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Everything posted by graefin

  1. https://blindgossip.com/not-all-in-the-family/#more-102645
  2. Given that she hasn't seemed to master multiplication even as an adult (see attached), I can't imagine what she did in algebra class.
  3. At this point, she could lose eight inches off her hair and have it hardly be noticeable. If she had even had it trimmed up to the first wave demarcation in the photo posted, it would have been a big improvement over what she has now. I'm not impressed with any of the color jobs done in the salons these folks go to. I'm always like, that's what you call a balayage?
  4. That's pretty offensive. Morality and integrity isn't exclusive to religion. In fact, the most religious people I personally know are by far the least moral and honorable people I've encountered in life. My feeling is that all they (these particular folks) care about is getting into heaven, not being good people per se. This used to puzzle me a lot, but I've since learned about the "salvation by faith vs. works" distinction and it makes a lot more sense to me now.
  5. I thought Jessa posted that Elliana was a reference to their prior miscarriage and their gratitude for their "rainbow baby"?
  6. But Austin has given interviews where he's said marriage is hard work, and Joy has admitted to a tendency of being hurtful and then "clamming up" in their relationship (I think this was in the marriage retreat episode). So it's not like they try to present an image of marriage as all rainbows and light.
  7. These days, Jessa is too much of a hot mess appearance-wise for Jeremy to even cast a glance in her general direction. I mean, can you imagine them standing side by side? Just think of it: Jeremy, in all his perfectly attired, coiffed, LA hipster glory . . . and then there's Jessa, with her Rapunzel unwashed and uncombed hair that's she's been diligently growing out since childhood. And who needs actual accessories (or a $200 blazer?!) when your glory can serve double duty and be used to accentuate your modern modest frumpsack that you got for a bargain at the consignment store?
  8. Trust, nothing is worse than Spurgeon. At least Runk sounds a little bit cool.
  9. Based on the letters I can read, it looks like Marketplace Grill, one of their favorite haunts.
  10. It's a vest over a long-sleeved shirt. What's consistent in every photo of Michelle is how clenched she holds herself. Look at her hand (balled into a fist) and her face and compare it to the others'. It makes me wonder if everything is an act for her and she's truly forgotten how to be normal.
  11. That's the most interesting aspect of this blind item--which sisters hate Josh and refuse to be in the same space with him? It's obvs not Jessa, since she's pictured at the "Big House" all the time. Clearly it's referencing one of the married ones, since they have the ability to choose to avoid him. That would leave Jill, Jinger, and Joy. Joy's kids have been seen at the house too, haven't they? So by process of elimination, it would have to be Jill and Jinger. Given what we know about them, they make the most sense too, since Jinger and Jeremy were the ones who released that statement, and Jill has been going to therapy, which has probably helped her have a healthier perspective on things.
  12. It's interesting that others read "so in love" into the second photo while to me it looks like Jessa is holding in a bunch of vomit. Maybe the theme of the photoshoot was camouflage? The bland, beige sartorial choices with the wheat backdrop and Jessa's hair, which has become such a scraggly mess that it resembles a bunch of weeds against an actual field of weeds . . .
  13. It's the closest we'll see Jeremy get to brass knuckles and black nail polish.
  14. She really should have gone with the first dress she tried on. That one was both really flattering and unique. I think she was too self-conscious to pick something so (relatively) form fitting, plus apparently Austin told her he preferred a looser style. 🙄
  15. There's an interesting recap of someone's encounter with the Duggar kids a few years back here. Some tidbits: Josh was an ignorant, cocky ass, and Joseph could barely write his own name.
  16. It's actually not at all surprising given what we've seen about this family and their cult teachings. They've been shown on episodes of their show and in interviews outright stating that their marriage relationship always comes first. Michelle rationalized it as, "I was married before I had children, so my husband comes before my children." This "wisdom" has been emphasized in various relationship workshops they've been shown participating in as well. This way of thinking is, of course, ass-backwards to the rest of us "normal" folks (your husband is a grown man who can take care of himself, whereas your children depend on you to meet their needs in a way only you can), but it's not like Anna is an outlier among her group.
  17. When have the Duggar parents actually talked about teaching their daughters homemaking skills, though? There was a clip that TLC posted years back of Michelle in the kitchen with some of the younger boys helping out, and she said her goal was to show them what to do so that one day "they could replace mom in the kitchen." I found that notable at the time because as a parent, wouldn't teaching your child skills be a good thing because they are gaining valuable future life skills, not potentially easing your burden? It was so weird to me. In another clip that aired during the time Jessa was courting Ben, Michelle was asked something along the lines of whether Ben could expect a home-cooked meal every night. Her response? "Expectations ruin relationships." Her advice? "Don't expect nothing! Then if it happens, you'll be pleasantly surprised [paraphrased]." So certainly evidence would point to the girls *not* being prepped to be stereotypical housewives. I think all Michelle cares about is Jesus and herself. And I presume JB isn't too different (except for him, add in money). And they've raised their kids accordingly.
  18. I never thought I'd say this, but it seems Jill is becoming a better mom to her kids than Jessa is to hers. While Jill's parenting skills are improving with time, Jessa's (who I was initially impressed by--but, hey, when it comes to this family it's a very low bar) seem to be deteriorating.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn8uVCTK6Fg
  20. One of the Instagram comments: "Why is Michelle orange?" If you look at her hands it's even more obvious--her palms look several shades lighter. Maybe she didn't want to let Jinger's leftover self tanner from the pre-Jeremy days go to waste?
  21. Discovery+ apparently just aired a new special. It's posted on YouTube (quality not great but better than nothing); search "Counting On Season 11 Episode 106 A New Life (Mar 30, 2021)."
  22. You'd think the point was to actually be able to read the slogans? For a minute I thought Jeremy's apron said "Insufferable Hope."
  23. Can someone explain to me the story behind the "!" that everyone's so fond of when referring to Jed?
  24. https://www.eonline.com/news/1240803/counting-ons-kendra-and-joseph-duggar-welcome-baby-no-3
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