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Everything posted by M1977G

  1. Really sad when Spencer's outfit outshines Aria's for its ugliness or nonsensical embellishments. She looked like she had walked off the set of an Amelia Erhart biopic or something. When will wardrobe let her stop wearing such hideous romper things? I get it, Spencer has a buttoned-up conservative Hastings streak, but I never see Melissa or her mom wearing such ugly and unflattering shit.
  2. I did not anticipate Vivian Darkbloom's wiggy return! I held my breath through the Ali-Cyrus exchange in the woods, fearing that they were going with the twin or dissociative personality disorder thing, which would make me hate the show. So, even though Cyrus sounded strange when he called her Ali, it keeps me holding out hope that (1) the writers aren't going to take the biggest cop outs the show could possibly find, and (2) that they're not looking to redeem Ali as an innocent victim, which would also make me hate the show. Someone posted weeks ago (before the Noel Kahn break-in) that they thought Ali might be staging all these threats to herself, and while I hadn't yet had the thought, it made significant sense, and has only become more plausible in the intervening weeks. Thinking this makes watching Ali's victim facade much more interesting. Obviously, there is still some hooded and gloved villain out there who folds clothes beautifully, but it is no longer clear that this person is Ali's enemy. Because I don't trust Ali, I didn't trust these flashbacks at all, even though they seemed to be an interesting chance to get inside her head. For one thing, the first flashbacks about Cyrus look different from pretty much every other flashback in 5 years of the show, and we have never been given reason to believe that those earlier flashbacks are untrustworthy, even if sometimes they were unclear (ie, Spencer's fleeting flashbacks about the shovel before her whole memory resurfaced during her drug detox). The first flashbacks in this episode were filmed differently, visually looking less stable with the camera work. I think the visual effect and the fact that they are coming from Ali make these unreliable. ITA with another poster that part of what she's remembering is real--seems like she really was in that basement with Cyrus--but not all of it, and I think we are seeing her construct her story in her head, and that as the flashbacks become more stable visually, this is our cue that Ali is shoring up her story again. Yep. She should know not to film a confession near the end of an episode, especially so close to a mid-season finale that is being advertised as a #FatAlfinAle. Let's hope she at least records and delivers her confession before she bites it. Seriously. Her inability to see any important connection between her ex-fiance who likes high school girls and her daughter's ex-teacher-boyfriend who likes high school girls is beyond astounding. I'm not sure which is more upsetting: the idea that Ella brought a man into a house with her daughter knowing that something inappropriate happened with at least one younger girl, and would leave Aria alone with him, or that she encouraged her daughter to believe Ezra might have changed and deserves a second (sixth?) chance. There is a fierce competition for worst affluent parent in Rosewood, and Ella is a top contender. Just leave town already and let your troubled teenagers get back to raising themselves. Favorite parts of the episode, besides seeing Ali give Cyrus his escape papers: Emily's smack down of Ali, which was way better than her Sydney smack down of last week, and that Hanna and Caleb are trying to get their shit together by running in the street.
  3. Totally hilarious pics of Kelli and Judy, from the DCC campout. https://twitter.com/Kelli_Finglass/status/498316214490243072/photo/1
  4. Lol, that would have been a great way to bring Wren back, having him show up at the eye doc office to treat Spencer, Jenna, and the other Jenna. Wren seems to be a jack of all medical trades, but "Dr" is the appropriate title for someone holding a doctorate of medicine in any of those specialties. If Wren really is a doctor, it would be very easy to verify his education and board certification--even for the seemingly challenged Rosewood PD. If he is still in med school, that would provide a better explanation for his being in all these medical fields virtually at once, as he could be doing clinical rotations. But med students can't jet off to London indefinitely and hope to graduate and pass their boards, and he certainly can't practice abroad at the snap of a finger. I think Wren is not a real doctor, though obviously he has medical training. And some mad forgery/con skills.
  5. Mopencer, I think. This is definitely going to be good. Speaking of Mona, I am getting very excited to meet her mom! I really need to know what kind of woman spawned Mona. What does their house look like? Where's Mona's dad? Is he buried in their back yard? Is Mona's mama uber A? In general, I'm opposed to A being someone we haven't met much or at all these past 5 seasons, but in this case, I could make an exception.
