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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. They have both kissed different people before on-screen, so maybe it was just embarrassing to kiss each other?? You are right that Cam and Josslyn kissed and it seemed natural. Trina also went and planted a kiss on Dev at the Halloween dance on the Haunted Star. The kiss was clearly all her (no interest from him), but the actress didn't seem like she felt awkward when she had to kiss the actor playing Dev.
  2. Carly never treated her sons like they were adults, and judging from her actions during the Wiley reveal, still doesn't actually think of Michael as an adult. Morgan was around 20/21? when he got involved with Ava, but to this day she still thinks of him as a boy and of Ava as an older woman who took advantage of him because's she's needy and selfish. It was the same way when Carly forced her way into Brenda's room and found a hung over Michael in her bed. I think he was in his early to mid 20s at that point? Carly freaked out and was almost crying like she had discovered her minor/teenage son had been raped/seduced by a woman she hates. Scott had to talk enraged Carly out of asking Sonny to have Brenda killed. (And the fact that Brenda told Michael nothing happened, he passed out, was actually none of Carly's business.) As for the Cam-Trina kiss, their actions screamed to me "ok, it's in the script that we kiss .. get closer, closer, now press our lips together." It seemed especially awkward/unromantic on Trina's side - not them feeling a combination of emotional closeness and strong physical attraction in the moment. I was expecting a kiss after some more moments of one-on-one closeness, after Cam grows a bit more distant with his long-time crush Joss and starts looking at Trina in a not-just-friends kind of way. I just remember that Elizabeth and Lucky's first kiss happened after some months of it being glaringly obvious how much they cared about each other, and were attracted to each other.
  3. I genuinely smiled/laughed at Wiley's "whatever, lady" expression while Sasha was yammering to him about Michael, and then Nelle's WTF expression when Chase sat down and asked for snacks. It's nice when the Show gets its right, i.e. Laura interacting with Cam and then Elizabeth, and it's not about Franco. Loved the hugs! I really liked Trina going off on Joss, and the Cam-Trina conversation about their trauma was very well done. However, that kiss was really awkward-looking. So much UGH: The Dr. Robinson and Carly conversation about Ava. Also, Jordan getting her gun out and thinking she's going to rescue her son by herself.
  4. My problem is that she's whining and fuming toward/about being in this situation and Anna specifically, and then has the balls (while talking to Britt) to blame Anna for "aiding Peter" after she herself truly enabled and protected Faison in holding Anna's daughter Robin hostage and torturing her! She was never actually sorry for what she did to Robin; saying "well she came back but Nathan never will" is not an apology. The only reason she hates the late Faison now is because he killed her son. If Lies had been complaining about the cops in general doing her wrong instead of Anna specifically, I wouldn't care. Just like if Anna wanted to take down Leisl right now purely because she had undeniable additional evidence from when Leisl helped Faison keep Robin prisoner, I would be happy. But Anna wanting to take down Leisl for framing poor, poor Peter is stupid, insulting and pathetic. Today Leisl's behavior made me wonder if she's taking lessons from Sonny and Carly in hypocrisy. Anna is unknowingly aiding and protecting Peter out of naivety and highly misplaced guilt, but Leisl gladly did much worse for decades knowing full well exactly what she was doing.
  5. Both, actually. Way back when Jason was dating Robin and thinking of baby Michael as his own son, it was his shop. Then a few years ago, it was "Jake's" shop before he was identified as Jason and then Drew.
  6. So Scott finally sees Franco on-screen for the first time since FrancoDrew ceased to exist, and it's because Franco wants money? UGH. Don't toy with me, Show, about Josslyn contemplating asking her dad to take her to Australia. I'm pretty sure little Avery and infant Donna would not be deprived if you "left" them, girlie. The idea of Josslyn and Dev being home schooled makes me roll my eyes so.very.much. Carly's line to Joss that her children come before her love for Sonny is such utter b.s. given her history it makes me assume she's going to hook up with Brando in the near future after she gets mad about something Sonny does. I liked Brando flat-out asking Jason if he's Sonny enforcer, when Jason told him to stay in town and run this (his former!) bike shop like Sonny told him to. News flash, Jason, actually behaving like you're in debt to someone means the opposite of giving them orders. Hopefully Brando has two brain cells to rub together so he doesn't believe Jason's claim that Sonny is a "stand-up" guy. I also liked Ava getting angry and emotional toward Nikolas. I also liked seeing Elizabeth interact with men she knows in addition to her husband. Good line to Nikolas about him being as gone as much as Lucky and Emily are - ouch. Shut up, Anna. Shut up your whining, Leisl. Your whisper-warnings are not threatening, Sonny. I wish Julian had responded, "You want to talk to me? Send an e-mail."
