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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Obviously I don't have access to his bank accounts so I don't know what's really going on there, but I think he's set himself up pretty well. I have no doubt that he was terribly paid in the beginning, but he admitted that he got a pay raise, so I'm sure he's fairly compensated for Arrow now. He has his stake in HVFF, in the agency he has where he books talent to cons, in Nocking Point - he's done a lot leveraging Arrow for other business opportunities! I mean, I don't know how well they'll all fare once Arrow is over if he doesn't get another fairly high profile job soon after, but I don't know why he raises a fuss about money. He has a lot to be proud of IMO, and he doesn't have a problem detailing it on Instagram, haha.
  2. I don't know - if she had I feel like Dinah would've had a snarky retort about it? I think if they had planned at all to address her pretending they would've done it in her scenes with Dinah.
  3. She has. She mentioned to Dinah that she needed more time on a case in episode 2, and it kinda seemed like Dinah went to her asking for status on various cases from time to time.
  4. I kinda get him being upset about that article about the cons because it wasn't presented in the best way for the actors "Stars Getting Rich Off Fan Conventions: How to Take Home "Garbage Bags Full of $20s" - bad headline, LOL. But yeah - he does seem to be sensitive about money, and it's not like he hides having it on his social media. You can't really fly in private planes, spend your whole summer on vacation, and have party after party after party most weekends unless you're fairly well off. I guess he just wants to be seen as a man of the people with 3+ houses and access to jets and liquor partnerships and such!
  5. It would be stupid, but easily explained by her just being a liar. And it would make somewhat more sense that she presented an idea to the DA that he hadn't thought of yet (for some reason). I'm hoping that her flexing her muscles as DA simply involves throwing around her status at people and using her name and the very simplest of legal concepts to do whatever it is she's gonna do for Oliver.
  6. I really want this addressed - it bugs me. Retcon that she went to law school on E2 if you have to in order to close that plot hole. I thought her story was going to be a kind of fun one about her stumbling through pretending and failing some, but it doesn't seem like that's what they're going to do. Especially since Dinah didn't mention it and she should be more concerned about that than anyone considering Laurel's putting away the criminals she catches. But given Katie's answer about it at a con - that she's just a great actress - makes me think it's just not ever going to be addressed.
  7. I'm pretty sure OP wasn't being serious - given the XD at the end of their comment.
  8. If she helped get him released then he wouldn't still be in prison to get into a prison fight. So, she would've done a bad job of it.
  9. Sorry, gifs always mess up my Safari - in that browser all I can see is your gif.
  10. If TPTB not giving enough of a shit to give her a legitimate backstory is winning, sure!
  11. Wow, they're really going for it aren't they? A truly brilliant legal mind, getting a full education from two law books LOL. Also, Felicity - girl, you are running out of surprising sources to run to!
  12. The title for 7x10 is now "Shattered Lives"
  13. I get that he’d be pulling out all the stops now. I just don’t buy that he’d have wasted 5 months keeping his head down and counting the days, seemingly not talking to anyone or trying to get any intel at all if he was promised a way out in exchange for doing some work inside the prison. I feel like he’d at least be working on that a little just so he could go home sooner.
  14. I got the sense that they're all supposed to be friendly, but Rene isn't the one I would've pegged Felicity to go to for help - that's what I meant. At this point, given that things from last season are supposed to be behind them, I see him as the kind of guy she'd have dinner/drinks with if he was invited along, but not close enough that he'd offer her a place to stay. So I feel like we got to that point with the two of them since they're both willing to do what the other one wants for their own personal advancement/satisfaction.
  15. It doesn't seem like a legitimate friendship to me at this point, more that Felicity is willing to do whatever it takes to catch Diaz, and Rene is the only one in the group willing to go along with it and help her because he doesn't like playing by the rules (like Dinah, Curtis and Diggle seem intent on) and he's itching to get back into vigilantism. They're giving each other what they both want at the moment.
  16. Yeah, it made me mad at first glance but once I thought about it it made sense to me.
  17. I think it makes sense. Since slamming doors make her jump, she wouldn’t want to be alone and out everyone, Rene makes the most sense since he’s fully into her doing vigilante stuff and wants to help. Diggle and Dinah would try to stop her. Curtis probably would too, and he’d be annoying to boot.
  18. Yeah, I thought he might reveal some widespread corruption or something (especially given the fight club and him being drugged next episode), but they're going to have to get on that soon if that's the reason, given that he's going to "Level Two" next, and then there's only three more episodes before he gets out. Maybe? If so he seems to have wasted 5 months of opportunity laying low, and now he seems fixated on finding the Demon because of his connection to Diaz. Unless the Demon is the person he made a deal to get info on - in which case that's a great coincidence! But there are worse Arrow coincidences, I guess - like two Dinahs with the same power occupying the same spot on the team.
  19. It first two seasons are really good. The third one - for me - lost its stride a little, but it's getting back into it in the past couple of episodes.
  20. I'm becoming more and more curious how Oliver gets out of jail. A reduced sentence seems highly unlikely at this point, especially with him stabbing guards. Emily mentioned Felicity and Oliver preparing to go out somewhere (and then they don't) makes it seem like he doesn't escape (or isn't a fugitive for long). Tweets from Stephen and #KidVicious indicate that Oliver and Diaz have a fight in prison - which, I guess doesn't necessarily mean that Diaz is IN prison, but if he is then it's not like Oliver gets out in exchange for something to do with him. I'm stumped.
  21. Who said that Felicity's fear or pain needs to be made "greater than anyone has ever been thru"? It'd be nice if she could have a talk with her alleged friends about what she's feeling, that's all. Dinah got more screen time about her woman pain over Vince getting his brain melted than Felicity has had to talk about the worst villain alive trying to kill her and William. Diggle's over here giving her useless little talks about how Oliver's not coming home any time soon. Rene seems to be at least somewhat concerned, but some of that seems to stem from him wanting to "get the gang back together" or whatever he called it.
  22. I'm assuming that it was setting something up to happen in a later episode, but the whole Dyla plot could've been taken out of this episode and I feel like it would've been a little better. Especially since we've seen that argument so many times before.
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