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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I fully expect to see more items for sale on his Twitter account. He probably thinks he can get a premium from fans who want to own something Bryan Craig owned.
  2. I can buy that Riley had no idea to this point. I remember doing a similar project in high school, and I had no idea how many nationalities I am before I did it. (For the record - Native American, Lithuanian, Irish, German, French-Canadian). I think, before that, I basically knew "German and some other stuff." So, Riley, I can buy her having no idea, but it definitely struck me as odd that Topanga had no idea. The only thing I can think of is that their families have been in the U.S. so many generations that somewhere, along the way, someone dropped the ball in passing along their background to the next generation, and it just became lost. In my case, it was easy to find out, because 7 of my great-grandparents were the first generation born here, and the other great-grandmother was raised on a reservation. So the history was still relatively new. But I can see there being some families who go back so many generations in the U.S. that the information got lost at some point. (Of course, personally, at this point in my life, if I didn't know, I'd take advantage of the resources on-line to try and piece something together, if at all possible.) When he first seemed upset, I was thinking we would find out his family owned slaves. Then, when he mentioned Denmark and no birth records, I was thinking he'd turn out to be a Nazi war criminal who escaped here and changed his identity to avoid being caught. The reveal did seem off with the reactions he was having. I was really reading "shame" in his demeanor all episode long. I agree with those who feel like they went a little light on all of the back stories, in terms of the horrors some of them came from. I know you have to temper it for the younger audience, but I don't think there would have been any harm in outright stating that Zay's family were brought here as slaves. I think most kids have some general awareness there. I mean, if they can mention that Farkle's grandfather was adopted by a Christian family to keep him alive, then I think they can say that Zay's family was brought here, originally, as slaves. It seemed like they went out of their way to play it down, even while hinting at it ('we were brought," instead of saying "we came"), and there was such a non-reaction to that revelation, but, at the same time, they wanted to have that moment with Zay and Farkle where they both realize that their families went through hell. Like I said, I get that they have to temper it for younger viewers, but I think they went too far. Zay's story was the one that felt like it had most of the impact drained out of it because of that. In terms of just pure stupid laughs (hey, I enjoy a pointless laugh here and there), I laughed at Cory's "no, I want one," when Riley was throwing cheese, and Lucas and Zay's Texas ensembles. And I know most dislike Ava (and I can see why), but I do love Topanga's reactions to her most of the time. I actually thought Maya was the weak link in this episode. Other than their moment with the woman from Cambodia, she just seemed to be annoyed and resent having to do anything. The rest of the kids seemed at least interested in learning their history (even if Riley was obnoxious and helpless in her interest). Although I did laugh at "I didn't even know you could talk and you speak two languages?" along with "I'm surprised whenever any of those people talk."
  3. As far as I'm concerned, the best Jason is a dead Jason, but I just had a vision of how this would go down. Michael renews his disgust with Sonny and/or Carly as Sabrina's death brings back the traumatic time he suffered through at AJ's death. We get a few glorious weeks of Michael hating those two assholes, and then Jason dies, and he goes back to them, because he feels their pain. I'm loving everything up to and including "Jason dies," and then it just all goes to hell. Although if they went another way with it, and had Michael marry Sam after Jason dies, to make sure Jason's kids are kept away from the mob completely - no Carly, no Sonny, no Julian, I could get into that.
  4. And it's so obvious and fake looking to boot. Ivy is a clearly natural, youthful, healthy beauty. I think JMW could have possibly been that before she took that first fateful trip to her TV Mom's doctor. (You just know they see the same doc, the work is very similar.)
  5. I could see it being something she's not super thrilled about, given that she doesn't have a steady job, and now he likely chose to leave his steady job. Maybe that's why he had to sell the 'Vette? Can't have a car payment like that when you don't have a guaranteed income coming in, and you've got a wedding coming up? I could see her having to talk him into that one. Either that, or she hasn't mentioned it yet because she's working on some huge over the top "celebration of some kind," whether it's another fake trophy, cake, or party? With these two, it could really go either way.
