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  1. A bit of a disappointment. I know its only part ways through the season, but its the illogical suspension of reality that makes this season hard to swallow. As you pointed out, why wouldn't at least a few more of the O's move over to the X's after the last game? They had decided...one more game, before that. Realistically I find it hard to believe anyone would stay even after the first game, but I can only suspend my belief for so long. After the last game, they could each leave plus each take home around 300,000,000 yen, which is about $2,000,000 US dollars. Hard to believe that there would be so many idiots that would not take that deal, and go home, safe and sound. Especially after witnessing so much violence first hand. I'm sure that amount would be enough to cover most of these peoples debts. If not, they could use it to disappear. Also it seems so out of character, and hard to understand that Gi-hun would have a plan to cower under the beds watching his fellow weaker, older crew members die horrible deaths, just so he and the stronger alphas can emerge unscathed to attack the guards by themselves. That cold decision makes it hilarious how Gi-hun, at the end of the fight, with one guard left, admonishes one of his team for trying to kill the guard....because then they were no better than them. lol.
  2. It almost seemed like the producers were told when there were only a couple episodes left that they would not be renewed and they better wrap it up. It did feel rushed. I was looking forward to the scene when Dorthy finally has to accept she killed her baby. I thought it would be at least a full episode for her to come to grips with it, based on her deep delusions, but it only took a few minutes for her to hear it and go through all the stages of grief and guilt. Also, Was there a real (stolen) baby or there never was a real baby???? There is talk of a couple in another state that had their baby stolen, but then in that final scene, the baby turns back into the doll in Leanne's arms. I think that is stretching the limit of trust between Shyamalan and his audience. Because WE were seeing a real baby, and base our plot understanding on that. I followed the plot as if Leanna had a real baby herself that she either stole or had herself. And she substituted it with the doll. But in the last scent we see it IS a doll. And neither Dorthy or Leanne cares if it gets burned. All in all I enjoyed this series. Creepy and well acted. I liked that you didn't know if Leanne was some angel or some devil for much of the series. But there were a lot of undeveloped story lines. Why was she regarded as some kind of cult leader herself to some? Where were they all at the end?
  3. Its funny, no pun intended, how comedians sometimes make the best tragic actors. Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, and a few others, I can't remember now.
  4. I was rooting for Woniya too. I actually really liked her "spirituality". Seemed very real and suited the whole living with nature thing. But Jordan getting that big fish at the end only proved that he'd have outlasted her anyways. lol him trying to scarf down as much fatty meat as he could before the medics examined him. What happens if at some point every remaining contestant is too unhealthy to continue, but want to? Does that last person checked that day get the prize? I am curious always about how they set up the loved one to sneak up behind them. I'd love to see another camera follow a producer and the loved one around, trying to keep quiet, and out of sight. Congrats to Jordan! I too thought he was set after that moose kill. Things you learn on this show. I am imagining all these "low-fat" or "no-fat" dieting yuppies and hipsters out there screaming for fat! He definately had balls of steel. Not just the moose, but to kill a wolverine with a hatchet? My gawd, those things are deadly dangerous fierce.
  5. Nicole and Victor again snatch defeat out of the hands of victory, even though they did come in second. This time it was Victor;s fault, with an assist to Nicole. Tyler and Korey were just ahead of them getting their boat in. Nicole encouraged/whined to Victor that they could catch them. And they may have. One strong person rowing, in sync, is probably faster than the ad hock each with an oar style. It should have been closer at least. The problem for Victor was that he rowed his boat backwards the whole way across as far as I could see. And damn am I impressed with how fast he actually did forge across that sucker. Victor and Nicole back out of the dock. Tyler and Korey figure it out But Victor never turns the boat around. The water friction going backwards would make it a lot harder to make headway. For as long as the camera was on Victor happily pushed through the extra handicap.
  6. As far as a group decision on which teams should get the u-turn, they couldn't have made better choices if they'd huddled about it. Colin and Christie are the obvious biggest physical threat couple. So if they can hobble them they should take advantage. If you have a second pick, it makes sense to make it an insurance pick Rachel and Elissa. Whoever is the weakest. A good balance in choice. Its all about surviving the next leg to the others.
  7. Yes Ariel was the runaway favorite from my eyes from the beginning. She started at the top and never let anyone get past her after that. And she had confidence in not only her cooking but her leadership skills as well. I was afraid, this being a Ramsay show, he'd pick Mia just for the shock value, sm trending. (Knowing there was no lasting job waiting for her) In fact Ariel, who does look and act much like Christine, almost took the prize too easy. Like Gordon and his producers had already vetted and picked her before the show started. They wouldn't do that though right? She was just so perfect. Never up for elimination. Her food was great, even if not as creative as Mia. And she looked like she was having fun too. What's not to like? Maybe they pick three or four possibles with Gordon, and the rest the producers get to go hog wild picking high drama characters. The ones that they know in advance won't be getting anywhere near a Ramsay restaurant after the show. Either way, Ariel deserved the win and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her in future Ramsay shows. . .
  8. I thought Kanae should have won a black jacket too. I get that she's not mature enough for Gordon to envision her as leading one of his restaurant kitchens, but she deserved to go out in a later round. Both Bret and Heather made less successful dishes than she did, going back all season. Her final dish received no marks for originality. Heather won by repeating some recipe she has no doubt done many times. More of an exercise than cooking. It was hard to accept such a young innocent looking girl was talented enough to go as far as she did, but that girl was gifted. She always did well in challenges. I could do less of her getto bitch slapping her team mates, and tone down the attitude at times, but I'll miss her funny wit, and good natured charm. The last episodes would have been more fun with her on board, but she'll go far.
