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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. This isn't the first time he had murder in mind. He previously tried to have Hayden murdered (gunshot to the head) but the shooter messed up. I think Laura knows about that?? Hayden and Nikolas just mentioned that bit of history in the "Nikolas is revealed" flashback scenes so Jax is aware of it too.
  2. Didn't Cassandra meet Michael and Sasha on Sonny's island by chance? They didn't plan that trip weeks in advance, so how could Nik have orchestrated it for Cassandra to be out of WSB custody and on Sonny's island at that time? She didn't know who Michael and Sasha were until they introduced themselves. Stupid writers.
  3. BM and RC deserve all the praise. The Tony and Lucas scenes were beautifully acted!!! I teared up, which is rare. The Tony/Bobbie moment was a nice touch; JZ conveyed that Bobbie felt his presence. It helped me to ignore Brad being an ass, Maxie and Lulu being twits, and Jason and Sam trying to pull of angst. Charlotte's fear at the end was believable. Re: previews, hey Lulu that can happen when you're not watching your child because you're enjoying chatting with your bestie in a public place. Cassandra should fear Charlotte's grandma the mayor though.
  4. A) Agree, Josslyn is mourning Oscar more than she has mourned her late brother or Grandma Lady Jane, both of whom had important roles in her life from birth. B) Sasha doesn't owe Curtis anything, but Curtis absolutely knows Valentin's track record of deviousness nuch better than Sasha does. Sasha is naive to think Valentin won't ever screw over Nina again. She should be bright enough to see that Curtis wants to protect Nina, and give him at least basic info. C) Hayden was a criminal at the time she ran away from Port Charles. Robert is the D.A., so I would hope he can realize someone who was a fugitive is sneaky. The crime of embezzlement, by nature, means the person is a sneaky liar who disregards others. I understand he wants Anna to be with someone who treats her right. If he had seen Finn and Hayden kissing, seen hand holding, or heard Finn whispering to Hayden "I've really missed you" then an angry reaction/confrontation is understandable. But Finn hasn't actually done anything wrong. This is all about Robert's dislike of Anna and Finn's relationship and his feelings for Anna. Don't get me started on how the old Luke felt about Laura. Finn and Anna can't work as a team when Anna's attention is 100% elsewhere. If anything, he should ask Robin for advice about how and when to talk to Anna. He could explain the Hayden situation, Robin will get that Hayden's like Carly about her kid, and because she's level-headed and knows her mother's history, would provide good insights. Yes, Hayden wants Finn back and Robert is picking up on that, but Finn doesn't see that at the moment. I think he's too angry at Hayden. Btw, did anyone enjoy Cassandra snarking at Sam as much as I did? It vaguely reminds me of Alexis v. Helena, but Alexis was so much more skilled and entertaining when snarking back at Helena. Cassandra's snarking makes me miss Tracy. She delivered great lines in scenes with Jason/Sonny/Carly.
  5. In the preview for 11/8, Lucas is going to Tony's grave so it's most likely the Friday show's "cliffhanger."
  6. As far as I'm concerned the situation isn't that different because Hayden told Finn in a letter that she'd had a miscarriage, and he had no reason to believe she was lying until what, a day or two before Violet showed up in the hospital. Even if Finn had known about Violet, it's still not Robert's place to give him grief or tell him what to do because Anna is not young Robin and Finn is not young Patrick. Also Robert and Holly are not Finn and Anna. Robert is out of line for pressuring Finn to handle things how he once did with Holly, especially with Hayden being so vindictive and sneaky and having complete control over Violet's life.
  7. I meant hypocrisy in the sense that Anna did in fact keep Robin a secret from him, then when he thinks that no good Finn has kept a child secret from Anna, he's all pissed off and tells him his instinct is to beat up Finn. No, he wasn't telling Finn you have to call Anna immediately, but he was trying to force Finn to do what he wants because otherwise you're "lying."
  8. Did you see the part where right after Violet walked away with Hayden, before Finn even got to open his mouth, Robert told Finn if we weren't in a hospital right now I would kick your ass (paraphrasing)? His first thought was to assume the worst, that Finn's been lying about/hiding this child all this time from Anna. Finn acknowledged he's the father and explained. Robert calling Violet a "charmer" sounded almost sarcastic; he was clearly displeased and made it sound like he was referring to potential young criminal Dev instead of an innocent pre-school age little girl. Robert seems mad that Finn has a child with his ex period, and that he found out about this child because she ran into his leg. It was not wrong of Finn to feel like he wants to tell Anna in person. Robert jumping on him about lying by omission every time Finn talks to Anna on the phone now was out of line. It is not Robert's job to police Anna and Finn's relationship; Anna is not some young girl who needs to be protected from a big bag liar/cheater/criminal. Yes Hayden clearly wants Finn back, but Finn hasn't done anything wrong. My reaction to it all was "We get it Robert - you don't like FInn, you'll always think the worst of him, you don't think he deserves Anna, and you still have feelings for Anna." Well Anna chose to accept Finn's proposal and doesn't like the way Finn is handling their relationship and looking at Hayden, she can choose to break up with him.
