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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Not only that, but Poppy is the first of Bill's baby mamas who's a threat to Katie's status as the alpha. Katie was the one he married and whose kid he was there to raise the whole time. But now he says he loves Poppy, and he's moving her and their daughter into his home? That's a huge threat to Katie's place in the hierarchy. If he starts talking about wanting to marry Poppy, Katie is really going to lose her shit.
  2. Oh, come on, Finn, grab a spine. Steffy isn't protective of you, she's possessive. And controlling. Good on you for getting in that point about Beth and Kelly, at least. If Steffy has ever been honest about that, she does not want the two of them carrying this bullshit on. And Finn is right, it's been passed down from one generation to the next, so there's no reason to think it won't happen with them, too. And I'm calling all kinds of bullshit on "this isn't about me being jealous or insecure." Oh, please, as soon as Finn mentioned that he likes Hope, your head whipped up like you sensed prey you needed to take down. You could not stand hearing those words come out of your husband's mouth. I really hope Finn starts realizing that he's in an emotionally abusive relationship soon. Katie, Poppy, ladies, you both suck. Yes, Poppy is acting very lady of the manor already, but Katie shouldn't be trying to force herself into their whole first night as a family under one roof thing. Yes, this is a conversation the two of you need to have about talking to Will, but that conversation doesn't absolutely need to happen right this second. It can happen the next day over lunch or something. Again, I don't think Brooke is wrong to be concerned about Hope falling for a married man (regardless of who the wife is), but she just seemed kind of over the top in their scenes today. Shallow note, can they really not afford any decent wigs for Steffy/JMW? I was so distracted by her bad wig today.
  3. You're right, he did have it with Quinn. I'm going to credit RS for most of that, though.
  4. Totally forgot to mention this part - Steffy saying that Hope has spent her whole life blaming Steffy for everything that goes wrong. Um, no, Princess SuperBitch, that's what you've been doing with Brooke your whole life, and you started including Hope alongside her in that right after you imprinted on Liam when he saved you from drowning in the bathtub after his father dumped you.
  5. Does Steffy not know the difference between going to something with someone and ending up at the same place as someone? He didn't go to the memorial or wedding with Hope. He went to the memorial himself, and he was picking up pizza for Steffy and Liam when he came across the wedding. Speaking of the pizza, it's kind of hypocritical for Steffy to keep patronizing Deacon's restaurant. He's a "loser" and he's married to Sheila, who works there and lives in an apartment over the restaurant (at least that's where it seems their apartment is). Even if she feels confident Sheila won't be there at a specific moment, why is she spending her money there? It's going to Deacon and Sheila. Hey, Show? When I said I wanted more Bill, I was not thinking "show me a week straight of him sitting around talking, over and over again, about being a happy family." Hope was pretty on the nose with all the stuff she was saying to Brooke about Steffy and Finn. Brooke was, of course, also right to be concerned that Hope might be falling for a married man. I couldn't help wondering, when Brooke was telling her that's Ridge's daughter's husband, did Ridge ever have that kind of conversation with Steffy any of the times she was going after Hope's husband?
  6. Steffy is in her own little world, where reality need not apply. "Hope keeps making excuses for Sheila." Um, what? She's very much not excusing anything Sheila has done. She's just hoping that she is sincere in saying she's changed, because her father married the psycho, and she wants a relationship with her father. "She has to stop leading Finn into these situations." Again, um, what? Bitch, you're the one who sent him to pick up the pizza, so you could hang out back at home listening to your ex-husband fawn all over you. And just the sheer lack of self-awareness that she has her ex-husband over to fawn over her constantly, even though she knows damn well that he wants her back and doesn't give a single fuck about respecting her husband. Oh, and she's hiding those kisses from Finn. (God, if Hope knows about even one of those kisses and throws that match onto the fire tomorrow when Steffy is raking her over the coals for daring to touch Finn, I would be giddy.) I'm disappointed that the kiss wasn't real, but it also makes sense with the kind of guy Finn is. He's not going to jump into that yet. I feel confident it's going to happen, but it's going to take more of Steffy being Princess SuperBitch to him (and to Hope in front of him), for him to start feeling like his marriage isn't working anymore. I generally like SC as an actor, but I'm starting to think that he's maybe just not capable of generating that kind of hot chemistry. Apparently, AN can generate it with anyone else. KM was certainly able to generate it with DB. JMW can generate it with DD and TN (and accidentally has it with TK). I haven't seen any kind of heat from any Liam love scene the entire time I've been watching this show. Even back on GH, where I loved Dillon and Georgie, they were more of the sweet young love chemistry. He has good friendship chemistry with characters, but romantic? Meh. So, Carter and Katie just get a throwaway line referring to their relationship in the past tense to explain why Katie is free to obsess over Bill again? How lazy can you be? You get this urge to do this story, and you can't even take an extra week to show us the two of them having a conversation about how their relationship has fizzled out, and they would like to part as friends instead of lingering on? I'm going to assume we're, stupidly, headed to a Bill/Katie reunion in the not too distant future. Poppy is just a little too into the fancy new house. And I still think it's going to come out that Luna isn't really Bill's daughter. Since that's where they're headed, and they clearly want to involve Katie, I'd have Liam not happy with this whole situation, and he and Katie team up to figure things out. Of course, then I'd probably also detour to a Katie/Liam relationship instead of the Batie reunion (yeah, I know, Katie would have the father and both sons then, but, still, it's a soap), and have it come out that Poppy wasn't the one who screwed with the tests, but it was Li, because she was worried Finn might be the father and didn't want to unleash that mess on his life.
