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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I really hope it's for the crossover and not later in the season, which would open the door for him sticking around longer.
  2. I'd be surprised if they even let her see him. It'd be cool if they did and he was somehow able to communicate to her in some kind of code what was going on. No one from the team seems to really care all that much.
  3. His episodes have already been announced. 1, 7, 9 and one other one (I think the finale, but maybe not).
  4. Yeah - I like it, their personalities go well together.
  5. Poor bb isn't going to like what she finds when she goes to see Oliver.
  6. I guess it just depends on what they have in the Glades that needs walled off. It’s not like they’ve taken over the whole city, they’re just keeping people out of a part of it. At that point, just go somewhere else FFS.
  7. This is all making me wonder why people don’t just move to the next town over.
  8. True! I honestly forgot about Russia because I was focusing on the more recent things that should be still relatively fresh in Diggle’s mind.
  9. The writers shouldn't be thinking about the audience's reaction to the amount of times they're spending on things if they think it's important to the story. They should tell the story they want to tell - and if that story is about a bunch of people who don't really care that much about Oliver and his family (and Diaz, really), they're doing a spectacular job.
  10. I'm glad you don't need to see them actively trying to help - I do. I need to see that these people are thinking about and caring about the guy who went to jail to protect them - and that they're thinking about and caring about his family - and their friend, who is defenseless if this guy tried to attack her, UNLIKE ANY OF THEM! They don't have to quit their day jobs to do this - the show could carve out a moment or two of them working on finding Diaz, or just have them talking to each other about it before they get pulled away to get back to their day to day work. Diggle-so far-has not shown that he cares. He tried to help Felicity on his own terms while putting his job first, and then gave her a lecture about Oliver not coming home anytime soon. That's the last we've heard from him where she's concerned. Curtis? Nothing. Dinah? Nothing. Rene is at least doing a little bit, even if it's just scratching his itch to get back into vigilantism.
  11. Ooooh, I do. Because Oliver helped Lyla break Diggle out of jail when she asked (I am not asking Diggle to break him out, I'm just asking Diggle to make finding Diaz a priority), and because there's a guy out there trying to kill his friend's defenseless family (a family which includes another friend of his!), and they're defenseless because he went to jail to get Diggle and everyone else immunity for things they willingly did. Even if he's not doing this with Felicity - he should still be doing it.
  12. Right now she's looking for someone to give a shit that her husband went to jail to capture a criminal who attacked her, her kid, and is ultimately trying to kill them all. They all seem super concerned about honoring the deal for their own immunity, but don't seem to care very much about getting the guy Oliver got them immunity to capture in the first place.
  13. Don't dislocate your arm patting yourself on the back there, Tonya!
  14. I find it kinda funny that there's all this future drama over a walled-up section of the city. I get why it'd generally be a bad thing, but what exactly happened here? Did Diaz Jr. 3D print some barriers to blockade himself into a little crime town? What do they have in there that would require a ~vigilante resistance to go after it? Did someone big bad build a weather machine? Another earthquake device on a grander scale that they're trying to get to in order to stop it? Are they just trying to get in and save some civilians that are stuck in there and might want out? I know it'll be dumb, but still...I wonder.
  15. It's the weirdest thing - last night when he and Roy were walking through Smoak Tech, he said, "It must've been something in its heyday," which implies he didn't know much about the company and hadn't ever been there. And makes it seem like Smoak Tech hadn't been a thing in a long while. The simplest explanation is that he's lying, and is in on Felicity's (/possibly Oliver's) con.
  16. Do we know how much time has passed since 7x01? Has it only been a few days? A week?
  17. I think they want us to think that, but I can't imagine the ~abandonment is actually something that happens for any significant amount of time without someone talking him out of it.
  18. I'm guessing the only reason for it is the same stupid writing reason why Oliver didn't tell anyone he was going to prison - so that no one could talk her out of what she's doing, because they really really wanted that Siren/Felicity team up.
  19. It turns out they're just all hanging out on the absolute worst block in the city and everyone's radiated out to the suburbs.
  20. Oh, okay. I caught all of this I just thought most of it was mentioned in a way that made it impossible to determine when it happened. And I thought William not wanting to go back to Star City could also be interpreted as him just not wanting to return after what had happened with Diaz/going into witness protection. I don't think Oliver and Felicity actually abandoned him, and I do think he's probably had relatively recent contact with them, I was just wondering if they'd setup a more concrete timeline and it doesn't seem that way so far.
  21. Oh, I didn't get that impression. Did he mention something? I figured most of what he talked about wrt her was stuff he'd learned about during the time they'd already spent together in the present. But I wasn't fully paying attention due to what a bummer the future is.
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