  6. Regarding the Kitty Carter email comparing Kelli Q to Amelia. That flashed on the screen so fast that we only know about it because someone here with an incredibly keen eye and quick pause button caught it, so I'm not convinced that Kelli and Judy deliberately allowed that. The part that was more easily legible in that scene was what was written on the actual photograph, which had nothing bad on it. About Breelan. I watched the short intro to her that CMT posted on their website. It's like 30 seconds or something, so only a superficial intro, and it says nothing about her trying out before, just that she rides horses, has owned one for a few years, and has danced a long time. So, yeah, this girl is privileged, and it probably does impact how she carries herself. I'm not defending her, but I'm not ready to be a hater based on less than 3 minutes of screen time. Vivian, on the other hand, has gotten so much screen time that I think her true colors are starting to show, and what I've seen this season has totally turned me off. I can't stand her egotism and constant playing to the camera and her "fans." I still can't believe the pointing thing when her name was called last in the first episode, or the pointing with her pom and winking during her audition video, or her shamelessly announced ambition to be--not a DCC, but--a "fan favorite." Wonder if the next episode is going to show her face/what she has to say when
  7. I've been rewatching a few episodes from past seasons. This weekend, I watched a few from early in season 4, and it's crazy how much has happened and how much I forgot about. I just watched Cat's Cradle (4.4), where Hanna sees the Wilden murder board at the police department. I noticed that next to Wren's picture it says "Dr." Wren Kingston. What? He's pretending to be a doctor? Have we gotten an explanation for this? Can anyone fill me in? Thanks! Either I never noticed this, or I forgot it, but either way, it seems like a juicy detail I want to know about.
  8. I agree it's not especially nice entertainment at others' expense, but these women do know what they are trying out for, and that the show is aired internationally. I noticed that most of the comments in that segment were about appearance and not the dancing, so I see the point @MaryWebGirl is making about the seeming difference this year. However, not even one of the women shown in that segment this year was a good dancer, and most were really bad. So for me, the auditions question of what were they thinking isn't just about not having the DCC look, it's about people who try out who have no idea what it takes to be a professional performer, and a lot of people who see themselves, um, differently than others do. I feel badly for some of these women, but not all of them.
  9. Bless her heart! I think she just doesn't know how to do makeup well, and had no idea how to curl and spray Dallas-sized performance hair that doesn't wilt. Is that a special Southern girl skill? Her hair looked like it had too much product in it, making it so stringy, but product that wasn't really doing what she hoped for. She is the one that one of the female judges was saying was a good dancer but needed a makeover. I think a few makeup and hair lessons would go a long way for her, because she is quite cute. I thought Megan P looked kind of thick, and I am not a fan of her haircut. I actually think the short blunt style emphasizes her height and more athletic build, not helping the situation. Kind of surprised she , even though she is a good dancer.
  10. After that great catch about that Kelli Q email, I tried to pause it when I rewatched the episode. It took me four tries, and I told myself on the fourth try it would be the last one. Lo and behold, I caught the email before she turns the page and it was from...Kitty Carter!! That's quite an endorsement. Interesting observations about Breelan looking bored or entitled. I'm not really prepared to disagree, since we haven't gotten to see much of her yet, but I'm totally agreeing yet either. I agree that her dancing was good but not outstanding so far, and she looked more calm than most girls walking up after her name was called. But I mostly read that as her trying to keep her cool. She auditioned last year for DCC, and made it to semi-finals (I remember her video last year, not sure if she made it to finals). So I thought she was trying to temper her expectations and take making semis again in stride. Since she came back, it seems to me that she really wanted to work for this, but she does know (far better than I!) what it's like to get cut. In one of Melissa Rycroft's press appearances that someone posted earlier, Melissa said that From the opening segment of episode one, we also know that somebody (Kitty? Kelli?) made Breelan cry, so it looks like we'll get more of a chance to see what's up with her.
  11. OK, this last trailer posted above is awesome! Emily is blind as a bat and being so stupidly loyal to Ali that I want to smack her, but Spencer as usual is speaking truth to power, announcing Ali is a dangerous person who can't be trusted. Hell yeah. Someone's seeing the light, and I'm so glad that Noel Kahn might be the one to help Spencer figure it out.