  7. I'm not sure what the eligibility period was, but the only two storylines I can think of for Ridge over the past year or so would be him and Brooke reuniting in Italy and Eric's health issues.
  8. Me early on in the episode: "Hope and Finn are really kind of cute and sweet together." Me at the end of the episode: "Oh, so they do have that kind of chemistry!" I hope that kiss was real, and not a fantasy. Although I'd be shocked if that scene of the two of them in the previews for next week wasn't a fantasy. If that's real, it would be this show moving way faster than they usually do. I think most viewers are assuming it's Hope's fantasy, but I hope it's actually Finn's fantasy. This is what I was thinking, too. Steffy is going to discover or suspect that Hope and Finn are getting close. She'll cut HFTF in retaliation, and Brooke will change her mind and agree to be co-CEO so she can stop her. I'll be surprised if Brooke turning the role down yesterday was the end of that story.
  9. I was so disappointed Steffy didn't walk in on the massage. I guess there's still time for that to happen in today's show, though. Fingers crossed! Finn may not know the fashion industry, but I just love him standing up to Steffy anyway. I think he's finally starting to realize that his wife is a bully. I'm going to be so mad if all the karma that seems to be headed Steffy's way gets diverted somehow. I wish they would have gotten a stronger actress to play Poppy, one who could really spark opposite DD's Bill. Their scenes just fall so flat for me. And I really hope that Wyatt pops back into town to get to know his new sister. I also still want Liam to feel some kind of way about this whole instant happy family thing Bill is building, since he and his mom never got a shot at that. Give SC anything to do that isn't waffling.
  10. I think something is still going to be up with the whole paternity thing. I swear, Li, at one point, shot this look at Poppy like she was looking for some kind of guilt or acknowledgement that she knows Bill isn't the father. Also, there's so much emphasis on, "if Li runs the test, we know we can rely on the results," that it seems like the exact setup they'd put in place if she is actually fucking with the results. If we see Luna start puking again soon, or she starts being super tired all the time, we'll know what's coming. If the show wasn't so obviously into writing for Luna, I'd toss out the possibility that they just wanted to wrap this up, write them as a happy little family, and usher them into screentime purgatory. They could give Liam a non-romance story here if he starts dealing with some resentment that Bill, Poppy, and Luna get to be this happy little family, while he only knew who his father was after his mother died. Maybe he and Katie team up to figure out what's really going on. I laughed at Steffy today. She clearly thinks that Ridge wanting to pull back means she's going to be the queen bee in charge of the whole company, and she's talking about how she has so much on her plate, trying to rope Carter into doing all the grunt work she doesn't want to do. I cannot wait to see Brooke announced as her new co-CEO. Also, too much on your plate? Hey, maybe stop interfering in other people's lives and obsessing on keeping the Logans vs. Forresters feud going, and you'll free up some space on that plate. Because the only things we ever see you doing at work are making out with your husband*, gossiping with Liam**, and grinding your anti-Logan ax. * Who doesn't work there **Who also doesn't work there
  11. That would at least be a little interesting and not obvious. Since it didn't look like she had much opportunity to screw with the test results, maybe she tells them that she sees a really faint line, or she does some step wrong so no result will pop up, so the test is inconclusive, and she'll need to take their samples to the hospital to be run there. Steffy really undoes all of her "this isn't personal" protestations when she's whining about Daddy choosing Hope's side over hers. I really do hope Ridge asks Brooke to take his co-CEO role over. Steffy having to cooperate with Brooke to run the company would be hilarious. And I know Steffy is their pretty little princess and all, but Eric and Ridge are both probably going to be inclined to listen to Brooke's input, especially if Steffy keeps trying to make decisions that are clearly part of her personal vendettas. I'm surprised Li was nice to Luna in these scenes. She's usually been a stone cold bitch to her, too. A little writing inconsistency in those scenes, though. When Li barged in during yesterday's show, she explained her interest by saying Bill is Kelly's grandfather, so he's part of Finn's family. Then, when she said today that it was nice to see him again, Luna acted surprised that they knew each other before this. Not only did Li already explain how they're tangentially related, but neither she nor Bill seemed like they needed an introduction when she barged in. Luna and Bill are clearly very into the idea of being father and daughter. I know it's not the same thing, but why can't they just have some kind of relationship even if the biological tie isn't there? It wouldn't be the first time on soaps that two characters developed a familial relationship without being related. It doesn't help answer her questions about who her biological father is, but they also just don't need to act like this is an all or nothing situation. Oh, and credit to RJ and Brooke - when Katie was talking about Poppy and whether or not she's trustworthy, they both kept their mouths shut about the whole "mints" debacle. I really appreciate that they both are intent on protecting Luna's privacy when it comes to what happened. I know RJ doesn't give a shit about Bill, but Brooke cares about him, so I was a little afraid she'd let that cat out of the bag to offer up a reason why they shouldn't trust Poppy.
