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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. This is one of the reasons I've been saying that Seth Meyers has become my favorite of the late night hosts. He was the first, I believe, to truly sound the alarm, speaking directly to the camera about how "this isn't a joke, this is dangerous." And he's managed to find a way to mostly maintain a level of "this is bad," while still being funny. I respect that he and John Oliver are both deadly serious when they say "I don't want that guy on my show," and they act accordingly. They don't try to treat him as some lovable scamp. I feel like if TDS could get Trump on, they'd take him. And Trevor would maybe try to get a couple meaningful questions in, but most of his commentary on whatever Trump said would be in the form of reaction faces and laughter. I don't think he'd ruffle his hair, Jimmy, but I don't think he'd go hard, either.
  2. Nope, Sam likes everyone now. She's sunshine and puppy kisses. She could never hate anyone! (KeMo has to hate this shit. I can't imagine she's happy playing Little Mary Sunshine.)
  3. If this show had any self-awareness, while Morgan's telling Andre that he knows Kiki is only staying with him because he's an incompetent douchebag who can't take care of himself, so he plays that up to keep her, Kiki's telling Franco that she misses Dillon, but Morgan's an incompetent douchebag who can't take care of himself, and his beast of a mother has continually pressured her to be his caretaker, so she feels to guilty to dump him. But, I'm sure that Morgan's confession will just be some story beat in the "Morgan's spiraling out of control because Ava messed with his meds thing (BTW, are we supposed to remember that this is karma for Morgan, after he swapped out his brother's meds, or is that just bygones?). And Kiki's secret will just be how much she's worried about poor Morgan. Overall, reading those spoilers, I can't help thinking that a lapsed viewer who was thinking of returning would read those and realize "the only names I recognize on here are all Corinthos or Corinthos-adjacent, except for Anna. And who the hell are all of these other people? What's a Hayden? Nelle? Claudette? Come on, they didn't really name a character Claudette, did they?"
  4. I have to keep telling myself that, if it ends, JJ would be willing to come back to give Liz/Lucky a happy ending. I refuse to consider the alternative.
  5. I honestly think that a big part of the problem is that the media, in general, didn't initially take Trump's run seriously. It wasn't his first time throwing his hat in the ring, so they probably figured this was just going to be another instance of him saying he's running to get some attention and free promotion, and then dropping out. So they weren't really covering him like a serious candidate, it was just all for humor. Even the comedy people were treating it like that. Remember Jon's unabashed glee when Trump announced he was running? So the media ran with showing his ridiculous statements, because it was a case of "everyone's talking about the ridiculous thing he said, and we want to make sure we're drawing eyeballs and ratings from it, too." There are probably about a handful of reporters who are truly willing to call him out. The rest won't for various reasons. His supporters have been known to harass and threaten reporters who run with a negative story on him, and networks are afraid of losing access to his campaign if they air anything he doesn't like. And since his campaign is a ratings draw, they're not going to jeopardize their ratings by ticking him off. And he's made sure to reinforce that idea. So while the information is out there to find if you're looking for it, it's not being pushed prominently enough by the general media, so there's no reason for his supporters to see it or allow it to alter their beliefs. I really think that a big part of her "appeal" is that it's a novelty to a lot of people to see this cute young girl saying this stuff. If you pay attention to her performance, she's not even particularly good at this. She has the same delivery and demeanor of your neighbor ranting about something. But, she has that novelty and, since she is so young, she knows what topics will catch attention (even if it's negative attention) and be shared over and over again. They say she gets millions of views, but I'd be willing to bet that there's a fairly even split among those watching it because they agree with her and those who are hate-watching it. I don't think we can blame Facebook for her. She works for Beck's The Blaze. As for Trevor's segment on her, I think he was being sarcastic in his "love" for her. And I think it was precisely because of what I was saying above - that the reason she garnered the high profile she has is because of the novelty of her being a cute young girl spewing so much anger and hate.
  6. This show, I swear... What got me to wondering that was the whole idea of people showing up to be there for Michael after Sabrina's death thing. I remembered Jax sneaking back into town to see him after Abby died. That, of course, had me thinking "if they'd worked out the timing better, or pre-taped, they could have had him be there for Michael again, to deal with losing her and Teddy." And it dawned on me that I don't remember him having scenes with the boys on this return. Especially with all Morgan's had going on recently, you'd think he'd make a point to spend a little time with him, so he can see for himself how he's doing. He was planning on adopting that child, and he had a big hand in raising him. Jax may no longer be with Carly, but he built strong relationships with her sons. He was not the kind of character who would let those relationships fall to the wayside. When he came back for Michael he was risking his safety, but he came back because he loves those boys. I swear, if they ever get back around to revealing whatever part Jax played in the kidney thing, if we get scenes of Morgan trashing him like all he's ever been to him is one of his father's enemies, I'm going to lose it.
