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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. In Carly's case, potato chips should fall behind trusting Sonny and his gun(s) and her general life choices (i.e. thinking she knows what she's doing and then getting in over her head) for potential harm to herself and her unborn child. Speaking of mothers and children, I watched the GH rerun today (didn't see it the first time) and could Maxie be dumber than to yank out Sasha's hair (for a DNA test against Nina) as Sasha and Michael chatted, and then take it triumphantly - with a smirk toward LWB/FS - back to her seat as Valentin watched her. A sign on her chest spelling out her intentions would have been more subtle, geez.
  2. Her connections are also Diane, Kristina, Elizabeth and Franco, and Lulu, none of whom are newbies. She is a teacher of legacy characters' children, who is getting a sad backstory and we as the audience have witnessed her developing real relationships with these people as well as Lucas and Brad over time. That is why people care about what happens to her. Sabrina was dropped into the hospital one day, ran into Patrick, and had an instacrush on him. She was a nurse and Patrick decided she could babysit Emma. Somehow Emma and Sabrina getting attached to each other snowballed into everyone - for no good reason - talking about Sabrina being a wonderful person, amazing nurse, ideal partner for Patrick and perfect stepmom for Emma. The only real non-superficial relationship she had with another adult was Felix. Her "relationship" with Patrick was in no way comparable to the mature adult relationship Willow and Chase have.
  3. Yes, that's what she said. I agree with your interpretation of what Laura said. For all his crimes/felonies which included kidnapping newborn Aiden, Franco has been a present father figure to Aiden in recent years. Laura didn't say 'embrace Franco and tell him he's awesome,' she indicated that open or barely disguised hostility which makes the point 'you're not family, get lost' could hurt the family considering how attached Jake and Aiden are to Franco. It seemed like she was also trying to tell Cam, hey you have to accept that this is the guy your mother has chosen to love/marry and they are clearly committed to each other. I'm still mad that Laura wouldn't even say Lucky's name and Cam wasn't allowed to acknowledge he misses his father. Of the three boys, Cam would be the one with great memories of spending time with Lucky when he was little.
  4. Typical Sonny, asking someone for help and threatening them in the same conversation. Has the actress, Dev's "grandmother," been on GH before? She looks familiar. I loved seeing Laura behaving as compassionate grandmother to Cam, however the Show not even allowing her to say her own son's name seems like a *glaring* way of punishing JJ for leaving the role of Lucky. It seems like shades of the treatment Robin got when Kimberly McC decided to move on with her career. Elizabeth, what Laura did is not called magic - it's called tuning in and having a real conversation with your son, instead of spending all your time telling Franco how wonderful he is. Cam has been your son his entire life; Franco has only been in your life for a few years. I liked that Laura pointed out to Elizabeth that Cam is a good kid. It was cute seeing Cam perk up at the obvious thought he was going to ask Joss to be his date. Don't even get me started on attorney Scott getting so-called advice from his serial killer son, and then yelling at Franco when Bobbie said no. Franco saying "Dad" made me roll my eyes.
  5. IIRC, Scott called Dominique a "girl" when she was the love of his life, and the same with Laura. I think that term is supposed to be a Scotty characteristic (and now it shows his age). Makes me think of Sonny throwing barware - inappropriate but expected.
  6. He wants a relationship/hates being alone. He told Franco it's not happening with Ava and it felt good when he was there for Bobbie when she fainted.
  7. It's not quite as awful as assumed; today Kim told Shiloh she wanted him to teach her how to persuade Drew to have another baby with her. She feels Drew must be the father. Kim didn't trust Shiloh, but she didn't think he was OMG TEH EVUL like Sam did. She was genuinely shocked today when Julian filled her in after she spilled his personal family business to Shiloh. Gotta love that Brad, knowing Lucas is worried about Bobbie's health, says hey let's leave Port Charles and never look back...then screams "stay away from me!" in Shiloh's face. Subtle, moron. The office scenes with Jax, Curtis and Drew today would have been great if not for annoying, entitled Nina.
  8. Me: Between Grandma Monica, Aunt Olivia, Leo's nanny, and Uncle Drew/Daddy, they are well cared for. Sam is just the lady they visit with every once in a while.
  9. Hey now, don't leave his sister out of the Jerome family "loose lips" problem. I recall that Sam mentioned Lucas while yelling at Julian, which is why Julian assumed that Lucas (a name he knew nothing about at the time) must be another relative of his.
  10. Kim appears to want to go on and on and on to someone about Oscar while becoming pregnant with that someone's baby. No, she knows nothing of Willow or Kristina's DoD experiences, same with Sam's "plan." In the last scene she asked Shiloh to help her "bring Oscar back" so yeah her delusion today after Drew left seems to indicate she believes Oscar's spirit wants to come back into her life as a new baby. Of course, an emotional woman begging for his help greatly appeals to Shiloh's ego.
