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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I have to admit that in the "through Trump's eyes" sketch, when he was headed towards the romantic scene on the stairway, I fully expected it to be Ivanka standing on the stairs. But, it being Trump worked, too. Kate and Cecily were both amazing on WU. I think Cena was a good, up for anything, host. When they bring in people who are known for other (non-acting) fields, it's always a toss up as to whether they'll be good or terrible, and I think he was really, really good, comparable to Eli Manning (whose episode I loved). As for next week, there is pretty much zero chance it will be as good as last year's Tina/Amy/Springsteen Christmas episode.
  2. Take it with a grain of salt, because God knows that politicians are known to crumble in the face of party pressure, but, supposedly, there are already enough Republican Senators who are adamantly opposed to appointing him SoS that he won't get confirmed. That is likely why Trump is pulling the "stay tuned!" thing on that appointment. He's going to wait and see if Pence and Preibus are able to talk everyone into agreeing with his appointment. If not, he'll pick someone else, and it will be "oh, he was never going to be the nominee, that was just the dishonest media spreading more lies."
  3. I can't be the only one who, during SNL last night, when they had that "world through Trump's eyes" skit, when he walked out towards the candlelit staircase, was expecting it to be Ivanka standing there? (It ended up he was drifting lovingly towards himself, which was just as good, but I seriously thought they might go there). Ditto. And I remind him of that fact often. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't blocked me on Twitter yet. He is that guy at the party who, if you take your eyes off of him for even a second, he'll have a pocket full of all of your valuables, the smarmy smile never once wavering from his punchable face. I'm on SS Disability now, and when I think about my benefits almost being cut in half, it makes me sick. It makes me even sicker when I contemplate my retired parents, the ones who planned out their retirement with a financial adviser and an understanding of how their SS incomes would be affected by retirement ages, etc, getting shafted by this asshole. Meanwhile, Ryan's income will just continue to increase, at our expense. He's who Hillary should have been slapping that "deplorable" label on (well, him and Mitch, they're both disgusting). I just bought a new car this year, and I think that anyone who is nearing the "I should probably trade in for a new one" point should definitely consider getting on that before the Emperor's economy takes over. This reminds me of the rage embolism I had when Rush went on about how birth control being covered by insurance is the same as taxpayers paying women to have sex (and, grossly, claiming it gives him the right to watch them fuck). Oddly, he has no such argument about Viagra being covered by insurance. Women aren't supposed to want or enjoy sex, and it is only to be considered, for them, as a means to meet God's will for them to procreate, but men are encouraged to find ways to artificially extend their sex lives past "God's will."
  4. I think Ryan loves every second of this, because it's a huge distraction from the fact that he's hellbent on decimating Social Security and Medicare.
  5. "Nebulous Russian threat"? Yeesh, some people are willfully clueless, aren't they? This is one of the reasons I just can't relate to him. I can't turn away from an opportunity to gain some information or learn something new. It's just ingrained in me. And if I was responsible for something, no matter how significant that something is (but certainly if that something was as important as leading a nation), there is no way I could turn away the chance to soak up every bit of information about it. It's just incomprehensible to me to be the Pres-Elect and turn away vital information like intelligence briefings. The level of arrogance required to say "I don't need those, I'm smart" is dumbfounding and dangerous.
  6. Yep. Sadly, I've seen a lot of his supporters on social media saying this "Russia stuff" is just liberal spin and there is no factual basis for it. It's disturbing, to say the least. They buy PizzaGate hook, line, and sinker because Alex Jones shows them that pizza is mentioned a few times in Podesta's emails, but the CIA states they have conclusive proof of Russia's involvement in our election? They suddenly become skeptics.
  7. Like I said, it would have solved a lot of the non-timeline-related problems with the story. The timeline on this story is fucked five ways from Sunday, at least.
  8. I think you're using "mutual decision" as a euphemism, but I think it was actually mutual. I think the new regime wasn't interested in making him a focal point, because they want to get back to more of an old school Y&R focus, and SBu could have stayed on with a less than central role, but he has zero interest in that role. The new writers were probably happy to have a reason to write him out, though.
