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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. In PC logic, it's totally Lorenzo's fault. I mean, Julian was a big bad meanie pants for not wanting Sonny or his goons to kill him. (If Julian was really twisted and manipulative, he'd have said "OK, Sam, to prove I love you and Danny, I'll give Shawn one shot at me.")
  2. I remember that time in the show, and TB was sparkling with everyone but Sonny. They could have paired her with Jax, Zander, or Lorenzo. And they wasted her chemistry with all three because "Sonny Must Win."
  3. Sonny knew Carly was right next to Lorenzo, and he didn't execute enough care/restraint to make sure she was out of the line of fire before firing away. Because he saw Lorenzo with what he considered his property, and that property taking or not taking a bullet was not as high of a priority as punishing Lorenzo for playing with his toys was.
  4. Instead of there being a big party at her hotel, with all of those people in attendance, we should be hearing her complaining that her hotel business has completely dropped off because nobody wants to patronize her place of business after she helped cover up a murder. Outside of being deprived of the Moobster's "little Moobster" for the time being, and Michael shutting her out, she's not paying for anything.
  5. I'm with you. I have an odd affection for TJ, and it would feel weird for him to not be there at this point. I'd love to see him and Devyn co-hosting in some way, or give Devyn the After Show duties.
  6. I was reading the comments on that blind, and a few people suggested KMc as the answer to the second blind. If that's the case, then I see it less "diva" and more "sick of Ron's shit." Can't say I blame her for not wanting to trash her character. Also, a few mentions of the JMB return rumor. Is that really a thing? Side note: One of the comments is from someone who says they live in MSt's neighborhood, and she's a raging bitch. Why does this not surprise me?
  7. From what I remember of the rumor mill at that time, that was exactly why Tamara left. She wanted out of Sonny/Carly hell and wanted them to go for it with Carly/Lorenzo. And with the chip on his shoulder MB apparently had about TK, it wasn't going to happen. I remain bitter over that whole thing, too. TB and TK were so good together, and the show completely tanked it to continue propping up Sonny and Jason.
  8. Yeah, Robin is like that aunt who speaks rather bluntly sometimes and gets her nose bent out of shape with you here and there, but she still loves you. If Frank offered her work, she'd most likely take it.
  9. But, Caroline is also her family now, since she's reuniting with Bill. She already took Ridge's side over her nephew, so I don't see it out of the realm of possibility that she'd take the side of Bill's niece over her own nephew. Or, this will be the new conflict she and Bill deal with - she takes her nephew's side while he takes his niece's side, and that niece happens to be the same woman her last fiance fell for.
  10. I don't think either one is BH. The second one is obviously not her, since she's not returning. As for the first one, she's a lifer, she's ridden out long stints on the back burner without complaint, and she has no obvious ambition to do anything else. She's perfectly content. Right now, she's working with RiH, and, from what I remember, he's one of her favorite co-stars, so she wouldn't be fed up now. (And, hell, this is the most air time she's had since JJ took a powder). My guess for that is someone who has shown a willingness to leave roles when they weren't happy in the past - like MSt.
  11. Which gives me an idea for a story line they could have done with Patrick that isn't diving right in to getting involved with another woman. He could have found out about what Sabrina did and he could be trying to help her get the mental health care she needed, with some recognition that, while Gabriel's death pushed her over the edge, he had a hand in the build-up to that point. Maybe he could even get to a point where he finally truly mourns the baby's death, too.
  12. That blind item may be written as some diva making outlandish demands, but my guess is it's just an actress who is aware of the kind of crap Ron and Frank pull, and she doesn't want to get the same shitty treatment SK got with his return.
  13. If I got things I wanted, when Jason gets his memory back, he'd correct her version of events. But this show is not remotely about me getting things I want, so...
  14. I figure it's uptight "I haven't been getting any and nobody has smelled my hair in ages" hair she's sporting.
  15. Oddly, while it was total BS, I found it kind of in character for Carly. Of course, she'd portray it as Jason being more into her than he ever really was. The only part that didn't ring true was that she said she sabotaged it. I'm surprised she just didn't go with blaming Robin and/or Liz for ruining her romantic prospects with him.
  16. Believe me, I've been repenting ever since the thought popped into my head. Visions of TG flouncing around on camera in floral muumuus as Patricia are horrific, I tell you.
  17. Loved the Liz/Ric/Anna scene. I don't think it's that unusual for singles to go to a NYE party where couples will be there. If just about everyone you know in town will be there, then why not? Also, weren't Lulu and Dante initially supposed to be there (before getting distracted with helping Maxie and Nathan)? So maybe Olivia was planning on spending some time with them? I wasn't paying enough attention, but didn't Nik also initially go as a single, before snatching someone else's date? Jake was also there with no date. I like how Carly expects Liz to be more wary of the guy who locked Carly in a panic room than Carly was of the guy who arranged her son's rape and stalked her and her loved ones. If we have to see Jake doing anything with Carly, I hope that, when he gets his memories back, he is suitably turned off that he went there.
  18. I hope Caroline takes this as the opportunity to be with Ridge without feeling any guilt. "You've been sleeping with Maya and planning this for weeks? OK, you're welcome to her. Let's go, Ridge."
  19. Exactly what I was picturing. Actors gasping out mouthfuls of water as they take a bucket of water to the face in the middle of their lines.
  20. When was the last time he and Brooke had sex? Maybe she comes home with a baby?
  21. Aw, now I kind of want to see how badly they'd do filming a tsunami.
  22. "This is what GH fans were waiting to see"? Yeah, I know that, for years, I've been lamenting that I haven't seen a woman forced to give premature birth and have the baby literally ripped from her. Finally!
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