovering yourself, I'm sure he will look back one day and regret not sticking it out for the money. Because making it in the forest you need things like shelter, food gathering, fire...but in the other world one of the base survival elements is money. And $500,000 can buy a lot of clams. 4. Sam. I don't know why you chose to set up your tent right in the open like that. Or that you did not see fit to tie down that flapping tarp. Didn't it have gromet holes, or did he not have anything to tie it down with? Or was he just plain too weak? It also seemed like a very rudimentary shelter. One that he may use for the first week while he would build something more substantial. The other final four had much more sheltered structures, and were reinforced with wood better. Alans was set into a cave I think. All in all, a great series. I can't wait to see where they go for season 2. although I'd be ok with the returning there. Its so awesomely gorgeous and with such deceptively dangerous challenges with weather, animals, etc... But what we found out in this premier season, is that it is more about the isolation and mental fortitude to live through it that is the key to winning this "game".
  22. He had a general lackadaisical attitude about attracting animals to his sleeping area. Like the spread open roasting fish he lured that first cat back to his tent with. Funny because he was so knowledgeable about so many other survival skills.
  23. Am I the only one that was hoping for Pennsatucky to find love with the van guard? I think they, both the actors and the characters, had great chemistry together. Talking shit in the van etc.. Even the creepy doggy fetching, while strange, was not the most extreme role playing games adults might play. If not a love connection, then it could have developed into a situation where Pennsatucky was leading him around by the nose and taking advantage of his, at first, seemingly puppy dog attraction to her. But no..they had to go all rapey on their story line. I searched YouTube for Taryn Manning interviews and found one where it seemed like she was still filming Season 3. And she "hinted" to the interviewer that Pennsatucky may just have a little romance in her story. I think Taryn may have been interviewed just before she saw her script where her driving partner turned ugly. As many shows keep the actors in the dark and the writing is constantly evolving. I just thought they could have milked that story line of the guard running around like a puppy behind Pennsatucky and her getting to use him for all kinds of things within the prison. I was actually enjoying their jokey banter and comraderie and it just didn't seem plausible that the guard's character would have that kind of brutality in him. He went from a wide-eyed almost childlike deference to her into a "I know what you want...yeah...this is what you want isn't it...!" asshole. I just didn't think that was a believable transformation. And I felt sorry that Pennsatucky, instead of finally getting some romance in her life, just got confirmed that all guys are asshole rapists.
  24. Alan continues to impress and amuse. "You may already think I'm crazy, but I have other levels to rise to" "I've just spent hours amusing myself, but there's only so much of me I can take" I was worried for Lucas that he got red tide poisoning or something else serious and would have to be med-vacced out from eating so many clams. If he had taken time to soak them in a pot of water overnight, a lot of the sand would have been expelled at least. I'm still waiting for him to start making headway on a good shelter. I think, besides fire, and food, in that weather, and those predators, a log structured shelter would be my next big priority. He started with such promise. Amazing the size of logs he was accumulating. Please don't tell me he has stopped because of the clay not being quite right. So Lucas drags around that big tarp and uses it for everything? Too bad he doesn't have another one for the boat. That boat he made I admit was an awesome feat. But I agree with others in having a bigger standup dry area, and that tarp is big enough on its own to have a permanent dry area, especially combined with wood logs. I must be feast or famine out there. some days they get a giant Salmon, crabs and pig out. Perhaps the shell fish could be kept in water awhile without too much attraction, but they can't keep around leftovers I imagine. So they must throw away the access along with the carcas or shells, and the next day they have to start all over. I still can't believe others besides Alan didn't know about eating seaweed.
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