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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I think she was still legally married to Ric at the time. I don't know if the divorce was in progress. What I remember seeing was Elizabeth sitting next to Zander at a bar, explaining that she found out Ric had held (pregnant) Carly prisoner in a panic room in their (her and Ric's) home. The marriage was over. Zander empathized, saying Emily chose Nik/Nik&Em were having sex. In their misery (maybe drunk?) they hooked up and conceived Cam.
  2. During that awful Nikolas/Elizabeth/Lucky triangle and then the storyline(s) involving baby Aiden, there was a nice, quiet brunette boy (about 6 years old?) who played Spencer. While Aiden was still an infant, for closure, Nikolas decided to leave Port Charles and start a new life abroad with Spencer. Bechtel was cast as Spencer when Nikolas returned to Port Charles with him, and then the awful kiddie storyline started with Spencer wanting Brooke Lynn's Emma to be his girlfriend. Nikolas got involved with Britt (who had Ben - aka Rocco) and he and Britt totally indulged Spencer. I think it would be nice to get that (now older) brunette boy back as Spencer.
  3. I think so. GH is truly creatively bankrupt. Sonny and Carly are the second sex partners to get pregnant when they are grandparents (yes, I know Carly doesn't realize Michael's "godson" is actually his real son/her grandson). The first were Julian (grandson Danny) and Olivia (grandson Rocco) when Leo was conceived. But wait - Avery is about 4, is Rocco older? So is this actually Sonny's second time to father a kid when he's a grandfather? Ughhhh. I'm so glad I missed today's show. I will NOT watch Elizabeth, a rape survivor, go to the jail *on the anniversary of her rape* to marry Franco who is guilty of sexual assault of Sam, regardless of his guilt or innocence in these crimes. Becky Herbst deserves sooooo much better. 😞 Sounds like an awful Valentine's episode.
  4. I simply cannot feel sorry for her. Her obsession with Faison is why she protected and enabled him for so many years. The choices driven by that obsession are the reason why Faison was ever in a position to shoot Nathan. She could have stopped or help stop the madness a decade or more before Peter ever put his plan in motion to lure Faison out of hiding. Maxie not only lost her husband partially as a result of O's choices, she also lost out on years of her beloved cousin Robin's life.
  5. It is weird and confusing, especially when you realize that Lulu's mother-in-law Olivia was involved/in love with with Johnny Z. after he and Lulu broke up, and that Ned used to be Lulu's stepbrother because of Luke's marriage to Tracy. So, Ned has gone from being Lulu's stepbrother to stepfather-in-law.
  6. I want Aunt Tracy to return from Europe briefly, and tell Monica's oldest grandchild, Michael, that he's a shitty Quartermaine, and worse, he's a shitty grandson, for living in Monica's house and being on good terms with Sonny after all the hell and loss Monica has suffered because of Sonny. Then she can turn to Oscar and say, "So, you're Alan's latest grandson. I hear you're dating Carly's daughter? Kid, you can do soooo much better. "
  7. Have I missed any scenes of Murphy and Avery discussing this? I'm curious to know if Avery is aware of his biological father's name, and if Avery has met him/spent any time with him.
  8. So true. I liked the quick Drew-Cam hug in the hospital (when Cam went to check on Oscar) because it acknowledged that Drew and Cam still have residual affection for each other from the "Jake"/Elizabeth relationship time. We also know that Jake still loves Drew as a father/uncle, and that Elizabeth and Drew still care about/respect each other. My ideal scenario would be that an angry survivor of one of Franco's victims (possibly with mental health issues) corners him and kills him, saying something like "I can't live with knowing you're walking around free and that you have the audacity to be an art therapist after what you've done; I don't buy that a brain tumor made you do it." Elizabeth and Drew leaning on each other in their suffering (him because of Oscar, her because of Franco, and he doesn't hate Franco anymore) could lead to them falling in love again. Drew has said to Franco "Elizabeth is the best" - he was both attracted to her and found her to be a kind and caring person back when he had no memories or connections. I also think BM has played Drew as respecting that Kim has been devoted to Oscar since he was born, and he is eager to co-parent with her, but that's it. He understandably seems to feel awkward about Kim bringing up a past he doesn't remember. Kim seems to want Drew to remember her/feel something romantic toward her; one moment she seems invested in being with Julian and the next she's recounting to Drew how she felt being in his arms after they conceived Oscar. It's just SO strange. The hospital room kiss seemed like BM thinking "Ok I've been directed to kiss you, let's get this over with." Drew seems almost as repulsed by Kim's words/behavior as Sam seems by Jason being close to kiss her, lol.
