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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
They're really trying to make Steffy look younger so it doesn't look like she and Taylor are sisters, aren't they? Super weird for all of them to be all "whoo-hoo, you two did it!" at Ridge and the dishrag. Are there no healthy boundaries at all in that family? They should not give Steffy any kind of authority over anyone. Give her some made up bullshit position like "Forrester Family Liason," that has no authority or decision making ability. Just a mascot position to show the world the Forresters are still involved in the company. If they have Tom's organs, with the initial hope of being able to use some of them in transplants, wouldn't they have his blood type on file instead of Li needing to have his liver dropped off in her office? (I'm assuming she wants to get his blood type to start looking at her suspicions.) Does she have any of Luna's records to be able to even make that comparison? So, this would be the second time that a schemer initially set her sights on Bill and then turned her attention to one of his sons. Also, what is Bill's plan if Poppy ever goes to the jail to see her daughter again? Does he have the guards all paid off to keep making excuses as to why she can't see her? -
Bonus points if it actually caused some conflict between Taylor and Steffy. Because those two are way past due for some conflict.
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Same. I think Li suspecting it's Jack is just kicking off the story of who it really is. -
I was thinking this, too, he's recruiting her. I think that was the "project" he was referring to, and he's clearly watching her to see how she's doing. I'm guessing that this will be the thing that causes drama in the Carly/Jack relationship. Joss will end up getting in over her head, and Jack will save her life. That part will push Carly fully into a relationship with him. But, down the line, she'll find out that he was feeding Joss those breadcrumbs to see if she had what it takes to work for the WSB, and that will be their first big fight and test of the relationship. Whether they get past that will depend on if working for the WSB is something Joss actually wants to do, or if she also gets mad at Brennan over it all. If Joss wants to do it, she'll probably keep urging her mother to forgive him, with speeches about how she's an adult who made her own choices and gets to pick her own career. Since Joss seems to actually like Jack, I'm guessing she'll push for Carly to get over it. It's completely ludicrous that a judge would grant an emergency order to take kids away from their mother while their father is incapacitated, unless their mother is the one who put him in the hospital, or has done something equally bad. Having one of the kids around her affair partner is not even remotely enough, unless that affair partner was a risk to the kids. Also ridiculous that nobody, including anyone at the hospital, thought to consider that Willow is the one who makes decisions for Michael, seeing as how they're still legally married. None of them would even need to know about Michael assigning that task to her, since she's still legally his wife. Unless he had signed something choosing someone else, his wife would be calling the shots. Now that would be something for Diane to go to court to get an emergency order about - showing that he'd filed for divorce after her cheating and requesting that someone else (Carly, Sonny, Jason) be put in charge of his medical decisions. Would have made way more sense than the custody emergency order. But, really, who needs healthcare proxies and all that when you've got Portia ready to wander around telling anyone anything? Seems like the co-chief needs a refresher in patient privacy. I'm pretty sure there's not a line in the HIPAA law saying "unless the doctor knows the patient and wants to call her husband and tell him what's going on." Not that Portia is the only one guilty of not following HIPAA. The only person anyone at GH has refused to give any information to is Drew. Everyone else has been getting any information they want. Yes, they're his family, but unless he's signed paperwork on file with the hospital saying it's OK to discuss his condition with them, it's still not OK. Instead of Portia calling Curtis to tell him what's going on, we should have seen her trying to reach Willow (or asking someone else to call her), since she's Michael's next of kin. Carly and Joss being so specific that Willow was banging Drew while Michael burned would have made more sense if someone at GH said they were trying to reach Willow, but she wasn't answering. (Yes, I know that they are technically right that they were having sex at the same time, but how would they know that? It's kind of weird how they're fixated on that image instead of just saying "while you were off in D.C. with your boyfriend.") And, Drew, yes, everything you're saying to Carly is true, but time and place, dude. Not to mention, as the man who helped break up Michael's marriage, you're pretty far down on the list of people who gets to deliver that message. And, yes, you went to prison for Carly, but that's all on you. You chose to throw yourself on your sword for her. It was stupid, but it was your choice. Between Drew talking about Carly putting Michael in Sonny's orbit and Willow reminding Joss of her own cheating, I feel like the writers knew what viewers would be thinking and decided to bring those things up, while also being able to essentially dismiss them by having Drew look like an ass for doing it and having Joss bat away the cheating thing with "I wasn't married with kids."
I hope they give her a shitty job. Why does Bill keep asking Luna to talk about how she killed them? It's just weird. Oh, Brooke, honey, no. Just...no. It would be hilarious if Ridge ended up going after Daphne. I feel like that preview of Li accusing Poppy of Jack being the father is a misdirection. It has so little storyline impact for Jack to be Luna's father. I'm still putting my money on Finn actually being the father. If the big secret was really that Jack was the father, why show us that in the preview? They could have clipped that preview scene to her just yelling at Poppy to admit who Luna's father is, without including Jack's name. Yawn.
