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Everything posted by LVmom

  1. I presume we are supposed to come to the conclusion that these are people jaded by media and technology. Same as people shrugged off the Florida "bath salt zombies", as in that's some random drug, happened in Florida, not here, I've got a mortgage to pay and a sick mom, not really worried about it. My only problem with this, is if my next door neighbor had ingested said bath salts and was munching on a dog, I'd be a little less lollygaggy and a lot more get the fuck out of here. I like the improvements made each week but they are tiny and slow for my taste.
  2. I thought Chris had made inapproriate moves on Alicia in the past and that's why he got an elbow in the face. It could explain the reluctance to go over, dad took "new family's" side, mom is peeved no one defended her son, etc. I presumed that in the future there would be resolution to this and those two would hook up as the only age appropriate non-related kids around. Just me?
  3. I wonder if we'll get a contrast between the teenagers who were already nearly adults in the beginning of world zombification and teenagers like Carl that grew up in it. You might see more rebellion in a teenager who was spoiled growing up, or maybe you will just have small melt downs like Carl had post prison. I hope that isn't all the series becomes. I like the all ages perspective better. Although I think we all know that eventually the story will focus only on Carl,as he is obviously meant to be Rick's eventual successor-and this series is more open ended,
  4. Kara was smug, but she was a teen at the time she appeared and even then she had some great one liners. I don't know if she's be more tolerable or less, but then I think, how could she be worse than any other newbie they've brought in?
  5. Never is anything truer than the fact that Jeana would have been a GOLDMINE this season! Even taking into consideration that one couple bailed mid-season and had to be edited out, THIS, this! is what the season could have used. No more of the Tamra scandalous parties or Heather Dubrow highbrow parties. This would have been different, interesting, amazing.
  6. I said this in the episode thread, but I think it applies here too. Meghan set the tone early in their relationship-she let Jim speak to her straight even if it wasn't pleasant. I'm sure that was the appeal of Meghan, he didn't have to pussyfoot around her. Now she is living with a marriage where she is spoken to roughly. She explains it away as "that's Jim's way of standing up for me." Meghan's unpleasant,yes, but she has also made a deal with the devil. Unfortunately there are still a lot of women who would do anything to be with a famous man, even a retired athlete. It's often at the expense of niceties, as these reality shows spotlight. But still these ladies line up.
  7. Finally got to see this episode to the end. I loves me some Vicki, she is truly the OG, but she is way overreacting to everything. I think she is letting her own doubts about Brooks, whether it's his fidelity or honesty or whatever, come out in full force. And she smacked back in the lowest way she could, saying big mouthed Jim confessed to Brooks that the marriage is shaky. That's obvious, the way he shut Meghan down when she tried to bring him into the argument. Meghan and Jim seem to be straight shooters to the point of sacrificing all tact for "THE TRUTH" . They are uncomfortable for me, the queen of kissing ass, to watch, but that doesn't mean their marriage is awful. I'm pretty sure it is just because he's a former elite athlete, usually spoiled by female(and male) adulation. But just because Jim talks straight to Meghan doesn't mean it's bad, it just means that's how Meghan formed their relationship in the beginning, allowing Jim to talk to her like that. Now it's their pattern, for better or worse. I always judged a guy by how he treated the waitstaff. I wonder how Jim treats them.
  8. I have a dim memory of reading in a tabloid about Shannon before her first season ever aired, implying that her egotistical insistance on joining RH was causing trouble in her marriage. It was leaked by an unknown source. Anyone else recall this? She certainly doesn't seem egotistical.
  9. As I was walking my dogs (which we agreed last night, how cruel for pets to become zombie chow! :( ) I thought about it, and there are no functional loving relationships in the deadverse except one formed post apocalypse. Does having a deep, loving relationship=lunchmeat? if you are deeply attached to a spouse are you less cautious because you're watching out for them too? I expect this couple is supposed to be deeply connected, but I'm not getting that vibe.
  10. I agree, editorgrrl, that Chris is his family. I do initially think that's why the ex-wife ended up with Travis and that's why she falls under his protection now. I can understand that. My problem is that the ex so far has come across as more connected with Travis than Madison. I get the history, there was once love there, etc. But I'm not sure if it's acting choices, dialogue, or direction, but there's been a weird disconnect from the get go with the main couple. Audiences seem to like the ex more than Madison, so I could see a Daryl Dixon situation developing. Madison could very well become a Shane. Not that Madison is anything like Shane. It's just a weird vibe I'm getting, hard to describe.
  11. I'm getting a Shane/Lori/Rick vibe from Madison/Travis/Liza. The biggest obstacle to rooting for Travis and Madison to save their combined families is that you aren't sure where Travis's loyalties lie. His slip up at the barbershop calling Liza and Chris his family started me thinking that way. In a Shane/Lori/Rick situation, someone has to die, at least the way previous writing has gone. Personally, I don't see a woman like Madison getting stabby over losing a guy, so then the two families are immediately separate and it just doesn't gel. They may as well just be strangers locked together in a room somewhere.