  7. Happy for you! I also live in MD and have worked in both MD and DC. Told my mother that the building where I used to work, which is a couple miles from a Metro station, is closed to the public until at least the end of March and even my exercise classes at a community center are canceled because all Parks & Rec are closed for now. She asked me to not socialize for St. Patrick's Day, so I guess I'm getting takeout from a local pub. And also wondering if I'll get interviews this spring or even work graduation photography season in the DMV. I was taken aback yesterday at what people are hoarding - I had to buy Rice are Roni on Amazon because the kind I wanted was sold out in the store.
  8. So Britt's back less than a day and she gets a pretty explicit sex scene with Julian?! Ok then. Nothing but eye rolls for Sasha being "so disappointed that we were engaged for 15 minutes." I don't buy their sadness at all. When Diane was describing the kind of woman Michael would need to marry, I kind of expected her to just bluntly tell him to go find Willow. Some sort of history explanation would have been helpful for the Jordan/Harmony scene, since Jordan acted like Harmony was an old associate. And the music during their scene was a bit much, too. I feel sorry for Curtis, but not Jordan. I liked that both Nina and Franco walked away from Leisl in the jail, unwilling to help or believe her. At least briefly, she is experiencing the isolation and sadness that Robin felt when she was held captive. Is that the first time Elizabeth and Sam have seen each other and spoken since Drew was declared missing/presumed deceased? And shut up and go away, Spinelli and Sam, you stupid hypocrites.
  9. I laughed at how Willow went from looking surprised and displeased at the word "marriage" to almost sick with jealousy at the idea that Sasha would become Wiley's mother. Dumping the drink on Nelle for being such a first class heartless bitch and then Julian backing up Willow when Nelle got outraged was pretty funny. I assume Michael, Sasha, Willow and Chase will all agree in the next week or so that Michael and Willow should get married to protect little Wiley from the dire threat of Nelle. Of course Britt thinks everything Brad has done is totally understandable and forgivable; she's just as selfish as he is. Of course she's now going to try to pressure/blackmail Julian to do more to help Brad. All I can do is roll my eyes at Jordan, and also Brook. But WK did a good job with Ned doing his best to be a kind, supportive dad. I wonder if the GH audience will get to see them 'perform' together at the Floating Rib. For those wondering: the Mob 4 were not on today.
  10. The Spencer/Jones/Corinthos Family loves Lucas so much that nobody, not even his mother, accompanied him to Brad's arraignment. I felt sooo sorry for him as he sat in that courtroom alone, with Julian glancing at him from the other side. I guess the crying goodbye/sobbing hug and those few lines between them are all we'll get to see of Lucas mourning the loss of his son and marriage? Also, hello Britt. Preview seems to indicate she wants to take down Nelle. UGH at Brook greeting "Uncle Sonny," but her sweetly feeding Mike is one of the two good/tolerable scenes she's been in IMO since the character was recast. I think the Sonny/Mike/Brook scenes were the best I've seen Sonny behave since he was comforting young Robin during the Stone storyline. Laura looked lovely and I liked seeing her act like a boss. Molly, you make it really hard to like you on days like this. Did Sam go to Taggert's funeral? The black dress and hairstyle surprised me. I'm shocked that Neil gets to carry on with life and that usher didn't appear to bust them during the hearing.
  11. That moment where Randall tells Kevin he wonders about it every day really drove home the point for me that being Randall must be exhausting, and life must truly be exhausting for Beth. Emotionally, Randall is stuck in time as that teenage boy on the lawn, seeing his father on the roof as the house burned. He has tried to manage and control everything in life since that moment. He thinks he should have done something different to "save" their dad; now he thinks he would "save" mom by setting her up for the clinical trial but his brother got in the way of that goal. Seems like he needs to feel he is the only son their mom can depend on, and also that he needs to feel superior to Kevin, in order to function in life.