  9. They could have had Valentin somehow pull off a switch, so Helena never knew he was the real father of that embryo. It would solve lot of the non-timeline-related issues here: No consent issues (which this show just cannot handle properly, yet they seem obsessed with featuring them); Helena having held onto the embryo past Stavros's death as her link to Stavros makes sense if she didn't know it was Valentin's sperm that fertilized the egg; and it doesn't contradict the "Helena is terrified of Valentin" angle. The timeline still sucks ass, but those issues would be solved. As for the timeline, considering that the Crichton-Clark mess is so closely tied to the Jake Doe is Jason story, the baby resulting from that embryo should be within approximately one year of the impending JaSam baby. And, of course, my previous objections that there is just no way that a child who is old enough to have been mistaken for the child of either Griffin/Claudette or Nathan/Claudette during their off-screen triangle that predates their arrivals in PC could possibly be the baby born of the StaVaLu embryo - unless, of course, Valentin is a time lord.
  10. Now Trump is hedging on whether Tillerson is his SoS nominee. He is so terrified of taking a loss via his pick being voted down that he cannot even commit to one. Also, he actually says "Stay tuned!" to wrap up the tweet. He really is treating appointing an SoS like it's American Idol.
  11. Roger Stone, one of Trump's various "advisers" during the campaign, was publicly calling Putin's shot for him ahead of a couple releases. (He called Podesta "next" ahead of the release of a bunch of his emails, and previewed one of the early releases with a "prediction" that WikiLeaks had something new coming out a day or two before one of their dumps.) Trump absolutely knew what was going on. If he didn't, he's criminally stupid.
  12. You know, Brooke, if it was Bill you'd just had a "romantic reunion" with, he wouldn't have hustled his ass directly from post-coital bliss in a rose covered bed to leverage your reunion for business gain. For him, being with you was about being with you. Is that how it is for Ridge?
  13. I'm surprised to see that some of his supporters are actually taking notice of this and not happy with him. John Walsh (D-Bag former Congressman from my state) has been extremely pro-Trump, famously talking about how he was ready to take up his musket if Hillary won. Now? He's gotten himself blocked by Trump on Twitter, and he's calling for Trump himself to demand a complete examination and ripping him a new one over propping the KGB at the CIA's expense. I think there are some old-school Republicans who do still place patriotism at a premium, who originally supported Trump because he was the party's nominee, and none of them are having this shit. They've hung in for a lot, but this is their bridge too far. You don't promote a rival nation over ours like this. It's just not done. Now, the ones who are basically Trump cult members? This won't matter even a tiny bit. But the ones who supported him as the GOP nominee and/or because they don't like Hillary? This will matter. This is exactly it. And, in the lead there? Ryan and McConnell. Paul and Mitch just want their power. They don't give a teeny tiny shit as to how that power comes to their grimy paws, as long as they get it. They desperately want to get Trump across that finish line on 1/20, so they can rule over all three branches of our government. If looking the other way while Putin messes with our electoral process is the price they pay to get there? Fine with them. Agreed. Hey, Electoral College, if you want to give the win to him? I'm fine with it. I may not agree with all of his politics, but he's a good and decent man who has a moral compass. He had a tweet the other day that cracked me up. Some reporter had tweeted about how, at one of his victory rallies, Trump was bitching about him, but wasn't saying his name, just said something like "this character in Utah...what happened to him? He was going to win Utah." McMullin's response? "@RealDonaldTrump" Say my name, Donald. The most powerful man in the world-to-be should not be so afraid of this character in Utah. Sad." If Time put out a second run of this issue with this cover, I'd totally buy a subscription.
  14. I saw a rumor that Rand Paul had managed to rally a big enough group of his fellow Senators to block the nomination, Trump's team got wind of it, and Trump doesn't want to take the loss on that one, so he allowed Rudy to "remove himself from contention." If it's true, then, when combined with the news today that Lindsey Graham has teamed up with Dick Durbin to co-sponsor a bill to protect the Dreamers from being deported under Trump's immigration policies, it's possible that our speculation here a week or so ago that we may be able to rely on Rand and Lindsey to go with their conscience may have been spot on. I don't think they'll fight him on everything, but I think we can maybe hold onto hope that they'll choose some battles to push back on when Trump gets out of hand.
  15. OK, that has to be a fantasy, right? That is one hell of a Friday cliffhanger. There I was just hoping Eric would walk in and hear Katie speaking to his wife that way and go off on her, and then....that happened. I'm hoping it's a fantasy, though, just because I don't want Queric trashed like this. But, it wouldn't be the first time in recent memory that this show pulled off a surprise death.
