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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I’ve only seen her on Orange is the New Black. She was pretty good on that - I think she’d do a good job with the kind of dialogue written for her sides (if they stick to that style).
  2. I think if it really was a Felicity-centered, Oliver-independent storyline that it was probably just the easiest to drop, because there wouldn't have been threads with other stories intermingled if they could get rid of it at that late hour. And I think dropping BS's storyline had less to do with it being important for her ~redemption, and more to do with the fact that BS and her will she/won't she was the only thing she AND Quentin really had going on toward the end. Abandoning that would've left them with two characters without much to do.
  3. I can't imagine MG would be allowed to cancel Felicity's storyline after Emily very publicly spoke out against something he tweeted, in the midst of a sexual harassment scandal involving one of the Arrowverse EPs. I think if he had heartburn over it, he'd be told to suck it up and deal at the very least so the whole group wasn't open up to more scrutiny. I think the storyline being dropped was the result of poor planning, which Arrow has a very long history of under MG's leadership.
  4. Optics don't really matter at this point IMO. Her stans don't care, she doesn't care, and the cons that keep inviting her despite her cancellation streaks don't care, either. The cycle continues.
  5. She's going to start handing out redacted scripts in gibberish that can only be decoded by holding a specially made piece of plastic over it that gets scrambled when viewed through camera lenses.
  6. Go ahead and keep whatever it is a secret forever, please. ???????‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️
  7. There isn't a whole lot of rhyme or reason as to when someone has irises and when they don't.
  8. I haven’t ever seen any of Julie Plec’s shows, but I did get a kick out of Carina preemptively tweeting that she didn’t have anything to do with it, LOL.
  9. Hopefully it’s Diaz crossing the line between life and death.
  10. Yeah, I've only ever heard him speak negatively about her - if this interview is an overcorrection for what he said on MR's podcast, I'm morbidly curious about what he said on there that made him think he needed to swing so hard the other way.
  11. This interview doesn't necessarily ping for me on its own, it's this interview combined with other things he's said about her and their relationship in the past. It seems to be a topic of conversation that he can't help but bring up, and her rejection of him seems to be something he dwells on and something that motivates him in ways that don't seem particularly healthy (and that relationship, the way he talks about it, doesn't seem particularly healthy either).
  12. I don't know - I would think he'd learn about being publicly messy where this woman is concerned by now, but he doesn't seem to be able to help himself. When he was on Aisha's podcast he talked about how when they separated she basically had to threaten him with legal action because he was harassing her because he thought she cheated on him.
  13. It's obvious to complete strangers that he's still hung up on something with his ex wife, I certainly hope it'd be obvious to his wife. I also hope that they discussed him spilling his guts about this on a podcast, and that he didn't just put all of this out there on his own in the way that he did it, which IMO leaves a lot to be desired.
  14. I always knew that he had some issues with his ex-wife, just by the way he's always talked about her - he's seemed hung up. Hearing him talk about her the way he did here, not that he should hate her or anything, but...I can't imagine hearing my husband talk his ex-wife the way Stephen talked about his in that interview and feeling very good about it. Especially not the way he mentioned Cassandra in comparison (if he said anything about her beyond wanting a sports-loving girl from Texas and finding one, I missed it).
  15. Yeah, I think this was just a bad interview. I listen to this podcast from time to time and in my experience it's pretty easy to follow.
  16. He was...uncomfortably candid about some stuff that I honestly hope he talks to a professional about, LOL.
  17. Never wrote anything implying otherwise, just pointed out that women’s actions wrt etiquette and rudeness get discussed to death here.
  18. You should’ve been around for the lengthy commentary around Laurel turning off the TV her coworkers were watching in the pilot, and Felicity turning off the bunker lights on Diggle and Roy after she found out Oliver was ~dead in 3x10. Lots of opinions about varying levels of rudeness, both about white women expressing human emotions.
  19. It doesn't look bad for the character if you've actually watched the show, because all of these things were explained in the show (and above, multiple times). Saying she ran the company into the ground is a misrepresentation of what happened. She was brought into a hostile board, figured out a way for them to avoid layoffs, selected a viable, money-making project to bring them back from the brink, and then when they developed a life-saving implant that helped her walk again, she was fired for the crime of wanting to make it affordable (and for missing a board meeting or two because she was trying to stop nuclear annihilation).
  20. LOT did it once, Flash has done it multiple times which considering Arrow hasn't to my recollection taken a shady swipe at any characters on other shows, it is a lot.
  21. Yes, because she was trying to make the implant that saved her ability to walk affordable for people. Which, yeah, isn't necessarily the best move as far as profit margins are concerned, but is hardly as awful as "running the business into the ground" makes it seem.
  22. They mentioned that Felicity "ran Palmer Tech into the ground" which...isn't what happened, but it is what they said.
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