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Every single time the dishrag isn't looking at his face, Ridge looks like he'd rather not be there. Such a great love story between a man and his safety net. Hell, even their biggest cheerleader basically acknowledged that her mother is just a stopgap measure to assuage his pride and keep him from forgiving Brooke too easily. It is unfathomably icky for someone to talk about their parents' love life as foreplay and postcoital couch pillow talk. And don't those two have a bedroom? Steffy's Husband has had to learn to get turned on by talk of his in-laws' sex life if he ever wants to have sex. It'll be hilarious if he keeps finding himself inexplicably turned on around Ridge. Is Ridge afraid to live alone? That's why he needs Greenlee to move in with him in order to move out of daddy's house? Brooke, how much more do you need to be fully and completely done with that asshole? The shit he said about your daughter? The shit his daughter says about you that he just stands there and lets happen? The shit he said to you and accused you of? Jumping to Taylor's bed right after your argument, just like he always does? Unless you believe your "destiny" is a sleazy asshole whose only concern is making sure he has a dick warmer at all times, this dude should not be your destiny. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Yes. Bill owned/owns it, and he knew Wyatt left town, but I don't know if he knew he'd leased it out (or maybe he knew that, but didn't realize to who or that they were moved in already). -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
And she and Steffy will blame Brooke for causing her to relapse. I haven't watched today's show yet, but I am assuming that they're talking about Taylor's old beach house, which Wyatt bought at some point. When Wyatt left town, he rented it out to RJ, who seems to no longer exist, leaving it empty (but still Wyatt's, unless they're just going to retcon that away). -
Yeah, it would seem like Michael's current condition would be proof that Carly has a history of making shitty dangerous decisions for her children that have life-long repercussions. I wonder if Willow will have the guts to make that accusation in court. It would be even better if Willow somehow finds out about Sasha's pregnancy and Michael's agreement to keep it quiet that he's the father, to protect the child from growing up as part of his family.
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
So, how long was that drive Eric went for? Is he going to eventually come home to these two assholes beige-banging in his living room? Get a hotel room, you fucking hobosexual. Steffy's Husband knows his role. He never even met Stephanie, but he knows that he is contractually required to tell Bitch in a Box that she is exactly like her and doing her proud. And Steffy is right there to soak that all up and agree with him. -
And, not for nothing, but the show has portrayed Willow marrying Michael as the reason he was able to retain custody of Wiley. And then Willow literally endangered her life to bring Amelia into the world. But, yes, those kids are something Michael created out of whole cloth, all on his own, and bestowed upon Willow as a gift conditional on her remaining faithful only to him until her last days and beyond.
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Steffy "I blame Hope for everything that's happened since." Yeah, just take that last word off. You blame Hope for everything that has ever happened. Is Daphne doing this because she has a crush on Steffy? Because that was the vibe I was getting from their scenes. Brooke, do not second guess anything you said or did to Ridge yesterday. He more than earned every word, slap, and more. As did his little jock rider. Ridge "we have the house all to ourselves." Good Lord, man. You're 60 something, and you're bragging to the little dishrag you keep around as second choice about being alone in dad's house. Like the two of you snuck out of class while your parents were at work. While Eric was going on about how it's the family's business, I was asking my TV "OK, so where's the rest of the family?" Because his family is much bigger than him, Ridge, and Steffy, is it not? I'd love to see Brooke bring some of that family back to work there. Considering exactly how Carter got where he is right now, he's not going to be stupid enough to sign a contract with Daphne without reading it over thoroughly, is he? Because it's going to be super annoying and stupid if Steffy gets the company back exactly how Carter got it in the first place. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
That's the only regret she should have over it, that she didn't kick him in the nuts and Greenlee didn't hit the ground. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
All the sniffing was obnoxious. I'm going to laugh when Steffy's plot ends up freeing Hope to go after Finn again, especially when it happens right as he and Steffy are having problems because they just found out Luna is his daughter. Ideally, Daphne ends up legitimately falling for Carter, too, so Steffy's whole plan just blows up on her. That cabal of hypocrites sitting around talking about Carter being a hypocrite was pretty fucking rich. If Carter and Hope do take Steffy back at FC, I hope they stuff her back in the mail room and keep her on a tight leash where, if she even looks at Hope, Carter, or Brooke wrong, she's fired. Even better if a newly empowered and over the bullshit Brooke just flat out turns down Steffy's attempt to return. Greenlee: "Steffy's right." Yeah, the entire problem with your hellspawn is that you've spent her entire fucking life saying that. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
So, he needs someone devoted only to him, but neither Brooke nor Taylor deserves a man devoted only to them? He's such a selfish asshole. -
I laughed so hard at the ending that my husband came running to see what was so funny. So I rewound, and then he busted out laughing. That was so hilariously bad. And Carly going on about how Willow "took my grandson to DC with her boyfriend!" First of all, it's not like they left the country. And Willow didn't up and move there, she went for like a day to see the swearing in. Second, like Carly wouldn't have pulled exactly that same kind of shit herself in Willow's position. Hey, Carly, I bet Monica had all kinds of "my grandson" type moments when Michael was a kid. As I recall, you didn't give a single solitary fuck. And Jason actually made me laugh a couple times today. "What do you want me to do? I already beat him up once. Do you want me to fly to D.C. and beat him up again?" It would have been nice if Michael had acknowledged that their marriage actually started going bad well before there was any inkling of a thing between Willow and Drew. He and Willow were routinely keeping big things from each other (like her cancer, him hiring Dex to get dirt on Sonny, him finding out that Nina was the one who busted Drew and Carly). And they were often not on the same page about some major issues. That marriage was going to fail one way or another even if Drew didn't exist. Them both wanting an intact family for the kids probably kept them together much longer than they otherwise would have lasted.
