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Everything posted by In2You

  1. That's what I'm talking about EB is over there jealous because Nick is getting some shine and Victor isn't head honcho in his office anymore.
  2. But why does everyone on a soap have to be related? Isabella hasn't been on in so many years there wouldn't even be a purpose of tying them to her. And Mrs. Martinez is never seen. Tying them to either of them would be pointless.
  3. I dont understand why they take breaks every year with debuting new movies because they have new movies they filmed two years ago waiting for release.
  4. While PixL still hasn't released a new movie I did a recent rewatch of Sisters of the Groom and like it even more than before.
  5. I'm surprised LA's mother hasn't popped up on this board to sing her daughter's praises yet for returning like she did on some other sites.
  6. Minimum wage is 11.75/hr in NY. Bartenders make below minimum wage because they make their wages in tips. At GH she could could make close to $20/hr as a receptionist.
  7. When she dropped out of college to be with Parker they claimed she was only dropping out of grad school onscreen. Extra sloppy that they keep going back and forth with this. Kristina has been in school since 2011. More than enough time to get her bachelors. Even so without a degree there's still opportunities for her. She could easily get a job at the hospital that pays well above minimum wage without choosing bartending. You don't need a degree to work the greet desk.
  8. She has a college degree though. They never told us for what but they said she dropped out of grad school to be with Parker. Which means she already has her undergraduate degree. And even if she didn't bartender and cashier are not the only jobs available without a college degree.
  9. That's basically how Lindsey Morgan describes the character when asked about her time on GH. It's not believable at all that the spoiled princess would get work as a bartender. A part time job where she would actually have to clean and keep her attitude in check. Is this supposed to make her seem relatable like when she was a barista standing on her feet all day in 4 inch heels with no customer's in sight?
  10. If they were never front burner they were never on a fair amount of time. They were token diversity at best.
  11. I don't mind Arturo gaining family members and I don't consider it newbies taking away from vets. All the vets had their time to shine when they were young and frontburner. It's time to let some of the newer younger set shine. For some reason every time that starts to happen at Y&R some of the vets complain and we go right back to Nikki and Victor being front and center. If they want to be mad they should direct their anger at all the airtime Phyllis and Billy have been eating up.
  12. What's fair amount to you? Because it doesn't sound like were ever front burner
  13. She was terrible on Passions, DAYS, and AMC. I have no urge to hear her struggle to pronounce Spanish words. Ex husband and he threw shade at her on tv before saying he got a good one this time with his new wife.
  14. No! They better not cast her. Shes not even latino. Tired of her and her bad acting taking these roles shes not fit for.
  15. I prefer good acting. No scenery chewing, whispering, lifeless line readings. Some of the actors on GH jump between chewing scenery and lifeless whispering.
  16. Very unpopular. I've seen him on Disney Channel and he's as much a scenery chewer there as he was on GH.
  17. It didnt happen the last time she was on DAYS. On top of that the two shows air at the same time in many markets. The people still watching soaps are pretty much set in the soaps they want to watch. None of the actors who are moving between soaps are bringing a large amount of viewers with them. Those days are over.
  18. Sony owns both shows but in alot of markets DAYS is now in direct competition with Y&R airing at the same time as Y&R. It used to air later in my market but a couple of years ago they switched times.
  19. My thought too. La and HP resemble like they could be cousins but none of them resemble NLG. And LA doesnt resemble MB either. HP resembles RiH. KEMO doesnt resemble either onscreen parent.
  20. That's why this is the unpopular opinions thread because the popular opinion is that their all so fabulous and light up the screen together.
  21. I dont think I could read Hallmark in book form. Their guidelines lately have been making for full movies. I cant sit through a multi chapter book where little happens and adults falling in love dont even share a chaste kiss until the last page. I've read and watched Christian content with more drama.
  22. I don't think the Davis girls have this great rapport on screen.
  23. A Hallmark original novel Two very different people… One very special place. Dylan’s an overworked investment banker. Paige is a free-spirited first-grade teacher. From the first time they meet, these two opposites attract. Meanwhile, the cabin Paige is renting has gone up for sale. She loves living there, and she just might be able to buy it—if she finally achieves her dream of selling her children’s stories. When she learns Dylan is also determined to buy the cabin, their new romance turns into a real estate rivalry. Dylan could explain his own connection to the place…but that would mean opening up about his past. As his relationship with Paige goes from funny to touching, they both learn more about love and the true meaning of home. This feel-good romance contains a free Hallmark original recipe for Maple Pecan Streusel Muffins With Cider Glaze.
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