  11. BM deserves praise for Drew's heartbreak in turning Kim down and watching her spiral out of control with grief before his eyes. Good for him for going to see Julian. TB is doing a great job playing a woman who has lost her mind in her grief. Geez Lucas. Yelling "stay away from my family!" would have been sufficient. Of course Shiloh's wondering what's up. Michael: "I learned from the best." Me: Eye roll. I'm pleasantly shocked to see two GH nurses have a mature, extended drama-free conversation about a disease and self-care. But the line "two loving children, let them help" made me want to ask Epiphany, "have you ever met Carly?!"
  12. I guess since he's telling the world he is determined to be a father to his son ASAP, and he welcomed Oscar into the DoD house/supposedly liked and respected her son, she figures he is an acceptable, i.e. 'good enough' alternative to Drew or Julian as baby daddy. "You may never find your son, but you can honor Oscar's spirit with me!"
  13. No, she claims she wants to raise a baby with both parents being involved from day 1 (the unsaid factor: she trusts/is still kinda in love with Drew and is in a relationship with Julian). With both Julian and Drew, she emphasized wouldn't it be great to have all the moments with our child that you missed out on with your other kids/Oscar. With Julian, she spoke of being a family. I think her next suggestion with Drew is that they don't have to be a couple; if he doesn't want to sleep with her they can conceive the baby in the clinical way and then they can be friendly co-parents like they were with Oscar. In the scenes where she was out of it after they spread Oscar's ashes, she regretted not telling Drew about the pregnancy, maybe they could have been a family and maybe she and Drew could have given Oscar a younger sibling too.
  14. I agree that the trope is highly insulting, but I don't think that is Kim's point. She has defined her identity in life as doctor and mother to Oscar. I know of women who are single mothers of an only child, where mom and kid have their close bond/us against the world/live in their own home bubble type of situation. These women would not know how to function in the world/would break down if their children got removed from their lives (regardless if they knew it was coming due to an extended illness). Not only is Kim struggling with the loss of her motherhood identity and responsibilities, her job is caring for women who are bringing children into the world. I think she is desperate to feel normal by becoming a mother again. She also needs something to look forward to because facing the future without her son - while seeing other women become mothers in her daily work life - is too crushingly painful. If you recall, after Nathan died, Maxie was all "I lost Nathan but I can survive the pain because I will be raising our baby in the future; Nathan lives on with me in this baby." As messed up as it is, Kim has convinced herself Oscar's spirit will live on with her in a similar way.
  15. Brad reacted in panic to Alexis saying Shiloh would get an order for a DNA test, but he looked stricken - like he had been caught (due to a guilty conscience) when Alexis said "tell the truth." That line makes me think this is the beginning of the end of the storyline. Since Shiloh is showing Sonny-like behaviors, I think he'll either do a secret DNA test after overhearing one of the many non-private conversations going on about Wiley, or something very public like crash Wiley's 1st birthday party (you know there's going to be a birthday scene!!) for a DNA test. The most interesting way for this to play out is that Lucas, Willow, Michael, Shiloh's attorney, etc. find out Shiloh tested negative as Wiley's bio father at the same time as Shiloh's corpse is discovered. Then Brad has to 'fess up and deal with the fact that a guy he (stupidly) respected got killed as a result of his lies. I think Drew deliberately didn't bring up Scout due to how Kim was behaving. He probably has concerns now that if rejected about a baby, Kim might want to kidnap/raise Scout as their own, "Sam dumped you, got back together with your brother and they are happily raising their son. Oscar adored Scout! Let's raise her together to honor Oscar's memory!"
  16. All the props to JZ for Bobbie's delivery of the lines about a measles outbreak/anti-vaxers and to BM for the "holy shit, you belong in a psych ward" wide eyes/facial expression today, then anger as Kim explained that "it's up to us" to create a new life. This should be an exit storyline for Tamara Braun. Shiloh definitely came off as Sonny-esque; his attorney did a good job of shutting him down with a reality check. I'm a little shocked that Sam voluntarily said Drew's name and sounded like she maybe sorta cared about him, but then she lost any shred of credibility as a supposedly independent woman with the fretting over Jason not texting her. I think?? the Brad-Alexis-Julian conversation, especially her 'tell the truth about Wylie' line and Brad's stricken look, means this storyline will wrap up in a few weeks. Alexis and Julian are good together when talking or arguing about family matters and legal ramifications.