  12. Yeah, that was weird. I spent most of the episode wondering why he was being such a dick to Hope. Maybe Katie dumped him offscreen, so he's anti-Logan.
  13. Oh boy, Li and Katie, the buttinsky super team nobody asked for. I'm legitimately surprised that Katie didn't storm right over there with Li. And "he's Kelly's grandfather," is a pretty fucking weak excuse for barging into the man's house and inserting yourself into his family situation, Li. Ridge sitting there in his Harry Potter glasses holding back from saying anything until Hope started asking what Steffy's done for the company. Well, Hope, there was that one time she seduced a married man so she could blackmail him into handing her his ownership of the company. But, let's listen to her go on about you and your mother being "sluts" a little more. If anyone ever wants a masterclass in gaslighting, just watch how Steffy acts towards Hope pretty much from the moment she imprinted on Liam like a baby duckling to present time. I really cannot wait for Hope to steal her husband and Brooke to steal her job. As much as I hate Thomas, and don't want to see another run at Thope, I would love if he and Hope could just be mature adults, with her explaining to him what Steffy is doing and him coming back and agreeing to work on the line (or agreeing to work on the line remotely). You'd think that he'd want to save the line he's spent so much of his time at FC working on, where he had his biggest successes. It would also be a way to kind of do a soft reset on the character when they bring him back, to have him working on the line without any personal lines being crossed. They could have him return with a new love interest on his arm. (God knows this show could use some new characters in that age range. Thomas has one non-related, well, not biologically related, romantic option, and the rest of the characters in that age have exactly two options.
  14. I could have sworn I heard she was, but maybe someone just saw one of her old pregnancy announcement posts and thought it was current, or something. Unless they're totally rewriting the "Who's Luna's Daddy" story, I think that, given Katie is suddenly wanting Bill back again, they're going to make Poppy the bad guy here, and she's lying to Bill now. Maybe she'll even tamper with the DNA test to make it look like he's the father. That's why we've got Li back on her "Poppy is a manipulative gold digger" tour (when Li really should have bigger fish to fry, given that the last time we saw her was when Sheila fucked around with her in the hospital). This could also tie into the speculation that Luna might have an upcoming health issue storyline, after she was puking but the pregnancy test was negative. She and Bill will think they're father and daughter, but then when she needs some kind of donation, the tests will show that they likely aren't related. Then Katie and Bill will get back together (ugh), and Li will go through town doing her "Told Ya' So!" dance. I thought it was weird that Liam asked Bill if he'd be OK with Luna being his daughter. First, um, Liam? He seems pretty happy with you and Wyatt, doesn't he? Also, I could swear Bill specifically told him back when he thought Luna might be his the first time, and he was clearly very into the idea. He's basically had the "I wish I was her father" equivalent of a crush on Luna since he met her. I had to laugh at Ridge's effort to stand up for Hope and her line. He made one comment pushing back on the idea of ending the line, but then immediately looked to Carter asking if he agreed with Steffy's take. He probably figured whatever answer Carter gave him would be the excuse he could use to either Steffy or Brooke for taking the other side. Then Carter gave him the weaselly "I don't disagree..." and Ridge probably still felt trapped. I think it would be amazing if Ridge actually stood up to the monster he and Taylor have unleashed onto the world, but I'm not going to hold my breath. BTW, I know this show can ignore characters and their storylines for weeks or months on end, so I have to ask, was that all there was to the Ivy return? Just her having lunch with Liam, kissing him, a little verbal sparring with Steffy over it, and that's it? What was even the point? Because if it was just to make Steffy jealous and into Liam again, she hasn't been showing any signs of being into him again like that since. No lingering looks or fantasies.