  6. I'm starting to think that things aren't quite so rosy with the two of them any more. I noticed on Thighbolt's most recent birthday, there was no mention of her birthday by him on Twitter at all, and no mention from her of some awesome birthday plans he spoiled her with. Stuff like that is their thing. And she still hasn't mentioned his leaving on Twitter at all, except for responding to thank someone who tweeted that they were going to miss him and they also already miss her so much.
  7. Sonny to Jordan: "It's not often we're on the same side." Nothing like some lighthearted bantering vaguely referencing the time you tried to have her killed, assface.
  8. Of course, BryDog re-tweeted the "the fans are devastated" tweet. Of course.
  9. Ideally, Michael and Tracy would solve it working together. Bonus points if this brings up memories of AJ's death for Michael, and he regains his disgust with the mob life (if not with Sonny and Carly, specifically, which would, of course, be my dream version, but at least it could have him kind of backing away from being all in with them). JE was amazing today. I loved everything about her scenes begging Monica to survive.
  10. Could you imagine them doing this with a female rape victim? "Here, I got you an escort to get you over your rape. Don't worry, he's paid up for the night!" "Here's a disposable sex worker for you to take out your rage on, Michael." With friends like that... Yeah, those two are all kinds of inappropriate. We'll know she's Nina's if she pulls a crayon list of her evil plans out of her bra next time she's alone.
  11. I can hear it now: "If it wasn't for those Logans, pushing Hope in between Liam and Steffy, they would have been happily married for years now, and Quinn would be no part of Steffy's life!" So, if Ridge decides to start insinuating himself in between Brooke and Bill, how long does it take for Bill to call Caroline home to shut that shit down? (Which would be fine with me, because I vastly prefer Brooke/Bill and Ridge/Caroline to Ridge/Brooke.)
  12. He's got that sweet Daytime Emmy. I'm sure ALL the big Hollywood directors and producers have just been biding their time, salivating over the possibility that he might one day quit his GH gig and become available to lead the next blockbuster franchise. Or, you know, he and Thighbolt are going to try to shop a reality show about their relationship and wedding.
  13. GH wasn't on in its normal slot in the Chicago area today, because of a Cubs game. I typically just let it go when that happens, but I may have to DVR the overnight showing, just so I can witness this.
  14. I just looked, and episodes are listed for next week, but no episode descriptions. (I don't usually look more than a day ahead, so I don't know it they would normally have episode descriptions up that far ahead of time.)
  15. When you say "one of her kids," you mean Michael, right? I think she's already gone back to forgetting Joss exists now that the kidney question has been cleared up, and if something happened to Morgan, she'd just sigh and deploy Kiki to deal with it.
  16. Especially if they left the show on Guza's watch. It was extremely rare for someone to just leave town when an actor left the show.
  17. This is what I want most from this whole story. It's going to be so disappointing if Brooke sides against Eric. The real drama would be in her being the only one on his side (aside from Quinn). Rick and Ridge being teamed up against Brooke and Eric would be a whole new dynamic.
  18. "All tickets must sell...or my bookie's goons will break my legs." (Not that I have any knowledge of him having a gambling problem, but, between this and the urgency to sell his car, that's how he's coming across.)
  19. That smile reminds me of the episode of Friends where Ross over-bleached his teeth.
  20. If Quinn understood her targets at all, she would have known that someone else sniffing around Waffles is the fastest way to get Steffy to go running to him.
  21. If they ever disagree, they'll both fall all over themselves apologizing and reassuring each other "no, you're a shmoopy!!" And, then, I assume, Eskimo kisses will ensue.* There will be no conflict. None. Because, apparently, they're both perfection and happy sunshine, rainbows, and puppy kisses, so we can't show either of them upset with or on the opposite side of an issue from the other. (*But, I guess, at least, we can enjoy BM baring his serial killer grin while engaging in said nauseating saccharine behavior. So it will be more "you're a shmoopy....and now I must eat your liver.")
  22. This line is everything I've wanted to see from Liz and Sam for years (and years):
  23. Clearly, in order to incorporate yet another favorite into this picture, they let Nicholas Bechtel do her eye makeup.
  24. Those clips remind me of how good SK and CD were as father and son. Damn show had to ruin it.
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