  12. My only objection, and I know that this is how things work in the "deadverse" but it takes me out of it- is that I can't really root for Madison. I love the actress, the character makes sense on paper, and I like stoic do what you have to action heroes. However, the show is making Travis and Madison's romance ambiguous. Travis is telling the barbershop owner that he needs to save his family. Who's your family, Travis? This one or the other one across town? They're not at the point yet where polygamy makes sense for survival, so who has to die?
  13. I hate defending anyone here,Ptooey Ptooey Ptooey. Vicki has been a practicing Christian since day 1, possibly even a Saddleback girl since day 1. I anticipated this show before it ever aired(people my age featured on a tv show? Not popular. I was damn excited to see women over 40 on tv and somewhat glammed up), and voraciously consumed any press coverage about it. Vicki was very religious, but they didn't focus on it much more than her wanting her daughter to stay pure at prom. I'm guessing the other stuff they ended up focusing on was reality gold.
  14. In regards to the truck, my husband grew up on a farm where they had that same truck. He said the best thing about it was the slide back window. I wonder if it will come into play, like a quick escape route or something thereabouts. I have come to realize that even the most minute details are significant on these Dead shows. And MrsRafaelBarba, Tylers ending was the.best.ending.evah!!!!
  15. I hope there is at least one person who gets my reference here-I hope we don't get a Tyler from "V" situation here, or a Terra Nova teenage angst story. Both shows had promise, and were completely killed by teenagers who sucked every last bit of interesting out of them with their whiny asses. Thus far I'm not getting that from FTWD, but I've been burnt before. Jericho cultivated a decent "teenager in the apocalypse" scenario without sucking the life out of the show-but, teens weren't a large chunk of the featured cast. Jericho managed to show a teen(Dale Turner) become corrupt by coming into a position of power post-apocalypse. I did get a bit of "let's cater to a certain female age group." The guy is there to make the single moms life easier. He fixes her problems and drops everything for her. It felt like middle aged mom porn. And as part of that demographic, I don't care. I'd rather see more of the nitty gritty at the hospital, freeway, or even more druggies interacting, observing the apocalypse in a drug induced haze.
  16. I thought it was a little off that Meghan got the blame for the fake cancer accusation. It was a collaborative effort that took off with encouragement by the psychic. It's obvious that Meghan is going to take said blame and run with it, though. I will give girlfriend credit, she is not afraid to hit things head on.
  17. I just love Shannon's giggle at the end of her tagline "When life gives you lemons, put 9 in a bowl". She's great, this whole cheating/stress thing makes her come across as tightly wound and no fun. Next season hopefully she's back on track.
  18. I love Tamra selling tickets to the Shannon shit show. Shannon was such a good sport even though you could tell this wasn't her thing. This is fun, you know the ladies work to stay in shape for the cameras, so this I like to see. Overall a good episode.
  19. I caught the contrast between Meghan's blonde and Tamra's when they were lunching. I do love Meghan's color, the low lights are perfection.
  20. I was so pissed at the ex for not saying anything-but then I was seriously worried for the one who did give an interview after they decided not to push forward with prosecuting him. That is one seriously scary thing, to know someone you potentially angered has gotten away with murder.
  21. Bye Felicia: slang for dismissing someone unimportant. From the movie Friday.
  22. In my experience with extreme dieters,vodka is the skinny drink of choice. I'm not sure Tamra and Shannon would have done a specialty drink. I'm sure the fireball was considered harmless calorie wise because it was a shot.
  23. I will say-here in the Midwest, I have encountered people who discontinue chemo. Besides some ladies I have met, I know someone who eschews it and he is stage 3 . However, he is much older than Brooks and the doctors said his chances of beating his particular cancer would not really change with chemo. There were a lot of doctors visits involved, a surgery, and a lot of family discussion. The doctors led him, he didn't just wake up and decide to forgo. I am pretty chill in my parenting(I'm on the last one of 3 and the oldest is pushing 30), but damn skippy if I were hosting a sleepover and some dingbat got hurt pulling a prank heads would roll. I would not be swimming in that pool the next morning. No way no how.
  24. Wow. I loved Resale Royalty, I had shopped there from their very first location so it was someplace I was familiar with. Admittedly the store was a trek for me so I didn't go terribly often , but I never saw Meghan in there. It really makes you think-she's bebopping around the St. Louis reality show circuit while "selling medical software". What's real, what's reality? I understand reshooting key things, casting personalities,flattering lighting, etc but fakedy fake fake fake -dunno.
  25. I know Shannon is a favorite and people are protective of her, but I was watching to see where Meghan really was rude and didn't see it. Shannon was judging the botox. She made snide remarks about couples night without Jim. She didn't want to be there and it showed in her body language and demeanor. I feel like Meghan just says to peoples faces what others say behind their backs. I don't really catch her gossiping-but that could be because she doesn't know anyone well enough to gossip yet. Having said that, I'm not sure whether I like it or not. It can cause blowups or hurt feelings-instant repercussions. The gossip behind the back does cause blowups during the reunions when everyone realizes what everyone else is really saying and thinking. It just isn't immediate and usually blows over by the time filming begins again. I'm on the fence as to what I think of all of this,so I hope I'm making sense!
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