  7. I wasn't sure where to put this, so I went with History. I honestly can't remember, on this most recent return, for the kidney drama, did Jax even have a scene with Morgan? The man was, essentially, his father for years, and they were very close (side note: kid Morgan had much better taste in people than BryDog Morgan). You'd think someone would remember to mine that history when Jax returns to town to deal with the mystery revolving around Morgan's little sister's kidney transplant. Maybe a scene where Jax asks him how his treatment is going, how he's feeling? Maybe in those recent conversations between Morgan and Kiki (and her hilarious disbelief that Morgan was going to college), Morgan could have mentioned that spending some time with Jax during his visit to PC reminded him of how, when he was younger, he wanted to get an education so he could be a successful businessman like Jax? The whole point of soaps is the decades of history between characters. How do you not use that in little ways like that? Obviously the Jax/Morgan conversation requires Ingo to be there, but Morgan talking to Kiki about Jax's influence on his childhood doesn't require Ingo's presence at all or take away from the limited time they had to film with Ingo that they wanted to devote to the kidney scenes. And Morgan talking about how Jax raised him and what an influence he had on him during those years could help make Morgan (who is mostly an unrelenting douchetool) a little more human in his desire to start back up with college instead of the butt of a bunch of "Morgan's an illiterate dumbass" jokes. (Not that I don't appreciate those jokes, but I can't help wondering if they were written after BryDog decided to leave.)
  8. What? You don't think "we're so happy! Aren't we so happy? We're so happy!" to be substantive conversations?
  9. All I could think through those scenes of the hospital closing was "cut your hair! Cut your hair!! Cut your hair!!! Cut!Your!!Hair!!!" I'm sure RoHo is probably one of those "oh, I never watch myself on TV" kind of actors, but someone needs to stick him front of a monitor and make him watch those scenes where he's wandering the hospital, trying to keep Liz from finding out about Sabrina. Then say "now, what was it that stuck out most to you in your scenes? Was it, perhaps, your hair?" while brandishing a pair of scissors.
  10. That may just be the screen shot they had of Paul and Tracy, but not necessarily the scene where what they're previewing happens. I know that, when I used to read SID regularly, in the section where they listed the "highlights" of each day's episodes in the coming week, they would often use screen shots of the characters involved that were from scenes that had already aired, and not of the scene they were talking about. So they could have been previewing "Sonny and Alexis plot to take down Julian," with a picture that is clearly from a scene the two of them had a week prior where they were discussing Kristina's Parker mess.
  11. I lost it at "complicated." Is that what they think they've been writing?
  12. I still laugh at Claudette carrying a framed 8x10 around in her purse instead of just having a picture of the two of them together on her phone. Or a wallet size.
  13. I would LOVE to see Quinn and Wyatt running FC while Eric's incapacitated.
  14. That would not stop them from ToD 2.0. This is exactly what would happen: Hope returns to town with a hot guy (played by someone who can act circles around the rest of that generation in the cast), they'll have oodles of chemistry, and the audience will almost universally adore him. Then, he'll rape someone like Katie. Next, he'll try to rape Steffy, but she'll kill him in self defense. This puts a crimp in Waffles' love life, as he has recently decided (but not told either woman) that he loves Hope and wants to leave Steffy to be with her. But, of course, he can't leave Steffy now, while she's recovering from the trauma of the attack and killing the guy, so he'll martyr himself and stay with Steffy while making cow eyes at Hope and having flashback montages of their relationship 10 times a day. Proud I. Hate. Steffy. member here!
  15. I'm just imagining Lucas waking up in the on call room and wondering where everyone went. "Here, we have like a dozen of these in our freezer." I don't know how people don't just randomly punch Morgan every single day.
  16. On AMC, Maria returned from the dead with amnesia, and she had zero fucks to give about Edmund (or her kids) for a while. (Of course, to be fair, I would have focused on Aidan, too, over Edmund). She started gradually spending some time trying to bond with her kids until she eventually regained all of her memories in a rush when her daughter fell off a boat and she dove in to save her.
  17. Michael can stay, as long as he recommits to being a Q.
  18. The second they made the decision to have Liz find out and keep the truth hidden, it was about making her the villain to their eventual reunion. They may not be writing them any substance, but they are writing them as this eternally happy couple with their over the top "look, dammit, we're happy and in love!!!!!....even though one of us may or may not remember a damn thing about our history at any given moment of the day...." They basically trashed Liz to add some "drama" to the JaSam reunion. Instead of addressing the inherent drama in a man returning from the dead with no memory of his wife and son (who had started to form a family with a new man) and a general distaste for his former life style, they saddled Liz with the drama and left the two of them as pure and wonderful beings. To me, that's propping. It's shittier than usual propping, it's lazier than usual propping, but it's propping.
  19. Well, of course, we all knew he was Jason. But, Liz had no idea, and BH and BM had good chemistry. I knew they were't end game, but I enjoyed them for what they were, before the show decided that it couldn't just be a story of this couple who really liked each other having it all blown up when they found out who he was, and it had to be Liz being the big bad evil to prop the twuest wuv that ever wuved.
  20. Like dubbel zout, my initial reaction to this was "Jax would't do that to his own child." But, then I realized that this show would throw Jax under any bus, any time, anywhere, to prop Sonny and Carly.
  21. I do love her face in the background of the shot at Kelly's, where Kiki is trying to stop Morgan from being a complete Morgan to someone. Most of us look at Morgan like that, Claudette.
  22. So did I! Looking after reading it was Sarah, I can clearly see it's her, but I totally thought it was Tamara at first sight. I didn't realize they resembled each other that strongly.
  23. This makes me wonder if we're going to have suspicion pointed back at Hayden. Obviously, they know that a man was actually committing at least some of these killings/attacks, but I'd imagine that the connection between Hayden and the diamonds might arouse some suspicions that she had something to do with Sabrina's death because she took them to the PCPD. At minimum, Liz will probably raise hell about it so the show has a reason to keep the newly discovered sisters at each other's throats for a while. Then, Liz will, of course, have to kiss Hayden's ass once it's discovered that she had nothing to do with Sabrina's death.
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