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Everything posted by In2You

  1. I only watched a handful of Hallmark Christmas movies this year and most were boring and blended into each other. And yes it is tiring to see the same actives done in every movie. Can we even call these rom-coms any more since most have no comedy? And the single dad prince/king movies are all the same now. And some of these movies don't have the budget to make the royal fantasy believable. Christmas at the Palace didn't even try to make the prince/king stuff believable. He should've just been some dignitary because he was wondering about town with out guards like it was nothing. And seemed to have all the time in the world to do everything but spend enough time with his child! I should've done the Christmas Drinking Game.
  2. I liked the oufits in Christmas Lost and Found. Wasn't that interested in the movie though the scavenger hunt was something new.
  3. Well the survey I took mentioned that they were going to do more original movies based off Harlequin love novels in the future. It even asked us what name would sound better for their weekend movie premiere. Even though it's a traditionally Christian channel(or it was until more recent years) Up has shown movies you would never see aired on Hallmark. I remember watching My Last Day Without You on up. And while I can't recall any full blown sex scenes I do recall a few movies airing on UP with heavily implied.
  4. I liked Kaitlyn Leeb better in Christmas with a View and I thought the couple had hot chemistry in that movie. But who the hell were they trying to fool casting Vivica Fox as mother to those Eurasian women? Even the casting of Kaitlyn's real life daughter as her neice didn't match. Not with that father and that grandmother. I'm all for colorblind casting but damn!
  5. Looks like UP has been teaming up with Harlequin for new romantic movies. It was a keep point in a survey I took for them recently and they had an influx of Harlequin movies for Christmas.
  6. I didn't even watch any of the ION movies this year. There were just far too many movies on TV at the same time.
  7. Interesting read. This right here is why I've watched less Hallmark in recent years. "The woman basically has to be a saint, but she still has to be a take-charge kind of female until she basically submits to the guy at the end." "This year we have heard that they have commissioned a couple of Hanukkah movies for next year which is interesting because once we used a character named Sid and we were told the name was too ethnic." They weren't hiding a pregnancy. They were doing a bad job hiding her pregnancy weight gain. She likes to slowly lose the weight. Plus she hasn't been thin in a few years.
  8. Finally watched Memories of Christmas. I remember the lead actor from Seventeen Again with Tia and Tamers back in the day. He's aged like fine wine.
  9. I recently skimmed the last two books and I dont recall a whole lot of their family. There's alot more YA books with Asian leads(and completely Asian not half white) being released within the next year that I'm very excited about. I have a copy of a new one from Melissa De La Cruz to read that was is being compared to this movie and Disney bought the rights https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2018/12/29-dates-book-melissa-de-la-cruz-movie-disney-streaming-the-gotham-group-1202520374/amp/
  10. It doesn't matter what EB's feelings are. His responses on Twitter are unprofessional to the highest degree.
  11. I liked this one too. And I wasn't expecting to because the Royal movies have been trash to me since they started overdoing them a few years ago. I too felt the movie could've come to a solid end because the last half hour when the rival showed up. I thought Christmas Catch had some funny moments.
  12. I'm only watching a handful of the movies. I've ignored majority of Hallmark's selections and have only been watching the ones that are diverse.
  13. I was really enjoying Christmas with a Prince and that it was different than the usual royal Christmas stories. The children and the lead's love for her patients added some depth and heart. Usually the leads in these stories feel like nothing other than overgrown little girls holding onto princess fantasies. But she actually had a memorable career she was passionate about. I was praising this movie for not having the stereotypical annoying ex buzzing around but then they brought in some bitchy wannabe fiancee in the 2nd half. But I liked the way she schooled her. Charles Shaughnessy is becoming the go-to King in these movies.
  14. Actually 1 Asian and two Hapas though all 3 characters were hapa.
  15. There's more than enough cozy mysteries for Hallmark to adapt that take place at Christmas. I'm shocked they don't do Christmas mystery movies. Lol they work very hard to portray strong women? Not in the majority of their movies. The woman is usually the one who has to consider giving up her career to be in a small town with a man.
  16. Yes the timing was off especially when they were running around all day and still had the party to attend. But this movie surprised me. I actually laughed a few times which I wasn't expecting based on the previews.
  17. So I put up my new Balsam Hill tree and they are definitely not as full looking in real life like in these movies. And I got min on sale. Had I paid upwards of $500 for a tree I would sent it back. Still a beautiful realistic looking tree but requires alot of fluffing and strategic ornament placement.
  18. I'm confused when people say the books were better and Peter was more well rounded in the books. Where? Because it felt like he never took anything seriously in book 1. And at times felt like a complete douche. But he has great hair so we should love him. It also felt like he was hung up on Gen the whole time until he decided he like Lara Jean. And Lara Jean cried over everything. Im going to try and read book 2 and see if there's any more developments though it sounds like another boring pointless like triangle where the other guy is pretty much irrelevant.
  19. Glad Mariah ripped Kyle a new one for overeacting over Lola being a virgin.
  20. I recall brief discussion of Peter's dad but the conversation was not deep like in the movie. Also the date people hyped as oh so romantic wasnt at all nor even memorable. Peter was an ass in the book and the epitome of dumb jock.
  21. So Lola has to be a virgin to counteract big bad slut Summer who I'm sure will find out and shame her about it.
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