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Everything posted by JBody

  1. Seriously. I've been wondering about those zombie life flashes ever since Jim. ....and I know we'll never get closure because of *sob* Kirkman!
  2. I kinda wish they'd have some waaay back flashbacks so Jon Bernthal could come back for a moment or two. I just thought of another reason for Shane's appeal: he did, at times, function as the snark mouthpiece for the audience.
  3. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    This is a good point. Noah did say they killed his Dad because he was likely perceived by them as a threat.
  4. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    That is a perfectly normal and rational thing to do around here, I'd say. Please let us know the results of your research? Maggie not talking much or having the screen-time where she could talk is 100% a writer's decision so we are left with no choice but to think her silence is intentional, which is the conclusion many of us have come to (and by the way, as previously mentioned, her pillow talk with Glennie in the liberry was pretty much the perfect chance to say, "I hope the blond beacon of hope is ok.").
  5. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Ack! No, no, no, I didn't think anything of the sort, it's just your comment got me thinking about that scene and why it seemed to go on a few beats too long (imo) and I must put it down to the lack of dialogue. Also agree that it's all leading somewhere and poor Maggs is gonna have some major emotional meltdown soon. RE. the off-topic discussion of the Gov: back on TWoP there was a general consensus that they showed him to be too crazy too soon and I wholeheartedly agreed with that, because it dropped any real suspense and distorted the reactions of both Michonne and Andrea. It was only through the saving grace of the talent of David Morrisey that the character didn't devolve into something beyond ridiculous. Aaaaaand back to this episode (sort of): I knew about the hospital arc quite some time ago, being a big ol' spoiler hound, and what I had envisioned playing out was, in my mind, far scarier than what I am seeing now. I honestly thought they were some sort of super organized New World Order people with perhaps the backing of the remnants of the US government, you know, a full on dystopian scenario. Instead we have their supposed leader Dawn thinking they're all going to be SAVED? While it is true that her idea of them all holding out long enough to be rescued 2 years into the ZA is its own brand of craziness, it just seems implausible that she, or anyone with a functioning non-zombie brain, would think that. I mean really, come on. Even Judith knows there's no one left to rescue them. Where are the radios? How is it that they know less than nothing about the odds of being saved when they were almost right next to the evacuation centre being napalmed, amongst other big freaking clues? SIGH. Now, if this is just delusional Dawn stringing everybody along, ok, I get that, but it just seems so... pedestrian. Maybe that's the point, to have something so mundane contrasted up against the freak ass cannibals, but I'm telling you, I liked my idea better.
  6. I think in this thread, as long as it has something interesting to say.... maybe it has a sibling rivalry going with Tyreese's toque?
  7. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Ah that reminds me, WHY was that old guy there? What does he bring to the table? Is he Dawn's dad or something? He wouldn't have the physical strength or stamina to be of much assistance, I do not want to think he's part of the Joy Division, and Dr. Death wouldn't allow another man with medical knowledge to live there and soak up all those precious resources they keep banging on about. The more I think about the hospital the less it makes sense. Best not to think too much.
  8. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Well okay, it wasn't 10 minutes, it just felt like it, as did FPP's ersatz The Great Escape routine. We know she's compassionate, and it's good she showed Sgt. Moobs (he better shape up soon, beginning to loathe him), I just would've like a word or two between them... Maggie has been far too quiet this season.
  9. Ha. Road to Atlanta pretty much covers the 5 seasons they've been going around in circles.
  10. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Ha. I guess filler is the point? Damn, I didn't want to use the F word but.... There are so few episodes per season. The waits between seasons and intra-season are interminable. Every single second of screen-time should matter! It's not like they're Dallas with 30 episodes to move a year. GAH.
  11. All this chatter about Beth as a symbol of hope or beacon of humanity or whatever it is reminded me I saw this the other day on TWDF. Enjoy!