  15. Oh, I agree. I think he was being remarkably reasonable. He's a douche about Finn, because he is so dying for that marriage to blow up, but he was absolutely right to say that Hope can do what she wants, but he does not want Beth around Sheila. And Hope readily agreed. I appreciate that both he and Hope seem to have the mentality of adults can do whatever they want, but we have to have some kind of agreement on the kids' well-being. I'm wondering if the reason we got the scenes of Eric asking Brooke to take on a role at FC being shown at the same time as Steffy was vengeance cutting HFTF, are going to lead to Eric and Brooke (and maybe Ridge, but I doubt he'll go against Princess SuperBitch) telling her that, actually, the line won't be cut. It would be great if Eric actually listens to Hope and agrees that Steffy was irresponsible as a co-CEO to practically pack Thomas's bags without a solid plan in place to replace his work. HFTF was hugely successful with Thomas as the designer, so it was not a remotely smart move for the business to pull him from that role. This leading to Steffy somehow losing her title, or being turfed out to Paris (for JMW's maternity leave) would be amazing. I'll also accept Finn hearing about this stunt and finally being done with her bullshit enough to snap at her. Finn and Eric both booting her, and Steffy going overseas for a couple months, coming home to find Hope and Finn together, would just be the best karma she's ever faced. While I'm playing writer, if they did send Steffy to the Paris office, they should probably wait to bring Thomas back until the two of them can return together and see how everything has changed while they've been gone.
  16. Even when Steffy is in the right, she's just so awful that I can't find it in me to agree with her. The way she talks to Finn, like he's a misbehaving child, is just so disrespectful. Hope was right, Finn needs to be the one to figure out what kind of relationship he wants to have with his psycho birth mother. He's never allowed the chance to do that, because both Sheila and Steffy are the worst and just shove their own agendas onto him without giving him a chance to speak or think for two seconds. Liam is, at least, being far more reasonable in that he expresses to Hope that he doesn't think it's a good idea for her to spend time around Sheila, but his only demand is that she not bring Beth around her. Obviously, they're not a couple anymore, while Steffy and Finn are, but we all know that Liam doesn't let a little thing like not being partnered up with either Steffy or Hope to stop him from trying to tell them what to do. Now we're going to pretend that Poppy hasn't repeatedly told Bill and Luna that he isn't Luna's father? Is she going to turn out to be lying now, because better him than the truth? Or are they rewriting all that they've written on this topic? I hate that we only see Bill like once every other month or so, and this is what we're wasting him on. He's probably the most interesting male character on this show, so is it too much to ask that they bring on someone who doesn't suck to be a new love interest for him? And they can toss Poppy at Zende. I'd try to beat that Brill drum again, but this show will never let Brooke be truly happy with someone who isn't Ridge, so...
  17. God, I loved Sally/Thomas, and PF's Thomas in general. I've just never warmed up to MA's Thomas, with his resting villain face and all the shit he's done.
  18. There's something Hope should have considered when agreeing to be her maid of honor and seemingly blessing their union. Sheila is now going to consider Hope to be her beloved stepdaughter. I'd wager that Hope does not want a psycho going all deranged pitbull anytime someone hurts her even the tiniest bit.
