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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. You should ask why another show decided to insult Felicity, because if you're asking writers to shut all doors that leave their characters open to criticism, then everyone on all of them would be perfect. The simple thing to do would for them to not shit talk the others unless its relevant to an actual storyline that involves the person they're shit talking. I mean, it's possible, because I don't recall anyone on Arrow taking cheap swipes at any other show's characters' expense - and Diggle out of all of them has a valid reason to take cheap shots considering Barry erased his kid from existence.
  2. Seeing the bitterness still surrounding that wedding, I think the only way to mend anything for the people who are upset about it would be for Oliver and Felicity to get hit by a truck, LOL. I see more anger at O/F for interrupting vomit-adjacent vows in a dog park than at actual Nazis for interrupting what was shaping up to be a really nice ceremony. There's no fixing that, even if anyone wanted to (and they likely don't care).
  3. I've never seen any mention of MG or his wife having anything to do with DP (unless I missed something) - I think you're thinking of AK.
  4. Josh Segarra is in the new season of Orange is the New Black. He shows up in the 2nd episode and
  5. I know - I said as much in the comment you first quoted and responded to, LOL.
  6. Maybe. But it ultimately doesn’t matter what *she* was worried about. If Watson so much as hinted that she had anything on Felicity or could prosecute her in any way, even just to persuade Oliver to do what she wanted, he would’ve done what she asked without question.
  7. She couldn’t have been that confident with Watson considering the first thing she asked when she heard about immunity was if she had it too.
  8. With all the hacking she's done, Watson would've been a bigger threat to her than the DA. She could've threatened Felicity, and Oliver would've taken whatever she was offering, because that's the kind of guy he is. And conveniently we don't know how that all went down, because they never showed us.
  9. There isn't any logic that can apply here, because the answer isn't logical. Fake Laurel isn't in jail for her crimes because they don't want to tell the story of Fake Laurel going to jail for her crimes. The story is only about Oliver going to prison, so only Oliver will be held accountable for his crimes. Maybe they'll address the hypocrisy in the whole storyline of her being mayor/DA/some public official and a known former vigilante while also (seemingly) enforcing an anti-vigilante law, but it depends entirely on what story they want to tell. Could be a thing, could be a throwaway line mentioned by someone, could be something no one ever brings up because of the narrative they're pushing. She did know who Laurel was.
  10. It's hard to tell considering the person they're talking to in the sides has an ambiguous name (Aaron/Erin) but in the other set of sides they're talking to a person who's getting back with their ex husband, and in all the auditions I've watched, the actors are running their lines against men, so maybe?
  11. Perhaps this city is a place where she IS blending in looking like that.
  12. I feel bad for anyone who had to interview them all this weekend. I'm all for everyone having fun, but all the inside snickering and the phone ringing and no one but Rick and (for a minute there) Colton being serious? What a drag.
  13. I think it could be real (or a weirdly prescient TV dream that winds up being reality). Stephen said that they end up getting a line on Diaz, but they only get it because Oliver gets his ass beat in prison. I suppose the Felicity and William scene could come at the end of the episode after they've gotten word on where Diaz is and what he's doing, and there being some kind of race against time to get to them and it seems like it's not going to happen, and then Roy surprisingly pops up to stop him.
  14. Given the fact that there's a graphic fight scene involving a naked guy, I figured that was what they had to check with the ratings board about, not a kiddie death. And this transcription of one of Colton's interviews by @tv echo made me think the redacted scene at the end of the first ep had to do with Roy:
  15. I think some of the paparazzi were getting call sheets, not scripts (although maybe they were getting scripts too). I'm not really sure what this does apart from maybe limit the number of spoilers that one person can give out if they happen to get their hands on a script. Depending on whose they get their hands on, they could still spoil some pretty big stuff.
  16. Even the production drafts are redacted, LOL.
  17. I imagine the in-show excuse is going to be because she's in protective custody and wouldn't want to tip anyone off where she is. And while she could get around that if she wanted, I think it's also reasonable that she wouldn't try because she's the only one William has left and wouldn't chance it.
  18. Yep. After a season like the last one, you really should be courting your viewers and telling them how you're not going to fuck up like you fucked up last year. Not, "Oh, we're gonna do this thing we've already done, and Oliver's going to have to redeem himself for the 7th time in 7 years and it's gonna be depressing and sad btw, tune in on Mondays!"
  19. I don't know. I don't think so? When Colton mentioned it he said "This year we're told what our stuff is, and they redact other things," so it sounds like it's a new thing. He mentions it here at 3:20:
  20. I was thinking they only got their lines, but I guess it makes more sense that they just got their scenes. I can't imagine what the point of this is except for if they're worried about the script pages getting out and they want to make it harder for people who might get them to be able to put things together if they don't have all the pieces. Otherwise it seems like more trouble than it's worth (and Beth being so tight-lipped about spoilers is probably going to do more harm to buzz than good). Although if DR really did give out legit baby spoilers, Beth and everyone being so adamant that it's not happening makes a lot more sense (IF it is happening, which it may not be) if they're going to the absurd lengths of redacting scripts.
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