  12. I think that, since Ali wasn't dead and we knew it, they were smart to bring her back. But they need to move it along! A has gotten lost in the shuffle of Ali victim-dom/charades. I'm fascinated by Ali, though, because I think they are making her sociopathic. I really think she has antisocial personality disorder (sociopaths fall in this category), narcissistic personality disorder, or both. This makes her a much more interesting character to me, and about a thousand times less trustworthy and more dangerous to everyone. It also makes me think that, while she may be scared that all her dark deeds are about to come to light, she's playing at victim as much or more than being a victim.
  13. I thought about the stickers being for girls who are recruited, but I think those girls get a pass to semi-finals. Fascinating catch on that email about Kelli Q!! She really caught my eye this year with the little bit of her dancing they showed, and then I realized she had tried out before. I think they passed on her because of appearance. The "outraged" email about her said she's cuter than Amelia, and I totally disagree. I am not a fan of Kelli Q's appearance, and once I remembered her, I realize I've had that same thought the other two years she tried out. Maybe it's the uber bleached blonde hair and heavy makeup that makes her look older, I dunno. Beautiful dancer, though, and I'm glad to hear she made such a great team! As for the Melissa as a judge and mentor thing, I've said I'm not a fan of hers (even less so once some of y'all quoted from her book on this site!), but someone posted (I think in the season 9 spoiler thread) the point that she actually does have more expertise about what it really takes to be a DCC than most of the judges at the table. Very true! She may not have been a standout DCC to me, but every DCC does have to be a pretty exceptional lady and dancer to make the squad, so thanks for the reminder, whoever posted that. Some of these judges have no f-ing clue--for ex, the guy in season 7 who said Karissa looked better at finals than the year before (um, not at all), and then went on to say that Danielle's dancing wasn't good and lacked energy. It's judges like this that get bad dancers like Carla and Kathryn D into training camp, and then they nudge out amazing dancers like Kelli, who I suspect, maybe just needs a makeover. Hopefully, they'll show the judges deliberating about KQ next week. (I totally loved the bald judge last year with the pink tie! Especially when he blasted everyone for voting for Kathryn D for her looks when, as he put it, her dancing never should have gotten her past semis. Tell it, judge!) Even though folks on this site would have picked probably 20 vets before Melissa to fill this role, the reality is this is a TV show on a fairly major station that is trying to appeal to the public and draw them in, and she does have expert knowledge to help the girls in TC. Great vets like Brooke, Nicole H, Ashton, etc would have limited appeal in this role to those who aren't familiar with them already as past DCC, and just won't draw viewers like Melissa will. Pretty much everyone but their former teammates and people on this site would be like, Brooke who?
  14. I like when they include Show Group auditions and performances, since we actually get to see the most and best of the dancing. ITA that the show should follow more girls who actually make the team, and I would like some of these girls they follow not to be the total underdog strugglers. It's nice to root for the underdog, but I would like to get to know some of the cheerleaders who are among the best dancers on the team. If this is a show about being the best of the best, let's see the best--rookies and vets--and show us how hard they work and how great they dance. I feel this way about story lines, and how they show rehearsals. I only care so much about watching dancers like Morgan, Taylor, or Karissa struggle, and would rather watch awesome rookies and vets. I liked it when they show vets working one on one or small groups with rookies. It's nice to hear critiques of performances that don't just come from K&J, it helps you appreciate the expertise of the vets, and it's interesting to hear their suggestions. When they show this at all, which isn't that often, it's usually in extras clips; I'd like either more extras clips like that, or even better, put it in the show.
  15. Maybe part of the reason that Jenna gets less flack or seems to be forgiven more for her crimes is not only that she's female and therefore generally seen as less dangerous by society, but also that her rape victim is a male, which is a crime discussed little and does not seem to be regarded as the same kind of violation as a sexual assault against a female (again because society poses male as dangerous or strong and female as less powerful).
  16. Good eye, @mmm! I'm thinking this confirms the "but" we heard about her, and that they asked her to tighten up in training camp. She looks fantastic, both at auditions and a little thinner in the uniform. She reminds me of Elizabeth R, a beautiful dancer carrying a little extra weight. But unlike Elizabeth, she came back having actually lost the weight and far more toned. Kudos to her for her hard work and having the guts to audition again. This makes me like her even more, and I already thought she was one of the prettiest rookies and the best dancer. I noticed when they showed Kelli's prelims judging sheet (near minute 10) there was a green dot sticker next to one girl's number, and a yellow dot next to another. Anyone know what her sticker system is about?