  19. He really does just go along with whoever is in front of him at any given moment. He needs to get a spine. I think it would have been exactly what Sheila deserves if, listening to the officiant talking about the commitment exchanging the rings represents made Finn flashback to his own vows and realize that he wants to put his wife first and truly cut Sheila out of his life. Not that I want Princess SuperBitch to get the win here, either, but Sheila getting everything she wants doesn't sit right, either. Enough with the fucking nine toes. They're bordering on making it seem like a kink. No thank you. Ridge is just so over the top with his "Finn would never go to that wedding" that it again had me conflicted, because I love that he's not getting what he wants. Judging by the preview scenes for next week at the end, I'm assuming that Steffy decides to blame Hope for Finn staying for the wedding, so she's going to get her revenge by cutting off HFTF. At this point, I honestly can't wait for Finn/Hope, because it is exactly what Steffy deserves. It's past time karma pays Princess SuperBitch a visit. I can't remember now, does Hope know about Liam and Steffy kissing after he saw her with Thomas? I've been waiting for Finn to find out about that shit.
  20. I don't know what makes me cringe more - Sheila calling Deacon "daddy" or Sheila calling Finn "baby." Steffy really likes to rub it in, doesn't she? Reminding Finn how Sheila is out of their lives, so her wedding doesn't matter. She's so mean spirited towards her own husband. I so wanted Finn to respond, when Steffy said "and then Liam is going to hang out here for a while," with "actually, no. That's not OK. I don't want the man who has repeatedly tried to undermine our marriage to hang out in our house." Why didn't Hope just tell Deacon that she would rather stand up for him? It's certainly not unheard of for women to stand up on the groom's side, or vice versa. And this certainly wasn't some uber stuffy traditional wedding. It would have been nice to see her go for that compromise, since she was so clear in saying that she was there for him.
  21. Hey, um, Finn? Did you notice how Sheila went right to blaming Steffy? I mean, yeah, she's right, but that should register on your radar there as a sign that she is not as new and improved as she'd like you to believe. Finn just rolls over and shows his belly to whoever he happens to be talking to at the time. Can he please just have some damn fire? TN was really good in those scenes back after the shooting, when Sheila had him in the hospital bed after she took Li out of the picture. He's not great as this wishy-washy, go along with whoever he's talking to at the time guy. (I doubt even someone like Anthony Geary or David Canary could make that bullshit any good, though). Also, Deacon? See above. Did you notice how quickly she went to blaming Steffy? How long do you think you have before your blushing bride is pulling some kind of psycho bullshit? I want to punch Ridge with the way her rolls his eyes any time Hope refers to Deacon as her dad. No, you don't get to be annoyed at that, just because you were her stepfather at various stages. You've already established that, if Princess SuperBitch broke a nail, you'd run Hope over with your car to get her an emery board, asshat. You could tell Hope really, really wanted to say something like that to Steffy. You could see that glint in her eye. The only thing keeping her from blurting it out was the fact that, unlike the rest of them, she respects Finn and his right to figure shit out on his own. And, she figures that, if she does say anything, Steffy will just run home and forbid Finn from seeing Hope anymore, too. And she and Finn are basically each other's only friends. And, yeah, when she brought up the roof, I was like "um, you mean when you went up there to pretend you wanted to commit suicide because of how heartbroken you were about Finn's death, and Taylor almost died saving your ass?"
  22. I was so disappointed that he massaged her twice, and Steffy didn't barge in on either time. The only thing I've anticipated more on this show than I anticipate Steffy walking in on some moment between Hope and Finn was the Phoebe is Beth secret coming out.
  23. Sheila keeps showing Deacon that she hasn't changed. Bitching about Steffy, fantasizing about Hayes as her ring bearer, and then trying to manipulate Finn. She hasn't changed at all, and she will be plotting against Steffy before the honeymoon is over. I'm looking forward to the scenes where Steffy tries to tell Finn he can't spend time with Hope. I'm hoping that leads to him finally start seeing what a bitch he's married to.
  24. So, now Steffy is going to stomp home and tell Finn he's not allowed to spend time with the only friend he seems to have? I was so hoping Princess SuperBitch would burst into Finn's office while he was massaging Hope. Liam is such a weasel, but I would have liked him for a day or so if, when Steffy was going on and on about how stupid it would be for anyone to buy that Sheila is reformed just on her and Deacon's say-so, he would have said that it was like expecting people to believe Thomas was reformed just because his mother and sister said so. But, of course, he's trying to get into her pants, so he'd never. But, come on, Liam, you have to at least be thinking it. If Hope is going to have some major medical crisis, I will laugh my ass off if Steffy has to sit back and watch Liam and Finn both fawning over Hope.
  25. Apparently, Finn only feels an obsessive connection one of his biological parents.
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