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Everything posted by Blergh

  1. I agree- especially in this age of instant stuff being available via the 'Net. For me the WORST example of this was when we had this winter storm and I had to hike to work and desperately needed supplies from a convenience store on the way. Not only was it closed but they didn't even bother to put up any kind of sign besides just having their doors locked tight. When I called them on it after the dust settled, they just lamely said that when they'd closed the night before they didn't think the weather would be so bad despite all the forecasts spelling out how bad it was going to be.
  2. Even though I personally dislike election coverage overall, I always have had a soft spot for the fact that the tiny town of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire gets to be the very first community to cast their votes and have them counted immediately afterwards so they can spend the rest of the day fishing or whatever else they want while the rest of us are on pins and needles.
  3. Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United States under President William Jefferson Clinton has died Monday November 7,2016 at age 78 of Parkinson's Disease complications. Thankfully, she no longer has to suffer. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/11/07/348021773/janet-reno-first-female-u-s-attorney-general-dies-at-78
  4. Cashless parking meters: Over a two day period, a significant part of my community suddenly had their parking meters covered up with a metal plug over EVERY SINGLE change slot . Thus, those of us who did not wish to risk ID theft via using credit cards in a devise that gave no receipts or had anyone constantly watching over who might be lurking about had no choice but to not park there. If others want to risk ID theft via credit card usage, that's on them but why punish those of us who have change to spare and just want to park our cars in a semi-convenient spot for two hours?
  5. What's especially ironic that it ALMOST entirely slipped from the radar and would have just been something folks would have discussed after the fact with nothing but secondhand observations to go on were it not for some diligent Beatles fan with a proto-VCR who got the tip and RECORDED it! I'm not sure if the producers themselves didn't bother recording their own shows back then or had erased/lost their only copy . However; the fact is that via this one 'bootleg' we have the show itself preserved. To keep thing ontopic, I think that had the 'Net existed then, that fan would be a MAJOR 'Net celeb for having saved the show for posterity.
  6. Fairly okay and I'm interested to see how it progresses since I am interested in how/whether technical advances can salvage/improve healths. JessDVD, I agree that there should have been some tiny disclaimer re 'long road ahead' for the mother who just survived very serious surgery AND will have to live without a good part of her cardiovascular system the rest of her life- as well as the extremely premature baby who, even these days, more often than not have serious physical and/or neurological issues their entire lives. However; one small beef (but I'm not overlooking it): I take it that in future episodes there will be depictions of NON-abusive praying Christians as well as abusive praying Buddhists because surely they wouldn't want to broadly stereotype one religion and overlook flawed members of another faith, right? I mean abusers and nonabusers DO exist in every known religion and among atheists.
  7. I wonder how it will address the Profumo Affair? This one event was far more explosive than at the time realized and caused Britain to be jolted out of the staid 50's. One wonders if there'd have been Beatles or Stones love had this not happened. It should also be noted the Her Majesty is the ONE individual who is said to be told ALL British State Secrets so will the series depict how she dealt with all the players known and not-so-known?
  8. Having just been on that side of the Pond, I can tell attest that the folks most antsy about the Brexit are all those areas which have heavily traded with other EU nations but themselves are still tied to England. Scotland, Wales and Gibraltar are frustrated with Prime Minister May's not giving them any answers as to what their fates are to be. Gibraltar especially is now in a tricky spot re whether it can stay a British territory . Oh and the EU's not happy with her going to their conference and giving them a laundry list of 'demands' to be met before the Brexit itself happens. Ironically, the Foreign Minster Mr. Johnson (who many folks consider the equivalent of the most obnoxious crasher at family reunions ) actually seems to have gotten it right.
  9. I think Charles and Diana's interviews in which each of them fessed to fooling around would have broken the 'Net. I mean, their union's meltdown was so BIG and happened over such a long period of time that they couldn't keep the nonstop tabloid coverage on that side of the Pond!
  10. Not a Chicago fan per se but I was getting tired of them being the Susan Lucci of the baseball world and getting dumped on for so long so I'm glad that the goat's given up the ghost at last!
  11. Here's an odd: UO, though it was overall unwatchable and insufferable, one of the few likable parts of "The Star Wars Holiday Special" was Bea Arthur singing. Yes, it had her character being the cantina bar owner but she'd been a Broadway singer for many years prior to her sitcom career and this was one of the few times her singing got showcased on television. Also, as bogus as it was for her to be in tinsel, I thought Diahann Carroll was rather fetching and she did a good job with the song she was given to sing. Now, as for BAD singing. . . . I think there's a REASON why Carrie Fisher has never sung again in any SW adaptation since this one.
  12. IMUO, 'revival' shows more often than not show that the writers and producers have little if any initiative, imagination or creativity (and ,yes, that number includes Star Wars).
  13. Speaking of musical events, I think Live Aid in 1985 would have crashed it. Not just the charity or simultaneous concerts themselves in Philadephia and London but even MORE of the backstage stuff would have overwhelmed the 'Net back then. FWIW, Phil Collins has recently detailed his POV in his autobio of having performed in both cities during this time and how disorganized, frantic and unpleasant everything wound up for him and other performers. I also think had the 'Net been in force back then it wouldn't have taken 30 years for said viewpoint to have come out whether he wanted it or not.