  17. Even our most book smart liar can be dumb sometimes. But this truly pained me. As did the fact that she was going to leave the envelope in a "locked" piece of furniture in a cabin that has been unlocked for quite some time. Is that whole Hastings family stupid? Dead people are buried in their back yard under their noses, but they don't lock their cabin when left unattended? And why was Noel there, anyway? They must have known how badly I wanted to see him face off with Spencer, because there is no other logical explanation for him to have known to show up to the Hastings' unlocked cabin and be ready to hide under a sheet with a hole in it to watch where Spencer put his stolen pics and recording. Whatever the logic fail, I'm happy to see his fine self and those baby blues, and was really happy to see that Spencer could unnerve him with her fierceness. Please don't disappear too soon, Noel! Among other things, he has the most fascinating theory about Ali I've heard yet, and since he knows so much more than we viewers do, I'm thinking he's privy to some Ali info that substantiates his growing belief that Ali could have escalated from blackmail and bullying to attempted murder. I totally believe she could, though where she'd get bomb materials and know how to set it off if another matter... The girl is only in freshman science right now.
  18. I liked Aria's dress, too, but she was far too short to wear it well. I agree that she's often dressed against body type. She's short and curvy, which does not equal looking that good in a white, puffy, tea-length tutu. Since it looks like Hanna is turning away from the booze and this Zack thing is getting resolved, I'm hoping her wardrobe stops its downward spiral. This grunge look is not the cute tough rebellion of a few weeks ago. Old Hanna Style back, please, ASAP. If nothing else, someone needs to show Ali how to wear a blazer and statement blouses. Speaking of Ali, what's with her shifting between her age inappropriate "real estate agent" garb to a super girly floral dress and cardigan for the engagement party? That outfit looked more suited to a 14-year old. Is Ali trying to dress the part of the innocent girl for the parents of Rosewood? Emily's hair looked amazing, if a little fussy, but I was not a big fan of the blue jumpsuit. I know they're on trend and all, and she even pulls it off pretty well with that tall body of hers, but it's a bright blue jumpsuit. You can only do so much with that, I think.
  19. I don't buy that either, unless she's saying they have a fucked up compass. I'm in the camp that has yet to forgive Toby for having a hand in Spencer losing her mind, and then never apologizing adequately. So, if morality means never having to say you're sorry... Yes to Caleb with the common sense, and thank you, Caleb, for being the only person so say, "I believe you, Hanna." I personally am glad this Zack story line isn't going to drag on and on, but I'm glad they covered a few things: 1) that someone believes Hanna; 2) Zack got clocked by Caleb; 3) men (and probably women) who sexually harass or abuse underage teens are likely to do it more than once. I thought this last was an important point because it's true, and I really appreciated that Ella recognized that two incidents probably pointed to a larger pattern of creep behavior, and she wasn't going to stick around to give him a chance to prove he's misunderstood, or worse, that he's "changed." This recognition of a pattern out of incidents with two girls makes for an interesting contrast with Aria's protestations about Ezra to Tanner at the start of the episode. She swore "he's not some creep" who roamed the halls looking for high school girls, but he is the creep who had an ongoing affair with one high schooler after he'd had a thing for another high schooler that he wanted to know more about. Loved Spencer in this episode! She was badass and funny in true Spencer fashion, and I got my much-awaited Spencer-Noel Kahn face off. It was fantastic, starting with him being so creepy under that sheet. It was hilarious (really? a sheet with one eye hole seems like a bad Halloween costume cliche) and scary at the same time. I am totally fascinated by Noel claiming that he suspects Ali might have tried to kill him, getting rid of evidence and someone who knows too much in one fell swoop. If Noel really thinks this (of course he could be lying), then that means he thinks Ali is more sinister than anyone else has suspected. Way to be hot, Noel, but learn to be smarter about hiding your shit and being shady if you want to get away with it.