  12. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    The Governor was a dictator but on the surface a benevolent, paternal figure to his people (kinda like Kim Jong-un). Gareth was the most unconventional, and hence, interesting villain so far, due to his Starbucks manager/psycho admixture. Dawn is just a martinet, and they are a dime a dozen now, so it's likely more than a few would survive years into the ZA. Unless I see more from her I will consider her the lamest antagonist thus far. Ugh Pete you are far more patient than I... My actual point, though, was to say that I agree with mightysparrow and ChipBach in that TPTB ignore or sacrifice scenes that should be there and instead devote screen time to scenes that are pointless, repetitive and burn up the precious few minutes we have of this show.
  13. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    I enjoyed the ten minute scene of watching Maggie put down her water bottle, saunter over to the back end of the fire truck, shoot side-eye at a catatonic Sgt. Moobs, laboriously retrieve an extendable ladder, cart it back to the front of the truck, set it up in lean-to position over "Dr." Mullet, get a blanket, and place said blanket over ladder, to provide shade for "Dr." Mullet. Just as much as I enjoyed watching a sweating Father Pee Pants bent over the floor, scraping at dried blood spots with his fingernails, and then wiping the stains with his spit and sleeve, and then the other time when a sweating Father Pee Pants bent over the floor, machete in hand, prying a board up off the floor, and then another one, and another one. Sorry, sarcasm font is broken.
  14. Yeah I think so too. TSDF are pretty solid. Freaked me out when I read that though!
  15. And now there's a theory floating around that Beth only appears to die in the MSF and we see her again ep10, and her reuniting with the group in eep16. Truly diabolical on the part of TPTB or wishful thinking of Beth fans.
  16. I dunno. Judging from the sneak peek (hate that term, by the way, not sure why exactly) FPP is stupidly riling up the school zombies. They probably break the glass and follow his dumb ass back to the church.
  17. Ugh. Yes. I don't think our little family would make it far, to be honest. Oh, just read that Nicotera said the MSF will have "upwards of 800 walkers." Holy herd action.
  18. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Yeah that's what bugs about the pacing at times. It seems like forever since the Governor ( a whole year! ) and yet it's been a couple weeks for them.
  19. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    FPP missed the memo that one has "to be cruel to be kind". Aside: he is irksome because of the (literal!!!) holier than thou attitude he holds around himself, in the midst of humanity's extinction event. I want him to have his own personal extinction event. He'll learn. And if he doesn't he'll die.
  20. Holy crap that is a scary thought. Our daughter is 2 and our son is 3 and I just can't even wrap my head around how that would be in ZA. Oh man. When I'm convinced I'm probably the worst mom ever and my parenting skills suck so bad I can't possibly match wits with a 3 year old, I read articles such as "science confirms that toddlers are smarter and bigger assholes than previously thought". Good luck CDB! http://jezebel.com/5929567/studies-reveal-toddlers-are-smarter-bigger-assholes-than-we-thought
  21. TWDF debunked the Beth-as-a-walker scenario a while ago. They're usually spot on about their spoilers so I tend to believe them. No Beth walker. She will die taking out Dawn. Maybe they both fall down the elevator shaft. UGH. It's going to be dramatic and devastating for all concerned though. NR has been pretty vocal about that.
  22. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Heeee. Yes. The Roadrunner and Noah being hit by the cop car (I just laughed and said come on show, again? Must you?) provided some unintentional laughs. And I hate that! I don't want TWD to make me laugh. Unless it's intentional.
  23. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Shooting the roadrunner/bad Bob's friend was just a sentimental gesture by a Sasha who clearly was not thinking straight. The Sasha we have come to know would nevrt have fallen for the ruse. She's still processing good Bob's death and echoed Tyreese's words and was letting her humanity show through for a bit. And as this show reiterates umpteen million times, the ZA is no place for sentimentalism, "processing" (Tyreese, pay attention!) or anything of the sort --they are luxuries they can't afford. One has to discriminate. Save that stuff for people you trust. I just wish it hadn't been the level headed Sasha whose character had to act stupidly to make this point (a point that has been made so many times before; I suppose they don't want us getting complacent).
  24. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Yes! That too. Nice one.
  25. JBody

    S05.E07: Crossed

    Maybe it was wind during the 3 stooges plus Maglennta ep with blowhard Sgt. Moobs? Ah just kidding, I kinda like that Rosita rascal now.
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