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
That was so fucking satisfying. The slap. That shove of the dishrag. Perfect. Listening to those two assholes going on and on like their shit doesn't stink, however, was so annoying. Taylor and Steffy really have no self-awareness, do they? Steffy is just way too involved in mommy and daddy's love life. It's creepy. Luna is definitely going to set her sights on Will. You could see those gears turning in her head while she was watching them. I don't know why this stood out so much to me, but during the Bill/Will/Electra scenes, all I could think about was how awkward it was that they were all standing there like that. A guy brings his girlfriend home to meet his dad, they're in the living room talking, and they're all just standing there, the two of them practically up against a wall, while he stands in the middle of the room? Sit on the damn couch. It was distracting how awkward the staging was. I hope Brooke sticks to this. I loved her saying that she wishes she had never set foot in that house and met him. You know that part was a direct hit to his ego. He needs his two hangers on always wanting him. He can accept Brooke being mad that he's waffling over to Taylor this time, but he needs to know that, every moment he's with Taylor, Brooke is pining away for him, waiting for him to waffle back over to her. Ridge "you should have talked to me first, like we always talk about everything." Oh, really? Really? You mean like when you thought Brooke made the CPS call, and you went right to her to talk about it? Oh, wait, that's right, you didn't do that. You threw out some vague accusations, which made no sense to her because she didn't do anything, and then you got hit on the head with a pinecone and went Pepe Le Pewing it through Aspen after Taylor. So fuck all the way off with that bullshit. She does have an ankle monitor. I think it was Friday that they showed it, and Bill said she was on house arrest. -
I'll be surprised if the show resists the urge to have Sasha, Willow, and BLQ all pregnant at the same time, complete with one dead baby and some baby switch shenanigans. Willow wouldn't be sure if Michael or Drew was the father, and then she'd end up with Sasha's baby in the switch, with the paternity test showing Michael is the father.
Valentin is such a shitty father. It was bad enough taking her on the run when she didn't have another parent she could stay with. (He could have left her with Laura or Dante again). But now that her mother is there and out of her coma, it's so much worse. That conversation in the car should have ended with him realizing he needs to send her home with her mother. When Charlotte was talking about how nice it was to just sit and talk with her mother about her family, she was talking about a nice normal life. One that she can't have on the run. Instead he asks her to choose, knowing that he's always been her first priority. (And that's because he kept her from her mother for the first half of her life, so she doesn't have that same bond with her). And him using the fact that "she was shot in Port Charles" while arguing with Lulu was so disingenuous. Go ahead and explain to Lulu exactly why and how Charlotte was shot in PC, Valentin. Your father was messing with her head to get her to harass and stalk Anna. You figured out it was her and chose to not let Anna in on that, knowing how freaked out she was by what was happening. So Anna didn't have a single reason to suspect that the person who broke into her apartment was a child. And now she was near the line of fire because Valentin is a fugitive. Not that Lulu is handling any of this well. It feels like they just want to have her and Dante fighting so they can pair her up with someone else (Cody). How was Nina ever any kind of schemer? Her flustered flailing when Michael came in was embarrassing. Don't tease me with Sonny having heart issues, show. And now I get to Anna. Dear God, woman. Calm the fuck down. Jack was introduced to your granddaughter, and he probably spoke about ten words to her. What was he supposed to do when Joss introduced them? Grab a smoke bomb out of his pocket, toss it to the ground and wordlessly disappear into the mist like a cheesy magician? He was polite. He acknowledged that he'd worked with you years ago. He didn't reference anything about your WSB career beyond that. He didn't say anything like "oh, I've got all kinds of stories I could tell you about your grandmother." He didn't ask her if she was interested in following in your footsteps. He just met the bare minimum standard of polite behavior when introduced to someone. Under the circumstances, the most that would have been appropriate was something like "I understand you met my granddaughter. Don't talk to her about my WSB days or the WSB in general." Tasing and threatening him, though? So beyond over the top.