  9. When Franco got fixated on Elizabeth, he had no thought or consideration for anyone but Jake and Elizabeth, and then for her eldest and youngest sons too because she loved them. It was either the fault of Howarth's acting or the writing that it seemed like Franco only tried to be nice to the three kids as a means to make Elizabeth love him. I still remember that Elizabeth brought up Sam, and his reaction was "What about Sam? Who CARES about SAM?" Elizabeth gave him a WTH is wrong with you?? look because Sam had in fact been one of his victims. Franco was extremely dismissive of anyone who brought up having been hurt by him. Franco only took a real turn toward 'nice guy' after he and Drew dropped the hostility when Betsy's old boyfriend tried to get rid of them. That was the start of the 'Elizabeth and Franco friendship with Drew and Kim, bonding over teenage sons/the sadness of terminally ill Oscar.' Nope. She correctly called Kim out on trying to ease her own conscience about husband stealing when Kim tried to insist she thought of Elizabeth as a friend. She got all snarly that Elizabeth and Scott brought up her attempted rape of Drew in court as a means to label her crazy/hang on to "Drew," and won't accept Franco is gone and that "Drew and I love each other." She went off in a huff saying she would always be grateful for Elizabeth's support when Oscar was dying. The message was basically, you don't have any idea of what I've been through because your son Jake came back, and you're a bitch for trying to stop us - a couple in love - from being together.
  10. Robert making assumptions/accusations and getting on his case about his obligations to Anna, in part because he still clearly has feelings for Anna, is not a good look for him. I bet he would not have reacted well to someone giving him crap about little Robin two days after he met her. LOL. Scott told FrancoDrew the story of heroic young Franco in the "Bobby and Andy," shove down the stairs incident where Betsy's boyfriend was a child molester. His message was basically "Franco saved you when you were a child, now he has built a good life with a family, are you saying your life is worth more/more important than my son's?" I.e. you think it's acceptable that my son ceases to exist so you can go off and have a life? FrancoDrew had tears in his eyes. My expectation - not a spoiler - is that FrancoDrew will either take Kim to a psych facility, leave her there for treatment and then come back for the brain procedure or tell Kim "I can't go with you" and she will leave Port Charles alone, sobbing. Kim's stone cold bitch attitude with Elizabeth today is hopefully a set up for the latter.
  11. LOL at Jason telling Sam it's going to be just him and the kids for three whole days. Father of the Year. Also LOL at the Show trying to create a "Morgan family torn apart" vibe. "Mad doesn't even begin to describe it." Good for you, Finn. Hayden talks like she forgot to show up for a meeting with Finn, not ran away from their wedding, dumped him in a letter, and withheld his child from him during the first years of her life because she's jealous he got into a relationship with Anna. It's a close contest between her and Kim as to who's the bigger bitch. Robert was totally out of line and a hypocrite toward Finn given how Anna handled things with the two of them in the past re: Robin and Heinrich/Peter, but he's not wrong about Hayden trying to get Finn back. That photo Hayden sent Finn was straight up manipulation. Scott's conversation with FrancoDrew was quite a savvy move - the smartest thing Scott has done in a while. So is Julian going to clue in on evil Kendra? That dead rat looked big enough to "drive" a child's sit-in play car.
  12. This is not actually accurate in the case of Elizabeth's kids. It's true that Franco has not been physically abusive, threatened them, or verbally/emotionally abused them, but his judgement has harmed them. Franco acts without considering what the fallout could be, for example when he held Tom prisoner. He agreed with Jordan to confess to killing Ryan's victims, lied to Elizabeth and gave her no warning. Franco's name was all over the media. Kids at school were saying stuff about Franco and Elizabeth as a result, so Cam got in a fight and got beat up. Later when Franco was recovering from being stabbed, Elizabeth told him the police tore apart their home when he was arrested and that was awful for Jake and Aiden to experience. But because she loved him and missed him and knew that the boys thought of him as a stepdad, she decided to not deal with the issue of his judgement and told him to just come home. Laura and Elizabeth should have both been expressing concern all this time about the true reasons for Cam's obvious dislike of and non-acceptance of Franco. Laura started to right before the wedding party, but then just said well this is going to happen because your mom and brothers love Franco so you better get on board. Cam specifically has been harmed because Elizabeth and Franco have never, not once, tried to have a real conversation with Cam about his feelings and concerns about Franco's past and present. They just didn't want to deal with the reality that Cam might bring up valid reasons for not accepting Franco. Their attitude has basically been, well we love each other and your brothers adore Franco so get over it. I call that a parenting fail.