  12. Don't forget the 'irony' of Curtis going to Jordan's office, demanding to know if she and Taggert had an affair while undercover and if Trina is her daughter.
  13. I'm APPALLED at Trina's line to Joss that Taggert and Sonny respected each other. The whole scene of Trina and her mother, Cam and Elizabeth and Sonny was just so revolting, esp. Trina's mom being polite - almost friendly - to Sonny after the way she was toward Ava. Gee so nice of the Show to make Taggert's wake about Sonny grandstanding. At least Mac refused to give him a glass. And I'm glad Ava could see that Trina's mom is jealous of the affection Trina feels toward Ava. I liked Mac offering to get Ava a drink. But of course Curtis and Trina's mom have some sort of history. I understand Trina's grieving but her screaming at Curtis irritated me. As did Joss with her teary eyes; she projected loud and clear she was thinking of Oscar while "consoling" Trina. Thankfully Laura had good dialogue with Curtis. And then Sonny has the balls to show up at the Q mansion and make himself at home for a few minutes to chat with Michael, because he checked ahead of time to make sure Monica wouldn't be there. UGHHH. Is this the first time Scott has been on the Show since he was 'fighting to save Franco?' Kudos to PS for the look of absolute terror when Sonny walked in while he was alone. WTF is up with Neil's nonchalant attitude about the prospect of losing his license?? He sounds like Sam with the "can't wait two years" b.s.
  14. Would you please get a GH writing job? Pretty please?
  15. "Screw the law!" Saying that to a lawyer certainly proves you were raised by Carly, Jason and Sonny, Michael. The only thing I liked about him in that scene was him referring to Sonny as Sonny, not my father. Soo, the Show is going to have him marry Willow to ensure he gets custody of Wiley, right? Now that Sasha has said to Chase within earshot of Sam that she doesn't want to be a mom/maternal figure. Was that weird/distant camera angle on Neil and Alexis as they started to get it on at her room's door meant to imply they're being followed or watched, possibly by the usher lady? How long before Anna and Maxie get to taste some nasty crow?
  16. No, I remember Lucky telling Claire (colleague) that Cam was 6, and that was when Lucky and Elizabeth had broken up, but he had not yet gone undercover and met the Irish lady, Siobhan. So I think Cam was around 7 when Siobhan had died and Lucky decided to leave Port Charles indefinitely. He was SORASed to somewhere between 10 and 12 years old in time for Elizabeth and Jakeson/Drew's aborted wedding as well as back-from-the-dead Jake in the hospital scenes. I think there was a reference to Cam being 12 at some point? When Elizabeth was depressed because Jakeson/Drew left her and her kids because of the "you knew I was Jason" business and he was reconnecting with Sam, she reluctantly went to the Nurse's Ball with Franco. That was the very beginning of the Elizabeth and Franco relationship. So I think Cam was supposed to be 12/13 when they got together. Spencer was supposed to be his "rival"; Spencer's 13th b-day was a plot point. Then Cam was SORASed to be 16. So according to GH's storyline, Franco has been a "father" to Cam for four years max.
  17. I'm not mad at anyone for Cam not considering Lucky to be his dad currently; I'm mad that he's talking like Franco is the only father he's ever had *and* not acknowledging that Lucky was ever a part of his life. Just one line where he says, "I have some vague memories of Aiden's dad from when I was little, but he abandoned us" would have worked for me. I don't need to hear specifically: "I have fun memories when Aiden's dad was a father figure to me when I was a little kid."
  18. He first started out talking about Franco, but stopped because she made the point that Franco came back but her dad isn't going to. I'm contradicting the bolded because he essentially did say that. He speculates about if Zander had lived: "Maybe I would have known what it was like to have a father in my life." He's telling Trina he's glad for her that she has good memories of her father/knows he loved her, with the implication being that he'll never know his bio father and the Show's position is that Lucky never existed in his life. I guess we can agree to disagree re: Robin's kids and Sonny and Jason as extended family in the future because at this point it's all speculation. As far as I'm concerned, unless we see Emma excited to be around either of them or Emma/Anna/Robert (or Robin if she visits again) mention Emma and Noah chatting with, or wanting a visit with Jason and Sonny, they are not a part of either child's life. Sonny is pretty busy with making Dev a minion-in-reserves as well as hoarding local children, and Jason barely has contact with his own eldest child who lives in the same town. The only scenario in which I could see Emma looking up to Jason or Sonny with adoration is if one of them saves her in some kidnapping/hostage crisis because Anna is busy slobbering all over Peter.