Fingers crossed that Michael burning up in Sonny's apartment leads to Sonny having a massive heart attack or stroke. The writing was on the wall for the whole Willow/Drew/Nina mess to come out during the divorce/custody hearing. Maybe with a side of Sasha in the courtroom passing out, everyone figuring out she's pregnant, and Jason stepping in to claim he's the father. I wonder where they're going with all of it now. With Michael out of the picture, there's no real reason for anyone else to blow up all of that. Nina clearly desperately does not want Willow to ever find out about her and Drew, because her tenuous relationship with Willow (and, therefore, the kids) is the most important factor to her. "I banged him for you!" is going to come across like the equivalent of "this isn't what it looks like!" Curtis's loyalty is to Nina, so, no matter how pissed he gets at Drew, he's not likely to bust them.
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
I don't know if I'll ever get over the horror of her setting up a bang room for them in Aspen. -
Bill should have thought ahead and had a dungeon built in his house for this kind of situation. I'm laughing at Steffy having a plan. What's she going to do? Fuck Carter and then blackmail him? 🤮 Yes, Brooke. Stay in charge and be a kickass CEO who doesn't need her hobosexual destiny. "Passion! They have passion! We mentioned it three days running! You will see passion!!!!!"
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
I can remember a day when a soap wouldn't have dreamed up taking up time on a Friday episode with flashbacks to what just happened in Thursday's show. Especially a half hour soap that has precious little time per day. Will on his motorcycle wasn't half as impressive as the writers seem to think it was. Lord, I really hope they don't get as enamored with the idea of Will and a motorcycle as they used to be about Steffy and her motorcycle. "No, look, she rides a motorcycle, because she's so cool!" Brooke, do not beg that hobosexual for his love and forgiveness. I'm embarrassed for you. He, once again, jumped to a conclusion and went running to his always willing jock rider without taking two seconds to speak to you first and make sure he was clear on what was going on. Every time I see that limp beige dishrag and Bitch in a Box sitting around talking about all the sins of Brooke and/or Hope, all I can think is "do you two not know your own lives?" And when Steffy said that Stephanie always knew who Brooke was, I yelled at my TV "and yet Brooke was the one she wanted with her as she died instead of your precious sainted mommy." And Ridge: "Taylor has integrity." Um, since when? Was it integrity when she stood at that altar ready to go through with marrying you when she knew you were with her based on a lie? Was it integrity when she bought your daughter a black market baby? Was it integrity when she shot Bill? Was it integrity when she went after you hard when you were still married to Brooke last time around? Was it integrity when she arranged for the truth about Brooke's pregnancy (from Bill) to be revealed publicly at Katie's party, to ensure it inflicted the most emotional damage on all parties? Was it integrity when she faked a pact with Brooke to stay away from you so that she could try to make moves on you while Brooke was forcing herself to stay away? Or when, after breaking the pact, she sat in your office accusing Brooke of being the one to break it first, while you sat there and didn't insert the fact that, no, it was Taylor who threw herself at you in that very office, begging to go to Rome as your lover? I believe by "integrity," Ridge actually means "single minded devotion to my dick, even when we're not together." And Ridge and Eric sitting there talking about Brooke and Taylor, like they both haven't been with both of those women. Equally weird - Steffy and Taylor talking about Brooke's relationship with Eric like Taylor never went there. Just that brief snippet in the previews made me think that we're going to have Luna ending up obsessed with Will and trying to come between him and Electra, probably out of some desire to be Bill's daughter by any means necessary. The second to last time Brooke and Ridge got together, when Bill was trying to convince her to pick him, all of those scenes had a pretty heavy vibe of "but I've spent almost my entire life believing this man is my destiny. If I don't choose him now, what does that say about the decades I've spent putting up with his shit?" She seemed way more into Bill, but like she thought she had to pick Ridge. I so wish she'd finally tell herself "the only thing worse than the last 30 something years being a waste of my time would be to keep wasting my time." -
And it's not like it would be the first time he went off without her. He's left her with Laura and with Dante and Sam for extended stretches of time in the past. Charlotte hasn't been with her mother for four years, and she's missed her. Add in that Valentin is living on the run, and I could fully buy that he'd eventually give in and decide to let Charlotte go home with Lulu for a while.
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
KerleyQ replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
And not even the power to do it, but the power to do it in like five minutes? They couldn't have had him come back like the next day after he'd made some calls and called in some favors, or something?