  13. Unrelated to my post today ...does it make me a bad person that I want Jax to tell Carly Josslyn shouldn't move in with him right now because Brenda just came to Port Charles for at least a visit and is staying at his place? Carly was giving him a suspicious look today and you know she's going to press him on the subject. I want to see Carly and Sonny's territorial heads pop off from rage.
  14. I agree with you about other events, and the Aiden bullying storyline. The Cam kidnapping is just the most recent incident where Lucky should have been there. I pointed the kidnapping drama out because Laura was on-screen on the phone with Lucky right after it happened so Lucky deciding to come home would be an organic moment. I don't recall Laura being on the phone with Lucky in a scene when people were worrying about Aiden. Yes, Cameron has a support system. However, he could not talk honestly about feelings of Lucky's abandonment, being "the man of the house protecting Mom and my little brothers," and his valid concerns about Franco to his mother or brothers because they're so invested in Franco. Hayden has barely been involved in their lives; she had exactly one very brief scene with little Cam in the past before her return this fall. Joss is self-absorbed and Trina means well but doesn't really know Franco or anything about Cam's history because she wasn't his friend back then. Right now the only adult male/father figure type Cam has is Jason, the brain damaged hit man who has played a not great role in Cam's family history. Cam doesn't have enough of the right kind of support. I would like to see Cam confide in someone he can trust (who's not Team Franco) or confront Lucky about how being abandoned as a child has influenced his behavior now.
  15. I think this is where we really disagree. Laura isn't "playing it right" - not for Laura to be true to character. Laura comparing Luke to Franco as a way for the writers to have Laura give Elizabeth her blessing to get serious with Franco is utterly absurd especially because she knew so little about how Franco's brain works. Ironically, the one time Laura's behavior struck me as accurate was when Franco was briefly in the PC jail because Lulu mistakenly identified him as the man who stabbed her. Franco was pleading with Laura to trust Elizabeth's judgement. Laura's response was that she trusted Elizabeth's judgement except where Franco is concerned because she's blinded by love. I thought, bravo Laura. (Franco just 'got lucky' that Ryan only tried to kill him for lying about the murders; once Ryan escaped he could have easily gone after Elizabeth or one of her boys to really make Franco suffer.) Aside from that moment, Laura has shown zero concerns about Franco as role model/step dad for her grandsons, only saying positive things because the writers are using her to prop Franco as wonderful stepdad (gag). The truly OTT moment was Laura welling up with tears of joy during the Friz wedding party when the three boys dedicated a song to Elizabeth and "dad." I could see her tearing up if she witnessed a scene of the boys being really sweet to their mom alone, but a moment that is about acceptance of Franco? COME ON.
  16. That's not true. JJ's Lucky told Luke that "those boys are my sons, they are perfect just the way they are" and later that he would be happy to be a part of the boys lives while having minimal contact with Elizabeth. He more than once told little Cam how happy and proud he was to be his dad - the last time was his Xmas goodbye scene. At that time, the Show had Lucky talking about going on a trip but coming back and being an active father to his sons. Then years later when he brought Jake home, the combination of Nikolas telling him Liz's new man is really Jason, Jake's father and seeing how happy Liz, little Jake and adult "Jake" seemed together, and I guess seeing for himself that Aiden was doing well, helped motivate him to take off. He told Luke he didn't want to expose the boys to his "darkness." So to go from THAT to Laura telling him to have "fun" wherever he is in Africa, made me ask, WTF is this bullshit. I believe she decided not to tell him that Cam had just been through a traumatic kidnapping. Lucky, in true character, would absolutely want to know about that and jump on a plane immediately to come be with his 'first born.' Lucky really loved Cam. Instead, they're completely focused on the "lets do whatever it takes to get Franco back because we love him soooo much" bandwagon. Cam deciding to get drunk at a school party is a clear sign that he's not okay and should have at least a talk with Lucky. A quick pep talk from Jason is not sufficient.