  9. I was disappointed that the show wasn't veering into another dimension with thinking zombies. But the show only reminded me of how easy it actually is to survive even if outnumbered by hundreds of walkers. I guess Rick forgot. Just find the nearest incapacitated one, or dispose of one, and proceed to smear the guts all over yourself. Hell, Michonne even managed without the messy face paint by just herding a couple with her. And there doesn't seem to be any danger of walker blood and fluids splashed all over you, when even a small amount can seep into your eye ducts, nose and mouth and ears, let alone any small cut which in the ZA I'm sure a few at a time would be quite normal. So if its all safe an all...MUST SUSPEND DISBELIEF.... why not use the method more themselves? Create masks and waterproof outfits they could smear with fresh zombie guts when needed. I'm sure it does reek, but it could be used for emergencies, or to take along on runs, just in case. If they were smart, a well prepared group wouldn't have to really worry about walkers, once they'd secured a fortress of some kind. After they opened that plot device up it took a lot of the threat away, and the suspense factor in the series. I don't particularly like that it became more of the same old "humans are the real monsters" plot line, and that Kill and Cover method made the human threat that much more threatening in comparison.
  10. Others have mentioned it so I won't dwell on it but omg this show took me to the brink of a mental collapse when I had to sit through long minutes of action enduring such stupidity. It was physically painful to watch that pair of siblings just sit in their vehicle watching themselves get slowly surrounded until it became a life and death situation. I was debating if I missed the part where the car breaks down. We've all seen that plot line dozens of times, and I would have been bored again, but at least it would have explained their paralysis. Its proving one thing, the apples don't fall far from the tree. Any normal, zombie apocalypse veteran, which both are by now, would have driven straight up past the parked van to the gate, which Madison would be in the process of openning up just enough to drive the jeep through. Those in the jeep would train their weapons (which they would have brought...duh) on back of the silent van until they drove in and closed the gate. All this before the convoy arrives. Now that's how you do ZA! Sadly, between this series and the other one, the writers are getting lazy. Too lazy a script to believe.
  11. Me too. And TWD isn't the only show these days that falls for that go-to fall back as an easy way out to solve a plot resolution. Doesn't hurt that it all looks exciting and pretty on the screen. The 100 is another of those shows. I know we are supposed to suspend our disbelief for this series. I guess they figure if we can suspend it include a zombie apocalypse, then we'll believe anything. But we are supposed to accept that there is an unending supply of bullets still in the ZA? Enough to spray around everywhere nonstop like a fire hose? Unless they've set up an industrial bullet factory, for every type of weapon they use, they'd be soon be out of all the looted ammunition they've scavenged. Its been a few years now. But the writers ignore that reality for the sake of hanging onto the trap door escape of a good old hollywood shoot out. I'd still watch it if it was more realistic and they had to save bullets for the exact right time. Learned and used bow and arrows, and other weaponary not dependent on already scavenged commercial supplys. If they had to also spare gasoline. And fight for it ie..Mad Max. Everything doesn't always have to end at the OK Coral.
  12. This is the most off-putting part of the new season for me. Who directs these episodes? Are they too afraid to tell Larry how self sabotaging that is to not only his own character, but to the engagement of the audience? It deflates any punchline by the paying no heed to suspension of belief. Which even in a comedy, you need. Maybe even more so because the story lines are so absurd to begin with. I agree, its not a deal breaker. I will overlook it because the show is so funny regardless. But not only does that kind of lazy acting on his part take you out of the narrative because instead of seeing 'show Larry' we see Larry David, milking out another season and feeling pretty good about himself because if it. It looks like he's enjoying himself, nothing wrong with that normally, but as a TV character it throws him out of character. And you can see it throws other actors out of their characters too which is unfair. This isn't SNL where you can forgive the occasional inadvertent laugh by the actors as its a live, quickly rehearsed show. But you expect a little more professionalism from an edited, crafted TV series.
  13. I'm with others that thought they dropped the ball at the end of the episode. They tried to twist the ending into a comedy ala TOS. It was like we were all supposed to have remembered the other Harry Mudd and apply his less psychotic personality to the version Rainn Wilson was portraying, and just laugh along. Anyone that gleefully kills not only the Captain who he has the personal grudge with but other various crew members too, in the most agonizing ways he can find, over and over, with no remorse, should be locked up. It should have ended with him floating away in a prison ship with the name Stella stamped on the side. He would have been a more compelling returning character with a story of how he escaped the next time we saw him, even more pissed and crazy. But if they were going to end the episode in the same manner as TOS, why not follow through all the way and have his wife be a less than pretty looking nag? They completely missed the punchline, after setting it up for almost an hour. Its her father's money he obviously is attracted to, so he has to bite his lip and be faithful. So why is this psychopath rewarded for his mass murdering with a hot, rich wife that seems crazy about him? Somethings not right with the universe.
  14. Wow. That was an outstanding series. Classic comic grindhouse horror done to a T. Cunningham pulled the show together. I loved the bi-storyline of him applying for the job at H.E. where we get to see him for the first time nervous, neurotic and paranoid and how he portrays these emotions Slink style. Great production values. Great casting. Over the top and bloody extreme comic spectacle to the point of a joke. Why didn't more people get it?
  15. That scene did a disfavor to the the actor IMO. Her character was so fleshed out as this scared and serious but a bold rebel. She was smart enough to know and be a part of some secret resistance, but isn't smart enough to try for the exit? That vehicle got in somewhere, there had to be a road out. I'm just a bit annoyed because as the scene was enfolding and she shared a precious smile with Offred, I had already written the scene in my head and was joyously anticipating cheering for joy after she broke through the city gates and was cruising down the highway, even if there were 20 black trucks behind her.
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