  9. Exactly. She treats him like mud on her shoe in his own bar - which she willingly enters since he hired her sister Kristina, and he also hired her now former stepson. She does not acknowledge that working for Julian has given Kristina at least some tiny sense of purpose (a place to be at given times, where she gets paid). The time she snarked at him to "keep the place family-friendly" as she left had me thinking, "well if you hate him and his bar so much, don't meet Kristina there, you brat." When Sam's behavior (aside from Jason fixation) reminds me of Carly, that says something.
  10. Especially considering she spoke to Olivia and Ned just moments later about her and Jason's gratitude that Danny is a cancer survivor. Umm, without that bone marrow transplant from Julian, Sam, you wouldn't have a healthy son now.
  11. Actually I recall Monica telling Oscar "you have Alan's smile" and they continued talking (supposedly about Alan). So I assume we're supposed to think he resembles Alan.
  12. This. I am so happy to see ALL 3 of Elizabeth's sons interacting, and her being spotlighted as a loving mother who is worried about her kids. I love that the boys have storyline material that is NOT about propping the fathers. For so long, the writers seemed to want us to think Jake was Liz's only kid, the only one who mattered, because they wanted to uses the son to prop the Elizabeth/Jason connection, BM as the new Jason, and then Burton as the returning Jason. I appreciate that Hudson has been playing Jake like he's okay with Jason being a part of his life, but he still loves Uncle Drew as a dad too. He has good relationships with his mom and his brothers as well - his life is not focused on Jason or ugh...Franco. (That Halloween scene of Danny being dressed as Jason made me think, "poor kid.") Elizabeth playing a loving and concerned mother to children who are growing up is the best material she's had in years. The "who's the daddy" and baby kidnapping storylines were beyond tired. I will give writers credit that the presentation is not Liz and Franco as equal parents or that Franco is a totally awesome almost step-dad to the boys. I didn't like Franco being included in the parent-teacher conference about Aiden, though. He has no idea about how to properly, politely speak to a teacher, he is not Aiden's father nor is he his step-father yet. It was not appropriate. Cam is really shining as a son who loves his mom, a kid who does stupid things with good intentions, and a big brother who wants to look out for his younger brothers while making it clear that the three of them along with their mother are a family. The scene with his kid brother Aiden was super sweet. Aiden's smile in reaction to Cam's pep-talk was heartwarming. I also have liked that the Cam scenes have revealed that Cam knows about Franco's past, accepts that Franco is living with them and claims to love his mother as well as to be devoted to their family, but *does not* see Franco as a father.
  13. Did she specifically say her brother's ex-gf? GH can't do the logical thing and have Kristina say she is concerned that her little sister Avery is going to be sad/not understand that she'll never see big sis Kiki again, because she understands Kiki had a significant role in Avery's life?
  14. I just can't with Anna and Finn as a couple, but Britt isn't entitled to Anna caring about her welfare. Britt knows that her mother kept Robin a prisoner for years and deserves to be in prison, but her behavior toward Anna in those precinct scenes showed she didn't really care. She knows her mother has been an accomplice to Faison through his years of heinous activities. She was mocking/insulting her memories of 4-year-old Emma. She was gleefully asking Finn if he could picture Anna and Faison conceiving Peter, while having some awareness of the hell Anna has been through over the years due to Faison's obsession.
  15. Franco told Cam that he thought Kiki was his daughter until she was 21. I thought, huh?? Is this a retcon? I thought the same thing when Ava was crying about if she and Franco had raised Kiki together... I would swear that, like Silas, Franco did not know Ava had a daughter until Kiki showed up in Port Charles as a 19/20-year-old. I recall that Ava and Franco (played by the real actor Franco) acknowledged they'd had an affair/relationship once upon a time. I can say one nice thing about this show: I enjoy seeing Laura being a sweet, compassionate loving grandmother with Lucky's children (yes, I consider Cam to be Lucky's too). I would like to see Cam have a one-on-one conversation with Laura and ask, do you know where my dad is and why he won't come see us.
  16. She went from disapproving of Robin and Patrick's romance/hook-ups in the workplace, to being a Patrick & Sabrina shipper and singing Sabrina's praises when everyone thought Robin was dead. It is not surprising that she would be written as a shipper to prop yet another awkward/anti-chemistry "relationship." So, no comment to Finn like, "I used to tell your girlfriend's daughter and son-in-law what I'm saying to you now...this is a HOSPITAL, people! Not a (insert colorful description here)!"