  14. Considering how GI's post network popularity and Gunsmoke's longevity, I wonder if there might have been a 'Net war between fans of both shows with each side getting rather . .. uncivil with each other?
  15. I'm tempted to do that to anyone who shows up wearing a scary clown costume. I actually LIKE regular clowns but these are just downright annoying and have become an unoriginal idea.
  16. Can I ask WHY there hasn't been more media coverage re Senator Kaine's views and record? I mean, it may actually help those 'undecideds' actually consider who to vote for even if they have ZERO liking for any of the actual candidates.
  17. Aw, Henrietta Hippo is no more. Yeah, overall I disliked the show even as a kid (way too much singing) but, maybe because she had a familiar accent and loved to eat, I actually thought she was a likable character.
  18. Exactly! I mean, virtually every major commercial act would lip synch to their own previously recorded songs so that the 'live' performances would exactly match the very carefully edited and mixed version of the song that had been released for public consumption. However; Milli Vanilli hadn't made ANY vocal contributions to what was supposed to have been their OWN work which they'd eagerly accepted the Grammy for (and it was only after they'd been caught that they even bothered to attempt to credit the UNSEEN studio singers whose work everyone had loved). Of course, the other part of the scandal was that it seems there was a very large number of folks behind the scenes and even fellow performers who knew the deal but ALSO at least tacitly aided in the illusion that they themselves had sung those songs. Yep, I think the 'Net would have been done in by this.
  19. Good question, ennui. My guess is that amongst those who'd have been SUPER 'Net geeks (as opposed to us backwards folks who only got 'Net savvy via osmosis to learn to adjust to the 'Net obsessed world surrounding us ) would have been most likely raised a stink on the then-hypothetical 'Net but those who weren't into it would have just considered TOS's cancellation another "My Mother the Car" deal at the time.
  20. OK, here's a first world prob pet peeve: just came back from by vacation and noticed that now in SUPER first class, there are now PODs for individual folks -as opposed to the usual sardine seating for us plebes. Not that I'd pay the extra cash anyway because the cost of one of these pod seats would easily be more than the REST of my vacation budget combined. BUT what gets me is that at least the ones I saw had the window seats facing BACKWARDS. So what's the point of paying megabucks for a pod that one can ONLY see where one's already been?
  21. Here's one! I'm sick and tired of all the needless gore shown on current medical and investigative shows for its OWN sake just to get the viewers to be shocked. I KNOW that blood and gore happens in real life all-too-often. However; for all its faults, "M*A*S*H" was able to perfectly convey the horrors and atrocities of war and violence without constantly shoving in the viewers' faces. It's gotten so that I can no longer watch medical or investigative shows because I'm fed up with having to endure 'gore porn' (and I don't even bother with 'supernatural' stuff).
  22. I'm a bit meh re Miss Aniston (and admit that I just got totally burned out re "Friends" in general but had no ill will towards her or any cast member per se). However; I think she's going to have to do a lot of work to live down that Emirate Airlines ad in which she considered it a nightmare NOT to be able to shower on a plane. Talk about the ultimate first world problem!
  23. I know this is truly ancient history but Little Ricky's birth on "I Love Lucy" which not only was aired on the very same day Lucille Ball herself bore Desi Arnaz, Jr. ( January 19, 1953) but also got HIGHER ratings than President Dwight D. Eisenhower's First Inauguration the next day! I mean, if the viewers got THAT excited over their favorite sitcom protagonist giving birth, it's not hard to imagine that 'Net WOULD have crashed and burned had it been in existence. Oh, and I'd also like to nominate the 1968 "Heidi" Bowl in which the AFL football game between the Raiders and Jets actually got CUT OFF with five minutes to play left so NBC could show the TV movie remake of the children's classic on its previously ordained schedule. The reaction from the furious viewers literally BLEW UP THE NETWORK SWITCHBOARD and then to cap the whole thing off during the movie's climax, they actually scrolled the final score at the bottom of the screen. No doubt quite a few kid viewers learned some colorful terms that evening! Yep, that would have destroyed the 'Net.
  24. Thanks for the support! I just did the early voting thing myself and, if nothing else, I can now say that ALL political ads, diatribes, rants, etc. are now USELESS against me because I've ALREADY VOTED. Mwah-hah-hah-hah! Now if I can just cocoon myself until after November 8th. . .
  25. bilgistic, You're a grown person and it's your call whether to have lunch or not with anyone you want on any day you want. Also keep in mind that texts themselves are NOT capable of expressing human emotions (even with emoticons) . Thus, IMO, it would be just as well for you to consider that 'OK, That's fine' means EXACTLY that- just as sometimes a cigar is JUST a cigar. OK, to keep this ontopic. Why do the canned music folks think that somehow imitators are better than the original artists and no one will know the difference? I mean in the past few days at this vacation spot I've heard a DUET singing 'River Deep, Mountain High' that the sum total wasn't even worth HALF of one Tina Turner and does anyone think a GUY singing 'Call Me Maybe' can have even remotely the same meaning as Miss Jepsen's? Yep, definitely first world problems and it won't be too long before I have to face the music of going back to work but this is as good a place as any to vent.
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