  16. I can't even put into words how much I want Brooke to find out exactly how soon after reuniting with "my Logan," Ridge went running to Eric to exploit their reunion as a means to get back in control at FC. I want Eric to sit her down and tell her exactly how many times Ridge tried to play the "but I reunited with Brooke! We can run the company together!" card, and ask her if she's one hundred percent sure that Ridge is with her for her or because his ploy to use her to get his hands on Bill's shares fell through, and his backup plan was to get back with her because he knows how much Eric loves, respects, and has faith in Brooke.
  17. I think the only thing I can agree with on that best/worst list is that Paul being the killer was the worst payoff.
  18. I haven't read the article, so maybe it puts this fear to rest, but I fear that Franco's jump to throwing Rapey in a dog cage is going to be because he was sniffing around Kiki. And, then (and here's where my fear comes in), it will be reason for Liz to move past it - he was just defending the girl he briefly thought was his daughter, so, how can she hold his parental protectiveness against him? This show would, one hundred percent, go there. Why do all of Liz's non-Lucky/Jason love interests have to hold people hostage?
  19. At this point, I would not be surprised, at all, if he gets away with keeping the lease. Paul Ryan, that asshat, actually said that he doesn't care about Trump's conflicts of interest and "he can resolve them however he wants." We're in a whole new reality, one where the Pres-Elect can do whatever the fuck he wants, and nobody in Congress will bother to check him on it. (OK, some in Congress will, but, since they're in the minority, it won't mean shit. Paul and Mitch will rule with an iron fist, no dissenting opinions will be indulged.) Ryan believes he was handed the keys to the kingdom on 11/8, and he is just going to roll with it. The only time Trump will be checked will be if he steps out of line with what Paul wants done. If he is forced to sell the lease, though, my son (whose evil mind I'm proud of) suggested that Stewart, Colbert, and Oliver should team up, solicit some extra financial backing from someone like Mark Cuban, form a corporation with a bland. non-identifying, name (and some figurehead attorney to do the negotiating and closing), and buy it out. The amount of trolling they could do running that hotel would be fun. (His first suggestion was "the Presidential Tiny Hands Suite," decorated in various shades of orange.)
  20. He basically uses our veterans (and active service) as props. Of course, the GOP party in general has been doing that for a while now. "Look at us saying we respect our veterans and convincing you all that our opponents don't respect them. Pay no attention to all of the votes we cast in Congress that completely contradict that respect." The only thing they respect is money and power. Our veterans, our flag, Christianity? All props they surround themselves with to look like they're the party who you have to side with if any of those are important to you. I'm waiting for someone in the media to make a bigger issue of the fact that those tax breaks Carrier was given are essentially funding their investment in automating their Indiana plant so they can reduce the workforce there even further. Jobs were not saved in this "deal," but anyone who points that out will be attacked and threatened by Drumpf's volunteer minions (until after 1/20, when he will do his best to use the Secret Service and FBI as his paid minions, and by paid, I mean by us. He doesn't pay shit).
  21. That definitely satisfies me, but I can't even give the show credit for that. SBu was the main reason she had to take that L.
  22. They say his bankruptcies were, and I quote, "a valid business strategy." One supporter in the rust belt was interviewed and flat out said "I know he can't bring our steel jobs back, but I like that he said he wants to." The above two examples are what we're dealing with in Trump supporters. It's cognitive dissonance on steroids. They know, deep down, that he's lying. They know, deep down, that he's not the success he claims to be. But they just don't care, because he appeals to whatever dog whistle they are partial to - whether it's guns, abortion, immigrants, minorities, or uppity women who don't know their place. He blew every dog whistle he could get his puckered anus mouth on, and they all came running, reassuring themselves with flimsy platitudes to process the numerous gigantic red flags.
  23. For my own laughs, I want him to include that "five year old waving to mommy before he gets on the big school bus" wave to Jason before he explodes. It was so very Joey Tribbiani getting on the elevator of him.
  24. I know that, realistically, it's likely not going to last much longer. But, I sincerely do not want this team ending it. The wrap up would be focused on Nina, Franco, Sonny/Carly, and Jason/Sam. There wouldn't be very many fucks given as to crafting a fitting goodbye to anyone else. Oh, wait, throw Rebecca Budig and Dr. Michael Easton in there. They'd get a good send off.
  25. Well, you know he has SO MUCH good stuff filmed to sort through, so it's going to take him a while.
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