  17. I recall one scene of Kiki showing up with Molly and TJ at the Floating Rib, saying she didn't want to be the third wheel (very soon after she and Dillon broke up off-screen). But this is also the show that tried to claim (with a conversation between Jordan and TJ) that TJ was really upset about the death of his good friend, Morgan. The only interaction between TJ and Morgan that I saw was right before Morgan died - TJ tried to stop him from stealing Julian's car and he punched TJ in the face as a thank you.
  18. Yes, however Trump is encouraging hostility towards American media outlets, which was the point of this episode. I agree with your friend. A decade or so ago, two of my relatives would say they were proud re: my writing/reporting. Now they both verbally attack those who won't "be fair" to him, including me. I recently commented on the FB page of one of them, saying that the comments from two of the FB friends (strangers to me) were correct. Did not express an opinion. Another FB friend of this relative (also a stranger to me) responded to me, "How does it feel to be under the control of the MSM zombies?" and yet another stranger asked why I don't love America, and suggested I leave. My relative did not acknowledge or defend me. She absolutely believes the reporter who had his press pass taken away by the WH deserved it. "Murphy Brown" did not go overboard on the threats to the press. If anything, it was understated.
  19. Hey, it's not Valentin's fault he doesn't know that the fiance/ex-wife of the man he killed, who also happens to be his daughter's mother's once and future sister-in-law, got murdered during a party at Wyndemere.
  20. After almost killing Robert, torturing Robin and holding her prisoner for years, shooting Elizabeth in her own home, and being an accomplice to Faison for decades, sneering at almost everyone but Franco, and being utterly unapologetic about it all even after her own son was killed by the man she enabled, she deserves to be beaten by minions in hell. The actress is great; the character almost makes Carly look like an upstanding citizen.
  21. Inaccurate. In this age of "the press is the enemy of the people," a gunman walked into the Capital Gazette newsroom in June (2018) in Annapolis, MD and opened fire, killing several journalists and a sales assistant. The reason: he was angry about coverage of a criminal harassment charge brought against him. A writer who had been contacted by the gunman said on record to salon.com that the gunman "was politically influenced by the alt-right." For approximately a day, Trump denied the request from the mayor of Annapolis to lower American flags to half-staff nationwide. https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/anne-arundel/annapolis/bs-md-annapolis-attack-what-we-know-20180629-story.html (I will forever remember this horrific news because I am a former newspaper reporter and I live not far from Annapolis. )
  22. Absolutely. That's the point - people see/saw her as low-class because of her personality and her scheming, not because of where she grew up or how much money she had/has. She refuses to acknowledge that truth, and instead maintained that people looked down on her - often with contempt - because they were rich snob elitists. I still think that the reason Luke would call her "Caroline" or "sweet Caroline" in sarcasm when they had one-one-one scenes was to make the point that "Carly" is an identity she created for herself when she began her new Port Charles life - at heart she always was and always will be a low-class thinking schemer. It has nothing do with how much money she has, where she lived as a child or where she lives now.
  23. It's a reference to how SJB's Carly used to refer to herself. Carly has always desired and valued money and power because she didn't have it as she was growing up. She felt that trailer park living was low-class. She was a young schemer, determined to "prove" that she belonged in mother Bobbie's world of doctors and nurses as well as other rich and powerful people, many of whom were well educated. She glossed over the important detail that Tony, Monica, Alan, Justus, Alexis, etc. all could do well for themselves regardless of being part of wealthy families because they had graduated from med or law school. They went on to be successful in their professions. Carly didn't go to school for years and then get a loan to start her own business; she co-owns and runs the hotel as a result of her marriage to Jax. The money she had before that came from her relationships with/marriages to Sonny, AJ and Jason. One of the reasons (although not said explicitly) that she has resented Robin and Elizabeth is that the Port Charles residents (and Jax, too) these three women have in common respect that R&E went to school to become medical professionals, and have worked as a doctor and nurse for more than a decade now. Deep down, Carly knows Jason will never respect her like he does R&E.
  24. This. I wonder if Sonny will tell Oscar that he and Joss can count on him for support just like Stone and Robin counted on him (gag). To which Oscar should say, "Thanks, but it would be better for me to count on Josslyn's dad, because it's safer. The people associated with Mr. Jax aren't criminals."
  25. Would someone please tell me the show date for when Laura mentioned Lucky, and Elizabeth called him? I would love to hear Elizabeth mention that Cam and Aiden are out of town visiting Lucky during the holiday break; that they jumped at the chance to go visit their Dad since they've both been under stress lately. Maybe Aiden would actually tell Daddy that Aunt Lulu's daughter is a bully (assuming he knows Charlotte is his cousin).
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