  17. Franco has been built up in the sense that Lucky's own mother as well as the boys' mother think it's no big deal that he's not around because Franco is such a wonderful stepdad. During the 'Aiden is being bullied' storyline, Laura mentioned that Lucky could be contacted and Elizabeth said no. She and Franco were handling things. Yet back when Elizabeth was dating AJ, the two of them had a scene with little Aiden and she expressed sadness that she hurt Lucky so badly he left town and so he was not there to be a dad. Laura and Luke were devoted to Lucky when he was a little boy, so Laura if written correctly in character would never think it's okay for Lucky to be absent from his sons' lives unless he wound up in an institutional type setting for addiction/mental illness. We are supposed to believe that she's totally cool with Lucky having "fun" wherever he is in Africa, while a "reformed" serial killer is the father figure to her grandsons. When Elizabeth was getting serious with Franco, Laura shrugged it off with, well I used to be married to someone with a dark side, so who am I to judge. THAT's what I mean by propping. The writers have Laura consistently propping Franco as a beloved father (except for when Lulu accused him of stabbing her) while glazing over her own very much alive son's absence. Elizabeth also shows zero concern that her sons don't have a relationship with their actual father because Franco is such a wonderful husband/hero/stepdad. Yet back when she was in a relationship with Jake/Jason later known as Drew, she did mention being concerned that the boys hadn't Skyped with Lucky lately. I don't like the Show's blatant narrative that the boys have/had Franco, he's all Cam and Aiden (not Jake because he's Jason's) could want in a father .... Lucky who?
  18. Yes, I saw Ava's faint smirk that maybe Nina was indicating she's got a plan, and then the way Nina was speaking about Spencer's "congrats on dumping Valentin"gift once Valentin had left her office. The way she spoke to Curtis in front of Valentin and then watched Valentin and Liesl talking today indicates she is probably playing Valentin (wanting him to lower his guard) but is keeping her thoughts/plan to herself. She looked pained when Curtis walked away, like 'it hurts that he thinks I'm being stupid.' My reaction: Hey dumbass, find a way to have a private conversation with Curtis about how to take Valentin down, somewhere Valentin wouldn't go looking for you. Valentin isn't by your side every second of every day, much as he would like to be.
  19. Yes, it was Avery. What's stopping her is that it appears she knows she can't trust Valentin and wants to take action (see: moment she was observing Valentin and Liesl conspiring). Also, the daughter she really wants is little Charlotte. If she has two brain cells to rub together, she'll work with Curtis to gather evidence of Valentin's deception and crimes, participate in sending Valentin to prison, and then work out a deal with Lulu to co-parent Charlotte. She has no proof at the moment that her child survived, and even if she did find the now adult child, it would take a lot of work to force that adult child to adore her.
  20. Nikolas' lines today made it seem like the Show is getting ready to bring Spencer back, although I'll guess not until Christmas or early 2020. I hope Hayden gets some blowback from Elizabeth once Nikolas is revealed. She's been telling Elizabeth she wants to be a family/how she wants to be close sisters, while withholding information from her all this time both about having a daughter and that Elizabeth's close friend/ex-lover is most sincerely not dead. After everyone that Elizabeth has lost, that's just really cold. Hayden is coming off as a truly selfish to the core woman. She and the nuNik actor give off a decent frenemies vibe. He definitely looks like he could be the son of Stavros and related to ex-Nik/TC. Had he not been introduced as Nikolas but seen lurking on the Show, I would peg him as previously unknown second son of Stavros (i.e. some years after Laura got away from the Cassadines, Stavros got another woman pregnant, then the woman realized he was crazypants and found a way to disappear). Genie Francis is such an MVP! I loved seeing Laura being real with first Julian and then Sonny. I really love how she responded to the "When did you become Team Ava" asshat line. I can't figure out if that last look in his eyes indicates that maybeeee Laura got him to feel a glimmer of shame. Here's hoping the first ever Carly and Lucas lovefest means the Wiley/Jonah storyline is wrapping up before Christmas. Scenes like that one are usually a set up for the two characters to soon be on opposite sides. Am I supposed to feel bad for Brad that Julian is threatening him? Because I really, really, don't. I liked that a text related to Brad's true deception that Brad wouldn't let Lucas see was the final straw for the Brucas scene.