  19. A) Yes, Robin still talks to Jason and Sonny. Emma has been in scenes with Anna and Jason, and knows Jason is a friend of her mom's but she has never called them "Uncle" nor has she been seen looking up to them as role models. She does not Skype with them or go looking for them while visiting with Grandma Anna. B) It's fine, and should be expected, that Cam is curious about his bio father. However, Cam said something about what if his father had lived, they could have played ball, etc. Lucky did play catch or maybe it was football with Cam when he was a child. Cam is talking like he never had a father figure in his life until Franco and that is the problem. If he even had a line like "Aiden's dad played with me sometimes when I was little, but then he abandoned us" it would have worked to acknowledge the reality of his history. C) Totally agree with you about Leisl and that Anna should hate her and never owes her an apology. However, I want her to be hellbent on taking down Leisl for her proven crimes against Robin , not because she's "framing poor Peter, my son." Leisl enabled Faison to eventually kill Nathan, so I don't feel any sympathy for her. An obsession with punishing Leisl for the years she spent protecting and enabling Faison and therefore robbing granddaughter Emma of years she'll never get back with Robin would be totally understandable. But Anna salivating over nailing Leisl for these crimes like Peter is a minor who never knew how to do the right thing and is now trying to but big, bad Liesl sees him as an easy patsy for her crimes is ..... ludicrous. FH played those scenes like she is really desperate for her blind faith in Peter to be validated, not like she believes with every fiber of her being that Leisl is guilty.
  20. Nelle trusted Ryan Chamberlain, serial killer, knowing exactly who he was and what he has done. I don't believe for a second she wouldn't willingly and knowingly put the baby in harm's way to get what she wanted. She has already tried to use him as a shield ("Chase, are you going to shoot me while I'm holding my baby?") She is as much of a danger to that baby as Michael's family is. Ava, on the other hand, raised Kiki to adulthood without her being harmed by Ava's family connections. She genuinely loves Avery (that was evident when she spoke of Avery being all alone all night outdoors with an ill man who didn't know who she was.) Nelle only uses Wiley as a prop to try to hurt people and get what she wants. I would prefer both M&N lose their rights and Wiley get returned to Lucas. I agree with you that the Show is trying to push Franco as the only father Cam has ever known, as well as to punish JJ. Yes, both. Cam always called Lucky "Daddy" or "Dad," and both GV and JJ as Lucky called him "my son," and Elizabeth always considered Lucky to be Cam's father. Even after Aiden was born and was assumed to be Nik's, Lucky was seen playing with 6-year-old Cam in the park, and taking him and toddler Jake camping. I still remember at that time, JJ's Lucky explained that their had been a mix-up about Aiden, and he made it clear to Cam that even though they don't have the same DNA he wanted to be Cam's dad. In child Cam and JJ's Lucky last scene together, he said "I love you, Dad." BC's Morgan did reference Jax as a father/father figure to Sonny when they were fighting Cam's lines referencing his bio father and Franco wouldn't have bothered me if he also mentioned Lucky as "Aiden's dad, who abandoned us." It would make sense that Cam resents Lucky's abandonment and therefore refuses to acknowledge memories of him being a loving father for the first 6-7 years of his life. But for the Show to not let Cam acknowledge Lucky ever being in his life is utter bullshit/major Franco propping. Lucky was Cam's dad longer than Elizabeth and Franco have been together at this point.
  21. A) I would be perfectly happy to see Trina's mom be hot and hostile to Carly, as no one is more deserving. For example, Carly tries to be charming and assure her that Trina is so totally safe while hanging out with Joss at Casa Corinthos because of all the guards ... and gets a nasty reality check from Trina's mom given recent events. B) I think a murder mystery is coming, but the murderer will be someone unexpected like Sasha or Lorraine/Harmony (Willow's mother) or even Josslyn.