  20. I also heard the "but" regarding Melissa. I assume Kelli thought she needed to be more toned. Not to say she didn't look to be in great shape at auditions, but we all the know the DCC standard has gotten crazier since they got that HD screen the size of Texas. When I watched the auditions vote videos, I remember that Melissa was one of my favorites, but that I worried a little that judges (read: Kelli, Judy & Charlotte) would think she would need to trim down a little. I didn't think it would be enough to keep her out of training camp, but I bet she did get the talk from Kelli. Melissa looked beautiful at auditions, but I notice that she looks more toned in her uniform than at auditions. Could be the natural result of living through training camp, but I bet that was the one area she had to worry about to make the team. Also, a couple people asked about the locker that read Chandler at the start of the episode. There was a Chandler who made it to TC, and I'm guessing she was one of the first to go. Kind of in the Karissa category of cute and fun to watch but not a trained dancer. Last thing: episode 1 is now available for free on iTunes for anybody who's wanting to watch the season that way. It looks like they're going to do short extras again like they did last season, for those who buy a season pass. First up is a 1 minute video of different DCC saying what it means to them to be on the squad. Jennifer K appears last, and I can see why, beyond her phenomenal dancing, Kelli and Judy find her an ideal representative of the organization. She totally embodies the ethos of the DCC, which is probably how she got to be such an incredible performer in the first place.
  21. I love Tessa, but it's true that her splits were noticeably off. When the camera shows her doing them from a slight side angle, you can see that her splits don't touch the ground--there is visible space (maybe more than two inches), not unlike Kali's splits last year at finals auditions. I think Tessa's injuries (esp her earlier groin injury) just wouldn't let her gain the flexibility she needs, but maybe an injury-free year of stretching and strengthening and physical therapy could make a difference. It just depends on if she's willing to go through all of that to maybe make the team. Her body might be like Kali's and just can't stretch leg tendons and muscles like crazy rubber bands. I'd love to see her make a comeback, but only if she can stay healthy and come back with dynamite kicks and splits. I don't want her to be cut again! I'm pretty sure she auditioned with Jessica three years ago (when Jessica was a rookie) and didn't make TCC, and it sounded from Kelli this year like that was the reasons she didn't make it the first year. I kind of like Kristi Scales, but obviously not for her style. I like that she judges girls on more than just their looks, but I do disagree sometimes with her dance evaluations. The kicks she was raving about were not "check plus-plusses" (they showed her in slow-mo during this debate). They weren't bad, and certainly girls have gotten into TC with worse kicks (hello, Mackenzie, Kali, and Tessa). I think the girl they were talking about is a good and well trained dancer, but she just seemed so nervous learning the choreography that she might have psyched herself out. I liked her and hope she tries out again. Speaking of girls who didn't make the team, I really liked the girls they chose to feature in the first episode. Amy, who assembles cars, was charming and fearless, but undertrained; Shannon seemed very sweet and had an admirable come-back spirit; and Alexandra seems like a lovely person, and might have been my favorite featured candidate who doesn't make the final team. I admire her work ethic and career choice, and hope that she continues to take dance and work on her technique. Not just so she can re-audition and have a better chance at making the team, but because it really seemed to me that she finds dance fulfilling and challenging, and we all need some of that in our lives. Her dance lines and technique need work, but she seems like a natural performer and an ideal ambassador for any organization she represents. I liked that each of these girls had more going for them than their looks (hello, twins who think they can be DCCs just because they are kind of pretty). And I also liked that they weren't just showing privileged girls who grew up taking studio classes and waltzing into auditions with Louis Vitton bags on their arms. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I appreciate them showing that women from all walks of life go for this team. Feeling all eager about episode two and seeing the solos and interviews, and what went wrong with Morgan, Courtni, and Alex H. But then I realize I have to wait two more weeks, not just one...this early premier now seems kind of cruel to me!
  22. Someone predicted this thread would be mostly pics of Aria's crazy outfits! Thanks to those who posted those doosies above for the laughs and gasps.
