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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I'm really surprised they're going the Sasha/Zende route again. I thought, for sure, we were going to get Sasha stepping in to carry the baby instead of Nicole. Then, at some point, she'd get back together with Thomas, and he'd lose Douglas, who, surprise!, is really Ridge's son after all. The new Raya baby is born, but Thomas and Sasha both feel connected to the baby and don't want to give him/her up, and custody battle ensues, once again pitting one of Brooke's kids against one of St. Taylor's kids. Why even give us a taste of the far preferable Sasha/Thomas if we were just going to go back to dull Sasha/Zende and offensive Thomas/Caroline? Why, show? Why?
  2. I just want John Oliver to do his Carlos Danger dance.
  3. Thank you, I was going to respond exactly the same thing. This isn't the same as gun control. The NRA is intentionally misleading people about common sense gun laws and getting them all riled up that "Obama's coming for your guns!!" The abortion thing is one hundred percent accurate. Multiple GOP politicians have made it clear that they intend to see Roe v. Wade overturned. Trump has said he'll appoint SC justices who will do just that. I was just saying tonight that we have three men in various sex-related scandals, and, somehow, it's all the one woman in the room's fault. Bill's affairs? Hillary's fault. Trump is accused of sexual assault by a dozen or so women (and at least one child)? Hillary put them up to it. And now, somehow, she's going to have to share, with Huma, the heat for Wiener being a big old criminal pervert. Sadly, this is not remotely surprising. This is how we roll in this country. I pray that, on 11/8, we see proof that there are more of us who don't roll like that. Allowing the actual sexual assault perp to ascend to the White House because we're too busy stoning a woman for a few men's sexual behavior will lead us right to destruction on so many levels.
  4. Meanwhile, her opponent's fraud and rape trials are both still set to open before the end of 2016...
  5. I'm sure Trump's "cause" would be that he "mishandled" this investigation and "compromised national security," or some such shit. It might not be successful, but I'm betting Comey would rather not go through the hassle of the incoming POTUS being out for his job, especially when that incoming POTUS is known to be a petty, vindictive piece of shit who never lets a perceived slight go unanswered.
  6. Absolutely. There is really nothing there, but he managed to make it sound like there is. Supposedly, he's said that the investigation is not into Wikileaks and is not related to the Clinton Foundation. So, really, what investigation could possibly turn up emails related to Hillary's server case? This is going to end up being complete and utter bullshit.
  7. Just want to add that it's worth pointing out that Comey's release doesn't even say that the emails they've discovered are hers. Just that they've discovered some emails that may be related to the case, they don't know if they're significant, they don't know if they're classified, and they don't know how long it will take to assess them.
  8. The FBI Director is appointed by the POTUS. I believe he can be removed by either the POTUS or Congress.
  9. We can't tap out before we get Podesta's grandmother's recipe for her special Thanksgiving cranberries! (2016 is really getting on my nerves.)
  10. Poor dim Nicole is going to be saying exactly that to Zende next week. "But she said no pressure!"
  11. I don't think I could handle the level of irony if the unrelated investigation was into Assange hacking the system on Russia's behalf. So we'd all be expected to be more indignant over whatever non-starter is likely in these emails than we are over the fact that they were discovered because the FBI had to investigate her opponent's coordinating with the Russian government to manipulate our electoral process.
  12. I swear, it wasn't long ago that I loved Ridge (when he was with Caroline). But now? Now I want a montage playing at least once a week that shows all the L's he's taken recently, climaxing in Brooke's "Ridge, leave...just get out, please. We don't want you here at our wedding." That was perfection. Nicole...honey...no. Maya playing the adorable baby card on her to push her back over into her personal incubator was manipulative as hell.
  13. Oh, FFS, Comey just dropped some vague letter saying that in an unrelated investigation, he found some emails that may be related to Hillary's case. He's investigating and cannot say how long the investigation will last or whether the emails will end up being significant. Is someone covering his bases in case Cheetos actually takes power (since he's made it clear that Comey is on the chopping block if he does)? I'd love to know what this unrelated investigation is. And I'd bet he knows damn well already whether they're significant or not (I'm guessing not), but he's appeasing Chaffetz, Gowdy & Co by dumping this out there 10 days before the election.
  14. When her phone rang and she said it was Maya's ring tone, I just laughed, because, of course, Maya can spidey-sense that there was a danger of someone else's sperm getting near her baby maker.
  15. When I was checking out the information for our local early voting place before I went, it said right on there that they can't. I saw something yesterday from 2012 that said they could for early voting, so I wonder if something has changed in the past 4 years. I just checked. SB0172 was passed in IL and became effective 6/1/15. So there may still be information floating around out there that still reflects the now outdated information.
  16. I just don't see how his supporters think he's going to do a damn thing for them. He has a very well established history of not doing anything for anyone other than himself. It's kind of bizarre that they can simultaneously admire him for that characteristic while still thinking he's going to do what's best for them if he takes office. I have an uncle who is completely and totally in the bag for Trump. We're talking up at 3 AM posting pro-Trump/anti-Hillary memes on Facebook, repeating all the catchphrases like they're Gospel, and devoting large portions of his day to Breitbart and EndTheFed reading level of committed. But, here's the thing - this uncle has leeched off the system (and some family members) pretty much his entire adult life. Most of his means of support would decrease or dry up completely if Trump had his way. But here he is, ranting and raving about "those damn liberals living off the rest of us," and how Trump is going to put an end to that. I so badly want to say "do you really think he'll put an end to it for everyone but you?" But, I think the thing with Trump is that he's managed to tap into whatever inner prejudices people have felt they had to hide all these years, and now, the rest of it doesn't matter, because he's told them "you're right" about those. For my uncle, it seems to be homophobia and racism, as it is for a portion of his support base. For others, I think it's this building feeling some have had that there are people out there "getting away with" living some high life off their tax dollars. So it really just does not matter if you point them to one hundred different sources that show that the things he says are lies or that the few policy items he's managed to discuss are not feasible. He's told them "you're right about that." That is incredibly powerful to some people.