  22. I agree. In Anna's case, I think mother's guilt over not being there for Robin when she found out she was HIV+ is a major reason why she feels she has to be nice to/respectful of Jason. I remember she said something to Jason years ago about being grateful that he convinced Robin to get on the protocol/save her own life. I also remember her saying, "It should have been us, Robert!!" when Robert spoke of how Robin had Mac to support her. Robin leaned on her Uncle Mac, as well as gangster Sonny and Jason (instead of Anna and Robert, because they were presumed to be deceased). As for today: The Robert, Finn and Violet scene was adorable. In her conversation with Elizabeth, Dr. Robinson comes off like she had contempt for Taggert's choices/decisions and is mad at him for coming to Port Charles and seeing Trina. Seriously, her daughter is heartbroken yet she doesn't shed a tear? She's not at all sad her ex is dead? That final line to Jordan was just so ... cold/heartless. WOW, Cam's lines to Trina were a big F-Y from the writers/TPTB to JJ and Lucky. That's the first confirmation that Cam knows of Zander, but to not even acknowledge that Lucky ever existed in his life?! UGHHH!!!! Really enjoyed Alexis and Neil's scenes at the opera, with her referencing her Cassadine blood. Anna's rush to excitedly tell Robert and Finn that Peter is totes innocent and big bad Obrecht did it all ... Robert and Finn's faces truly said 'you sad dupe." Points to Maxie for her reaction to Nina's entrance; shutting the doors to get away from the ickiness of Jax and Nina was the smartest thing she's done in ages.
  23. Leisl isn't actively bonding with Robin's minor children as "family" and being considered a role model while she commits crime/gets people killed. Peter is. Peter is responsible for the presumed death of Drew Cain, a man Robin claimed to consider a friend. He has been lying to Anna and her family, while committing crimes and trying to cover his tracks. Robin and Patrick, Anna and Robert know exactly who Leisl is and what she has done, and her vile self does not have contact with Robin's children that we know of... just Maxie's as the twit glazes over/excuses everything Liesl does because he's the grandmother of her son. Robert wants Anna to be the smart person he used to know, and for their grandchildren to not look up to a liar and murderer as "uncle."
  24. I liked that it was Willow's words that shut Nelle up and knocked the smug look off her face, not Carly. I also liked Dr. Obrecht calling Nelle "grubby" to her face, LOL. I thought Sam was the worst PI in the world, but Spinelli is giving her a run for her money. Are we supposed to be on Dr. Robinson's side? The curtness/coldness/restrained hostility was uncalled for at a time when Trina can use all the love and support she can get. If Trina's mother has such a problem with Ava's family/association with Mobsters, she never should have let Trina, her minor daughter, intern at the gallery to begin with and thus bond with Ava. When Ava told Franco "she's not wrong" for what she said, I was thinking, yeah but that doesn't make it okay. As a mother, Mrs. Robinson should have compassion for another mother who lost her daughter even if she doesn't like Ava based on what she knows of her. Good for Elizabeth for bringing up history to make the point to Nikolas she doesn't like who he has become (I assume that moment was the only point of him accompanying Ava). On the other side of town, it's beneath Anna to be such a fool. I really can't stand Jordan. Her ...hollowness? ..... is just as grating as Sonny's sleaziness. Did MB turn up the sleaze a notch today?
  25. This is true. Between Lucas rarely to never having a scene with just Wiley, just a few tears when he handed Wiley over to Michael, and no mention of Lucas/reason given why he wasn't in court today, the Show makes it seem like Lucas was never that invested in Wiley. Michael mentioned concern that Wiley misses Lucas (as if Lucas is now deceased and unable to be around) but then went on and on about how Willow and Wiley need each other. Um, Wiley lived with Lucas for a year and a half. Willow was not a part of Wiley's life on a daily basis. The writing makes Michael look stupid for a) not attempting to find a place in Wiley's "new" life for Lucas, and b) being so confident that Nelle would just go back to prison and have no chance at a claim on Wiley. I rolled my eyes at his 'duh/huh? look when Diane said her line about Nelle's rights. I had this thought today: Sasha deserves to have Carly as her boyfriend's mother/MIL from hell. Willow does not. The writers' intention was glaringly obvious when it was Carly, Willow and Michael v. Nelle in the courtroom hall at the end of the episode.
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