  17. Neil handed Willow his business card after she told her story, saying she could reach out to talk. Michael seems to be involved both because he's concerned for his friend Willow and he doesn't want Shiloh getting his hands on Lucas and Brad's son/"my godson." Alexis seemed to empathize with Willow, but is worried as both Lucas and Brad's attorney as well as Kristina's mother. I understand her concern since Shiloh is implying to her he's not done messing with Kristina's life and thinks he can blow up her life and possibly Sam's in the process. I personally see Willow as a strong young woman who can handle/walk away from Shiloh's b.s. (and has a boyfriend who can threaten to arrest him), while Kristina comes off as still easy to manipulate and Wiley is a baby so he can't run away. ETA: I really wonder if Nelle and Ryan will break out of Pentonville and either Nelle will kill Shiloh, or Ryan will kill Shiloh as a favor/thank you to Nelle for her help.
  18. The best parts of today's show: Julian having no use for Bobbie and walking away from her as she was screaming/demanding he come back, and Cam being a sweet, thoughtful kid. It's nice to see him be appreciated. Poor Drew. Kim, he showed no signs of wanting to kiss you. Also stupid and eye-roll worthy and OTT: Willow's tirade in court. Sonny has in his home: a stepdaughter mourning her recently deceased boyfriend, an impressionable 4-year-old daughter, and a wife with a high-risk pregnancy. Yet he's concerned about/focused on taking care of a teenage boy whom he knows next to nothing about. Dev helped him out briefly in Turkey and Carly decides she likes him, so it's totes okay for him to live indefinitely in the home with their two minor children? Okayyyy.
  19. It was ridiculously contrived some years ago too when Carly was at the hospital for some plot point scene and when asked what she was doing there, she said she had to pick up a prescription for (child) Morgan. Because apparently there is not a single pharmacy in Port Charles.
  20. Yes I realize that, but I just want Lucas and possibly Bobbie to point out her hypocrisy to her face, as well as the fact that her "correct" choice resulted in Michael getting shot in the head when he was a tween.
  21. I feel pity for Lucas because Carly didn't give a damn how her actions hurt him/his family when he was a child. I feel pity for Lucas because Carly is all up in his business right now when she hasn't shown any signs of being invested in his well-being over the years. I feel pity for Lucas knowing that Carly will most likely be all "sorry you got hurt bro, but you're not his father, Michael is his father, this little boy belongs with his real father" when the truth comes out. I reallllly hope someone, preferably Lucas, throws in her face that she didn't feel that way when she knew AJ was Michael's father.
  22. I see the actress, Hendrickson? who played Margaux the D.A. has a new job - was in a store check-out line today and saw her on the cover of the CBS Soaps magazine with a guy, but I don't know if it she was the promo for B&B or Y&R.
  23. I'm such a sucker, I loved the moment of Aiden telling Willow, "I'll miss you." Also, the wavy hair/pony tail is a gorgeous look for Becky Herbst. The change from Stafford as Nina to nuNina is jarring in the classroom scenes, since Stafford was all about acting like Nina wanted Willow to drop dead/be banished from Port Charles for telling the truth about Charlotte and daring to be in close proximity to Michael since Nina clearly now thinks of him as Sasha's property. The scenes today involving Josslyn had me all "We get it, Show - Joss is absolutely and totally mini-Carly." Now Jax should have a confrontation with Carly and Sonny about bringing a teenage boy with a questionable background, whom he has never met, to stay a while in the house where his teenager daughter lives. Sonny absolutely does not know the kid well enough to say that he poses no danger to Josslyn. Jax should insist that Josslyn move in with him for a while. Also, Avery is not a baby or toddler anymore, Carly - she should be taught to pick up her own toys. I liked Jax calling out nuNina on basically having a tantrum if she doesn't get her way. And Robert and Jax mentioning Jerry re: Robin. More than one Jerry mention since Jax has returned must mean Jerry will be back sometime this summer. Shiloh's attorney does not come across at all as fierce; her gaze is not menacing and the thing she's doing with with her mouth is really distracting, making it appear it takes a lot of effort for her to speak. Did GH maybe hire an actress who recently had a stroke? In general I wouldn't care, but it undermines the "Shiloh's attorney is a real shark and so Diane is concerned" impression we're supposed to have. It seems to me the actress would be more appropriate in the role of a doctor or nurse or an important character's BFF. The last exchange in the courthouse between Alexis and Diane was funny, though.
  24. It's either that (and Harmony didn't want her to know she had another father), or the show is going to do a "Willow was switched at birth" story for irony - that the daughter who died was the switched baby while Willow is his true biological daughter.
  25. No, he let Sonny into the interrogation room where the minor had just been temporarily placed. There have been many, many, many private conversations between people (some under arrest, some not) in that room. The kid had not been taken to a jail cell or processed so far.
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