  17. I think that, to her detractors, ambition is only bad in women. That reminds me of Pence's bizarre insistence on calling Hillary and Tim "career politicians" as some kind of slur during the VP debate. 1) Yeah, so they know how the system works and how to work in the system. 2) Is the man who has been running for office for nearly three decades slamming someone else for being a "career politician"? I really wanted Kaine to ask him "how have you managed to maintain your amateur status for almost thirty years, Governor Pence?" I get that there can be somewhat of a negative connotation about people who just park themselves in Congress and never leave (especially when they never do a damn thing there), but it's so weird to watch someone who has a similar career history to his opponent slamming that opponent for it, and it's ridiculous to pretend that both Hillary and Tim haven't done a lot of work to help people over the years.
  18. I live in Aurora, but the corner of it that's wedged in between Naperville and the rural area of Oswego. So my little corner is kind of blue, but the area surrounding us is decidedly red. That just made me think of the story last year about Putin having a hockey game for his birthday. I believe he played with some players from one of the professional teams in Russia, and, naturally, his team won. Of course, he scored the most goals.
  19. If that doesn't just perfectly encapsulate this damn election period, I don't know what does. Trump wants to watch the world burn (because he's presumably figured out a way to monetize it), but, hold the presses, Hillary says she carries hot sauce in her purse!
  20. I'm definitely reporting them. I just need to figure out where to report it. That's my project for tomorrow - find out where to report them and get it done.
  21. I could swear I remember her using it to poke at the Robin/Patrick relationship, too. It wasn't only a Jason thing.
  22. I live in a suburb of Chicago, and I early voted yesterday. Thankfully, no long lines here yet. But, I'm really irritated. I live in a somewhat Republican leaning area of Illinois (we're mostly a blue state, but there are little pockets of red here and there, and I live in one), and the poll workers there were asking for ID's. I checked out the website about early voting before I went in, to make sure I was headed to the right location, and it specifically states that you are not required to show ID to early vote. When called on it, the poll workers kind of hemmed and hawed and came out with "we're just asking to see ID's so it's easier for us to get the proper spelling of everyone's name when we enter them into the system." Yeah, right. My doubt was confirmed when I heard another woman there say to one of the workers "well I think you should be asking for everyone's ID, or people will be lying about who they are." The worker replied "me too, but people like that (inclining his head towards a voter who was telling them they're not allowed to ask) are why we can't." It pisses me off that we're still getting poll workers trying to push through these GOP voter ID measures, even in places where they've never been in place. How many times do they need to be told "no" on this topic? Meanwhile, let's listen to their candidate talk about how the voting is going to be rigged. The only side trying to rig it is your side, Cheetos.
  23. While their animosity is rooted in the Jason/Michael thing, there's more there over the years. I'm thinking, specifically of Carly's various attempts to undermine Robin's relationship with Patrick (which he sometimes enabled a bit by indulging Carly instead of telling her to shut her ugly mouth, but that's another discussion). There's also her taunting her about her HIV status, which, to me, is so above and beyond Jason. I can buy that Robin is a good enough person to be willing to put it behind them, but that history is still there, under the surface, ripe for reappearing during an emotionally charged time. And Carly, well, yeah, she expressed her gratitude that Robin saved Jason, but, I think that was mostly something that happened because Robin was basically leaving for good (save a return here and there). If KMc was sticking around, and Robin wasn't leaving town, I don't think we would have had Carly being so completely grateful and ready to be buddies. I think it's decently likely we would have had Carly going off on her for keeping his existence to herself, probably throwing in some accusations that Robin always did want to keep him away from her, and she finally had her chance, and if she had just been upfront with Carly and Sonny about his being alive before she went off to save him, Sonny could have helped get him out of their sooner, and he never would have developed amnesia, blah blah blah. So I think that Robin showing up to offer her condolences to Carly could have gone either way. It could have been friendly and lovely, or it could have been Carly going batshit bitchy because she needs someone to take her anger out on, and Robin is a familiar target.
  24. I hope she comes home matured and with some really hot guy she met overseas. Oh, and she doesn't spare Liam a glance, maybe beyond saying that she's realized that he and Steffy really do belong together, and that her relationship with him was a youthful infatuation.
  25. Brooke may be a bit gun shy about making it a costume thing, given her past. Don't want to accidentally screw LDG at the reception, thinking he's Bill. I know Ivy's all BFF with Quinn now, But I would love to see her be Brooke's protege in this scenario. (Which could totally work if Brooke teams up with Eric and Quinn and she's brought in to run FC for them.) The fact that Bill's assistant ran off before hearing Brooke say she loves Bill and is marrying him gives me hope that we're actually getting a Brill end game here. Of course there needs to be a misunderstanding in their way if they're the "root for" couple here.
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