  21. After the mention of Lucky Skyping with Cam and Aiden, Lucky brought Jake home. Lucky then had a brief chat with Aiden (played by the same child actor who plays Aiden now) on Elizabeth's couch. The chat with Aiden was clearly meant to be a follow-up to the last Skype conversation. Since then, nothing. He called Laura back recently when she was frantic to find out if he was okay after talking to the psychic. But I believe she told him everything was fine there in Port Charles, and did not mention Cameron getting kidnapped or Franco taking Cam's place. Are we supposed to think she told Lucky about it in that conversation but it happened off-screen?
  22. Tony Geary's retirement storyline involved Luke and Laura going off to rescue Lucky. At that time, Elizabeth mentioned that Cam and Aiden Skype with Lucky once a week but she was concerned that Lucky had missed a few calls. This was when Elizabeth was dating "Jake"/Jason now known as Drew. I say it's to prop Franco because for example, Laura encouraged Cam to accept Franco as a stepfather, and mentioned that is was tough for him not having a father figure present through his life. She never even mentioned her own son's name!! She acts like Lucky is long deceased and was never a father to her grandsons, that they're blessed to have a great family life with Elizabeth as mother and Franco as father, etc. She even teared up when the three boys dedicated a song to their mom and used the word "dad" about Franco during the wedding party at the Haunted Star. If anything, she should be tearing up that Lucky and Elizabeth weren't able to work it out. I could imagine her shedding tears of joy at seeing Lucky playing guitar with the boys also playing instruments as backup, in a dedication to Elizabeth at L&L2's third wedding. But her crying because Cam has finally accepted Franco as a father figure?! NEVER. It's like the writers are afraid if Elizabeth or Laura actually say Lucky's name in the context of fatherhood, past or present, it will somehow mean Franco doesn't have total ownership over the father role in Cam and Aiden's lives (notice that the focus is on them in this 'Franco has Drew's memories' storyline so far. We have seen them react but not Jake, who had the strongest relationship with Franco to begin with!) Can you imagine Lady Jane living in Port Charles and helping take care of Josslyn, never acknowledging or showing concern that Jax turned out to be a long-term MIA father, and encouraging Josslyn to accept Sonny as a permanent father figure?! I think there must be some BTS vindictive attitude in the writing in addition to laziness. Whereas Ingo has been on and off at GH for many years now (never shutting the door to a Jax return as far as I know), JJ had decided to leave permanently because he was exhausted (tired of poor storyline/all the crying) and wanted to continue pursuing his passion for music. I really think the only reason Robin got written off the show on a positive note eventually (after her "Robin is so damaged/devoted to medicine and Jason that she abandoned her family" second exit) was because though Kimberly also had the audacity to move on with her career she was willing to return for JT's exit storyline. Actually, now that I think about it, Anna disregarded Robin and accepted first Sabrina then Sam in granddaughter Emma's life/the Drake household much as Laura is doing now with Franco re: the three grandsons.
  23. Kevin asked her how it went. Laura replied she's skeptical of Chelsea's authenticity/abilities because "she didn't seem to know that Nikolas is dead." The GH writers intended for Chelsea's line to be vague and for Laura to be dismissive in turn, obviously. Had she said to Laura something like, "The son you've been missing and mourning is in danger" maybe Laura would have thought, "Wait, what?!" It's the same kind of lazy writing that offers no explanation or intrigue as to why Lucky does not have an off-screen relationship with the sons he once claimed to love. Five minutes after returning Jake to Elizabeth's home after being away from his sons for years, he decided he couldn't stick around in Port Charles to be in the lives of the three boys because of "the darkness" inside. From that line and one comment from Laura soon after that, it seemed that he intended to wander around the world and deal with depression somehow. But now he's "in Africa," and we don't know what he's up to, except that his mother wants him to "have fun." She doesn't tell him about Cam's trauma or even say hey maybe you should reach out to Elizabeth about what the boys have been going through [because the Show wants to keep propping Franco as the only father all 3 could ever need, even when a science experiment has compromised his brain.] These days I'm surprised when Laura or Lulu even mention him in the context of their life's history.
  24. My cousin has a couple of Halloween costumes for her 7-month-old daughter. This is her first child, but she has siblings with children and they live fairly close to each other. People said to her on social media 'oh she's soooo adorable, but are you really taking her trick-or-treating?" She responded that the baby will go (in stroller) trick-or-treating with her big cousins and we - Mom and Dad- will eat her candy. One of the sisters had a Halloween-themed birthday party for her daughter/a cousin of the 7-month-old last weekend because the daughter's actual birthday is less than two weeks before Halloween. All of the child guests showed up in costume as encouraged/requested, including the 7-month-old baby. I think it's sweet that the siblings want their children to develop good cousin relationships from an early age.
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