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Everything posted by JBody

  1. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Water: this ep's theme. Deep, eh? Ahahaha I'll show myself out...
  2. FPP is so squirrely. He won't last a day on his own.
  3. Sorry but we both snickered when the cop car banged into Noah when stopping. Do these cops have to slam into someone every ep they're in?
  4. They were okay. Better during a bingewatch probably. I'm geared up for tonight's ep though.
  5. He didn't just sit down on the bunk, they were lying on it side by side like a couple of frightened teenagers. Annoying. Also been a Motorhead fan for a long time; I've been backstage & partied with Lemmy several times (those days are over, sigh). He was a real gentleman. One of the first times we were back there he opened my bottle of strongbow with his ace of spades belt buckle. True story.
  6. Yup it was. Andrea was the sharpshooter and I thought they were grooming her for that role again until her characterization took a serious nose dive in S3. Time jump of several months between S3 & 4. Which brings me to Chandler: I like how he's portraying Carl but with his growth spurts, Carl doesn't have that "horror" edge to him as he does in the GN. Seeing a kid, I mean a 10 year old, doing all the stuff Carl's done is just scarier. Imagine S1 Carl is still the Carl on the screen today. More pity and fear, I think Sorry, should take this to the Carl thread to see what nonspoilerheads think.
  7. Sasha is in the bell tower as a sniper in the finale. This is supposed to be meaningful for comic fans for the "No way out" arc. Have no idea what that is but I'm gonna look it up (such a spoiler junkie I am).
  8. Carol does not kick the bucket in the MSF I think. Unless they wanted a whole pile of Carol flashbacks for the second half I can't think why else MMB would be on set continuously up until the finale except for the fact she makes it to S6. And I'm not even a real Carol fan btw. I have liked and detested her over the course of the series but I'm mostly ambivalent. I really want to like her but I haven't really warmed up to her much. I think it's because of the turn she took in S4. A little too extreme imo.
  9. They wrapped at 3:30am today. AL, MC & MMB were seen on set. Everyone thinks it's the ASZ set. I think after Tyreese at the beginning of S5b we don't see any more major character deaths.
  10. There has been a whole thumpin' lot of religious symbolism in S5a. Unavoidable with FPP I suppose. But Rick is old testament style. When he was facing Gareth, who was on his knees like a supplicant, and he meted out some old timey vengeance... Or how about FPP, who claimed he only confessed his sins to God, and then ended up confessing all to Rick.
  11. Yeah except nowadays they don't have time for those sentiments. I wonder what S1 Rick would make of S5 Rick!
  12. The MSF title, "Coda", fits with the death spoilers. As someone pointed out on TWDF, Beth's new found badassery is the coda of her life. Up until now her song has been one sort of tune...
  13. I noticed that too and I do think it's intentional. It's like they're bringing this larger arc full circle, S1 to S5, Atlanta to Atlanta, in preparation for something totally new, which I am more than ready for....
  14. That is a good point. Her injuries are bad; someone somewhere mentioned life support and was Beth going to pull the plug or something. I don't know. A time jump as you suggest might be their only way of resolving that. TWD is due one anyway. Considering their propensity to employ them, I'm kind of surprised it's been so long since we've had one.
  15. I'm so sorry you were laid off, The Mighty Peanut. That sucks. And I hate seeing stupid typos and stuff and thangs; unfortunately looks like I'm going to be seeing more of that.
  16. NR's mom is a Caryl shipper according to this... (potentially spoilery info later on in article) I liked the screen shot of his conversation with his mom. Cute!
  17. Zero (if you ask them). TWD is in the somewhat fortunate position of having a great deal of source material available. Almost too much maybe. There's gotta be some difficulty in paring the stories down; deviating from the GN, etc.
  18. Daryl and Andrea? I remember she shot his ear off. He was nice about it, considering. And I liked their chat in the woods when he told her he was lost as a child and used poison oak as toilet paper. But either way I never thought much of their interactions. I thought him being a dickhead to her on occasion was because of the class thing. He was an asshole to a lot of people in S1 & S2. Does not mean he was attracted to them. Daryl prefers blondes? Maybe. But I haven't seen enough evidence on screen to support that.
  19. I am pretty bummed about Tyreese. I dunno. I feel like he had a lot more potential than what has been shown so far. Hope he gets a good send off anyway.
  20. Ha. Re. quiche: I worked in a tearoom which was popular with the ladies who lunch. One day one of them ordered "the quickie of the day". I laffed my ass off in the kitchen.
  21. Agreed. He looks every inch a man in his 40s. A fine specimen, obviously. But I'd have to squint real hard to think he was mid-20s (new teevee shows up every wrinkle and eye bag disconcertingly well). If TPTB had wanted Daryl to be a twenty-something they should've selected a different actor.
  22. Yeah. Beth & Tyreese are toast. Haven't heard a peep about Maggie, which is odd.
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