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Everything posted by graefin

  1. Jed's an ass, consistently now over at least two videos. Tightfisted to the extent that he complains over the money he has to spend to feed his pregnant wife in labor, about to give birth and is now going on about the cost of the cupcake ($4!) his wife is eating while she is eating it. Katey really married down. As we've now seen, Jed isn't funny, smart, charming, or even nice, and apparently he may be having some financial issues as well if any of his many comments about the cost of things are any indication. What the hell did she think she was getting out of this union when she could have done so much better?
  2. And also apparently isn't opposed to having her hair cut to a reasonable length.
  3. They've turned comments off now. Edit: oops, I see the comments are on a previous post. Earlier folks had been commenting on the relevant post itself, but they've since disabled commenting. I'm guessing they'll soon disable them on all posts.
  4. Jeremy may let Jinger wear pants, but the real question is, will he let her wear anything that isn't Nike branded?
  5. The brush was probably a subtle hint to Jessa that Ivy's hair could use some brushing once in a while (or maybe ever judging from the pictures Jessa shows us on her social media); the rest of the gifts were just filler to make the message less obvious and ensure it would be better received.
  6. But why a taco? Is it Nurie's favorite food? David seems like he might be the brightest of the bunch (although obviously that bar is on the ground, and he's clearly not bright enough to realize his children need to eat a proper portion before he goes back for thirds): "What do I smash it with?" And how does one go about "smashing" a tiny, flat object to begin with? Ah, well, when you organize these events on the cheap with a pea brain, this is what you get. Why is David the one doing the smashing, anyway? Is it his baby whose gender is being revealed?
  7. At this point, probably the most daring thing a Duggar daughter could do as far as their hair is concerned is cutting it to shoulder length or shorter. Blond? Been there, done that.
  8. Menopause? LOL. She was born in 1975, so wouldn't she be a little young still? She might be a little heavier than when she was younger (ahem, as we probably all are), but I think 30 pounds is probably a bit harsh.
  9. There's also a kind of delicious irony in all of this. JB and Michelle have sought to literally isolate themselves and their family from the "evils" of the outside world for as long as we know, such that they all have only ever (mostly) worked for themselves so they don't have to submit to anyone else's authority. But in the final analysis, their crown prince HAS NO CHOICE but to submit to an outside authority (serve his sentence). For control freaks like these, it must eat them up inside that there's not a damn thing they can do about it.
  10. No, it was his grandmother (Mike's mother): https://www.caruth-hale.com/obituaries/Arlene-Seewald?obId=24903561
  11. It seems to have been written by whoever runs the church themselves, though. If you go to their website, the same bad writing and punctuation is in evidence.
  12. We all saw how well that worked out when it came to choosing Spurgeon's name . . .
  13. I don't know anything about how monetized SM works, but how is it possible that Jinger actually made about 3x more than what Jessa made and 10x more than what Jill made in the same time period? Does anyone think this is accurate given what we know about their SM activity? It would seem to me that Jessa and Jill were at least as active, if not more active, than Jinger was, Jessa has twice as many Insta followers as Jinger, and also has her YouTube channel where she posts relatively prolifically. Was Jinger just shilling that many more products (or more successful at doing so)? I find this puzzling.
  14. "Absent some recognition from Duggar of his crimes and his need to address his demonstrated and long-standing sexual interest in children, it is unlikely that that he will ever view his conviction as anything other than proof that he needs to be more circumspect and secretive the next time he engages in conduct involving child sexual abuse. It is equally unlikely that he will ever receive the treatment and accountability needed to prevent him from reoffending should he maintain this posture. In fact, given the apparent success of his blame tactics with some of the individuals he intends to surround himself with after his release from incarceration, it is not just unlikely—it is inconceivable." (bolding mine) Ooh, burn.
  15. I can. She's been so insulated in the cult for so long that she's long ago lost any sense of what's "normal" in the outside world, or how she might appear to others. In other words, she has a complete lack of self-awareness. Her way of being is the only way of being, and she doesn't really temper that based on her audience, save the really obvious taboos like corporal punishment (which they used to have mention of on their website before they realized--or were told by TLC or their PR people--it was too controversial so they scrubbed any mention of it). I think there's lots of evidence she doesn't experience emotions like the rest of us do or have a sense of appropriate behavior based on the situation at hand. One example that comes to mind is when Jordyn got her head stuck between a set of railings at the big house (it was on that spiral staircase they have leading upstairs that seems to be tucked in a corner near the bedrooms). While JB is working to try to free her, Michelle is standing there laughing like a maniac, while everyone else (including the other children) bears a serious expression, and at one point even JB says, "it's not funny" (which Michelle pays no attention to). It's like she just doesn't have an innate sense that this is a serious situation that merits a serious response, so her go-to emotion is cheerful silliness, like a 5-year-old. It's quite chilling, actually.
  16. I agree. The diction, the odd punctuation (so many exclamation points!)--it sounds very much like Michelle. I can just hear her reading it. Also, if this is what a "professional" came up with, how pathetic must the original have looked? It's so bad (she basically says please be lenient because look--"Josh and his family stood side by side and built forts and did homework--together!" in various forms over and over) that it could only come from the mind of a crazy person.
  17. I thought Katey came off relatively well in the video. She's pretty spunky and has more personality than all the Duggars combined. Jed, OTOH, is his father's son. He went out for a McD's run for her before the midnight cutoff but OF COURSE had to mention the exorbitant price of $11 for the meal of a burger and fries. Katey (bless her) pointed out that had he used his app, he would have gotten the fries for free (see what I mean about spunky? I'd bet none of the other Duggar wives would have dared make such a comment lest they'd be seen as not "keeping sweet").
  18. Apparently it came from Jed and Katey's private Insta account. Also, nothing could be worse than Spurgeon. Trust.
  19. I think Layla takes after Evan in the looks department. She has that same crooked smile, and unfortunately, it's not endearing (although I'm sure they think it is). It makes her look special.
  20. Oh, hey, is that your wallet, or are you just happy to see me? But seriously, it seems everyone is talking about Jer's obvious, uh, excitement, but are we sure it isn't simply his phone outline?
  21. IMO, she's always had the best teeth of the adult daughters in terms of being really aligned. I don't remember them being sparkly white, but her smile is nicer looking than, say, Jill's or Joy's (who must have slacked with the retainer wearing because their front teeth are noticeably out), and her teeth are smaller than Jessa's. Jana's smile is decent also.
  22. I mean, Joy can barely express herself coherently and she's a full-grown adult, so who is she to judge Gideon at 3 years old?
  23. Did anyone else initially read "messages from Spirit" as messages from God rather than the airline, or was that just me? I thought that post was going to go in a whole other direction . . .
  24. Why does Michelle always have the face of a bronze statue in her pics? Look at her compared to the rest of the girls. The difference is stark. What is she doing to herself? Is it just bad makeup?
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