  23. I am someone who has speculated that Ali is a sociopath, but not because I'm assuming that being a I'm not under the impression that this comment was directed only at me since I haven't been holding that conversation by myself, and I agree wholeheartedly that we should be careful about how we throw around certain terminology (not just mental health related ones, but also sexual predator, etc). Ali's levels of lying and manipulation do not seem entirely sane to me, and I started researching definitions of sociopathy when Ali returned at the start of the season. What I've found is that Ali displays several qualities and behaviors that often are associated with the "cluster B" of personality disorders, which includes antisocial (includes sociopathic and psychopathic), borderline, and narcissistic personality disorders. (There are three general clusters of personality disorders. Apparently, there are few cases that present in a strict "textbook" fashion, as there is a lot of overlap of symptoms, and people with p.d. can have more than one disorder.) I've found the Mayo Clinic website to be very informative and easy to navigate, not to mention authoritative, so I'm sharing info from their site, which lays out the definitions, symptoms, causes, and treatments of each disorder. (I'm only posting the symptoms they list for antisocial and narcissistic, and the links to those pages; for the definitions, causes, or treatments, look for the arrows at the bottom of the page.) Antisocial personality disorder covers both sociopathy and psychopathy, and its signs and symptoms include (http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/basics/symptoms/con-20027920): Now I know that exhibiting some of those symptoms does not a sociopath make, but a lot of that sounds like Ali. Additionally, many people who develop personality disorders experienced some kind of trauma or family dysfunction in their youth, and clearly the DiLaurentis house was not a healthy place for children (hello, Jason's substance abuse problem and Ali getting buried alive by her mother). The Mayo Clinic lays out these symptoms for those with a narcissistic personality disorder (http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/basics/symptoms/con-20025568): Again, a lot of this sounds like Ali. I think she exhibits fewer traits of the borderline personality disorder, but because there is so much overlap in this cluster, some do apply, but to post them here seems like overkill. Personality disorders often develop in adolescence, and can become more serious between late teens and early 30s, and it is estimated that the majority of people affected do not get proper treatment. Estimates and findings differ, of course, but the National Institute of Mental Health has found that nearly 1 in 10 people suffer from personality disorder, and many of these people suffer from co-occurring serious mental health problems. The NIMH estimates that antisocial personality disorder affects less than 1% of the population, and some studies have found narcissistic personality disorders in as much as 6% of some community samples. It is thought that 50-75% of those with narcissistic p.d. are males. Here is a link for those who might be interested in the theory that Ali has a multiple personality disorder (now called dissociative personality disorder), even though I am not on board with that theory: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dissociative-disorders/basics/symptoms/con-20031012. Sorry this was so long! But I was taking @Eneya seriously that we shouldn't just throw around such terms carelessly, I found this info relevant to the show and forum, thinking about this has made Ali (and Radley) more interesting to me, and it may be of use to someone.
  24. That was Veronica crying. She's one of my favorite vets, so I'm all worried about it even though I know she made it back! Looks like some serious drama in the episodes ahead. Lots of girls crying everywhere. It looks like we will get some explanation for Hannah leaving. Disappointing to see Tessa cut before finals (even though I knew it had happened), but was glad that they addressed it (vs showing nothing at all like with Emily R or Miranda). She looked beautiful and was in even better shape than last year, but clearly her flexibility had not improved nearly enough. She was one of my favorites last year, and the fact that she took being cut this year with real grace makes me like her even more. Loved Judy's blue lace dress. Kelli looked lovely as usual, and I thought Charlotte's face looked more frozen than previous years, which is saying something. I'm not a fan of Melissa Rycroft, and I don't think she was a particularly standout DCC, but after 9 seasons, it's nice to hear from another judge at auditions, even if I wished we'd gotten to hear from DJ Guthrie instead. I'm sure Kelli and Judy value his opinion far more than Melissa's and some of the other judges, and I'd rather hear what he thinks than Neal McCoy, who, I agree, did seem a little pervy in his enthusiasm. Hope we hear from DJ at finals auditions. Oiy, Vivian! Until this episode, I had felt mostly favorably towards her (but very uncomfortable when she begged K&J not to cut her). In the audition pics online, I thought she looked pretty and more trim than last year, and was intially rooting for her comeback. After this first episode, though, I felt like I was watching Vivian the Diva emerge. She was hamming everything up for the cameras, and I found her annoyingly cheesy. I mean, she freaking pointed when her name was called last for making finals. Who was she pointing at?! I certainly hope not Kelli and Judy and Charlotte, though I do LOL at that possibility. The pointing, the winking straight at the camera, talking about how she hopes she wins the fan vote again because "then I would be like, I really am a fan favorite!" I found it rather tacky and self-centered. I think she's seeming all about "me" rather than interested in being part of a team, and I find that unattractive. Plus, her dancing in the fan vote video was not impressive to me--and that was back when I still rather liked her. Really hoping her story doesn't overshadow every other rookie candidate's. Really liked Mary and Melissa, and hope we get to follow both ladies. Ashley Michelle still seemed scared of everything. She must have really dug deep and found her Sasha Fierce in training camp to make this team. Good for her!
  25. Just ran across this funny article from 2009. ESPN got 12 Cowboys to take the DCC entrance exam. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/story?id=4491594
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